Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: sheab/cs137
int main (void)
  char *a, *b, *c;
  a = alphabetic ("Ready... aim... fire!");
  b = alphabetic ("***");
  c = alphabetic ("*a*b*c*");
  printf ("%s\n", a);
  printf ("%s\n", b);
  printf ("%s\n", c);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int countWords(const char s[]) {
    int wordCount = 0;
    bool lookingForWord = true;

    for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
        if (alphabetic(s[i])) {
            if (lookingForWord) {
                lookingForWord = false;
        } else {
            lookingForWord = true;

    return wordCount;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: 9.7.c Proyecto: ceye1992/learn
int countWords (const char string[])
    int i, wordCount = 0;
    bool lookingForword = true, alphabetic (const char c);

    for(i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; ++i)
        if( alphabetic(string[i]))
                lookingForword = false;
        else lookingForword = true;

        return wordCount;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int countWords (const char string[])
	int		i, wordCount = 0;
	bool	inWord = false, inNumber = false;
	bool	alphabetic (const char c), numeric (const char c);

	for ( i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; ++i ) {
		if ( alphabetic(string[i]) ) {
			if ( !inWord && !inNumber ) {
				inWord = true;
			} else if ( inNumber ) {
				inNumber = false;
		} else if ( string[i] == '\'' ) {
			if ( inNumber ) {
				inNumber = false;
		} else if ( numeric(string[i]) ) {
			if ( !inWord && !inNumber ) {
				inNumber = true;
			} else if ( inWord ) {
				inWord = false;
		} else if ( string[i] == ',' || string[i] == '.' ) {
			if ( inWord ) {
				inWord = false;
		} else if ( string[i] == '-' ) {
			if ( inNumber ) {
				inNumber = false;
		} else {
			inWord = false;
			inNumber = false;

	return wordCount;
int words(char str[])
	bool wordcount = true;
	int count = 0;
	int i = 0;

		if (alphabetic(str[i])) {
			if (wordcount) {
				wordcount = false;
		} else {
			wordcount = true;
	} while(str[i] != '\0');

	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int countWords(const char string[]){
    int i, wordCount = 0;
    bool lookingForWord = true;
    bool alphabetic(const char c);
    for( i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++){
        if(alphabetic(string[i])) {
                lookingForWord = false;
            lookingForWord = true;
    return wordCount;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE    *word_file_ptr;
  char     buffer[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  char     ubuffer[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; 
  char     alphbuffer[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  char     initword[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  char     remaininitword[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  char     word_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
  char     first_word[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  char     u_first_word[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  char     tempword[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  int      ilength;                           /* Length of initword */
  int      size; 
  int      gap;
  int      switches;
  int      iholdn;
  char     chold;
  char    *wholdptr;
  int      curlen;
  int      curpos; 
  char     curlet; 
  int      icurlet;
  int      recursiveanag;
  int      listcandwords; 
  int      wordfilespec;
  int      firstwordspec; 
  int      maxcwordlength; 
  int      mincwordlength;
  int      iarg;
  int      keyi; 
  int      keyj;
  char   **accum;
  int      level;
  int      minkey;
  char     leftover[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
  int      w2size;
  char    *w2memptr;
  int      w2offset;
  char    *keymemptr;
  int      keyoffset;
  char     no[3] = "no";
  char     yes[4] = "yes";
  int      fileinput;
  int      hasnumber;
  int      i; 
  int      j; 
  int      k;

  printf ("Command line parameters:\n");
  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) printf ("\"%s\" ", argv[i]);
  printf ("\n");
  /* global_argc = argc; */
  /* global_argv = argv; */

