Ejemplo n.º 1
void areSameTest_04(){
	double a,b;

	a = 1.00000;
	b = 1.00001;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void areSameTest_06(){
	double a,b;

	a = 1.000000;
	b = 1.000009;

Ejemplo n.º 3
void areSameTest_02(){
	double a,b;

	a = 1.0;
	b = 2.0;

Ejemplo n.º 4
  void ParameterListInterpreter<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::UpdateFactoryManager(Teuchos::ParameterList& paramList,
        const Teuchos::ParameterList& defaultList, FactoryManager& manager) const {
    // NOTE: Factory::SetParameterList must be called prior to Factory::SetFactory, as
    // SetParameterList sets default values for non mentioned parameters, including factories

    // === Smoothing ===
    bool isCustomSmoother =
        paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre or post") ||
        paramList.isParameter("smoother: type")    || paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre type")    || paramList.isParameter("smoother: post type")   ||
        paramList.isSublist  ("smoother: params")  || paramList.isSublist  ("smoother: pre params")  || paramList.isSublist  ("smoother: post params") ||
        paramList.isParameter("smoother: sweeps")  || paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre sweeps")  || paramList.isParameter("smoother: post sweeps") ||
        paramList.isParameter("smoother: overlap") || paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre overlap") || paramList.isParameter("smoother: post overlap");;
    MUELU_READ_2LIST_PARAM(paramList, defaultList, "smoother: pre or post", std::string, "both", PreOrPost);
    if (PreOrPost == "none") {
      manager.SetFactory("Smoother", Teuchos::null);

    } else if (isCustomSmoother) {
      // FIXME: get default values from the factory
      // NOTE: none of the smoothers at the moment use parameter validation framework, so we
      // cannot get the default values from it.
#define TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE(arg1,arg2) \
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(paramList.isParameter(#arg1) && paramList.isParameter(#arg2), \
                                 Exceptions::InvalidArgument, "You cannot specify both \""#arg1"\" and \""#arg2"\"");
#define TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_S(arg1,arg2) \
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(paramList.isSublist(#arg1) && paramList.isSublist(#arg2), \
                                 Exceptions::InvalidArgument, "You cannot specify both \""#arg1"\" and \""#arg2"\"");

      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE  ("smoother: type",    "smoother: pre type");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE  ("smoother: type",    "smoother: post type");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE  ("smoother: sweeps",  "smoother: pre sweeps");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE  ("smoother: sweeps",  "smoother: post sweeps");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE  ("smoother: overlap", "smoother: pre overlap");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE  ("smoother: overlap", "smoother: post overlap");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_S("smoother: params",  "smoother: pre params");
      TEST_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_S("smoother: params",  "smoother: post params");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(PreOrPost == "both" && (paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre type") != paramList.isParameter("smoother: post type")),
                                 Exceptions::InvalidArgument, "You must specify both \"smoother: pre type\" and \"smoother: post type\"");

      // Default values
      int overlap = 0;
      ParameterList defaultSmootherParams;
      defaultSmootherParams.set("relaxation: type",           "Symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
      defaultSmootherParams.set("relaxation: sweeps",         Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<LO>::one());
      defaultSmootherParams.set("relaxation: damping factor", Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::one());

      RCP<SmootherPrototype> preSmoother = Teuchos::null, postSmoother = Teuchos::null;
      std::string            preSmootherType,             postSmootherType;
      ParameterList          preSmootherParams,           postSmootherParams;

      if (paramList.isParameter("smoother: overlap"))
        overlap = paramList.get<int>("smoother: overlap");

      if (PreOrPost == "pre" || PreOrPost == "both") {
        if (paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre type")) {
          preSmootherType = paramList.get<std::string>("smoother: pre type");
        } else {
          MUELU_READ_2LIST_PARAM(paramList, defaultList, "smoother: type", std::string, "RELAXATION", preSmootherTypeTmp);
          preSmootherType = preSmootherTypeTmp;
        if (paramList.isParameter("smoother: pre overlap"))
          overlap = paramList.get<int>("smoother: pre overlap");

