Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: code.c Proyecto: rheoli/pcc
 * code for the end of a function
 * deals with struct return here
 * The return value is in (or pointed to by) RETREG.
	struct symtab *sp;
	extern int gotnr;
	NODE *p, *r, *l;
	int typ, ssz, rno;

	gotnr = 0;	/* new number for next fun */
	sp = cftnsp;
	t = DECREF(sp->stype);
	if (t != STRTY && t != UNIONTY)

	/* XXX should have one routine for this */
	ngpr = nsse = 0;
	if ((typ = argtyp(t, sp->sdf, sp->sap)) == STRREG || typ == STRCPX) {
		/* Cast to long pointer and move to the registers */
		/* XXX can overrun struct size */
		/* XXX check carefully for SSE members */

		if ((ssz = tsize(t, sp->sdf, sp->sap)) > SZLONG*2)

		if (typ == STRCPX) {
			t = DOUBLE;
			rno = XMM0;
		} else {
			t = LONG;
			rno = RAX;
		if (ssz > SZLONG) {
			p = block(REG, NIL, NIL, INCREF(t), 0, 0);
			regno(p) = RAX;
			p = buildtree(UMUL, buildtree(PLUS, p, bcon(1)), NIL);
			ecomp(movtoreg(p, rno+1));
		p = block(REG, NIL, NIL, INCREF(t), 0, 0);
		regno(p) = RAX;
		p = buildtree(UMUL, p, NIL);
		ecomp(movtoreg(p, rno));
	} else if (typ == STRMEM) {
		r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, INCREF(t), sp->sdf, sp->sap);
		regno(r) = RAX;
		r = buildtree(UMUL, r, NIL);
		l = tempnode(stroffset, INCREF(t), sp->sdf, sp->sap);
		l = buildtree(UMUL, l, NIL);
		ecomp(buildtree(ASSIGN, l, r));
		l = block(REG, NIL, NIL, LONG, 0, 0);
		regno(l) = RAX;
		r = tempnode(stroffset, LONG, 0, 0);
		ecomp(buildtree(ASSIGN, l, r));
	} else
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Do the "hard work" in assigning correct destination for arguments.
 * Also convert arguments < INT to inte (default argument promotions).
 * XXX - should be dome elsewhere.
static NODE *
argput(NODE *p)
	NODE *q;
	TWORD ty;
	int typ, r, ssz;

	if (p->n_op == CM) {
		p->n_left = argput(p->n_left);
		p->n_right = argput(p->n_right);
		return p;

	/* first arg may be struct return pointer */
	/* XXX - check if varargs; setup al */
	switch (typ = argtyp(p->n_type, p->n_df, p->n_ap)) {
	case INTEGER:
	case SSE:
		if (typ == SSE)
			r = XMM0 + nsse++;
			r = argregsi[ngpr++];
		if (p->n_type < INT || p->n_type == BOOL)
			p = cast(p, INT, 0);
		p = movtoreg(p, r);

	case X87:
		r = nrsp;
		nrsp += SZLDOUBLE;
		p = movtomem(p, r, STKREG);

	case SSEMEM:
		r = nrsp;
		nrsp += SZDOUBLE;
		p = movtomem(p, r, STKREG);

	case INTMEM:
		r = nrsp;
		nrsp += SZLONG;
		p = movtomem(p, r, STKREG);

	case STRCPX:
	case STRREG: /* Struct in registers */
		/* Cast to long pointer and move to the registers */
		/* XXX can overrun struct size */
		/* XXX check carefully for SSE members */
		ssz = tsize(p->n_type, p->n_df, p->n_ap);

		if (typ == STRCPX) {
			ty = DOUBLE;
			r = XMM0 + nsse++;
		} else {
			ty = LONG;
			r = argregsi[ngpr++];
		if (ssz <= SZLONG) {
			q = cast(p->n_left, INCREF(ty), 0);
			q = buildtree(UMUL, q, NIL);
			p = movtoreg(q, r);
		} else if (ssz <= SZLONG*2) {
			NODE *ql, *qr;

			qr = cast(ccopy(p->n_left), INCREF(ty), 0);
			qr = movtoreg(buildtree(UMUL, qr, NIL), r);

			ql = cast(p->n_left, INCREF(ty), 0);
			ql = buildtree(UMUL, buildtree(PLUS, ql, bcon(1)), NIL);
			r = (typ == STRCPX ? XMM0 + nsse++ : argregsi[ngpr++]);
			ql = movtoreg(ql, r);

			p = buildtree(CM, ql, qr);
		} else

	case STRMEM: {
		struct symtab s;
		NODE *l, *t;

		q = buildtree(UMUL, p->n_left, NIL);

		s.stype = p->n_type;
		s.squal = 0;
		s.sdf = p->n_df;
		s.sap = p->n_ap;
		s.soffset = nrsp;
		s.sclass = AUTO;

		nrsp += tsize(p->n_type, p->n_df, p->n_ap);

		l = block(REG, NIL, NIL, PTR+STRTY, 0, 0);
		l->n_lval = 0;
		regno(l) = STKREG;

		t = block(NAME, NIL, NIL, p->n_type, p->n_df, p->n_ap);
		t->n_sp = &s;
		t = stref(block(STREF, l, t, 0, 0, 0));

		t = (buildtree(ASSIGN, t, q));
		p = t->n_left;

		cerror("argument %d", typ);
	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * code for the beginning of a function; a is an array of
 * indices in symtab for the arguments; n is the number
bfcode(struct symtab **s, int cnt)
	union arglist *al;
	struct symtab *sp;
	NODE *p, *r;
	int i, rno, typ;