  if (argc < 2)
    fprintf (stderr, 
	    "Wordplay Version 7.22  03-20-96, 1991   by Evans A Criswell\n");
    fprintf (stderr, 
	    "University of Alabama in Huntsville     [email protected]\n\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "Usage:  ");
    fprintf (stderr, "wordplay string_to_anagram [-slxavnXmXdX] [-w word] "
		     "[-f word_file]\n\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "Capital X represents an integer.\n\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "s  = silent operation (no header or line numbers)\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "l  = print candidate word list\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "x  = do not generate anagrams (useful with l option)\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "a  = multiple occurrences of a word in an anagram OK\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "v  = allow words with no vowels to be considered\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "nX = candidate words must have n characters minimum\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "mX = candidate words must have m characters maximum\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "dX = limit anagrams to d words\n\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "w word = word to start anagrams\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "f file = word file to use (\"-f -\" for stdin)\n\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "Suggestion:  Run \"wordplay trymenow\" "
		     " to get started.\n");

  strcpy (word_file_name, DEFAULT_WORD_FILE);

  recursiveanag = 1;
  listcandwords = 0;
  wordfilespec = 0;
  firstwordspec = 0;
  specfirstword = 0;     /*  this is the permanent one */
  silent = 0;
  vowelcheck = 1;
  maxdepthspec = 0;

  maxcwordlength = MAX_WORD_LENGTH;
  mincwordlength = 0;

  max_depth = MAX_ANAGRAM_WORDS;

  iarg = 1;   
  while (iarg < argc)
    if (wordfilespec == 1)
      strcpy (word_file_name, argv[iarg]);
      wordfilespec = 0;
    if (firstwordspec == 1)
      strcpy (first_word, argv[iarg]);
      firstwordspec = 0;
    if (argv[iarg][0] == '-')
      if ((int) strlen(argv[iarg]) > 1)
	i = 1;
	while (i < (int) strlen(argv[iarg]))
	  switch (argv[iarg][i])
            case 'a' : adjacentdups = 1;
	    case 'l' : listcandwords = 1;
	    case 'f' : wordfilespec = 1;
            case 'x' : recursiveanag = 0;
            case 's' : silent = 1;
            case 'v' : vowelcheck = 0;
            case 'w' : firstwordspec = 1;
		       specfirstword = 1;
            case 'm' : maxcwordlength = 0;
		       while ((argv[iarg][i] >= '0') && (argv[iarg][i] <= '9'))
			 maxcwordlength = maxcwordlength * 10 + 
					  ((int) argv[iarg][i++] - (int) '0');
            case 'n' : i++;
		       while ((argv[iarg][i] >= '0') && (argv[iarg][i] <= '9'))
			 mincwordlength = mincwordlength * 10 +
					  ((int) argv[iarg][i++] - (int) '0');
            case 'd' : maxdepthspec = 1;
                       max_depth = 0;
		       while ((argv[iarg][i] >= '0') && (argv[iarg][i] <= '9'))
			 max_depth = max_depth * 10 +
			             ((int) argv[iarg][i++] - (int) '0');
            default  : fprintf (stderr, "Invalid option: \"%c\" - Ignored\n", 
      strcpy (initword, uppercase(argv[iarg]));

  if (silent == 0)
    printf ("Wordplay Version 7.22  03-20-96, 1991   by Evans A Criswell\n");
    printf ("University of Alabama in Huntsville     [email protected]\n\n");

  if (silent == 0)
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("Candidate word list :  %s\n", (listcandwords == 0) ? no : yes);
    printf ("Anagram Generation  :  %s\n", (recursiveanag == 0) ? no : yes);
    printf ("Adjacent duplicates :  %s\n", (adjacentdups == 0) ? no : yes);
    printf ("Vowel-free words OK :  %s\n\n", (vowelcheck == 0) ? yes : no);

    printf ("Max anagram depth   :  %d\n", max_depth);
    printf ("Maximum word length :  %d\n", maxcwordlength);
    printf ("Minimum word length :  %d\n\n", mincwordlength);

    if (specfirstword)
      printf ("First word          :  \"%s\"\n", first_word);

    printf ("Word list file      :  \"%s\"\n", word_file_name);
    printf ("String to anagram   :  \"%s\"\n", initword);
    printf ("\n");

