Ejemplo n.º 1
// file is closed, free context data
void dir_tree_file_release (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    DirEntry *en;
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "dir_tree_file_release  inode %d", ino);

    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));

    // if entry does not exist
    // or it's not a directory type ?
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (ino = %"INO_FMT") not found !", ino);

    op_data = (DirTreeFileOpData *) en->op_data;
  //  op_data->en = en;
  //  op_data->ino = ino;
    if (op_data->http)
        s3http_client_release (op_data->http);
    // releasing written file
    if (op_data->tmp_write_fd) {
        if (!s3client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (dtree->app), dir_tree_file_release_on_http_ready, op_data)) {
            LOG_err (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to get S3HttpConnection from the pool !");
    } else {
        file_op_data_destroy (op_data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void fileio_write_init_multipart (FileWriteData *wdata)
    if (!client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (wdata->fop->app),
        fileio_write_on_multipart_init_con_cb, wdata)) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"Failed to get HTTP client !", INO_T (wdata->ino));
        wdata->on_buffer_written_cb (wdata->fop, wdata->ctx, FALSE, 0);
        g_free (wdata);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void fileio_release_complete_multipart (FileIO *fop)
    if (!fop->uploadid) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"UploadID is not set, aborting operation !", INO_T (fop->ino));
        fileio_destroy (fop);

    if (!client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (fop->app),
        fileio_release_on_complete_con_cb, fop)) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"Failed to get HTTP client !", INO_T (fop->ino));
        fileio_destroy (fop);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void fileio_release_update_headers (FileIO *fop)
    // update MD5 headers only if versioning is disabled
    if (conf_get_boolean (application_get_conf (fop->app), "s3.versioning")) {
        LOG_debug (FIO_LOG, INO_H"File uploaded !", INO_T (fop->ino));
        fileio_destroy (fop);
    } else {
        if (!client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (fop->app),
            fileio_release_on_update_headers_con_cb, fop)) {
            LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"Failed to get HTTP client !", INO_T (fop->ino));
            fileio_destroy (fop);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void fileio_write_send_part (FileWriteData *wdata)
    if (!wdata->fop->uploadid) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"UploadID is not set, aborting operation !", INO_T (wdata->ino));
        wdata->on_buffer_written_cb (wdata->fop, wdata->ctx, FALSE, 0);
        g_free (wdata);

    if (!client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (wdata->fop->app),
        fileio_write_on_send_con_cb, wdata)) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"Failed to get HTTP client !", INO_T (wdata->ino));
        wdata->on_buffer_written_cb (wdata->fop, wdata->ctx, FALSE, 0);
        g_free (wdata);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void fileio_simple_upload (Application *app, const gchar *fname, const char *str, mode_t mode, FileIO_simple_on_upload_cb on_upload_cb, gpointer ctx)
    FileIOSimpleUpload *fsim;

    fsim = g_new0 (FileIOSimpleUpload, 1);
    fsim->write_buf = evbuffer_new ();
    evbuffer_add (fsim->write_buf, str, strlen (str));
    fsim->fname = g_strdup_printf ("/%s", fname);
    fsim->on_upload_cb = on_upload_cb;
    fsim->ctx = ctx;
    fsim->mode = mode;

    if (!client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (app),
        fileio_simple_upload_on_con_cb, fsim)) {
        LOG_err (FIO_LOG, "Failed to get HTTP client !");
        fsim->on_upload_cb (ctx, FALSE);
        fileio_simple_upload_destroy (fsim);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// file is released, finish all operations
void fileio_release (FileIO *fop)
    // if write buffer has some data left - send it to the server
    // or an empty file was created
    if (evbuffer_get_length (fop->write_buf) || fop->assume_new) {
        if (!client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (fop->app),
            fileio_release_on_part_con_cb, fop)) {
            LOG_err (FIO_LOG, INO_H"Failed to get HTTP client !", INO_T (fop->ino));
            fileio_destroy (fop);
    } else {
        // if it's a multi part upload - Complete Multipart Upload
        if (fop->multipart_initiated) {
            fileio_release_complete_multipart (fop);

