Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int numPanels= 1000, recursions = 4, p = 5, k = 3, max_iterations = 500;
  FMMOptions opts = get_options(argc,argv);
  opts.sparse_local = true;
  SolverOptions solver_options;
  bool second_kind = false;
  char *mesh_name;
  bool mesh = false;

  // solve / PC settings

  // use lazy evaluator by default
  // opts.lazy_evaluation = true;

  // parse command line args
  // check if no arguments given
  printf("\nLaplaceBEM on a sphere\n");
  if (argc == 1) printHelpAndExit();
	printf("parameters : \n");
	printf("============ \n");
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-theta") == 0) {
	printf("theta = %s\n", argv[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-recursions") == 0) {
      recursions = atoi(argv[i]);
	// print out problem size based on the # of recursions
	printf("N = %i\n", 2* (int) pow(4, recursions));
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-eval") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ncrit") == 0) {
      printf("ncrit = %s\n", argv[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-printtree") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-p") == 0) {
      p = atoi(argv[i]);
      solver_options.max_p = p;
	printf("max-p = %i\n", p);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-k") == 0) {
      k = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-second_kind") == 0) {
      second_kind = true;
	printf("second-kind = True\n");
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-fixed_p") == 0) {
      solver_options.variable_p = false;
	printf("relaxed = False\n");
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-solver_tol") == 0) {
      solver_options.residual = (double)atof(argv[i]);
	printf("solver_tol = %.2e\n", solver_options.residual);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-max_iters") == 0) {
      max_iterations = atoi(argv[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-gmres") == 0) {
      solver = SOLVE_GMRES;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-fgmres") == 0) {
      solver = SOLVE_FGMRES;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-local") == 0) {
      solver = SOLVE_FGMRES;
      pc = LOCAL;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-diagonal") == 0) {
      pc = DIAGONAL;
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-help") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-mesh") == 0) {
      mesh_name = argv[i];
      mesh = true;

      else {
      printf("[W]: Unknown command line arg: \"%s\"\n",argv[i]);
  solver_options.max_iters = max_iterations;
  solver_options.restart = max_iterations;
  // opts.sparse_local = true;
  double tic, toc;
  // Init the FMM Kernel
  typedef LaplaceSphericalBEM kernel_type;
  kernel_type K(p,k);

  // useful typedefs
  typedef kernel_type::point_type  point_type;
  typedef kernel_type::source_type source_type;
  typedef kernel_type::target_type target_type;
  typedef kernel_type::charge_type charge_type;
  typedef kernel_type::result_type result_type;

  // Init points and charges
  std::vector<source_type> panels(numPanels);
  std::vector<charge_type> charges(numPanels);

  if (mesh) {
    printf("reading mesh from: %s\n",mesh_name);
    MeshIO::readMsh<point_type,source_type>(mesh_name, panels); // , panels);
  } else {
    Triangulation::UnitSphere(panels, recursions);
    // initialiseSphere(panels, charges, recursions); //, ProblemOptions());

  // run case solving for Phi (instead of dPhi/dn)
  if (second_kind)
    for (auto& it : panels) it.switch_BC();

  // set constant Phi || dPhi/dn for each panel
  // set up a more complicated charge, from BEM++
  for (unsigned i=0; i<panels.size(); i++) {
    auto center = panels[i].center;
    double x = center[0], y = center[1], z = center[2];
    double r = norm(center);
    charges[i] = 2*x*z/(r*r*r*r*r) - y/(r*r*r);
    charges[i] = 1.;
  // charges = std::vector<charge_type>(panels.size(),1.);

  // Build the FMM structure
  FMM_plan<kernel_type> plan = FMM_plan<kernel_type>(K, panels, opts);

  // generate the RHS and initial condition
  std::vector<charge_type> x(panels.size(),0.);

  tic = get_time();
  std::vector<result_type> b(panels.size(),0.);
  double tic2, toc2;
  // generate RHS using temporary FMM plan
    tic2 = get_time();
    for (auto& it : panels) it.switch_BC();
    toc2 = get_time();
    printf("Flipping BC: %g\n",toc2-tic2);
    tic2 = get_time();
    FMM_plan<kernel_type> rhs_plan = FMM_plan<kernel_type>(K,panels,opts);
    toc2 = get_time();
    printf("Creating plan: %g\n",toc2-tic2);
    tic2 = get_time();
    b = rhs_plan.execute(charges);
    toc2 = get_time();
    printf("Executing plan: %g\n",toc2-tic2);
    for (auto& it : panels) it.switch_BC();

  toc = get_time();
  double setup_time = toc-tic;

