Ejemplo n.º 1
static dav_error *
dav_rawx_set_headers(request_rec *r, const dav_resource *resource)
	if (!resource->exists)
		return NULL;

	DAV_DEBUG_REQ(r, 0, "%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, resource_get_pathname(resource));

	/* make sure the proper mtime is in the request record */
	ap_update_mtime(r, resource->info->finfo.mtime);

	/* we accept byte-ranges */
	apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Accept-Ranges"),
			apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "bytes"));

	/* set up the Content-Length header */
	ap_set_content_length(r, resource->info->finfo.size);

	request_fill_headers(r, &(resource->info->chunk));

	/* compute metadata_compress if compressed content */
	if (resource->info->compression) {
		char *buf = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "compression=on;compression_algorithm=", resource->info->compress_algo,
				";compression_blocksize=", apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%d", resource->info->cp_chunk.block_size), ";", NULL);
		apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "metadatacompress"), buf);

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int req_set_last_modified(lua_State* L)
  request_rec *r = CHECK_REQUEST_OBJECT(1);
  lua_Integer mtime = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
  if (mtime)
    ap_update_mtime(r, apr_time_from_sec(mtime));

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void accept_headers(cache_handle_t *h, request_rec *r)
    apr_table_t *cookie_table;
    const char *v;

    v = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Content-Type");
    if (v) {
        ap_set_content_type(r, v);
        apr_table_unset(h->resp_hdrs, "Content-Type");

    /* If the cache gave us a Last-Modified header, we can't just
     * pass it on blindly because of restrictions on future values.
    v = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Last-Modified");
    if (v) {
        ap_update_mtime(r, apr_date_parse_http(v));
        apr_table_unset(h->resp_hdrs, "Last-Modified");

    /* The HTTP specification says that it is legal to merge duplicate
     * headers into one.  Some browsers that support Cookies don't like
     * merged headers and prefer that each Set-Cookie header is sent
     * separately.  Lets humour those browsers by not merging.
     * Oh what a pain it is.
    cookie_table = apr_table_make(r->pool, 2);
    apr_table_do(set_cookie_doo_doo, cookie_table, r->err_headers_out,
                 "Set-Cookie", NULL);
    apr_table_do(set_cookie_doo_doo, cookie_table, h->resp_hdrs,
                 "Set-Cookie", NULL);
    apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie");
    apr_table_unset(h->resp_hdrs, "Set-Cookie");

    apr_table_overlap(r->headers_out, h->resp_hdrs,
    apr_table_overlap(r->err_headers_out, h->resp_err_hdrs,
    if (!apr_is_empty_table(cookie_table)) {
        r->err_headers_out = apr_table_overlay(r->pool, r->err_headers_out,
 * Take two sets of headers, sandwich them together, and apply the result to
 * r->headers_out.
 * To complicate this, a header may be duplicated in either table. Should a
 * header exist in the top table, all matching headers will be removed from
 * the bottom table before the headers are combined. The Warning headers are
 * handled specially. Warnings are added rather than being replaced, while
 * in the case of revalidation 1xx Warnings are stripped.
 * The Content-Type and Last-Modified headers are then re-parsed and inserted
 * into the request.
void cache_accept_headers(cache_handle_t *h, request_rec *r, apr_table_t *top,
        apr_table_t *bottom, int revalidation)
    const char *v;

    if (revalidation) {
        r->headers_out = apr_table_make(r->pool, 10);
        apr_table_do(filter_header_do, r->headers_out, bottom, NULL);
    else if (r->headers_out != bottom) {
        r->headers_out = apr_table_copy(r->pool, bottom);
    apr_table_do(remove_header_do, r->headers_out, top, NULL);
    apr_table_do(add_header_do, r->headers_out, top, NULL);

    v = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Content-Type");
    if (v) {
        ap_set_content_type(r, v);
         * Also unset possible Content-Type headers in r->headers_out and
         * r->err_headers_out as they may be different to what we have received
         * from the cache.
         * Actually they are not needed as r->content_type set by
         * ap_set_content_type above will be used in the store_headers functions
         * of the storage providers as a fallback and the HTTP_HEADER filter
         * does overwrite the Content-Type header with r->content_type anyway.
        apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Content-Type");
        apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "Content-Type");

    /* If the cache gave us a Last-Modified header, we can't just
     * pass it on blindly because of restrictions on future values.
    v = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Last-Modified");
    if (v) {
        ap_update_mtime(r, apr_date_parse_http(v));

Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Apache Handle Process and Output */
static int req_meets(lua_State*L )
  request_rec *r = CHECK_REQUEST_OBJECT(1);
  apr_time_t mtime = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
  int len = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
  int status;
  if (mtime)
    ap_update_mtime(r, mtime * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
  apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Content-Length", apr_itoa(r->pool, len));
  status = ap_meets_conditions(r);
  if (status == 0)
    lua_pushinteger(L, status);

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Sets the HTTP headers, like the size of the content, the modification date...
 * @param r        The request
 * @param resource The resource generated previously
 * @return         NULL on success
static dav_error *dav_ns_set_headers(request_rec *r, const dav_resource *resource)
  dav_resource_private *info;
  dav_error            *err;
  const char           *etag;
  char                  buffer[1024];

  /* Null resource */
    return NULL;

  info = resource->info;

  /* NS never serve files! Only metadata. */
  if (!resource->collection && !resource->info->metalink) {
    if ((err = dav_ns_get_location(info, r->pool)))
      return err;
    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
                  "Resource %s located at %s",
                   info->sfn, info->redirect);

    apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location", info->redirect);
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
             "<%s://%s%s?metalink>; rel=describedby; type=\"application/metalink+xml\"",
             info->d_conf->redir_scheme, info->request->hostname, info->request->uri);
    apr_table_set(r->err_headers_out, "Link", buffer);
    return dav_new_error(r->pool, HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, 0, info->redirect);

