Ejemplo n.º 1
 * ESC * v <nbytes> W
 * This command creates only the basic element of the the palette: the cid_data
 * array. Other parts are created as needed.
static int
pcl_configure_image_data(pcl_args_t * pargs, pcl_state_t * pcs)
    if (pcs->personality == pcl5e || pcs->raster_state.graphics_mode)
        return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (gs_debug_c('i')) {
        pcl_debug_dump_data(pcs->memory, arg_data(pargs), uint_arg(pargs));
    return install_cid_data(uint_arg(pargs),
                            arg_data(pargs), pcs, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * ESC * i <nbytes> W
 * Set viewing illuminant. This command is related to the configure image
 * data object only in the sense that both apply to palettes. The command
 * is implemented in this file as it is the only other command that involves
 * binary floating point number arrays.
 * This routine will convert the whitepoint to the form anticipated by the
 * gs_cie_render structure (i.e., Y = 1.0).
static int
set_view_illuminant(pcl_args_t * pargs, pcl_state_t * pcs)
    uint len = uint_arg(pargs);
    const byte *pbuff = arg_data(pargs);
    float x, y;
    gs_vector3 wht_pt;

    if (pcs->personality == pcl5e || pcs->raster_state.graphics_mode)
        return 0;

    if (len != 8)
        return e_Range;
    x = make_float(pbuff);
    y = make_float(pbuff + 4);

     * A white point must have a non-zero y value, as otherwise it carries
     * no chromaticity infomration. It should also have x >= 0, y > 0, and
     * x + y <= 1, for otherwise it represents an unrealizable color.
    if ((x < 0.0) || (y <= 0.0) || (x + y > 1.0))
        return e_Range;

    wht_pt.u = x / y;
    wht_pt.v = 1.0;
    wht_pt.w = (1.0 - x - y) / y;

    return pcl_palette_set_view_illuminant(pcs, &wht_pt);
Ejemplo n.º 3
MStatus CheckMeshCmd::ParseArgs(const MArgList& args) {
  MArgDatabase arg_data(syntax(), args);

    if (arg_data.isFlagSet(kToleranceName.c_str())) {
      auto status =
          arg_data.getFlagArgument(kToleranceName.c_str(), 0, tolerance_);
      if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        std::cerr << "Invalid argument.\n";
        return status;

    if (arg_data.isFlagSet(kModeName.c_str())) {
      auto status = arg_data.getFlagArgument(kModeName.c_str(), 0, mode_);
      if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        std::cerr << "Invalid argument.\n";
        return status;
    } else {
      return MS::kInvalidParameter;

    if (mode_function_map_.find(mode_.asChar()) == mode_function_map_.end()) {
      return MS::kInvalidParameter;

    MStringArray string_objects;
    auto status = arg_data.getObjects(string_objects);
    if (string_objects.length() > 0) {
      for (auto index = 0; index < string_objects.length(); ++index) {
        auto object_name = string_objects[index];
        status = MGlobal::getSelectionListByName(object_name, selections_);
        if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
          std::cerr << "Invalid argument.\n";
          return status;
    } else {
      status = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(selections_);
      if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        std::cerr << "Invalid argument.\n";
        return status;

  return MS::kSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int
set_logical_page(pcl_args_t * pargs, pcl_state_t * pcs)
    uint count = uint_arg(pargs);

    const pcl_logical_page_t *plogpage =
        (pcl_logical_page_t *) arg_data(pargs);
    pcl_paper_size_t *pcur_paper;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (gs_debug_c('i')) {
        pcl_debug_dump_data(pcs->memory, arg_data(pargs), uint_arg(pargs));

    /* the currently selected paper size */
    pcur_paper = (pcl_paper_size_t *) pcs->xfm_state.paper_size;

    /* the command can set width, height and offsets (10) or just
       offsets (4) */
    if (count != 10 && count != 4)
        return e_Range;

    if (count == 10) {
        pcur_paper->width = pl_get_uint16(plogpage->Width) * 10;
        pcur_paper->height = pl_get_uint16(plogpage->Height) * 10;
        if (pcur_paper->width == 0 || pcur_paper->height == 0)
            return e_Range;

    pcur_paper->offset_portrait = pl_get_int16(plogpage->LeftOffset) * 10;
    pcur_paper->offset_landscape = pl_get_int16(plogpage->TopOffset) * 10;

    new_page_size(pcs, pcur_paper, false, false);
    pcs->page_marked = false;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 static int
    pcl_args_t *    pargs,
    pcl_state_t *   pcs
    uint count = uint_arg(pargs);
    const pcl_logical_page_t *plogpage =
        (pcl_logical_page_t *)arg_data(pargs);

    if (count != 10)
        return e_Range;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * ESC & b <count> W
  static int
    pcl_args_t *    pargs,
    pcl_state_t *   pcs
    const byte *    data = arg_data(pargs);
    uint            count = uint_arg(pargs);
    uint            i;

    if ((count < 2) || (data[0] == ' '))
	return e_Range;