  // Solve the system using GMRES
  // generate the Preconditioner
  tic = get_time();
  Preconditioners::Diagonal<charge_type> M(K,
  // M.print();
  SolverOptions inner_options(1e-2,1,2);
  inner_options.variable_p = true;
// Preconditioners::FMGMRES<FMM_plan<kernel_type>,Preconditioners::Diagonal<charge_type>> inner(plan, b, inner_options, M);

  // Local preconditioner
  Preconditioners::LocalInnerSolver<FMM_plan<kernel_type>, Preconditioners::Diagonal<result_type>> local(K, panels, b);

  // block diagonal preconditioner
  Preconditioners::BlockDiagonal<FMM_plan<kernel_type>> block_diag(K,panels);

  // Initial low accuracy solve
  double tic2, toc2;
  tic2 = get_time();
    printf("Initial solve starting..\n");
    // initial solve to 1e-2 accuracy, 5 iterations, P = 2
    SolverOptions initial_solve(5e-3,50,3);
    // fmm_gmres(plan, x, b, solver_options, M);
    GMRES(plan, x, b, initial_solve, M);
    printf("Initial solve finished..\n");
  toc2 = get_time();
  printf("Initial solve took: %.4es\n",toc2-tic2);

  // Outer GMRES solve with diagonal preconditioner & relaxation
  FGMRESContext<result_type> context(x.size(), solver_options.restart);

  if (second_kind) printf("2nd-kind equation being solved\n");
  else             printf("1st-kind equation being solved\n");
#if 1
  if (solver == SOLVE_GMRES && pc == IDENTITY){
    printf("Solver: GMRES\nPreconditioner: Identity\n");
    // straight GMRES, no preconditioner
    // DirectMV<kernel_type> MV(K, panels, panels);
	else if (solver == SOLVE_GMRES && pc == DIAGONAL) {
	printf("Solver: GMRES\nPreconditioner: Diagonal\n");
	// GMRES, diagonal preconditioner
	GMRES(plan, x, b, solver_options, M, context);
  else if (solver == SOLVE_GMRES && pc == DIAGONAL) {
    printf("Solver: GMRES\nPreconditioner: Diagonal\n");
    // GMRES, diagonal preconditioner
    GMRES(plan,x,b,solver_options, M, context);
  else if (solver == SOLVE_FGMRES && pc == IDENTITY) {
    printf("Solver: FMRES\nPreconditioner: Identity\n");
    // GMRES, diagonal preconditioner
  else if (solver == SOLVE_FGMRES && pc == DIAGONAL) {
    printf("Solver: FGMRES\nPreconditioner: Block Diagonal\n");
    // GMRES, diagonal preconditioner
    FGMRES(plan,x,b,solver_options, block_diag, context);
  else if (solver == SOLVE_FGMRES && pc == LOCAL) {
    printf("Solver: FGMRES\nPreconditioner: Local solve\n");
    // FGMRES, Local inner solver
    FGMRES(plan,x,b,solver_options, local, context);
  else {
    printf("[E] no valid solver / preconditioner option chosen\n");
  // GMRES(MV,x,b,solver_options, M, context);
  // FGMRES(plan,x,b,solver_options, inner, context); // , context);
  // Outer/Inner FGMRES / GMRES (Diagonal)
  toc = get_time();
  double solve_time = toc-tic;

  printf("\tsetup : %.4es\n",setup_time);
  printf("\tsolve : %.4es\n",solve_time);

  // check errors -- analytical solution for dPhi/dn = 1.
  double e = 0.;
  double e2 = 0.;
  std::vector<result_type> analytical(panels.size());
  for (unsigned i=0; i<panels.size(); i++) {
    auto center = panels[i].center;
    double x = center[0], y = center[1], z = center[2];
    double r = norm(center);
    analytical[i] = -(-6 * x * z / (r*r*r*r*r*r) + 2 * y / (r*r*r*r));

  auto ai = analytical.begin();
  for (auto xi : x) {
    // printf("approx: %.4g, analytical: %.4g\n",xi,*ai);
    e += (xi-*ai)*(xi-*ai);
    e2 += (*ai)*(*ai);
  double an = 1.;
  for (auto xi : x) { e += (xi-an)*(xi-an); e2 += an*an; }

  std::vector<target_type> outside_point(1);
  outside_point[0] = target_type(point_type(3.,3.,3.),point_type(3.,3.,3.),point_type(3.,3.,3.));
  outside_point[0].center = point_type(3.,3.,3.);
  std::vector<result_type> outside_result_1(1);
  std::vector<result_type> outside_result_2(1);
  outside_result_1[0] = 0.;
  outside_result_2[0] = 0.;