  /* Need to redirect? (Missing trailing /) */
  if (info->redirect) {
    apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location", info->redirect);
    return dav_new_error(r->pool, HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, 0, info->redirect);

  /* Content-type */
  if (resource->info->metalink) {
    ap_set_content_type(r, "application/metalink+xml");
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
             "attachment; filename=\"%s.metalink\"", info->stat.name);
    apr_table_set(r->headers_out, "Content-Disposition", buffer);
  else if (resource->collection) {
    ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");

  /* Nice thing is, Apache takes care of implementing this */
  apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes");

  /* ETag */
  etag = resource->hooks->getetag(resource);
  apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "ETag", etag);

  /* NS saves the time in seconds since epoch, while Apache expects microseconds */
  ap_update_mtime(r, info->stat.stat.st_mtime * 1000000);
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int zipread_showfile(request_rec *r, const char *fname)
    char *zipfile, *name;
    ZZIP_DIR *dir;
    unsigned int itnum;

    if (!r->path_info) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;

    zipfile = r->filename;

    if (!fname || !*fname)
	name = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->path_info);
	name = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, r->path_info, fname, NULL);

    r->content_type = zipread_getcontenttype(r, name);
    if (*name == '/') name++;

    // ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "mod_zipread showfile: %s - %s - %s", zipfile, fname, name);

    for(itnum = 0; itnum < 5; itnum++)
	dir = zzip_dir_open(zipfile, 0);
	if (dir)
	    ZZIP_STAT st;

	    // fetch stat info of filename, before opening it
	    if (zzip_dir_stat(dir, name, &st, 0) != 0)
		// check if a directory entry is available for that name.
		name = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, name, "/", NULL);
		if (zzip_dir_stat(dir, name, &st, 0) != 0)

		    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "mod_zipread showfile stat failed: %d - %s",
				  zzip_error(dir), zzip_strerror(zzip_error(dir)));

		    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;

		// found a directory entry, do an external redirect to get the
		// links in the directory listing right.
		name = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, r->uri, "/", NULL);

		apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location", name);

		// ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "mod_zipread showfile directory entry.");


	    ap_set_content_length(r, st.st_size);

	    // cannot check last-modified date of the file itself here, because
	    // zziplib doesnt extract it. instead we use the zip file's date
	    r->mtime = r->finfo.mtime;

	    if (!r->header_only)
		ZZIP_FILE *fp = zzip_file_open(dir, name, 0);
		if (fp)
		    int len;
		    char buf[32769];
		    while ((len = zzip_file_read (fp, buf, 32768)))
			ap_rwrite(buf, len, r);

		    return OK;
		    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "mod_zipread showfile file open failed: %d - %s.",
				  zzip_error(dir), zzip_strerror(zzip_error(dir)));

		    if (zzip_dir_stat(dir, name, &st, 0) != 0)
			ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "mod_zipread showfile after stat failed: %d - %s",
				      zzip_error(dir), zzip_strerror(zzip_error(dir)));




	    return OK;
	    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "mod_zipread showfile zip file not open.");
	    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;

    zzip_dir_close (dir);

    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
Ejemplo n.º 8
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_scan_script_header_err_core(request_rec *r, char *buffer,
                                       int (*getsfunc) (char *, int, void *),
                                       void *getsfunc_data)
    char x[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    char *w, *l;
    int p;
    int cgi_status = HTTP_UNSET;
    apr_table_t *merge;
    apr_table_t *cookie_table;

    if (buffer) {
        *buffer = '\0';
    w = buffer ? buffer : x;

    /* temporary place to hold headers to merge in later */
    merge = apr_table_make(r->pool, 10);

    /* The HTTP specification says that it is legal to merge duplicate
     * headers into one.  Some browsers that support Cookies don't like
     * merged headers and prefer that each Set-Cookie header is sent
     * separately.  Lets humour those browsers by not merging.
     * Oh what a pain it is.
    cookie_table = apr_table_make(r->pool, 2);
    apr_table_do(set_cookie_doo_doo, cookie_table, r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie", NULL);

    while (1) {

        int rv = (*getsfunc) (w, MAX_STRING_LEN - 1, getsfunc_data);
        if (rv == 0) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_TOCLIENT, 0, r,
                          "Premature end of script headers: %s",
            return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        else if (rv == -1) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_TOCLIENT, 0, r,
                          "Script timed out before returning headers: %s",
            return HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT;

        /* Delete terminal (CR?)LF */

        p = strlen(w);
             /* Indeed, the host's '\n':
                '\012' for UNIX; '\015' for MacOS; '\025' for OS/390
                 -- whatever the script generates.
        if (p > 0 && w[p - 1] == '\n') {
            if (p > 1 && w[p - 2] == CR) {
                w[p - 2] = '\0';
            else {
                w[p - 1] = '\0';

         * If we've finished reading the headers, check to make sure any
         * HTTP/1.1 conditions are met.  If so, we're done; normal processing
         * will handle the script's output.  If not, just return the error.
         * The appropriate thing to do would be to send the script process a
         * SIGPIPE to let it know we're ignoring it, close the channel to the
         * script process, and *then* return the failed-to-meet-condition
         * error.  Otherwise we'd be waiting for the script to finish
         * blithering before telling the client the output was no good.
         * However, we don't have the information to do that, so we have to
         * leave it to an upper layer.
        if (w[0] == '\0') {
            int cond_status = OK;

           /* PR#38070: This fails because it gets confused when a
            * CGI Status header overrides ap_meets_conditions.
            * We can fix that by dropping ap_meets_conditions when
            * Status has been set.  Since this is the only place
            * cgi_status gets used, let's test it explicitly.
            * The alternative would be to ignore CGI Status when
            * ap_meets_conditions returns anything interesting.
            * That would be safer wrt HTTP, but would break CGI.
            if ((cgi_status == HTTP_UNSET) && (r->method_number == M_GET)) {
                cond_status = ap_meets_conditions(r);
            apr_table_overlap(r->err_headers_out, merge,
            if (!apr_is_empty_table(cookie_table)) {
                /* the cookies have already been copied to the cookie_table */
                apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie");
                r->err_headers_out = apr_table_overlay(r->pool,
                    r->err_headers_out, cookie_table);
            return cond_status;

