Ejemplo n.º 1
SquarePoints *transform_square(SquarePoints *square, r3transform *trans) {
  SquarePoints *result = new_squarepoints();
  *result = (SquarePoints) {
      apply_transformation(square->points[0], trans),
      apply_transformation(square->points[1], trans),
      apply_transformation(square->points[2], trans),
      apply_transformation(square->points[3], trans)
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
evaluate_index_and_insert_into_db(void *context, const char *expression,
                                  transformation *tr)
    struct evaluate_index_context *ctx;
    string_list *values = NULL;
    string_list_item *item = NULL;
    int status = U1DB_OK;

    ctx = (struct evaluate_index_context *)context;
    if (ctx->obj == NULL || !json_object_is_type(ctx->obj, json_type_object)) {
        return U1DB_INVALID_JSON;
    if (status != U1DB_OK)
        goto finish;
    if (status != U1DB_OK)
        goto finish;
    if ((status = init_list(&values)) != U1DB_OK)
        goto finish;
    status = apply_transformation(tr, ctx->obj, values);
    for (item = values->head; item != NULL; item = item->next)
        if ((status = add_to_document_fields(ctx->db, ctx->doc_id, expression,
                        item->data)) != U1DB_OK)
            goto finish;
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int
apply_transformation(transformation *tr, json_object *obj, string_list *result)
    int status = U1DB_OK;
    string_list *tmp_values = NULL;
    if (tr->next != NULL)
        status = apply_transformation(tr->next, obj, tmp_values);
        if (status != U1DB_OK)
            goto finish;
        if (tr->args->head != NULL)
            status = ((op_function)tr->op)(result, tmp_values, tr->args);
        } else {
            status = ((op_function)tr->op)(result, tmp_values, NULL);
    } else {
        status = extract_field_values(result, obj, tr->args, tr->value_type);
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool PhotoGeocoder::geocoding_pipeline(string photoPath, GPSCoords &lla){

    //--- Extract Exif data
    cv::Mat K;
    extract_k_matrix(photoPath, ccdData, K);

    //--- Extract Features & Descriptors
    vector<Feature> features;
    vector<Descriptor> descriptors;


    //--- VTree Match
    logger << INDENT << "Quering vocabulary tree for similar documents..." << "\n";

    QueryResults listDocuments = vtree.query(descriptors, MAX_DOCUMENTS);

    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DOCUMENTS && i < (int) listDocuments.size(); i++){

        logger << INDENT << "Loading document " << i << "\n";

        vector<Descriptor> documentDescs;
        vector<Point3D> points3D;

        string pathDoc;
        dbm.query_synth_path(listDocuments[i].Id, pathDoc);

        //--- Load documents
        if(!load_synthetic(pathDoc, points3D, documentDescs))
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        //--- Match photo<->documents
        logger << INDENT << "Matching with document... " << "\n";

        vector<pair<int,int> > matches;
        int nMatches = ftk->match_features(descriptors, documentDescs, matches);

        logger << INDENT << nMatches << " sift matches were found" << "\n";

        //--- If not enough matches
        if(nMatches < M_LIMIT){
            logger << INDENT << "not enough matches...skipping." << "\n";

        vector<cv::Point2f> matchedPoints2D = vector<cv::Point2f>(nMatches);
        vector<cv::Point3f> matchedPoints3D = vector<cv::Point3f>(nMatches);
        for(int j = 0; j < nMatches; j++){
            matchedPoints2D[j] = features[matches[j].first].pt;
            matchedPoints3D[j] = points3D[matches[j].second];

        //--- Compute Projection
        cv::Matx34f P;
        if(!find_proj_matrix(matchedPoints2D, matchedPoints3D,K,P)){
            logger << INDENT << "Fail to compute P...skipping." << "\n";

        cv::Matx44f G;
        float error;
        load_transformation_mat(strip_path(pathDoc) + "/../" + "transformMat.txt", error, G);

        //--- Apply GPS transformation
        lla = apply_transformation(P, G);

        //--- Compute Error
        //TODO: this

        logger << INDENT << photoPath << " --> geocoded at:" << "\n";
        logger << INDENT << INDENT << "Latitude: " << lla.lat << "\n";
        logger << INDENT << INDENT << "Longitude: " << lla.lon << "\n";

        return true;

    logger << INDENT << photoPath << " --> not geocoded" << "\n";

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void			apply_trans(double *m, t_coord *move)
	apply_transformation(m, move);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // process input arguments
    if (argc != 6)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: \n \t imageIn n hom imageOut parameter \n");
        return 0;
    char *filename_ImgIn = argv[1];
    int n = atoi(argv[2]);
    char *hom = argv[3];
    char *filename_ImgOut = argv[4];
    float delta = atof(argv[5]);
    char filename_hom[n*n][256];
    int nn = n*n;
    int w, h;
    float *im = iio_read_image_float(filename_ImgIn, &w, &h);
    float H[nn*9];
    float *coordx = malloc(n*n*sizeof(float));
    float *coordy = malloc(n*n*sizeof(float));
    coordinates_centers(w, h, n, coordx, coordy);
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
        sprintf(filename_hom[i], "%s_%d.txt", hom, i+1);
        FILE* f = NULL;
        f = fopen(filename_hom[i], "r");
        if (f != NULL)
            fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &H[9*i+0], &H[9*i+1], &H[9*i+2], &H[9*i+3], &H[9*i+4], &H[9*i+5], &H[9*i+6], &H[9*i+7], &H[9*i+8]);
            printf("Impossible to open file");
    float *out = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
    float *Tx = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
    float *Ty = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
    delta = delta*(w+h)/(n+2);
    compute_transformation(n, coordx, coordy, H, Tx, Ty, w, h, delta);
    apply_transformation(im, Tx, Ty, w, h, out);
    iio_save_image_float(filename_ImgOut, out, w, h);
    return 0;