	/* recalculate the arg offset and create TEMP moves */
	/* Always do this for reg, even if not optimizing, to free arg regs */
	nsse = ngpr = 0;
	nrsp = ARGINIT;
	if (cftnsp->stype == STRTY+FTN || cftnsp->stype == UNIONTY+FTN) {
		sp = cftnsp;
		if (argtyp(DECREF(sp->stype), sp->sdf, sp->sap) == STRMEM) {
			r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, LONG, 0, MKAP(LONG));
			regno(r) = argregsi[ngpr++];
			p = tempnode(0, r->n_type, r->n_df, r->n_ap);
			stroffset = regno(p);
			ecomp(buildtree(ASSIGN, p, r));

	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		sp = s[i];

		if (sp == NULL)
			continue; /* XXX when happens this? */

		switch (typ = argtyp(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap)) {
		case INTEGER:
		case SSE:
			if (typ == SSE)
				rno = XMM0 + nsse++;
				rno = argregsi[ngpr++];
			r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
			regno(r) = rno;
			p = tempnode(0, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
			sp->soffset = regno(p);
			sp->sflags |= STNODE;
			ecomp(buildtree(ASSIGN, p, r));

		case SSEMEM:
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += SZDOUBLE;
			if (xtemps) {
				p = tempnode(0, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
				p = buildtree(ASSIGN, p, nametree(sp));
				sp->soffset = regno(p->n_left);
				sp->sflags |= STNODE;

		case INTMEM:
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += SZLONG;
			if (xtemps) {
				p = tempnode(0, sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);
				p = buildtree(ASSIGN, p, nametree(sp));
				sp->soffset = regno(p->n_left);
				sp->sflags |= STNODE;

		case STRMEM: /* Struct in memory */
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += tsize(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap);

		case X87: /* long double args */
			sp->soffset = nrsp;
			nrsp += SZLDOUBLE;

		case STRCPX:
		case STRREG: /* Struct in register */
			/* Allocate space on stack for the struct */
			/* For simplicity always fetch two longwords */
			autooff += (2*SZLONG);

			if (typ == STRCPX) {
				t = DOUBLE;
				rno = XMM0 + nsse++;
			} else {
				t = LONG;
				rno = argregsi[ngpr++];
			r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, t, 0, MKAP(t));
			regno(r) = rno;
			ecomp(movtomem(r, -autooff, FPREG));

			if (tsize(sp->stype, sp->sdf, sp->sap) > SZLONG) {
				r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, t, 0, MKAP(t));
				regno(r) = (typ == STRCPX ?
				    XMM0 + nsse++ : argregsi[ngpr++]);
				ecomp(movtomem(r, -autooff+SZLONG, FPREG));

			sp->soffset = -autooff;

			cerror("bfcode: %d", typ);

	/* Check if there are varargs */
	if (cftnsp->sdf == NULL || cftnsp->sdf->dfun == NULL)
		return; /* no prototype */
	al = cftnsp->sdf->dfun;

	for (; al->type != TELLIPSIS; al++) {
		t = al->type;
		if (t == TNULL)
		if (BTYPE(t) == STRTY || BTYPE(t) == UNIONTY)
		for (; t > BTMASK; t = DECREF(t))
			if (ISARY(t) || ISFTN(t))

	/* fix stack offset */
	SETOFF(autooff, ALMAX);

	/* Save reg arguments in the reg save area */
	p = NIL;
	for (i = ngpr; i < 6; i++) {
		r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, LONG, 0, MKAP(LONG));
		regno(r) = argregsi[i];
		r = movtomem(r, -RSALONGOFF(i)-autooff, FPREG);
		p = (p == NIL ? r : block(COMOP, p, r, INT, 0, MKAP(INT)));
	for (i = nsse; i < 8; i++) {
		r = block(REG, NIL, NIL, DOUBLE, 0, MKAP(DOUBLE));
		regno(r) = i + XMM0;
		r = movtomem(r, -RSADBLOFF(i)-autooff, FPREG);
		p = (p == NIL ? r : block(COMOP, p, r, INT, 0, MKAP(INT)));
	autooff += RSASZ;
	rsaoff = autooff;
	thissse = nsse;
	thisgpr = ngpr;
	thisrsp = nrsp;