        /* if we see a bogus header don't ignore it. Shout and scream */

            /* Chances are that we received an ASCII header text instead of
             * the expected EBCDIC header lines. Try to auto-detect:
        if (!(l = strchr(w, ':'))) {
            int maybeASCII = 0, maybeEBCDIC = 0;
            unsigned char *cp, native;
            apr_size_t inbytes_left, outbytes_left;

            for (cp = w; *cp != '\0'; ++cp) {
                native = apr_xlate_conv_byte(ap_hdrs_from_ascii, *cp);
                if (apr_isprint(*cp) && !apr_isprint(native))
                if (!apr_isprint(*cp) && apr_isprint(native))
            if (maybeASCII > maybeEBCDIC) {
                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server,
                             "CGI Interface Error: Script headers apparently ASCII: (CGI = %s)",
                inbytes_left = outbytes_left = cp - w;
                                      w, &inbytes_left, w, &outbytes_left);
        if (!(l = strchr(w, ':'))) {
            char malformed[(sizeof MALFORMED_MESSAGE) + 1
                           + MALFORMED_HEADER_LENGTH_TO_SHOW];

            strcpy(malformed, MALFORMED_MESSAGE);
            strncat(malformed, w, MALFORMED_HEADER_LENGTH_TO_SHOW);

            if (!buffer) {
                /* Soak up all the script output - may save an outright kill */
                while ((*getsfunc) (w, MAX_STRING_LEN - 1, getsfunc_data)) {

            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_TOCLIENT, 0, r,
                          "%s: %s", malformed,
            return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

        *l++ = '\0';
        while (*l && apr_isspace(*l)) {

        if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-type")) {
            char *tmp;

            /* Nuke trailing whitespace */

            char *endp = l + strlen(l) - 1;
            while (endp > l && apr_isspace(*endp)) {
                *endp-- = '\0';

            tmp = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, l);
            ap_set_content_type(r, tmp);
         * If the script returned a specific status, that's what
         * we'll use - otherwise we assume 200 OK.
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Status")) {
            r->status = cgi_status = atoi(l);
            r->status_line = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Location")) {
            apr_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-Length")) {
            apr_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-Range")) {
            apr_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Transfer-Encoding")) {
            apr_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
         * If the script gave us a Last-Modified header, we can't just
         * pass it on blindly because of restrictions on future values.
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Last-Modified")) {
            ap_update_mtime(r, apr_date_parse_http(l));
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Set-Cookie")) {
            apr_table_add(cookie_table, w, l);
        else {
            apr_table_add(merge, w, l);

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static apr_status_t ap_xsendfile_output_filter(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *in) {
  request_rec *r = f->r, *sr = NULL;

    *dconf = (xsendfile_conf_t *)ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &xsendfile_module),
    *sconf = (xsendfile_conf_t *)ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &xsendfile_module),
    *conf = xsendfile_config_merge(r->pool, sconf, dconf);

  core_dir_config *coreconf = (core_dir_config *)ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &core_module);

  apr_status_t rv;
  apr_bucket *e;

  apr_file_t *fd = NULL;
  apr_finfo_t finfo;

  const char *file = NULL;
  char *translated = NULL;

	int errcode;

#ifdef _DEBUG
  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server, "xsendfile: output_filter for %s", r->the_request);
    should we proceed with this request?

    * sub-requests suck
    * furthermore default-handled requests suck, as they actually shouldn't be able to set headers
  if (
    r->status != HTTP_OK
    || r->main
    || (r->handler && strcmp(r->handler, "default-handler") == 0) /* those table-keys are lower-case, right? */
  ) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server, "xsendfile: not met [%d]", r->status);
    return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, in);

    alright, look for x-sendfile
  file = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, AP_XSENDFILE_HEADER);
  apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, AP_XSENDFILE_HEADER);

  /* cgi/fastcgi will put the stuff into err_headers_out */
  if (!file || !*file) {
    file = apr_table_get(r->err_headers_out, AP_XSENDFILE_HEADER);
    apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, AP_XSENDFILE_HEADER);

  /* nothing there :p */
  if (!file || !*file) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server, "xsendfile: nothing found");
    return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, in);

    drop *everything*
    might be pretty expensive to generate content first that goes straight to the bitbucket,
    but actually the scripts that might set this flag won't output too much anyway
  while (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(in)) {
    e = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(in);
  r->eos_sent = 0;

  rv = ap_xsendfile_get_filepath(r, conf, file, &translated);
  if (rv != OK) {
      "xsendfile: unable to find file: %s",
    ap_die(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, r);
    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;

#ifdef _DEBUG
  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server, "xsendfile: found %s", translated);

    ry open the file
  if ((rv = apr_file_open(
    | (coreconf->enable_sendfile == ENABLE_SENDFILE_ON ?  APR_SENDFILE_ENABLED : 0)
  )) != APR_SUCCESS) {
      "xsendfile: cannot open file: %s",
    ap_die(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, r);
    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
#if APR_HAS_SENDFILE && defined(_DEBUG)
  if (coreconf->enable_sendfile != ENABLE_SENDFILE_ON) {
      "xsendfile: sendfile configured, but not active %d",
  /* stat (for etag/cache/content-length stuff) */
  if ((rv = apr_file_info_get(&finfo, APR_FINFO_NORM, fd)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
      "xsendfile: unable to stat file: %s",
    ap_die(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, r);
    return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  /* no inclusion of directories! we're serving files! */
  if (finfo.filetype != APR_REG) {
      "xsendfile: not a file %s",
    ap_die(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, r);
    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;

    need to cheat here a bit
    as etag generator will use those ;)
    and we want local_copy and cache
  r->finfo.inode = finfo.inode;
  r->finfo.size = finfo.size;

    caching? why not :p
  r->no_cache = r->no_local_copy = 0;

