Return<void> Device::getMicMute(getMicMute_cb _hidl_cb) {
    bool mute = false;
    Result retval =
        analyzeStatus("get_mic_mute", mDevice->get_mic_mute(mDevice, &mute));
    _hidl_cb(retval, mute);
    return Void();
Return<void> Device::openInputStream(int32_t ioHandle,
                                     const DeviceAddress& device,
                                     const AudioConfig& config,
                                     AudioInputFlag flags, AudioSource source,
                                     openInputStream_cb _hidl_cb) {
    audio_config_t halConfig;
    HidlUtils::audioConfigToHal(config, &halConfig);
    audio_stream_in_t* halStream;
        "open_input_stream handle: %d devices: %x flags: %#x "
        "srate: %d format %#x channels %x address %s source %d",
        ioHandle, static_cast<audio_devices_t>(device.device),
        static_cast<audio_input_flags_t>(flags), halConfig.sample_rate,
        halConfig.format, halConfig.channel_mask,
    int status = mDevice->open_input_stream(
        mDevice, ioHandle, static_cast<audio_devices_t>(device.device),
        &halConfig, &halStream, static_cast<audio_input_flags_t>(flags),
    ALOGV("open_input_stream status %d stream %p", status, halStream);
    sp<IStreamIn> streamIn;
    if (status == OK) {
        streamIn = new StreamIn(this, halStream);
    AudioConfig suggestedConfig;
    HidlUtils::audioConfigFromHal(halConfig, &suggestedConfig);
    _hidl_cb(analyzeStatus("open_input_stream", status), streamIn,
    return Void();
Return<Result> Device::setMasterMute(bool mute) {
    Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED);
    if (mDevice->set_master_mute != NULL) {
        retval = analyzeStatus("set_master_mute",
                               mDevice->set_master_mute(mDevice, mute));
    return retval;
Return<Result> Device::releaseAudioPatch(int32_t patch) {
    if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) {
        return analyzeStatus(
                mDevice, static_cast<audio_patch_handle_t>(patch)));
    return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
Return<Result> Device::setAudioPortConfig(const AudioPortConfig& config) {
    if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) {
        struct audio_port_config halPortConfig;
        HidlUtils::audioPortConfigToHal(config, &halPortConfig);
        return analyzeStatus(
            mDevice->set_audio_port_config(mDevice, &halPortConfig));
    return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
Return<void> Device::getMasterMute(getMasterMute_cb _hidl_cb) {
    Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED);
    bool mute = false;
    if (mDevice->get_master_mute != NULL) {
        retval = analyzeStatus("get_master_mute",
                               mDevice->get_master_mute(mDevice, &mute));
    _hidl_cb(retval, mute);
    return Void();
Return<void> Device::getMasterVolume(getMasterVolume_cb _hidl_cb) {
    Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED);
    float volume = 0;
    if (mDevice->get_master_volume != NULL) {
        retval = analyzeStatus("get_master_volume",
                               mDevice->get_master_volume(mDevice, &volume));
    _hidl_cb(retval, volume);
    return Void();
Return<Result> Device::setMasterVolume(float volume) {
    if (mDevice->set_master_volume == NULL) {
        return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
    if (!isGainNormalized(volume)) {
        ALOGW("Can not set a master volume (%f) outside [0,1]", volume);
        return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
    return analyzeStatus("set_master_volume",
                         mDevice->set_master_volume(mDevice, volume));
Return<void> Device::getAudioPort(const AudioPort& port,
                                  getAudioPort_cb _hidl_cb) {
    audio_port halPort;
    HidlUtils::audioPortToHal(port, &halPort);
    Result retval = analyzeStatus("get_audio_port",
                                  mDevice->get_audio_port(mDevice, &halPort));
    AudioPort resultPort = port;
    if (retval == Result::OK) {
        HidlUtils::audioPortFromHal(halPort, &resultPort);
    _hidl_cb(retval, resultPort);
    return Void();
Return<void> Device::createAudioPatch(const hidl_vec<AudioPortConfig>& sources,
                                      const hidl_vec<AudioPortConfig>& sinks,
                                      createAudioPatch_cb _hidl_cb) {
    Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED);
    AudioPatchHandle patch = 0;
    if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) {
        std::unique_ptr<audio_port_config[]> halSources(
        std::unique_ptr<audio_port_config[]> halSinks(
        audio_patch_handle_t halPatch = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
        retval = analyzeStatus(
            mDevice->create_audio_patch(mDevice, sources.size(), &halSources[0],
                                        sinks.size(), &halSinks[0], &halPatch));
        if (retval == Result::OK) {
            patch = static_cast<AudioPatchHandle>(halPatch);
    _hidl_cb(retval, patch);
    return Void();
// Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IDevice follow.
Return<Result> Device::initCheck() {
    return analyzeStatus("init_check", mDevice->init_check(mDevice));
Return<void> Device::debugDump(const hidl_handle& fd) {
    if (fd.getNativeHandle() != nullptr && fd->numFds == 1) {
        analyzeStatus("dump", mDevice->dump(mDevice, fd->data[0]));
    return Void();
Return<Result> Device::setMicMute(bool mute) {
    return analyzeStatus("set_mic_mute", mDevice->set_mic_mute(mDevice, mute));
Ejemplo n.º 14
void SiteCopyFolder::slotFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)
    qDebug() << "    * SiteCopy process finished with status" << exitCode;

    if( exitCode == -1 ) {
        qDebug() << "Configuration Error, stop processing.";
        SyncResult res( SyncResult::Error );
        res.setErrorString( tr("Sitecopy configuration problem, check $HOME/.sitecopyrc"));
        emit( syncFinished( res ));

    if( exitCode > 1 ) {
      // error has happened.
      QString out( _lastOutput );
      SyncResult res( SyncResult::Error );
      res.setErrorString( out );
      qDebug() << "An error happened: " << out;
      emit syncFinished( res );

    if( _NextStep == Sync ) {
      startSiteCopy( "--sync", Finish ); // sync local with cloud data.
    } else if( _NextStep == Update ) {
      startSiteCopy( "--update", Finish ); // update from owncloud
    } else if( _NextStep == Finish ) {
      qDebug() << "Finished!";
      emit syncFinished( SyncResult(SyncResult::Success) );
      // mLocalChangesSeen = false;
    } else if( _NextStep == Status ) {
      startSiteCopy( "--fetch", FlatList );
    } else if( _NextStep == FlatList ) {
      startSiteCopy( "--flatlist", ExecuteStatus );
    } else if( _NextStep == ExecuteStatus ) {
      if( exitCode == 1 ) {
            qDebug() << "Exit-Code: Sync Needed!";
            if( _ChangesHash.contains("deleted") && _pathListEmpty ) {
              // problem: Files were added on the cloud. If we say update,
              // the new files are going to be deleted. Lets warn the user.
              qDebug() << "!!!! Better not call update, changes happened on the cloud!";
              SyncResult res( SyncResult::Disabled );
              res.setErrorString( tr("The ownCloud changed. Disabling syncing for security reasons."));
	      res.setSyncChanges( _ChangesHash );
              setSyncEnabled( false );
              emit syncFinished( res );
            } else {
              startSiteCopy( "--update", Status );
        } else if( exitCode == 0 ) {
            qDebug() << "No update needed, remote is in sync.";
            SyncResult res( SyncResult::Success );
            // store the analyze results into the sync result data structure.
            res.setSyncChanges( _ChangesHash );
            // No update needed
            emit syncFinished( res );
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Got an unknown exit code " << exitCode;
            emit syncFinished( SyncResult( SyncResult::Error ) );