  // first layer
  Direct::matvec(K, panels.begin(), panels.end(), x.begin(), outside_point.begin(), outside_point.end(), outside_result_2.begin());
  // for (auto& pi : panels) pi.switch_BC();
  for (auto& op : outside_point) op.switch_BC();
  Direct::matvec(K, panels.begin(), panels.end(), charges.begin(), outside_point.begin(), outside_point.end(), outside_result_1.begin());
  double exact = 1. / norm(static_cast<point_type>(outside_point[0])) * 1;
  double outside_result = (outside_result_2[0]-outside_result_1[0])/4/M_PI;
  double outside_error = fabs(outside_result-exact)/fabs(exact);
  printf("external phi: %.5g, exact: %.5g, error: %.4e\n",outside_result,exact, outside_error);

  printf("relative error: %.3e\n",sqrt(e/e2));
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int nz,nx, iz,ix, order;
    bool vel;
    float x1,x2,z1,z2,v1,v2,x0,dx,z0,dz,fx,fz;
    float **slow, *time, g1[2],g2[2],p1[2],p2[2];
    sf_eno2 cvel;
    sf_file in, out;

    in = sf_input("in");
    /* velocity or slowness */

    out = sf_output("out");
    /* traveltime */

    if (!sf_histint(in,"n1",&nz)) sf_error("No n1= in input");
    if (!sf_histint(in,"n2",&nx)) sf_error("No n2= in input");

    if (!sf_histfloat(in,"d1",&dz)) sf_error("No d1= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat(in,"d2",&dx)) sf_error("No d2= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat(in,"o1",&z0)) sf_error("No o1= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat(in,"o2",&x0)) sf_error("No o2= in input");
    if(!sf_getbool("vel",&vel)) vel=true;
    /* y, input is velocity; n, slowness */

    if(!sf_getint("order",&order)) order=3;
    /* interpolation accuracy for velocity */

    if (!sf_getfloat("yshot",&x1)) x1=x0 + 0.5*(nx-1)*dx;
    if (!sf_getfloat("zshot",&z1)) z1=z0; 

    /* read velocity or slowness */
    slow  = sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx);

    /* convert to slowness squared */
    for(ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++){
	for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
	    v1 = slow[ix][iz];
	    v1 *= v1;
	    slow[ix][iz] = vel? 1/v1:v1;

    cvel = sf_eno2_init (order, nz, nx);
    sf_eno2_set (cvel, slow);

    time = sf_floatalloc(nz);

    fx = (x1-x0)/dx;
    ix = floorf(fx);
    fx -= ix;
    fz = (z1-z0)/dz;
    iz = floorf(fz);
    fz -= iz;

    g1[1] /= dx;
    g1[0] /= dz;
    for(ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++){
	x2 = x0+ix*dx;
	for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
	    z2 = z0+iz*dz;

	    g2[1] /= dx;
	    g2[0] /= dz;

	    time[iz] = analytical(x1,z1,v1,g1,p1,

int main()
    #ifdef __WIN__
        system("chcp 65001");
    #endif // __WIN__
    srand (time(NULL));
    INIReader reader("config.ini");

    if (reader.ParseError() < 0) {
        printf("Can't load 'config.ini'\n");
        return 1;

    int N = 1000;
    int M = 5000;

    int z;
    bool A, P, T;
    z = reader.GetInteger("analytical", "z", 0);
    if (z)
        double l = reader.GetReal("analytical", "l", 0.001);
        double ecut = reader.GetReal("analytical", "ecut", 400);
        analytical(z, M, N, l, ecut);
        A = true;

    z = reader.GetInteger("table", "z", 0);
    if (z)
        double l = reader.GetReal("table", "l", 0.001);
        double ecut = reader.GetReal("table", "ecut", 400);
        table(z, M, N, l, ecut);
        T = true;

    z = reader.GetInteger("approximation", "z", 0);
    if (z)
        double l = reader.GetReal("approximation", "l", 0.001);
        double ecut = reader.GetReal("approximation", "ecut", 400);
        approximation(z, M, N, l, ecut);
        P = true;

    z = reader.GetInteger("monte-carlo", "z", 0);
    if (z)
        double l = reader.GetReal("monte-carlo", "l", 0.00001);
        double s = reader.GetReal("monte-carlo", "s", 0.0001);
        double ecut = reader.GetReal("monte-carlo", "ecut", 10);
        int nparticles = reader.GetInteger("monte-carlo", "particles", 400);
        int ntimes = reader.GetInteger("monte-carlo", "times", 400);
        int N = 100;
        monte_carlo(z, nparticles, ntimes, N, ecut, s, l);

    plot_analytics(A, P, T);
    return 0;