  /* some script (f?cgi) place stuff in err_headers_out */
  if (
    conf->ignoreLM == XSENDFILE_ENABLED
    || (
      !apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "last-modified")
      && !apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "last-modified")
  ) {
    apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "last-modified");
    ap_update_mtime(r, finfo.mtime);
  if (
    conf->ignoreETag == XSENDFILE_ENABLED
    || (
      !apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "etag")
      && !apr_table_get(r->err_headers_out, "etag")
  ) {
    apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "etag");

  apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "content-length");
  ap_set_content_length(r, finfo.size);

  /* as we dropped all the content this field is not valid anymore! */
  apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Content-Encoding");
  apr_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "Content-Encoding");

  /* cache or something? */
  if ((errcode = ap_meets_conditions(r)) != OK) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
      "xsendfile: met condition %d for %s",
    r->status = errcode;
  else {
    /* For platforms where the size of the file may be larger than
     * that which can be stored in a single bucket (where the
     * length field is an apr_size_t), split it into several
     * buckets: */
    if (sizeof(apr_off_t) > sizeof(apr_size_t)
        && finfo.size > AP_MAX_SENDFILE) {
        apr_off_t fsize = finfo.size;
        e = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, AP_MAX_SENDFILE, r->pool,
        while (fsize > AP_MAX_SENDFILE) {
            apr_bucket *ce;
            apr_bucket_copy(e, &ce);
            APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(in, ce);
            e->start += AP_MAX_SENDFILE;
            fsize -= AP_MAX_SENDFILE;
        e->length = (apr_size_t)fsize; /* Resize just the last bucket */
    else {
        e = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, (apr_size_t)finfo.size,
                                   r->pool, in->bucket_alloc);

    if (coreconf->enable_mmap == ENABLE_MMAP_ON) {
      apr_bucket_file_enable_mmap(e, 0);
#if defined(_DEBUG)
    else {
        "xsendfile: mmap configured, but not active %d",
#endif /* _DEBUG */
#endif /* APR_HAS_MMAP */

  e = apr_bucket_eos_create(in->bucket_alloc);

  /* remove ourselves from the filter chain */

#ifdef _DEBUG
  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server, "xsendfile: sending %d bytes", (int)finfo.size);

  /* send the data up the stack */
  return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, in);
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* The content handler */
static int rcache_handler(request_rec *r)
    rcache_info *info;
    info = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &rcache_module);
    info->data = "";
    info->r = r;
    info->length = 0;
    info->type = "";

    apr_status_t rv;
    const char *retrieve_url;

    if (strcmp(r->handler, "rcache")) {
        rv = DECLINED;
        goto finish;

    // redis context and connection
    redisContext *c = info->c;
    redisReply *reply = info->reply;

    if (!c) {
        struct timeval timeout = { 1, 500000 }; // 1.5 seconds
        c = redisConnectWithTimeout(info->hostname, info->port, timeout);
        info->c = c;

        // ping pong test
        if ( !(c == NULL || c->err) ) {
            reply = redisCommand(c,"PING");
#ifdef DEBUG
            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "PING: %s", reply->str);
    redisContext *c;
    redisReply *reply;

    struct timeval timeout = { 1, 500000 }; // 1.5 seconds
    c = redisConnectWithTimeout(info->hostname, info->port, timeout);

    // when redis connection error
    if (c == NULL || c->err) {
        if (c) {
            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "Connection error: %s", c->errstr);
        } else {
            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "Connection error: can't allocate redis context" );
        goto finish;

#ifdef FLAG_WAIT
    int wait = 0;

    if ( (retrieve_url = apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, info->env_retrieve_url)) ) {

#ifdef DEBUG
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "%s", r->path_info);
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "%s", retrieve_url);

#ifdef FLAG_WAIT
        // WAIT flag check.
        reply = redisCommand(c, "GET %s%s", info->prefix_wait, r->path_info);
        if( reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_NIL ) {
            // cache hot-replace check.
            if ( reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING && 0 == strcmp(reply->str,"HOT") ){
                redisCommand(c, "DEL %s%s", info->prefix_wait, r->path_info);
#ifdef DEBUG
                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "hot cache replace: %s", r->path_info );
                goto gencache;

            // wait cache create.
            wait = 1;
            int loop = 10;
                reply = redisCommand(c, "GET %s%s", info->prefix_wait, r->path_info);
#ifdef DEBUG
                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "wait loop: remain %d sec", loop);
                if( reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_NIL ) {
                    goto read;
            // when timeup. delete flag.
            redisCommand(c, "DEL %s%s", info->prefix_wait, r->path_info);
            goto gencache;

        // read from redis.
        reply = redisCommand(c, "HMGET %s%s CONTENT TYPE LENGTH MTIME", info->prefix, r->path_info);
        if( reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY ) {
            if ( reply->element[0]->len == 0 ) goto gencache;

            const char* tmp = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, reply->element[1]->str);
            ap_set_content_type(r, tmp);
            ap_set_content_length(r, atoi(reply->element[2]->str) );
            apr_time_t time = atol(reply->element[3]->str);
            ap_update_mtime(r, time);

            apr_status_t rc = ap_meets_conditions(r);
            if (rc != OK) {
                rv = rc;
                goto finish;

            if (!r->header_only)
                ap_rputs(reply->element[0]->str, r);

            rv = OK;
            goto finish;
        rv = DECLINED;
        goto finish;


#ifdef FLAG_WAIT
    if (wait == 0)
        redisCommand(c, "SET %s%s 1", info->prefix_wait, r->path_info);

    rv = rcache_curl(retrieve_url, info);

