Ejemplo n.º 1
int process_args(int argc, char **argv)
        int i;

        if (argc != 2) {
                return -1;

        for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
                if (argue(argc, argv[i]) != 0) {
                        return -1;

        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   off_t			 cursor = 0,

   int				 f, x, y, symbol;

   char				 command[60];
   char				 mask[60];
   unsigned char		 data[16];

   argue(argc, argv);

   if (arguments == 0)
      printf("one file argument required\n");
      return 0;

   #ifdef DOS
   f = open(argument[0], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
   f = open(argument[0], O_RDONLY, 0);

   if (f < 0)
      printf("%s not read code %d\n", argument[0], errno);
      return 0;

   for (;;)
      y = read(f, data, 16);

      if (y < 0) break;

      printf("%16.16llx: ", cursor);
      for (x = 0; x < y; x++) printf("%2.2x", data[x]);
      while (x++ < 16) printf("  ");

      printf("   \"");

      for (x = 0; x < y; x++)
         symbol = data[x];
         if ((symbol > 0x1F) && (symbol < 0x7F)) putchar(symbol);
         else                                    putchar('.');

      while (x++ < 16) putchar(' ');


      if (y < 16) break;
      cursor += 16;

      if (uflag['Z'-'A'])
         if (flag['e'-'a'] == 0) putchar('\n');

      x = read(0, command, 60 - 1);

      if (x > 0)
         command[x] = 0;

         if (command[0] == '.') break;

         if ((command[0] > '0' - 1) && (command[0] < '9' + 1))
            if (command[0] == '0') y = sscanf(command, "%llx %[^\r\n]", &cursor, mask);
            else                   y = sscanf(command, "%lld %[^\r\n]", &cursor, mask);

            seek_point = lseek(f, (off_t) cursor, SEEK_SET);

            if (seek_point < 0)
               printf("position not taken\n");

            if (y > 1) 
               y = strlen(mask);
               if (y > 16) y = 16;

               x = read(f, data, y);
               if (x < y) break;
               symbol = y - 1;

               for (;;) 
                  x = memcmp(data, mask, y);

                  if (x == 0) break;

                  memcpy(data, data + 1, symbol);
                  x = read(f, data + symbol, 1);
                  if (x < 1) break;

               cursor = lseek(f, (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR);
               cursor -= y;
               seek_point = lseek(f, (off_t) cursor, SEEK_SET);
               if (x < 0) break;

         if (command[0] == '+')
            y = strlen(mask);
            if (y > 16) y = 16;

            x = read(f, data, y);
            if (x < y) break;
            symbol = y - 1;

            for (;;)
               x = memcmp(data, mask, y);

               if (x == 0) break;

               memcpy(data, data + 1, symbol);
               x = read(f, data + symbol, 1);
               if (x < 1) break;

            cursor = lseek(f, (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR);
            cursor -= y;
            seek_point = lseek(f, cursor, SEEK_SET);

            if (x < 0) break;

         if (command[0] == '-')
            reflag(command + 1);

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   #ifdef DAYCLOCK

   #ifdef X86_MSW
   SYSTEMTIME		 stime;
   FILETIME		 ftime;
   struct timeval	 time;

   int			 instructions = INTERVAL;
   int			 imask;

   int			 _x;

   #ifdef DAYCLOCK
   unsigned long long	 time_pointer;

   #ifdef LP_TSLICE_HERE
   /* It's not. It's in engine.rta/rta.c:execute() */
   int			 icount;

   char			 command[84];

   int			 index = 1;
   int			 offset;
   int			 symbol;
   char			*file;

   int			 f, count, image_size = 0;

   word			*load_address = memory.array;
   word			 data_word = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } ;

   #ifdef METRIC
   struct timeval        time2;

   #ifdef ASYNC

   #ifdef X86_MSW

   pthread_attr_t	 asyncb;
   pthread_t		 asyncid;


   argue(argc, argv);

   if (arguments)
      #ifdef X86_MSW
      f = open(argument[0], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0444);
      f = open(argument[0], O_RDONLY, 0444);

      if (f < 0)
         printf("rom image file not available\n");
         return 0;

      if (flag['v'-'a'])
         printf("reading %s with options:\n", argument[0]);
         if (flag['s'-'a']) printf("-s\tsingle step\n");
         if (flag['v'-'a']) printf("-v\tvocal\n");
         if (flag['l'-'a']) printf("-l\tline per instruction\n");

      for (;;)
         count = read(f, (void *) &data_word.t1, 3);
         if (count < 1) break;
         if (count ^ 3) printf("last load word incomplete\n");
         *load_address++ = data_word;

      printf("rom image %d target words read\n", image_size);
      image_size += 4095;
      base[124] = image_size >> 12;		/*	ROM boundary port	*/
      base[128] = PAGES_IN_MEMORY - 1;		/*	system memory size port	*/

Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   unsigned char	 sdata[TEXT];
   unsigned char	 rdata[TEXT];

