Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: aof.c Proyecto: Akuan1994/Mira
void stopAppendOnly(void){
    /*Called when the user switches from "appendonly yes" to "appendonly no"at runtime using the CONFIG command.*/
    assert(server.aof_state == XREDIS_AOF_OFF);
    /*force buffer contents to AOF file*/
    /*wait until disk writting is finished*/
    /*set aof state*/
    server.aof_fd = -1;
    server.aof_selected_db = -1;
    server.aof_state = XREDIS_AOF_OFF;
    /*rewrite operation in progress? kill it, wait child exit*/
    if(server.aof_child_pid != -1){
        int statloc;

        xredisLog(XREDIS_NOTICE, "killing running AOF rewrite child: %ld", (long)server.aof_child_pid);
        if(kill(server.aof_child_pid, SIGKILL) != -1){
            wait3(&statloc, 0, NULL);
        /* reset the buffer accumulating changes while the child saves */
        aofRewriteBufferReset();        //release rewrite buffer;
        aofRemoveTempFile(server.aof_child_pid);   //remove temp file;
        /*change server state*/
        server.aof_child_pid = -1;
        server.aof_rewrite_time_start = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* A background append only file rewriting (BGREWRITEAOF) terminated its work.
 * Handle this. */
void backgroundRewriteDoneHandler(int exitcode, int bysignal) {
    if (!bysignal && exitcode == 0) {
        int fd;
        char tmpfile[256];

            "Background append only file rewriting terminated with success");
        /* Now it's time to flush the differences accumulated by the parent */
        snprintf(tmpfile,256,"temp-rewriteaof-bg-%d.aof", (int) server.bgrewritechildpid);
        fd = open(tmpfile,O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);
        if (fd == -1) {
            redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Not able to open the temp append only file produced by the child: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto cleanup;
        /* Flush our data... */
        if (write(fd,server.bgrewritebuf,sdslen(server.bgrewritebuf)) !=
                (signed) sdslen(server.bgrewritebuf)) {
            redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Error or short write trying to flush the parent diff of the append log file in the child temp file: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto cleanup;
        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Parent diff flushed into the new append log file with success (%lu bytes)",sdslen(server.bgrewritebuf));
        /* Now our work is to rename the temp file into the stable file. And
         * switch the file descriptor used by the server for append only. */
        if (rename(tmpfile,server.appendfilename) == -1) {
            redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Can't rename the temp append only file into the stable one: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto cleanup;
        /* Mission completed... almost */
        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Append only file successfully rewritten.");
        if (server.appendfd != -1) {
            /* If append only is actually enabled... */
            server.appendfd = fd;
            if (server.appendfsync != APPENDFSYNC_NO) aof_fsync(fd);
            server.appendseldb = -1; /* Make sure it will issue SELECT */
            redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"The new append only file was selected for future appends.");
        } else {
            /* If append only is disabled we just generate a dump in this
             * format. Why not? */
    } else if (!bysignal && exitcode != 0) {
        redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Background append only file rewriting error");
    } else {
            "Background append only file rewriting terminated by signal %d",
    server.bgrewritebuf = sdsempty();
    server.bgrewritechildpid = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Called when the user switches from "appendonly yes" to "appendonly no"
 * at runtime using the CONFIG command. */
void stopAppendOnly(void) {
    redisAssert(server.aof_state != REDIS_AOF_OFF);

    server.aof_fd = -1;
    server.aof_selected_db = -1;
    server.aof_state = REDIS_AOF_OFF;
    /* rewrite operation in progress? kill it, wait child exit */
    if (server.aof_child_pid != -1) {
        int statloc;

        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Killing running AOF rewrite child: %ld",
            (long) server.aof_child_pid);
        if (kill(server.aof_child_pid,SIGUSR1) != -1)
        /* reset the buffer accumulating changes while the child saves */
        server.aof_child_pid = -1;
        server.aof_rewrite_time_start = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* A background append only file rewriting (BGREWRITEAOF) terminated its work.
 * Handle this. */
void backgroundRewriteDoneHandler(int exitcode, int bysignal) {
    if (!bysignal && exitcode == 0) {
        int newfd, oldfd;
        char tmpfile[256];
        long long now = ustime();

            "Background AOF rewrite terminated with success");