    // set content to redis
    if (rv == HTTP_OK) {
        if (strcmp(info->type,""))
            info->type = "text/html";

        if (info->length == 0)
            info->length = strlen(info->data);

        redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s%s CONTENT %s TYPE %s LENGTH %d MTIME %ld",
                info->prefix, r->path_info, info->data, info->type, info->length, info->mtime);

        ap_set_content_type(r, info->type);
        ap_set_content_length(r, info->length);
        ap_update_mtime(r, info->mtime);

        if (!r->header_only)
            ap_rputs(info->data, r);
#ifdef FLAG_WAIT
    redisCommand(c, "DEL %s%s", info->prefix_wait, r->path_info);


    return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static int drive_flvx(request_rec *r)
    apr_finfo_t fi;
    apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
    apr_off_t offset = 0;
    apr_off_t length = 0;
    apr_file_t *fp = NULL;
    apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;

    rv = apr_stat(&fi, r->filename, APR_FINFO_SIZE, r->pool);

    if (rv) {
        /* Let the core handle it. */
        return DECLINED;

    /* Open the file */
    rv = apr_file_open(&fp, r->filename, APR_READ,
                       APR_OS_DEFAULT, r->pool);

    if (rv) {
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
                      "file permissions deny server access: %s", r->filename);
        return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;

    offset = get_start(r);

    if (offset != 0 && offset < fi.size) {
        length = fi.size - offset;
    else {
        length = fi.size;

        /* Offset should be reset if invalid mod by Artur Bodera */
        offset = 0;

    bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, r->connection->bucket_alloc);

    if (offset != 0) {
        length += FLVX_HEADER_LEN;
        rv = apr_brigade_write(bb, NULL, NULL, FLVX_HEADER, FLVX_HEADER_LEN);
        if (rv) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
                          "unable to write flv header in brigade");
            return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

    apr_brigade_insert_file(bb, fp, offset, length, r->pool);

    ap_set_content_type(r, "video/x-flv");
    ap_set_content_length(r, length);

    /* Add last-modified headers mod by Artur Bodera */
    ap_update_mtime(r, r->finfo.mtime);

    return ap_pass_brigade(r->output_filters, bb);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int reflector_handler(request_rec * r)
    apr_bucket_brigade *bbin, *bbout;
    reflector_cfg *conf;
    apr_status_t status;

    if (strcmp(r->handler, "reflector")) {
        return DECLINED;

    conf = (reflector_cfg *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,

    ap_allow_methods(r, 1, "POST", "OPTIONS", NULL);

    if (r->method_number == M_OPTIONS) {
        return ap_send_http_options(r);

    else if (r->method_number == M_POST) {
        const char *content_length, *content_type;
        int seen_eos;

         * Sometimes we'll get in a state where the input handling has
         * detected an error where we want to drop the connection, so if
         * that's the case, don't read the data as that is what we're trying
         * to avoid.
         * This function is also a no-op on a subrequest.
        if (r->main || r->connection->keepalive == AP_CONN_CLOSE ||
            ap_status_drops_connection(r->status)) {
            return OK;

        /* copy headers from in to out if configured */
        apr_table_do(header_do, r, conf->headers, NULL);

        /* last modified defaults to now, unless otherwise set on the way in */
        if (!apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Last-Modified")) {
            ap_update_mtime(r, apr_time_now());

        /* reflect the content length, if present */
        if ((content_length = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Length"))) {
            apr_off_t offset;

            apr_strtoff(&offset, content_length, NULL, 10);
            ap_set_content_length(r, offset);


        /* reflect the content type, if present */
        if ((content_type = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Type"))) {

            ap_set_content_type(r, content_type);


        bbin = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, r->connection->bucket_alloc);
        bbout = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, r->connection->bucket_alloc);

        seen_eos = 0;
        do {
            apr_bucket *bucket;

            status = ap_get_brigade(r->input_filters, bbin, AP_MODE_READBYTES,
                                    APR_BLOCK_READ, HUGE_STRING_LEN);

            if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
                if (status == AP_FILTER_ERROR) {
                    return status;
                else {
                    return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;

            for (bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bbin);
                 bucket != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bbin);
                 bucket = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(bucket)) {
                const char *data;
                apr_size_t len;

                if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
                    seen_eos = 1;

                /* These are metadata buckets. */
                if (bucket->length == 0) {

                 * We MUST read because in case we have an unknown-length
                 * bucket or one that morphs, we want to exhaust it.
                status = apr_bucket_read(bucket, &data, &len, APR_BLOCK_READ);
                if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
                    return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;

                apr_brigade_write(bbout, NULL, NULL, data, len);

                status = ap_pass_brigade(r->output_filters, bbout);
                if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
                    /* no way to know what type of error occurred */
                    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, status, r, APLOGNO(01410)
                             "reflector_handler: ap_pass_brigade returned %i",
                    return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;



        } while (!seen_eos);

        return OK;


    else {

Ejemplo n.º 13
API_EXPORT(int) ap_scan_script_header_err_core(request_rec *r, char *buffer,
				       int (*getsfunc) (char *, int, void *),
				       void *getsfunc_data)
    char x[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    char *w, *l;
    int p;
    int cgi_status = HTTP_OK;
    table *merge;
    table *cookie_table;

    if (buffer) {
	*buffer = '\0';
    w = buffer ? buffer : x;

    ap_hard_timeout("read script header", r);

    /* temporary place to hold headers to merge in later */
    merge = ap_make_table(r->pool, 10);

    /* The HTTP specification says that it is legal to merge duplicate
     * headers into one.  Some browsers that support Cookies don't like
     * merged headers and prefer that each Set-Cookie header is sent
     * separately.  Lets humour those browsers by not merging.
     * Oh what a pain it is.
    cookie_table = ap_make_table(r->pool, 2);
    ap_table_do(set_cookie_doo_doo, cookie_table, r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie", NULL);

    while (1) {

	if ((*getsfunc) (w, MAX_STRING_LEN - 1, getsfunc_data) == 0) {
	    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r,
			  "Premature end of script headers: %s", r->filename);