   #ifdef DOS
   int                   wnet = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsa);
   int                   s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
   int                   f = 1;
   int                   u = ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &f);
   int                   s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
   int                   f = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0);
   int                   u = fcntl(s, F_SETFL, f | O_NONBLOCK);

   int			 x,

   int			 resends,

   unsigned char	*p;

   unsigned char	 newnet[ARGUMENTS][4];

   FILE			*config = fopen("config.fp", "r");

   argue(argc, argv);

   if (flag['v'-'a'])
      #if DOS
      printf("[wsa %d socket %d cntl %d:%d]\n", wnet, s, f, u);
      if (wnet) printf("[wsadetail %d\n]", WSAGetLastError());
      printf("[socket %d cntl %d:%d]\n", s, f, u);

   if (config)
      while (p = fgets(rdata, TEXT-1, config))
         if (flag['q'-'a']) printf(p);

         x = sscanf(rdata, "%s %hhd.%hhd.%hhd.%hhd", sdata, &newnet[0][0],

         if (strcmp(sdata, "fp-client") == 0)
             local.sin_addr.s_addr = *((long *) newnet[0]);

         if (strcmp(sdata, "fp-server") == 0) 
             target.sin_addr.s_addr = *((long *) newnet[0]);


   for (x = 0; x < arguments; x++)
      y = sscanf(argument[x], "%hhd.%hhd.%hhd.%hhd", &newnet[x][0],

   if (arguments)    target.sin_addr.s_addr = *((long *) newnet[0]);
   if (arguments > 1) local.sin_addr.s_addr = *((long *) newnet[1]);

   if (flag['v'-'a']) printf("[%8.8X > %8.8X]\n", local.sin_addr.s_addr,
   x = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &local, 16);
   y = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &target, 16);

   if ((uflag['Q'-'A'] == 0)
   ||  (s < 0) || (x < 0) || (f < 0) || (u < 0) || (y < 0))
   printf("remote application socket %d bind state %d "
          "F %x NB %d udconnect state %d\n",
	   s, x, f, u, y);

   for (;;)
      p = fgets(sdata, TEXT, stdin);
      if (!p) break;

      if (flag['p'-'a']) printf(p);

      if (sdata[0] == '.') break;

      resends = 1;
      if (uflag['R'-'A']) resends = RESENDS;
      bytes = strlen(sdata);

      while (resends--)
		RESEND is about sending again optionally
                for scripted benchmarks where one lost
		UDP response ought not stop benchmark

         x = send(s, sdata, bytes, 0);

         if ((uflag['Q'-'A'] == 0) || (x < 0))
         printf("send state %d\n", x);

         if (flag['z'-'a']) continue;

         maxtry = MAXTRY;
         while (maxtry--)
		MAXTRY is about restarting the nonblock
		receive / wait. There are MAXTRY polls

            x = recv(s, rdata, TEXT, 0);
            if (x < 0)
               if ((detail_code == EAGAIN) || (detail_code == EWOULDBLOCK))
                  x = 0;
                  printf("RX state %d\n", detail_code);

            if (x) break;

         if (x) break;

      if (x < 0) rdata[0] = 0;
      else rdata[x] = 0;

      if (flag['x'-'a'])
         printf("recv state %d/%d\n", x, errno);
         for (y = 0; y < x; y++) printf("%2.2x", rdata[y]);
         if (y) putchar(10);
         if ((uflag['Q'-'A'] == 0) || (x < 0))
         printf("recv state %d/%d %s", x, errno, rdata);
         else if (x >= 0) printf("%s", rdata);

   #ifdef DOS
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int			 _x;
   char			 text[72];
   char			*_p;

   #ifdef X86_MSW
   start_time = GetTickCount64();
   pthread_attr_t        asyncb;
   pthread_t             asyncid;

   gettimeofday(&time1, NULL);
   start_time = time1.tv_sec * 1000 + time1.tv_usec / 1000;

   int                   f, count, image_size = 0;

   word                 *load_address = memory.array;
   word                  data_word = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } ;

   argue(argc, argv);

   if (arguments)
      #ifdef X86_MSW
      f = open(argument[0], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0444);
      f = open(argument[0], O_RDONLY, 0444);

      if (f < 0)
         printf("rom image file not available\n");
         return 0;

      if (flag['v'-'a'])
         printf("reading %s with options:\n", argument[0]);
         if (flag['s'-'a']) printf("-s\tsingle step\n");
         if (flag['v'-'a']) printf("-v\tvocal\n");
         if (flag['l'-'a']) printf("-l\tline per instruction\n");

      for (;;)
         count = read(f, (void *) &data_word.t1, 3);
         if (count < 1) break;
         if (count ^ 3) printf("last load word incomplete\n");
         *load_address++ = data_word;

      printf("rom image %d target words read\n", image_size);
      image_size += 4095;
      base[124] = image_size >> 12;             /*      ROM boundary port       */
      base[128] = PAGES_IN_MEMORY - 1;          /*      system memory size port */