    /* split the string at the first space */
    for (i = 1; data[i] != ' '; ++i) {
	if (i == count - 1)
	    return e_Range;
    if (pcs->configure_appletalk == 0)
	return 0;
    return (*pcs->configure_appletalk)(data, i, data + i + 1, count - (i + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 7
MStatus VDBQueryCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
    MArgDatabase arg_data(syntax(), args);

    // always open new files to simplify code, it's cheap anyhow
    std::vector<std::string> vdb_paths;

    if (arg_data.isFlagSet(node_short_flag))
        MSelectionList slist;
        arg_data.getFlagArgument(node_short_flag, 0, slist);

        MObject node;
        slist.getDependNode(0, node);
        MFnDependencyNode dnode(node, &status);

        if (!status)
            return status;

        if (dnode.typeName() != VDBVisualizerShape::typeName)
            MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] Wrong node was passed to the command : " + dnode.name());
            return MS::kFailure;

        if (arg_data.isFlagSet(current_frame_short_flag))
            vdb_paths.push_back(MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_out_vdb_path).asString().asChar());
            build_file_list(MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_vdb_path).asString().asChar(),
                            MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_cache_playback_start).asInt(),
                            MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_cache_playback_end).asInt(),
    else if (arg_data.isFlagSet(file_short_flag))
        MString vdb_path;
        arg_data.getFlagArgument(file_short_flag, 0, vdb_path);
        if (arg_data.isFlagSet(current_frame_short_flag))
            const int current_frame = static_cast<int>(MAnimControl::currentTime().as(MTime::uiUnit()));
            build_file_list(vdb_path.asChar(), current_frame, current_frame, vdb_paths);
            int start_frame = 0;
            int end_frame = 0;
            if (arg_data.isFlagSet(start_frame_short_flag))
                arg_data.getFlagArgument(start_frame_short_flag, 0, start_frame);
                start_frame = static_cast<int>(MAnimControl::animationStartTime().as(MTime::uiUnit()));

            if (arg_data.isFlagSet(end_frame_short_flag))
                arg_data.getFlagArgument(end_frame_short_flag, 0, end_frame);
                end_frame = static_cast<int>(MAnimControl::animationEndTime().as(MTime::uiUnit()));

            build_file_list(vdb_path.asChar(), start_frame, end_frame, vdb_paths);
        MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No cache was passed to the command, use the -file(f) or the -node(n) flags");
        return MS::kFailure;

    if (vdb_paths.size() == 0)
        MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No paths are passed to the command.");
        return MS::kFailure;

    std::vector<openvdb::io::File*> vdb_files;

    MString query_type = "";
    if (arg_data.isFlagSet(query_short_flag))
        arg_data.getFlagArgument(query_short_flag, 0, query_type);
        MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No query is specified.");
        return MS::kFailure;

    auto get_array_from_flag = [&](const char* flag_name, std::vector<std::string>& out_values) {
        if (arg_data.isFlagSet(flag_name))
            MString flag_data;
            arg_data.getFlagArgument(flag_name, 0, flag_data);
            MStringArray flags;
            if (flag_data.index(','))
                flag_data.split(',', flags);
            else if (flag_data.index(';'))
                flag_data.split(';', flags);
            else if (flag_data.index(':'))
                flag_data.split(':', flags);
            else if (flag_data.index(' '))
                flag_data.split(' ', flags);

            const unsigned int flag_count = flags.length();
            for (unsigned int f = 0; f < flag_count; ++f)

    std::vector<std::string> queries;
    get_array_from_flag(query_short_flag, queries);

    if (queries.size() == 0)
        MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No queries are specified!");
        return MS::kFailure;

    for (auto vdb_path : vdb_paths)
        openvdb::io::File* vdb_file = new openvdb::io::File(vdb_path);
        if (vdb_file->isOpen())
            delete vdb_file;

    if (vdb_files.size() == 0)
        MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No vdb files can be opened.");
        return MS::kFailure;

    std::vector<std::string> grid_names;
    get_array_from_flag(grid_short_flag, grid_names);

    std::vector<std::string> grid_types;
    get_array_from_flag(grid_type_short_flag, grid_types);

    const bool all_grids = grid_names.size() == 0 && grid_types.size() == 0;

    auto grid_required = [&](openvdb::GridBase::ConstPtr grid) -> bool {
        if (all_grids)
            return true;
            return std::find(grid_names.begin(), grid_names.end(), grid->getName()) != grid_names.end() ||
                   std::find(grid_types.begin(), grid_types.end(), grid->valueType()) != grid_types.end();