	/* Delete terminal (CR?)LF */

	p = strlen(w);
        /* Indeed, the host's '\n':
           '\012' for UNIX; '\015' for MacOS; '\025' for OS/390
           -- whatever the script generates.
	if (p > 0 && w[p - 1] == '\n') {
	    if (p > 1 && w[p - 2] == CR) {
		w[p - 2] = '\0';
	    else {
		w[p - 1] = '\0';

	 * If we've finished reading the headers, check to make sure any
	 * HTTP/1.1 conditions are met.  If so, we're done; normal processing
	 * will handle the script's output.  If not, just return the error.
	 * The appropriate thing to do would be to send the script process a
	 * SIGPIPE to let it know we're ignoring it, close the channel to the
	 * script process, and *then* return the failed-to-meet-condition
	 * error.  Otherwise we'd be waiting for the script to finish
	 * blithering before telling the client the output was no good.
	 * However, we don't have the information to do that, so we have to
	 * leave it to an upper layer.
	if (w[0] == '\0') {
	    int cond_status = OK;

	    if ((cgi_status == HTTP_OK) && (r->method_number == M_GET)) {
		cond_status = ap_meets_conditions(r);
	    ap_overlap_tables(r->err_headers_out, merge,
	    if (!ap_is_empty_table(cookie_table)) {
		/* the cookies have already been copied to the cookie_table */
		ap_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie");
		r->err_headers_out = ap_overlay_tables(r->pool,
		    r->err_headers_out, cookie_table);
	    return cond_status;

	/* if we see a bogus header don't ignore it. Shout and scream */

	    /* Chances are that we received an ASCII header text instead of
	     * the expected EBCDIC header lines. Try to auto-detect:
	if (!(l = strchr(w, ':'))) {
	    int maybeASCII = 0, maybeEBCDIC = 0;
	    char *cp;

	    for (cp = w; *cp != '\0'; ++cp) {
		if (isprint(*cp) && !isprint(os_toebcdic[*cp]))
		if (!isprint(*cp) && isprint(os_toebcdic[*cp]))
	    if (maybeASCII > maybeEBCDIC) {
		ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server,
			 "CGI Interface Error: Script headers apparently ASCII: (CGI = %s)", r->filename);
		ascii2ebcdic(w, w, cp - w);
	if (!(l = strchr(w, ':'))) {
	    char malformed[(sizeof MALFORMED_MESSAGE) + 1

	    strcpy(malformed, MALFORMED_MESSAGE);
	    strncat(malformed, w, MALFORMED_HEADER_LENGTH_TO_SHOW);

	    if (!buffer) {
		/* Soak up all the script output - may save an outright kill */
	        while ((*getsfunc) (w, MAX_STRING_LEN - 1, getsfunc_data)) {

	    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r,
			  "%s: %s", malformed, r->filename);

	*l++ = '\0';
	while (*l && ap_isspace(*l)) {

	if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-type")) {
	    char *tmp;

	    /* Nuke trailing whitespace */

	    char *endp = l + strlen(l) - 1;
	    while (endp > l && ap_isspace(*endp)) {
		*endp-- = '\0';

	    tmp = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, l);
	    r->content_type = tmp;
	 * If the script returned a specific status, that's what
	 * we'll use - otherwise we assume 200 OK.
	else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Status")) {
	    r->status = cgi_status = atoi(l);
	    r->status_line = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, l);
	else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Location")) {
	    ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
	else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-Length")) {
	    ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
	else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Transfer-Encoding")) {
	    ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
	 * If the script gave us a Last-Modified header, we can't just
	 * pass it on blindly because of restrictions on future values.
	else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Last-Modified")) {
	    time_t mtime = ap_parseHTTPdate(l);

	    ap_update_mtime(r, mtime);
	else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Set-Cookie")) {
	    ap_table_add(cookie_table, w, l);
	else {
	    ap_table_add(merge, w, l);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static int
lisp_handler (request_rec * r)
  lisp_cfg_t * cfg
    = (ap_get_module_config ((r->per_dir_config), (&lisp_module)));
  int content_length = (-1);
  int keep_socket_p = 0;
  apr_socket_t * socket;
  const char * request_content_length = 0;

  cfg = local_lisp_cfg(cfg);

  if ((strcmp ((r->handler), "lisp-handler")) != 0)
    return (DECLINED);

  /* Open a connection to the Lisp process.  */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "open lisp connection");
  CVT_ERROR ((open_lisp_socket (cfg)), "opening connection to Lisp");
  (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) = 0;
  socket = (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg));

  /* Remove any timeout that might be left over from earlier.  */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "clear socket timeout");
  CVT_ERROR ((apr_socket_timeout_set (socket, (-1))), "clearing read timeout");
  /* Convert environment variables to headers and send them.  */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write env-var headers");
  ap_add_cgi_vars (r);
  ap_add_common_vars (r);
  if ((r->subprocess_env) != 0)
	 	((r->subprocess_env), map_env_var_to_lisp_header, socket)),
              "writing to Lisp");

  /* Send this before client headers so ASSOC can be used to grab it
     without worrying about some joker sending a server-id header of
     his own.  (Robert Macomber) */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write headers");
  CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "server-id", (cfg->server_id))),
	     	     "writing to Lisp");

  CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "server-baseversion", AP_SERVER_BASEVERSION)),
	     	     "writing to Lisp");
  CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "modlisp-version", VERSION_STRING)),
	     	     "writing to Lisp");
  CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "modlisp-major-version", "2")),
	     	     "writing to Lisp");
  /* Send all the remaining headers.  */
  if ((r->headers_in) != 0)
      ((copy_headers ((r->headers_in), map_header_to_lisp_header, socket)),
              "writing to Lisp");

  request_content_length = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Length");