/* Remove non-alphabetic characters from initword */

  strcpy (tempword, alphabetic (initword));
  strcpy (initword, tempword);

  ilength = (int) strlen (initword);

/*  Sort characters of initword in increasing order  */

  size = ilength;
  gap = size;
    gap = max (((gap * 10) / 13), 1);
    switches = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < (size - gap); i++)
      j = i + gap;
      if (initword[i] > initword[j])
	chold = initword[i];
	initword[i] = initword[j];
	initword[j] = chold;
  while ((switches != 0) | (gap != 1));

/*  Extract first_word (if specified) from initword and store in
    remaininitword  */

  if (specfirstword)
    strcpy (u_first_word, uppercase(first_word));
    strcpy (remaininitword, extract (initword, u_first_word));
    if (remaininitword[0] == '0')
      fprintf (stderr, "Specified first word \"%s\" cannot be extracted "
		       "from initial string \"%s\"\n", u_first_word, initword);
      exit (1);
    if (strlen (remaininitword) == 0)
      if (silent == 0) 
	printf ("Anagrams found:\n");
	printf ("     0.  %s\n", u_first_word);
	printf ("%s\n", u_first_word);
      exit (0);


/*  Allocate memory for the words themselves  */


  if ((words2mem = (char *) malloc (w2size * sizeof (char))) == (char *) NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

/* Open the word file and read the words. */

  if (silent == 0)
    printf ("\nInitializing.  Please wait while words are being loaded\n");
    printf ("and unnecessary words are being filtered out ...\n");

  if (strcmp(word_file_name, "-") == 0)
    fileinput = 0;
    word_file_ptr = stdin;
    if ((word_file_ptr = fopen (word_file_name, "r")) == NULL)
      fileinput = 1;
      fprintf (stderr, "Error opening word file.\n");
      return (-1);

  i = 0;
  w2memptr = words2mem;
  w2offset = 0;
  longestlength = 0;

  while (fgets (buffer, MAX_WORD_LENGTH, word_file_ptr) != 
	 (char *) NULL)
    j = (int) strlen (buffer) - 1;

/*  Replace the newline with a null  */

    buffer[j--] = '\0';

    strcpy (alphbuffer, alphabetic (buffer));

    if (((int) strlen (alphbuffer) < mincwordlength) || 
	((int) strlen (alphbuffer) > maxcwordlength))

    hasnumber = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen (buffer); j++)
      if ((buffer[j] >= '0') && (buffer[j] <= '9')) hasnumber = 1;

    if (hasnumber == 1) continue;

    strcpy (ubuffer, uppercase (alphbuffer));
    strcpy (leftover, extract (initword, ubuffer));
    if (leftover[0] == '0') continue;

    strcpy (w2memptr, uppercase(buffer));
    w2memptr += strlen (buffer) + 1;
    w2offset += strlen (buffer) + 1;

    if ((int) strlen (alphbuffer) > longestlength) 
      longestlength = strlen (alphbuffer);

    if ((w2size - w2offset) < SAFETY_ZONE) 
       w2size += WORDBLOCKSIZE;
       if ((words2mem = (char *) realloc (words2mem, w2size)) == (char *) NULL)
         fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory.  realloc() returned NULL.\n");
         exit (-1);
       w2memptr = words2mem + w2offset;

    ncount = i;

  if (fileinput == 1) fclose (word_file_ptr);

/* Malloc pointers for the word indexes */

  if ((words2 = (char **) malloc (ncount * sizeof (char *))) == (char **) NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory.  malloc() returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

/*  Go through the loaded words and index the beginning of each word */

  words2[0] = words2mem;
  j = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < w2size; i++)
    if (j < ncount)
      if (words2mem[i] == '\0') words2[j++] = words2mem + i + 1;

  if (silent == 0) printf ("\n%d words loaded (%d byte block).  " 
                           "Longest kept:  %d letters.\n",
			    ncount, w2size, longestlength);

  if (ncount == 0)
    if (silent == 0)
      printf ("\nNo candidate words were found, so there are no anagrams.\n");