        // just a "small" file
        } else
            fileio_destroy (fop);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void stat_srv_on_stats_cb (struct evhttp_request *req, void *ctx)
    StatSrv *stat_srv = (StatSrv *) ctx;
    struct evbuffer *evb = NULL;
    gint ref = 0;
    GString *str;
    struct evhttp_uri *uri;
    guint32 total_inodes, file_num, dir_num;
    guint64 read_ops, write_ops, readdir_ops, lookup_ops;
    guint32 cache_entries;
    guint64 total_cache_size, cache_hits, cache_miss;
    struct tm *cur_p;
    struct tm cur;
    time_t now;
    char ts[50];

    uri = evhttp_uri_parse (evhttp_request_get_uri (req));
    LOG_debug (STAT_LOG, "Incoming request: %s from %s:%d", 
        evhttp_request_get_uri (req), req->remote_host, req->remote_port);

    if (uri) {
        const gchar *query;
        query = evhttp_uri_get_query (uri);
        if (query) {
            const gchar *refresh = NULL;
            struct evkeyvalq q_params;
            TAILQ_INIT (&q_params);
            evhttp_parse_query_str (query, &q_params);
            refresh = http_find_header (&q_params, "refresh");
            if (refresh)
                ref = atoi (refresh);

            evhttp_clear_headers (&q_params);
        evhttp_uri_free (uri);

    str = g_string_new (NULL);
    now = time (NULL);
    localtime_r (&now, &cur);
    cur_p = &cur;
    if (!strftime (ts, sizeof (ts), "%H:%M:%S", cur_p))
        ts[0] = '\0';

    g_string_append_printf (str, "RioFS version: %s Uptime: %u sec, Now: %s, Log level: %d, Dir cache time: %u sec<BR>", 
        VERSION, (guint32)(now - stat_srv->boot_time), ts, log_level,
        conf_get_uint (application_get_conf (stat_srv->app), "filesystem.dir_cache_max_time"));

    // DirTree
    dir_tree_get_stats (application_get_dir_tree (stat_srv->app), &total_inodes, &file_num, &dir_num);
    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR>DirTree: <BR>-Total inodes: %u, Total files: %u, Total directories: %u<BR>",
        total_inodes, file_num, dir_num);

    // Fuse
    rfuse_get_stats (application_get_rfuse (stat_srv->app), &read_ops, &write_ops, &readdir_ops, &lookup_ops);
    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR>Fuse: <BR>-Read ops: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT", Write ops: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT
        ", Readdir ops: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT", Lookup ops: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT"<BR>",
        read_ops, write_ops, readdir_ops, lookup_ops);

    // CacheMng
    cache_mng_get_stats (application_get_cache_mng (stat_srv->app), &cache_entries, &total_cache_size, &cache_hits, &cache_miss);
    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR>CacheMng: <BR>-Total entries: %"G_GUINT32_FORMAT", Total cache size: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT
        " bytes, Cache hits: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT", Cache misses: %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT" <BR>", 
        cache_entries, total_cache_size, cache_hits, cache_miss);
    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR>Read workers (%d): <BR>", 
        client_pool_get_client_count (application_get_read_client_pool (stat_srv->app)));
    client_pool_get_client_stats_info (application_get_read_client_pool (stat_srv->app), str, &print_format_http);
    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR>Write workers (%d): <BR>",
        client_pool_get_client_count (application_get_write_client_pool (stat_srv->app)));
    client_pool_get_client_stats_info (application_get_write_client_pool (stat_srv->app), str, &print_format_http);
    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR>Op workers (%d): <BR>",
        client_pool_get_client_count (application_get_ops_client_pool (stat_srv->app)));
    client_pool_get_client_stats_info (application_get_ops_client_pool (stat_srv->app), str, &print_format_http);

    g_string_append_printf (str, "<BR><BR>Operation history (%u max items): <BR>",
        conf_get_uint (application_get_conf (stat_srv->app), "statistics.history_size"));
    g_queue_foreach (stat_srv->q_op_history, (GFunc) stat_srv_print_history_item, str);

    evb = evbuffer_new ();

    evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "<HTTP>");
    if (ref) {
        evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "<HEAD><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"%d\"></HEAD>", ref);
    evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "<BODY>");
    evbuffer_add (evb, str->str, str->len);
    evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "</BODY></HTTP>");
    evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb);
    evbuffer_free (evb);

    g_string_free (str, TRUE);