        if (paramList.isSublist("smoother: pre params"))
          preSmootherParams = paramList.sublist("smoother: pre params");
        else if (paramList.isSublist("smoother: params"))
          preSmootherParams = paramList.sublist("smoother: params");
        else if (defaultList.isSublist("smoother: params"))
          preSmootherParams = defaultList.sublist("smoother: params");
        else if (preSmootherType == "RELAXATION")
          preSmootherParams = defaultSmootherParams;

        preSmoother = rcp(new TrilinosSmoother(preSmootherType, preSmootherParams, overlap));

      if (PreOrPost == "post" || PreOrPost == "both") {
        if (paramList.isParameter("smoother: post type"))
          postSmootherType = paramList.get<std::string>("smoother: post type");
        else {
          MUELU_READ_2LIST_PARAM(paramList, defaultList, "smoother: type", std::string, "RELAXATION", postSmootherTypeTmp);
          postSmootherType = postSmootherTypeTmp;

        if (paramList.isSublist("smoother: post params"))
          postSmootherParams = paramList.sublist("smoother: post params");
        else if (paramList.isSublist("smoother: params"))
          postSmootherParams = paramList.sublist("smoother: params");
        else if (defaultList.isSublist("smoother: params"))
          postSmootherParams = defaultList.sublist("smoother: params");
        else if (postSmootherType == "RELAXATION")
          postSmootherParams = defaultSmootherParams;
        if (paramList.isParameter("smoother: post overlap"))
          overlap = paramList.get<int>("smoother: post overlap");

        if (postSmootherType == preSmootherType && areSame(preSmootherParams, postSmootherParams))
          postSmoother = preSmoother;
          postSmoother = rcp(new TrilinosSmoother(postSmootherType, postSmootherParams, overlap));

      manager.SetFactory("Smoother", rcp(new SmootherFactory(preSmoother, postSmoother)));

    // === Coarse solver ===
    bool isCustomCoarseSolver =
        paramList.isParameter("coarse: type")   ||
        paramList.isParameter("coarse: params");
    if (paramList.isParameter("coarse: type") && paramList.get<std::string>("coarse: type") == "none") {
      manager.SetFactory("CoarseSolver", Teuchos::null);

    } else if (isCustomCoarseSolver) {
      // FIXME: get default values from the factory
      // NOTE: none of the smoothers at the moment use parameter validation framework, so we
      // cannot get the default values from it.
      MUELU_READ_2LIST_PARAM(paramList, defaultList, "coarse: type", std::string, "", coarseType);

      ParameterList coarseParams;
      if (paramList.isSublist("coarse: params"))
        coarseParams = paramList.sublist("coarse: params");
      else if (defaultList.isSublist("coarse: params"))
        coarseParams = defaultList.sublist("coarse: params");

      RCP<SmootherPrototype> coarseSmoother;
      // TODO: this is not a proper place to check. If we consider direct solver to be a special
      // case of smoother, we would like to unify Amesos and Ifpack2 smoothers in src/Smoothers, and
      // have a single factory responsible for those. Then, this check would belong there.
      if (coarseType == "RELAXATION" || coarseType == "CHEBYSHEV" ||
          coarseType == "ILUT" || coarseType == "ILU" || coarseType == "RILUK" || coarseType == "SCHWARZ")
        coarseSmoother = rcp(new TrilinosSmoother(coarseType, coarseParams));
        coarseSmoother = rcp(new DirectSolver(coarseType, coarseParams));

      manager.SetFactory("CoarseSolver", rcp(new SmootherFactory(coarseSmoother)));

    // === Aggregation ===
    // Aggregation graph
    RCP<CoalesceDropFactory> dropFactory = rcp(new CoalesceDropFactory());
    ParameterList dropParams;
    dropParams.set("lightweight wrap", true);
    MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(dropParams, "algorithm",                     paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: drop scheme",         std::string);
    // Rename classical to original
    if (dropParams.isParameter("algorithm") && dropParams.get<std::string>("algorithm") == "classical")
      dropParams.set("algorithm", "original");
    MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(dropParams, "aggregation threshold",         paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: drop tol",            double);
    MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(dropParams, "Dirichlet detection threshold", paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: Dirichlet threshold", double);

    manager.SetFactory("Graph", dropFactory);

