Ejemplo n.º 1
Widget_pointerPos( Handle self, Bool set, Point p)
    if ( !set) {
        p = apc_pointer_get_pos( self);
        apc_widget_map_points( self, false, 1, &p);
        return p;
    apc_widget_map_points( self, true, 1, &p);
    apc_pointer_set_pos( self, p. x, p. y);
    return p;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void hshow( Handle self)
   PWidget_vmt hintUnder = CWidget( var->  hintUnder);
   SV * text = hintUnder-> get_hint( var->  hintUnder);
   Point size  = hintUnder-> get_size( var->  hintUnder);
   Point s = my-> get_size( self);
   Point fin = {0,0};
   Point pos = fin;
   Point mouse = my-> get_pointerPos( self);
   Point hintSize;
   PWidget_vmt hintWidget = CWidget( var->  hintWidget);

   apc_widget_map_points( var-> hintUnder, true, 1, &pos);

   hintWidget-> set_text( var->  hintWidget, text);
   sv_free( text);
   hintSize = hintWidget-> get_size( var->  hintWidget);

   fin. x = mouse. x - 16;
   fin. y = pos. y - hintSize. y - 1;
   if ( fin. y > mouse. y - hintSize. y - 32) fin. y = mouse. y - hintSize. y - 32;

   if ( fin. x + hintSize. x >= s. x) fin. x = pos. x - hintSize. x;
   if ( fin. x < 0) fin. x = 0;
   if ( fin. y + hintSize. y >= s. y) fin. y = pos. y - hintSize. y;
   if ( fin. y < 0) fin. y = pos. y + size. y + 1;
   if ( fin. y < 0) fin. y = 0;

   hintWidget-> set_origin( var->  hintWidget, fin);
   hintWidget-> show( var->  hintWidget);
   hintWidget-> bring_to_front( var->  hintWidget);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Widget_next_positional( Handle self, int dx, int dy)
    Handle horizon = self;

    int i, maxDiff = INT_MAX;
    Handle max = nilHandle;
    List candidates;
    Point p[2];

    int minor[2], major[2], axis, extraDiff, ir[4];

       In order to compute positional difference, using four penalties.
       To simplify algorithm, Rect will be translated to int[4] and
       minor, major and extraDiff assigned to array indices for those
       steps - minor for first and third, major for second and extraDiff for last one.

    axis = ( dx == 0) ? dy : dx;
    minor[0] = ( dx == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    minor[1] = minor[0] + 2;
    extraDiff = major[(axis < 0) ? 0 : 1] = ( dx == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    major[(axis < 0) ? 1 : 0] = extraDiff + 2;
    extraDiff = ( dx == 0) ? (( axis < 0) ? 0 : 2) : (( axis < 0) ? 1 : 3);

    while ( PWidget( horizon)-> owner) {
        if (
            ( PWidget( horizon)-> options. optSystemSelectable) || /* fast check for CWindow */
            ( PWidget( horizon)-> options. optModalHorizon)
        ) break;
        horizon = PWidget( horizon)-> owner;

    if ( !CWidget( horizon)-> get_visible( horizon) ||
            !CWidget( horizon)-> get_enabled( horizon)) return nilHandle;

    list_create( &candidates, 64, 64);
    fill_tab_candidates( &candidates, horizon);

    p[0].x = p[0].y = 0;
    p[1] = CWidget( self)-> get_size( self);
    apc_widget_map_points( self, true, 2, p);
    apc_widget_map_points( horizon, false, 2, p);
    ir[0] = p[0].x;
    ir[1] = p[0].y;
    ir[2] = p[1].x;
    ir[3] = p[1].y;

    for ( i = 0; i < candidates. count; i++) {
        int    diff, ix[4];
        Handle x = candidates. items[i];

        if ( x == self) continue;

        p[0].x = p[0].y = 0;
        p[1] = CWidget( x)-> get_size( x);
        apc_widget_map_points( x, true, 2, p);
        apc_widget_map_points( horizon, false, 2, p);
        ix[0] = p[0].x;
        ix[1] = p[0].y;
        ix[2] = p[1].x;
        ix[3] = p[1].y;

        /* First step - checking if the widget is subject to comparison. It is not,
           if it's minor axis is not contiguous with self's */

        if ( ix[ minor[0]] > ir[ minor[1]] || ix[ minor[1]] < ir[ minor[0]])

        /* Using x100 penalty for distance in major axis - and discarding those that
           of different sign */
        diff = ( ix[ major[ 1]] - ir[ major[0]]) * 100 * axis;
        if ( diff < 0)

        /* Adding x10 penalty for incomplete minor axis congruence. Addition goes in tenths,
           in a way to not allow congruence overweight major axis distance */
        if ( ix[ minor[0]] > ir[ minor[0]])
            diff += ( ix[ minor[0]] - ir[ minor[0]]) * 100 / ( ir[ minor[1]] - ir[ minor[0]]);
        if ( ix[ minor[1]] < ir[ minor[1]])
            diff += ( ir[ minor[1]] - ix[ minor[1]]) * 100 / ( ir[ minor[1]] - ir[ minor[0]]);

        /* Adding 'distance from level' x1 penalty */
        if (( ix[ extraDiff] - ir[ extraDiff]) * axis < 0)
            diff += abs( ix[ extraDiff] - ir[ extraDiff]);

        if ( diff < maxDiff) {
            max = x;
            maxDiff = diff;

    list_destroy( &candidates);

    return max;