  /* Send the end-of-headers marker.  */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write end-of-headers");
  CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_line (socket, "end")), "writing to Lisp");

  /* Send the request entity.  */
  RELAY_HTTP_ERROR (ap_setup_client_block (r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK));
  if (ap_should_client_block (r))
      char buffer [4096];
      ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write entity");
      while (1)
	  long n_read = (ap_get_client_block (r, buffer, (sizeof (buffer))));
	  if (n_read < 0)
	      ML_LOG_PERROR (r, "error reading from client");
	      close_lisp_socket (cfg);

	  /* for chunked case, when nread == 0, we will write 
	   * a terminating 0.*/
	    apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; 
	    /* if there's no Content-Type header, the data must be chunked */
	    if (request_content_length == NULL)
	      status = write_lisp_data_chunk (socket, buffer, n_read);
	    else if (n_read != 0)
	      status = write_lisp_data (socket, buffer, n_read);
	    if (APR_SUCCESS != status)
		while ((ap_get_client_block (r, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
		       > 0)
		ML_LOG_ERROR (status, r, "writing to Lisp");
		close_lisp_socket (cfg);
	  if( n_read == 0)

  /* Set up read timeout so we don't hang forever if Lisp is wedged.  */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "set socket timeout");
  CVT_ERROR ((apr_socket_timeout_set (socket, READ_TIMEOUT)),
	     	     "setting read timeout");

  /* Read the headers and process them.  */
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "read headers");
  while (1)
      char header_name [4096];
      char header_value [MAX_STRING_LEN];
	((read_lisp_line (socket, header_name, (sizeof (header_name)))),
	 	 "reading from Lisp");

      if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "end")) == 0)

	((read_lisp_line (socket, header_value, (sizeof (header_value)))),
	 	 "reading from Lisp");

      if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "content-type")) == 0)
	  char * tmp = (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), header_value));
	  ap_content_type_tolower (tmp);
	  (r->content_type) = tmp;
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "status")) == 0)
	  (r->status) = (atoi (header_value));
	  (r->status_line) = (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), header_value));
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "location")) == 0)
	apr_table_set ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "content-length")) == 0)
	  apr_table_set ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value);
	  content_length = (atoi (header_value));
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "lisp-content-length")) == 0)
	  content_length = (atoi (header_value));
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "last-modified")) == 0)
	  apr_time_t mtime = (apr_date_parse_http (header_value));
	  r->mtime = mtime;
	  ap_set_last_modified (r);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "keep-socket")) == 0)
	keep_socket_p = (atoi (header_value));
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-emerg")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-alert")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ALERT, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-crit")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-error")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-warning")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-notice")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-info")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-debug")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log")) == 0)
	ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server),
				  		      "%s", header_value);
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "note")) == 0)
	  char * p = (strchr (header_value, ' '));
	  if (p != 0)
	      (*p++) = '\0';
	      apr_table_setn ((r->notes),
			      			      (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), header_value)),
						      			      (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), p)));
      else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "set-cookie")) == 0)
	  apr_table_add ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value);
	apr_table_set ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value);

  /* Copy the reply entity from Lisp to the client...  */
  //  if (content_length > 0)
    unsigned int n_read = 0;
    input_buffer_t * buffer;

    ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "read entity");
    CVT_ERROR ((get_input_buffer (socket, (&buffer))), "reading from Lisp");
    while ((buffer->start) <= (buffer->end))
	apr_status_t fill_status;
        unsigned int n_bytes = ((buffer->end) - (buffer->start));
        n_read += n_bytes;
        if ((content_length >= 0) && (n_read > content_length))
            n_bytes -= (n_read - content_length);
            n_read -= (n_read - content_length);
        /* ...unless it's a HEAD request. */
        if (!r->header_only && !write_client_data (r, (buffer->start), n_bytes))
            close_lisp_socket (cfg);
            return (HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        (buffer->start) += n_bytes;
        if (n_read == content_length)

        fill_status = fill_input_buffer (socket);
        if ((fill_status == APR_EOF) && (content_length < 0))
          CVT_ERROR (fill_status, "reading from Lisp");
  if ((content_length < 0) || (!keep_socket_p))
    CVT_ERROR ((close_lisp_socket (cfg)), "closing connection to Lisp");
    (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) = 1;
  ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "request finished");
  return (OK);
Ejemplo n.º 15
apr_status_t jxr_process_response_headers(request_rec *r, char *buf)
	apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
	apr_size_t pos;
	apr_size_t len;
	char type;
	int nHeaders;
	int i;
	char name[MAX_STRING_LEN];
	char value[MAX_STRING_LEN];
	apr_size_t nlen, vlen;
	table *merge;
	table *cookie_table;
	char *w, *l;
	type = jxr_msg_get_type(buf);
	len = jxr_msg_get_length(buf,  &pos);

		// Invalid data
		compat_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, rv, r, "mod_jaxer: invalid data type (%c) received, while expecting a header (%d)", type, BLOCKTYPE_HTTP_HEADER);

	/* temporary place to hold headers to merge in later */
    merge = ap_make_table(r->pool, 10);

	cookie_table = ap_make_table(r->pool, 2);
    ap_table_do(set_cookie_doo_doo, cookie_table, r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie", NULL);

	nHeaders = jxr_msg_get_int16(buf, &pos);
	for (i=0; i<nHeaders; i++)
		// Process one header -- name -- val
		nlen = jxr_msg_get_string(buf, &pos, name);
		vlen = jxr_msg_get_string(buf, &pos, value);

		w = name;
		l = value;

		if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-type")) {
            char *tmp;