    // Aggregation sheme
    MUELU_READ_2LIST_PARAM(paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: type", std::string, "uncoupled", aggType);
    RCP<Factory> aggFactory;
    if      (aggType == "uncoupled") {
      aggFactory = rcp(new UncoupledAggregationFactory());
      ParameterList aggParams;
      MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(aggParams, "mode",                 paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: mode",          std::string);
      MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(aggParams, "MinNodesPerAggregate", paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: min agg size",  int);
      MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(aggParams, "MaxNodesPerAggregate", paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: max agg size",  int);
      MUELU_TEST_AND_SET_PARAM(aggParams, "aggregation: preserve Dirichlet points", paramList, defaultList, "aggregation: preserve Dirichlet points", bool);

    } else if (aggType == "coupled") {
Ejemplo n.º 5
int GrassPro::createRegion(){
  int j, k;
  double x, z, y, diameter, zCord;
  int atomStep = 0, moleculeId=1;

  // open the data file for writing
  dataFile = fopen(dataFName.c_str(), "w");


  fprintf(stderr, "Creating Lattice, please wait...\n");

  // Print atom bond and angle info
  fprintf(dataFile,"\n%d atoms\n", atomNum);
  fprintf(dataFile,"\n%d atom types\n", atomType);

  fprintf(dataFile,"%d bonds\n", objNum*(objAtoms-1));
  fprintf(dataFile,"%d bond types\n", bondType);
  // Print box bounds
  fprintf(dataFile, "\n%g %g xlo xhi\n", dim[0], dim[1]);
  fprintf(dataFile, "%g %g ylo yhi\n", dim[2], dim[3]);
  fprintf(dataFile, "%g %g zlo zhi\n", dim[4], dim[5]);

  // Print Atoms
  fprintf(dataFile, "\nAtoms\n\n");

  for(x=dim[0]+radius; x<(dim[1]-radius) || areSame(x,(dim[1]-radius)); x+=(2.0*radius+sphereSep)){
    for(y=dim[2]+radius; y<(dim[3]-radius) || areSame(y, (dim[3]-radius)); y+=(2.0*radius+sphereSep)){
	/*diameter = 2.0*radius;
	zCord = dim[4]+radius;
	while((diameter > (2.0*cutOff)) && (zCord+diameter) < dim[5]){
	  // Print atomNumber atomType xCord yCord zCord diameter density moleculeID
	  fprintf(dataFile, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %g %d\n", atomStep, 1,
		  x, y, zCord, diameter, atomDensity, moleculeId);
	  diameter *= scaleFactor;
	  zCord += sphereSep+diameter;*/
      } else {
	diameter = 2.0*radius;
	zCord = dim[4]+radius;
	while(((diameter > (2.0*cutOff))) && ((zCord+(1.0/2.0)*diameter) < dim[5])){
	   // Print atomNumber atomType xCord yCord zCord diameter density moleculeID
	  if(areSame(zCord, dim[4]+radius))
	    fprintf(dataFile, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %g %d\n", atomStep, 2,
		  x, y, zCord, diameter, atomDensity, moleculeId);
	    fprintf(dataFile, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %g %d\n", atomStep, 1,
		  x, y, zCord, diameter, atomDensity, moleculeId);

	  zCord += (1.0/2.0)*diameter;
	  diameter *= scaleFactor;
	  zCord += (1.0/2.0)*diameter;
	  //  fprintf(stderr, "d: %g, cutoff: %g, zcord: %g\n", diameter, cutOff, zCord);
  // Print Bonds
  fprintf(dataFile, "\nBonds\n\n");
  for(j=0; j < objNum; j++){
    for(k=1; k < objAtoms; k++){
	fprintf(dataFile, "%d %d %d %d\n", j*objAtoms+(k-j), bondType, j*objAtoms+k, j*objAtoms+k+1); 