    for (auto query : queries)
        if (query == query_type_bbox)
            MBoundingBox bbox;
            for (auto vdb_file : vdb_files)
                openvdb::GridPtrVecPtr grids = vdb_file->readAllGridMetadata();
                for (openvdb::GridPtrVec::const_iterator it = grids->begin(); it != grids->end(); ++it)
                    if (openvdb::GridBase::ConstPtr grid = *it)
                        if (grid_required(grid))
                            read_transformed_bounding_box(grid, bbox);
            const MPoint min = bbox.min();
            const MPoint max = bbox.max();
        else if (query == query_type_min_max)
            std::vector<double> mins;
            std::vector<double> maxs;
            for (auto vdb_file : vdb_files)
                openvdb::GridPtrVecPtr grids = vdb_file->readAllGridMetadata();
                for (openvdb::GridPtrVec::const_iterator it = grids->begin(); it != grids->end(); ++it)
                    if (openvdb::GridBase::ConstPtr grid = *it)
                        if (grid_required(grid))
                            // TODO: check for the minimum and maximum metadata
                            if (grid->valueType() == "float")
                                if (mins.size() < 1)
                                    mins.resize(1, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
                                if (maxs.size() < 1)
                                    maxs.resize(1, std::numeric_limits<double>::min());

                                openvdb::FloatGrid::ConstPtr grid_data = openvdb::gridConstPtrCast<openvdb::FloatGrid>(vdb_file->readGrid(grid->getName()));

                                for (auto iter = grid_data->beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter)
                                    const double value = static_cast<double>(iter.getValue());
                                    mins[0] = std::min(mins[0], value);
                                    maxs[0] = std::max(maxs[0], value);
                            else if (grid->valueType() == "vec3s")
                                if (mins.size() < 3)
                                    mins.resize(3, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
                                if (maxs.size() < 3)
                                    maxs.resize(3, std::numeric_limits<double>::min());

                                openvdb::Vec3SGrid::ConstPtr grid_data = openvdb::gridConstPtrCast<openvdb::Vec3SGrid>(vdb_file->readGrid(grid->getName()));

                                for (auto iter = grid_data->beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter)
                                    const openvdb::Vec3d value = iter.getValue();
                                    mins[0] = std::min(mins[0], value.x());
                                    mins[1] = std::min(mins[1], value.y());
                                    mins[2] = std::min(mins[2], value.z());

                                    maxs[0] = std::max(maxs[0], value.x());
                                    maxs[1] = std::max(maxs[1], value.y());
                                    maxs[2] = std::max(maxs[2], value.z());
            for (auto mn : mins)
            for (auto mx : maxs)

    for (auto vdb_file : vdb_files)
        delete vdb_file;

    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * ESC * l <nbytes> W
 * Set color lookup table.
static int
set_lookup_tbl(pcl_args_t * pargs, pcl_state_t * pcs)
    uint len = uint_arg(pargs);
    pcl_lookup_tbl_t *plktbl = 0;
    pcl__lookup_tbl_t *ptbl = 0;
    int code = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (gs_debug_c('i')) {
        pcl_debug_dump_data(pcs->memory, arg_data(pargs), uint_arg(pargs));

    if (pcs->personality == pcl5e || pcs->raster_state.graphics_mode)
        return 0;

    /* check for clearing of lookup tables, and for incorrect size */
    if (len == 0)
        return pcl_palette_set_lookup_tbl(pcs, NULL);
    else if (len != sizeof(pcl__lookup_tbl_t))
        return e_Range;

                      pcs->memory, return e_Memory, "set color lookup table");
    plktbl->rc.free = free_lookup_tbl;
    plktbl->ptbl = 0;

    /* either take possession of buffer, or allocate a new one */
    if (pargs->data_on_heap) {
        ptbl = (pcl__lookup_tbl_t *) arg_data(pargs);
        arg_data(pargs) = 0;
    } else {
        ptbl = (pcl__lookup_tbl_t *) gs_alloc_bytes(pcs->memory,
                                                    "set color lookup table");
        if (ptbl == 0) {
            free_lookup_tbl(plktbl->rc.memory, plktbl,
                            "set color lookup table");
            return e_Memory;
        memcpy(ptbl, arg_data(pargs), sizeof(pcl__lookup_tbl_t));
    plktbl->ptbl = ptbl;

    /* for the CMY color space, convert to RGB color space */
    if (pcl_lookup_tbl_get_cspace(plktbl) == pcl_cspace_CMY) {
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
            byte b1 = ptbl->data[i];

            byte b2 = ptbl->data[255 - i];

            ptbl->data[i] = 255 - b2;
            ptbl->data[255 - i] = 255 - b1;
        ptbl->cspace = (byte) pcl_cspace_RGB;

    /* update the current palette; release our reference to the lookup table */
    code = pcl_palette_set_lookup_tbl(pcs, plktbl);
    return code;