            /* Nuke trailing whitespace */

            char *endp = l + strlen(l) - 1;
            while (endp > l && apr_isspace(*endp)) {
                *endp-- = '\0';

            tmp = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, l);
            ap_set_content_type(r, tmp);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Status")) {
         * If the server returned a specific status, that's what
         * we'll use - otherwise we assume 200 OK.
            r->status = atoi(l);
            r->status_line = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Location")) {
            ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-Length")) {
            ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Content-Range")) {
            ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Transfer-Encoding")) {
            ap_table_set(r->headers_out, w, l);
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Last-Modified")) {
         * If the script gave us a Last-Modified header, we can't just
         * pass it on blindly because of restrictions on future values.
            ap_update_mtime(r, apr_date_parse_http(l));
        else if (!strcasecmp(w, "Set-Cookie")) {
            ap_table_add(cookie_table, w, l);
        else {
            ap_table_add(merge, w, l);

	// now merge stuff
	ap_overlap_tables(r->err_headers_out, merge,
    if (!ap_is_empty_table(cookie_table)) {
        /* the cookies have already been copied to the cookie_table */
        ap_table_unset(r->err_headers_out, "Set-Cookie");
        r->err_headers_out = ap_overlay_tables(r->pool,
            r->err_headers_out, cookie_table);

	return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * SOAP content handler.
 * @return the value that instructs the caller concerning what happened and what to do next.
 *  OK ("we did our thing")
 *  DECLINED ("this isn't something with which we want to get involved")
 *  HTTP_mumble ("an error status should be reported")
static int
gsoap_handler(request_rec * r)
    static const int nResponseBufferLen = IOBUF_CHUNK_SIZE;
    const char *pszError = NULL;
    struct soap *psoap = NULL;
    struct apache_soap_interface *pIntf = NULL;
    int nRet = 0;
    char *pszResponse = NULL;
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = getConfiguration(r);
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = NULL;

     * only handle soap requests 
    if (!strstr(r->handler, "soap"))
        return DECLINED;

     * only handle POST requests 
    if (r->method_number != M_POST && r->method_number != M_GET)
        return DECLINED;

    pszResponse = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, nResponseBufferLen);
    assert(NULL != pConfig);

    psoap = (struct soap *)apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(struct soap));
    pRqConf = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(gsoapRequestConfiguration));
    pszError = SoapSharedLibraries_loadAllLibraries(pConfig->m_pLibraries, r->pool, r);

    pIntf = pConfig->m_pLibraries->m_pIntf;

    ap_update_mtime(r, r->request_time);
    if (NULL != pszError)
        static Bool bFirstTime = TRUE;

        if (bFirstTime)
            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "mod_gsoap: %s", pszError);
            bFirstTime = FALSE;

     * as a next step, we prepare a buffer that sends the request as first line to gsoap. 
     * Then the remaining data. 
     * We start returning bytes on frecv from this buffer, until it is empty. 
     * then it is not necessary to fiddle around with gsoap's request line parsing.
    if (NULL == pszError)
        pRqConf->r = r;
        pRqConf->headers_sent = FALSE;
        pRqConf->headers_received = FALSE;
        pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders = NULL;
        pRqConf->m_nHeaderLength = strlen(r->the_request) + 2;
        pRqConf->m_pszCurrentHeaderReadingPosition = NULL;
        pRqConf->m_nOutBufCount = 0;
        pRqConf->m_nOutBufLength = nResponseBufferLen;
        pRqConf->m_pOutBuf = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, nResponseBufferLen);
        pRqConf->http_parse = NULL;
        pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, pRqConf->m_nHeaderLength + 1);
        pRqConf->m_pszCurrentHeaderReadingPosition = pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders;
        strcpy(pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders, r->the_request);
        strcat(pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders, "\r\n");
        pRqConf->pIntf = pIntf;

     * We're about to start sending content, so we need to force the HTTP
     * headers to be sent at this point.  Otherwise, no headers will be sent
     * at all.  We can set any we like first, of course.  **NOTE** Here's
     * where you set the "Content-type" header, and you do so by putting it in
     * r->content_type, *not* r->headers_out("Content-type").  If you don't
     * set it, it will be filled in with the server's default type (typically
     * "text/plain").  You *must* also ensure that r->content_type is lower
     * case.

     * If we're only supposed to send header information (HEAD request), we're
     * already there.
    if (r->header_only)
        return OK;
    if (NULL != pszError)
        SendErrorMessage(r, pszError);
        return OK;
    nRet = ap_setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK);
    if (OK != nRet)
        SendErrorMessage(r, "Failed to start receiving POST buffer");
        return OK;
    nRet = ap_should_client_block(r);

    /* we check whether this request is HTTP GET or not and handle the GET request */
    if (r->method_number == M_GET)
	HTTPGet_SendWSDL(r, pConfig->m_pLibraries->m_pSOAPLibrary->m_pszPath);
	return OK;

    if (0 == nRet)
        SendErrorMessage(r, "No body received");
        return OK;

    if (NULL != pszError)
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "mod_gsoap: %s", pszError);
        SendErrorMessage(r, pszError);
        return OK;

    if (NULL != pIntf->fsoap_init)
        (*pIntf->fsoap_init) (psoap, r);
        psoap->namespaces = pIntf->namespaces;
        set_callbacks(r, pRqConf, psoap);
        if (NULL != pIntf->fsoap_serve)
            nRet = (*pIntf->fsoap_serve) (psoap, r);
            SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_serve entry point");
            return OK;
        if (NULL != pIntf->fsoap_destroy)
            pIntf->fsoap_destroy(psoap, r); /* not an error in 2.1.10 anymore */
        if (NULL != pIntf->fsoap_end)
            pIntf->fsoap_end(psoap, r);
            SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_end entry point");
        if (NULL != pIntf->fsoap_done)
            pIntf->fsoap_done(psoap, r);
            SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_done entry point");
        SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_init entry point");
        return OK;

     * We did what we wanted to do, so tell the rest of the server we
     * succeeded. We need not delete pszResponse, because it was allocated from the request pool.
    return OK;