        /* Flush the differences accumulated by the parent to the
         * rewritten AOF. */
        newfd = open(tmpfile,O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);
        if (newfd == -1) {
                "Unable to open the temporary AOF produced by the child: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto cleanup;

        if (aofRewriteBufferWrite(newfd) == -1) {
                "Error trying to flush the parent diff to the rewritten AOF: %s", strerror(errno));
            goto cleanup;

            "Parent diff successfully flushed to the rewritten AOF (%lu bytes)", aofRewriteBufferSize());

        /* The only remaining thing to do is to rename the temporary file to
         * the configured file and switch the file descriptor used to do AOF
         * writes. We don't want close(2) or rename(2) calls to block the
         * server on old file deletion.
         * There are two possible scenarios:
         * 1) AOF is DISABLED and this was a one time rewrite. The temporary
         * file will be renamed to the configured file. When this file already
         * exists, it will be unlinked, which may block the server.
         * 2) AOF is ENABLED and the rewritten AOF will immediately start
         * receiving writes. After the temporary file is renamed to the
         * configured file, the original AOF file descriptor will be closed.
         * Since this will be the last reference to that file, closing it
         * causes the underlying file to be unlinked, which may block the
         * server.
         * To mitigate the blocking effect of the unlink operation (either
         * caused by rename(2) in scenario 1, or by close(2) in scenario 2), we
         * use a background thread to take care of this. First, we
         * make scenario 1 identical to scenario 2 by opening the target file
         * when it exists. The unlink operation after the rename(2) will then
         * be executed upon calling close(2) for its descriptor. Everything to
         * guarantee atomicity for this switch has already happened by then, so
         * we don't care what the outcome or duration of that close operation
         * is, as long as the file descriptor is released again. */
        if (server.aof_fd == -1) {
            /* AOF disabled */

             /* Don't care if this fails: oldfd will be -1 and we handle that.
              * One notable case of -1 return is if the old file does
              * not exist. */
             oldfd = open(server.aof_filename,O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
        } else {
            /* AOF enabled */
            oldfd = -1; /* We'll set this to the current AOF filedes later. */

        /* Rename the temporary file. This will not unlink the target file if
         * it exists, because we reference it with "oldfd". */
        if (rename(tmpfile,server.aof_filename) == -1) {
                "Error trying to rename the temporary AOF file: %s", strerror(errno));
            if (oldfd != -1) close(oldfd);
            goto cleanup;

        if (server.aof_fd == -1) {
            /* AOF disabled, we don't need to set the AOF file descriptor
             * to this new file, so we can close it. */
        } else {
            /* AOF enabled, replace the old fd with the new one. */
            oldfd = server.aof_fd;
            server.aof_fd = newfd;
            if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_ALWAYS)
            else if (server.aof_fsync == AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC)
            server.aof_selected_db = -1; /* Make sure SELECT is re-issued */
            server.aof_rewrite_base_size = server.aof_current_size;

            /* Clear regular AOF buffer since its contents was just written to
             * the new AOF from the background rewrite buffer. */
            server.aof_buf = sdsempty();

        server.aof_lastbgrewrite_status = REDIS_OK;

        redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE, "Background AOF rewrite finished successfully");
        /* Change state from WAIT_REWRITE to ON if needed */
        if (server.aof_state == REDIS_AOF_WAIT_REWRITE)
            server.aof_state = REDIS_AOF_ON;

        /* Asynchronously close the overwritten AOF. */
        if (oldfd != -1) bioCreateBackgroundJob(REDIS_BIO_CLOSE_FILE,(void*)(long)oldfd,NULL,NULL);

            "Background AOF rewrite signal handler took %lldus", ustime()-now);
    } else if (!bysignal && exitcode != 0) {
        server.aof_lastbgrewrite_status = REDIS_ERR;

            "Background AOF rewrite terminated with error");
    } else {
        server.aof_lastbgrewrite_status = REDIS_ERR;

            "Background AOF rewrite terminated by signal %d", bysignal);

    server.aof_child_pid = -1;
    server.aof_rewrite_time_last = time(NULL)-server.aof_rewrite_time_start;
    server.aof_rewrite_time_start = -1;
    /* Schedule a new rewrite if we are waiting for it to switch the AOF ON. */
    if (server.aof_state == REDIS_AOF_WAIT_REWRITE)
        server.aof_rewrite_scheduled = 1;