/* Store lengths of words from words2 array in wordsn array */

  if ((wordsn = (int *) malloc (ncount * sizeof (int))) == NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

  for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) 
    strcpy (alphbuffer, alphabetic (words2[i]));
    wordsn[i] = (int) strlen (alphbuffer); 

/* Make a copy of the pointers from the words2 array (called words2ptrs) */

  if ((words2ptrs = (char **) malloc (ncount * sizeof (char *))) == 
      (char **) NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

  for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) words2ptrs[i] = words2[i];

/* Make a copy of the word list, then sort each word in the new list 
   putting letters of the words in alphabetical order */

/*  Malloc the pointers for the list of keys */

  if ((wordss = (char **) malloc (ncount * sizeof (char *))) == (char **) NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

/*  Make a copy of the block of memory containing the candidate word list */

  if ((keymem = (char *) malloc (w2size * sizeof (char))) == (char *) NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc() returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

/*  Copy the words from the candidate word block, one by one, eliminating
    non-alphabetic characters. */

  keymemptr = keymem;
  keyoffset = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++)
    strcpy (alphbuffer, alphabetic (words2[i]));
    strcpy (ubuffer, uppercase (alphbuffer));
    strcpy (keymemptr, ubuffer);
    keymemptr += wordsn[i] + 1;
    keyoffset += wordsn[i] + 1;


/*  Setup the pointers to the beginnings of the words, as we did earlier
    for the candidate word indexes */

  wordss[0] = keymem;
  j = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < w2size; i++)
    if (j < ncount)
      if (keymem[i] == '\0') wordss[j++] = keymem + i + 1;

/*  Create the keys by sorting the characters of the words in the keymem space 
    in place, using the wordss index pointers.  */

  for (k = 0; k < ncount; k++)
    size = (int) strlen (wordss[k]);
    gap = size;
      gap = max (((gap * 10) / 13), 1);
      switches = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < (size - gap); i++)
	j = i + gap;
	if (wordss[k][i] > wordss[k][j])
	  chold = wordss[k][i];
	  wordss[k][i] = wordss[k][j];
	  wordss[k][j] = chold;
    while ((switches != 0) | (gap != 1));

/* Sort the second "sorted" list of candidate words by first letter, 
   keeping references to the original word list, sorted by length (words2)
   intact (the words2ptrs array).   */

  size = ncount;
  gap = size;
    gap = max (((gap * 10) / 13), 1);
    switches = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < (size - gap); i++)
      j = i + gap;
      if (strcmp (wordss[i], wordss[j]) > 0)
	wholdptr = wordss[i];
	wordss[i] = wordss[j];
	wordss[j] = wholdptr;
	wholdptr = words2ptrs[i];
	words2ptrs[i] = words2ptrs[j];
	words2ptrs[j] = wholdptr;
  while ((switches != 0) | (gap != 1));
  largestlet = wordss[ncount - 1][0];

/* Sort the list of candidate words (words2 array) by length */

  size = ncount;
  gap = size;
    gap = max (((gap * 10) / 13), 1);
    switches = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < (size - gap); i++)
      j = i + gap;
      keyi = wordsn[i];
      keyj = wordsn[j];
      if (keyi > keyj)
        iholdn = wordsn[i];
        wordsn[i] = wordsn[j];
        wordsn[j] = iholdn;
        wholdptr = words2[i];
        words2[i] = words2[j];
        words2[j] = wholdptr;
  while ((switches != 0) | (gap != 1));

/* Print candidate word list */

  if (listcandwords)
    if (silent == 0) printf ("\nList of candidate words:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) 
      if (silent == 0) 
	printf ("%6d.  %s\n", i, words2[i]);
	printf ("%s\n", words2[i]);

