void ExtScript::readConfiguration() { AbstractExtItem::readConfiguration(); for (int i = directories().count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!QDir(directories().at(i)) .entryList(QDir::Files) .contains(fileName())) continue; QSettings settings( QString("%1/%2").arg(directories().at(i)).arg(fileName()), QSettings::IniFormat); settings.beginGroup(QString("Desktop Entry")); setExecutable(settings.value(QString("Exec"), m_executable).toString()); setPrefix(settings.value(QString("X-AW-Prefix"), m_prefix).toString()); setStrRedirect( settings.value(QString("X-AW-Redirect"), strRedirect()).toString()); // api == 3 setFilters(settings.value(QString("X-AW-Filters"), m_filters) .toString() .split(QChar(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts)); settings.endGroup(); } // update for current API if ((apiVersion() > 0) && (apiVersion() < AWESAPI)) { qCWarning(LOG_LIB) << "Bump API version from" << apiVersion() << "to" << AWESAPI; setApiVersion(AWESAPI); writeConfiguration(); } }
void AbstractExtItem::bumpApi(const int _newVer) { qCDebug(LOG_LIB) << "Bump API using new version" << _newVer; // update for current API if ((apiVersion() > 0) && (apiVersion() < _newVer)) { qCWarning(LOG_LIB) << "Bump API version from" << apiVersion() << "to" << _newVer; setApiVersion(_newVer); writeConfiguration(); } }
/*! * Returns \c true if this request is equal to \a other; \c false otherwise. * * Note, most derived *Request classes do not need to provider their own * implementations of this function, since most such request classes rely on * this class' parameters functionality for all request parameters, and that * parameters map is already checked via this implementation. */ bool CloudFrontRequest::operator==(const CloudFrontRequest &other) const { return ((action() == other.action()) && (apiVersion() == other.apiVersion()) && (parameters() == other.parameters()) && (QtAws::Core::AwsAbstractRequest::operator ==(other))); }
/*! * Returns \c true if this request is equal to \a other; \c false otherwise. * * Note, most derived *Request classes do not need to provider their own * implementations of this function, since most such request classes rely on * this class' parameters functionality for all request parameters, and that * parameters map is already checked via this implementation. */ bool CognitoIdentityProviderRequest::operator==(const CognitoIdentityProviderRequest &other) const { return ((action() == other.action()) && (apiVersion() == other.apiVersion()) && (parameters() == other.parameters()) && (QtAws::Core::AwsAbstractRequest::operator ==(other))); }
/*! * Returns \c true if this request is equal to \a other; \c false otherwise. * * Note, most derived *Request classes do not need to provider their own * implementations of this function, since most such request classes rely on * this class' parameters functionality for all request parameters, and that * parameters map is already checked via this implementation. */ bool ApiGatewayV2Request::operator==(const ApiGatewayV2Request &other) const { return ((action() == other.action()) && (apiVersion() == other.apiVersion()) && (parameters() == other.parameters()) && (QtAws::Core::AwsAbstractRequest::operator ==(other))); }
void AbstractExtItem::copyDefaults(AbstractExtItem *_other) const { _other->setActive(isActive()); _other->setApiVersion(apiVersion()); _other->setComment(comment()); _other->setCron(cron()); _other->setInterval(interval()); _other->setName(name()); _other->setSocket(socket()); }
void AbstractExtItem::readConfiguration() { QSettings settings(m_fileName, QSettings::IniFormat); settings.beginGroup("Desktop Entry"); setName(settings.value("Name", name()).toString()); setComment(settings.value("Comment", comment()).toString()); setApiVersion(settings.value("X-AW-ApiVersion", apiVersion()).toInt()); setActive(settings.value("X-AW-Active", isActive()).toBool()); setInterval(settings.value("X-AW-Interval", interval()).toInt()); setNumber(settings.value("X-AW-Number", number()).toInt()); setCron(settings.value("X-AW-Schedule", cron()).toString()); setSocket(settings.value("X-AW-Socket", socket()).toString()); settings.endGroup(); }
ExtScript *ExtScript::copy(const QString _fileName, const int _number) { qCDebug(LOG_LIB) << "File" << _fileName << "with number" << _number; ExtScript *item = new ExtScript(static_cast<QWidget *>(parent()), _fileName, directories()); item->setActive(isActive()); item->setApiVersion(apiVersion()); item->setComment(comment()); item->setExecutable(executable()); item->setInterval(interval()); item->setName(name()); item->setNumber(_number); item->setPrefix(prefix()); item->setRedirect(redirect()); return item; }
void AbstractExtItem::writeConfiguration() const { QSettings settings(writtableConfig(), QSettings::IniFormat); qCInfo(LOG_LIB) << "Configuration file" << settings.fileName(); settings.beginGroup("Desktop Entry"); settings.setValue("Encoding", "UTF-8"); settings.setValue("Name", name()); settings.setValue("Comment", comment()); settings.setValue("X-AW-ApiVersion", apiVersion()); settings.setValue("X-AW-Active", isActive()); settings.setValue("X-AW-Interval", interval()); settings.setValue("X-AW-Number", number()); settings.setValue("X-AW-Schedule", cron()); settings.setValue("X-AW-Socket", socket()); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); }