/* Create indexes into words2 array by word length.  Words of length i
   will be in elements lindx1[i] through lindx2[i] of array words2.
   Of course, the algorithm below works because words2 has already
   been sorted by word length earlier.  */

  if ((lindx1 = (int *) malloc ((longestlength + 1) * sizeof (int))) 
	                == (int *) NULL) 
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory.  malloc() returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

  if ((lindx2 = (int *) malloc ((longestlength + 1) * sizeof (int))) 
	                == (int *) NULL) 
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory.  malloc() returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

  for (i = 0; i <= longestlength; i++)
    lindx1[i] = -1;
    lindx2[i] = -2;

  if (ncount > 0)
    curpos = 0;
    curlen = wordsn[curpos];
    lindx1[curlen] = curpos;
      while (curpos < ncount)
	if (wordsn[curpos] == curlen)

      if (curpos >= ncount)
        lindx2[curlen] = ncount - 1;
      lindx2[curlen] = curpos - 1;
      curlen = wordsn[curpos];
      lindx1[curlen] = curpos;
    while (curpos < ncount); 

/* Create indexes into wordss array by first letter.  Words with first
   letter "A" will be will be in elements findx1[i] through findx2[i] 
   of array wordss.  Of course, the algorithm below works because 
   wordss has already been sorted by first letter earlier.  */

  printf ("Beginning creation of first letter indexes.\n");

  for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    findx1[i] = -1;
    findx2[i] = -2;

  if (ncount > 0)
    curpos = 0;
    curlet = wordss[curpos][0];
    icurlet = (int) curlet - (int) 'A';
    findx1[icurlet] = curpos;
      while (curpos < ncount)
	if (wordss[curpos][0] == curlet) 
      if (curpos >= ncount)
        findx2[icurlet] = ncount - 1;
      findx2[icurlet] = curpos - 1;
      curlet = wordss[curpos][0];
      icurlet = (int) curlet - (int) 'A';
      findx1[icurlet] = curpos;
    while (curpos < ncount); 

/* Create masks (integers describing which letters are in each word */

  if ((wordmasks = (int *) malloc (ncount * sizeof (int))) == NULL)
    fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");
    exit (-1);

  for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) wordmasks[i] = intmask (wordss[i]);

/* Do recursive method of finding anagrams */

  if ((specfirstword == 0) && (recursiveanag))
    if (silent == 0) printf ("\nAnagrams found:\n");

    if ((accum = (char **) malloc (MAX_ANAGRAM_WORDS * sizeof (char *))) == 
	(char **) NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ANAGRAM_WORDS; i++)
      if ((accum[i] = (char *) malloc ((longestlength + 1) * sizeof (char))) ==
	  (char *) NULL)
	fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");

    accum[0][0] = '\0';
    level = 0;
    rec_anag_count = 0;

    minkey = findx1[(int) initword[0] - (int) 'A'];

    anagramr7 (initword, accum, &minkey, &level);
    if (rec_anag_count == 0) 
      if (silent == 0) 
	printf ("\nNo anagrams found by recursive algorithm.\n");

  if ((specfirstword == 1) && (recursiveanag))
    if (silent == 0) printf ("\nRecursive anagrams found:\n");

    if ((accum = (char **) malloc (MAX_ANAGRAM_WORDS * sizeof (char *))) ==
	(char **) NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ANAGRAM_WORDS; i++)
      if ((accum[i] = (char *) malloc ((MAX_WORD_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof (char))) ==
	  (char *) NULL)
	fprintf (stderr, "Insufficient memory; malloc returned NULL.\n");

    strcpy (accum[0], u_first_word);
    level = 1;
    rec_anag_count = 0;

    minkey = findx1[(int) remaininitword[0] - (int) 'A'];

    anagramr7 (remaininitword, accum, &minkey, &level);
    if (rec_anag_count == 0)
      printf ("\nNo anagrams found by recursive algorithm.\n");


  /* Calling clearenv() here causes the comparability of seemingly
     unrelated things to change, but only when run under Debian Sarge x86,
     not Etch or AMD64. This is surely some kind of bug. */
  /* clearenv(); */
