Ejemplo n.º 1
sect_Lock (
  pwr_tStatus		*sts,
  sect_sHead		*shp,
  sect_sMutex		*mp
  pwr_tStatus		lsts = 1;

#if defined(OS_ELN)
  ELN$LOCK_AREA((AREA)shp->area, *mp);
#elif defined(OS_VMS)
    sect_sMutexEntry	*ep;
    int			i;

    /* Get free list entry.  */

    while ( 1) {
      i = _REMQHI(&mp->freeroot, (void **)&ep);
      if ( i == 1)
      else if (i == 3) 

    /* Insert in ownership list.  */

    while ((i = _INSQTI(ep, &mp->ownerroot)) == 1);
    if (i == 0) {

      /* Contention, we must wait for the resource.  */

      lsts = sys$ascefc(64, &shp->namedsc, 0, 0);
      if (ODD(lsts)) lsts = sys$waitfr(ep->flag);
      if (ODD(lsts)) lsts = sys$clref(ep->flag);
#elif defined(OS_LYNX)
  while (sem_wait(mp) != 0) {
    if (errno != EINTR) {
      perror("sect_Lock: sem_wait ");
      lsts = 2;
#elif defined OS_POSIX
  while (posix_sem_wait(mp) != 0) {
    if (errno != EINTR) {
      perror("sect_Lock: sem_wait ");
      lsts = 2;

  errh_ReturnOrBugcheck(ODD(lsts), sts, lsts, "");
Ejemplo n.º 2
sect_Unlock (
  pwr_tStatus		*sts,
  sect_sHead		*shp,
  sect_sMutex		*mp
  pwr_tStatus		lsts = 1;

#if defined(OS_ELN)
  ELN$UNLOCK_AREA((AREA)shp->area, *mp);
#elif defined(OS_VMS)
    sect_sMutexEntry	*ep;
    pwr_tUInt32		i;

    /* When the entry is removed the resource becomes
       free if noone else is waiting...  */

    while ((i = _REMQHI(&mp->ownerroot, (void **)&ep)) == 1);
    if (i == 3) {
      lsts = LIB$_QUEWASEMP;
    } else {

      /* Reinsert entry in free list */

      while (_INSQTI(ep, &mp->freeroot) == 1);

      if (i == 0) {
	/* Someone was waiting.  */

	ep = (sect_sMutexEntry *)(
	  ((pwr_tUInt32)&mp->ownerroot) +
	  mp->ownerroot.low /* flink */);
	lsts = sys$ascefc(64, &shp->namedsc, 0, 0);
	if (ODD(lsts)) lsts = sys$setef(ep->flag);
#elif defined(OS_LYNX)
  if (sem_post(mp) != 0) {
    perror("sect_Unlock: sem_signal ");
    lsts = 2;
#elif defined OS_POSIX
  if (posix_sem_post(mp) != 0) {
    perror("sect_Unlock: sem_signal ");
    lsts = 2;

  errh_ReturnOrBugcheck(ODD(lsts), sts, lsts, "");

Ejemplo n.º 3
sect_InitLock (
  pwr_tStatus		*sts,
  sect_sHead		*shp,
  sect_sMutex		*mp
  pwr_tStatus		lsts = 1;

#ifdef	OS_ELN
  ELN$INITIALIZE_AREA_LOCK((AREA)shp->area, *mp, &lsts);

#elif defined(OS_VMS)
    pwr_tUInt32		i;

    /* Clear mutex variable and build free list.  */

    memset(mp, 0, sizeof(*mp));
    lsts = sys$ascefc(64, &shp->namedsc, 0, 0);
    if (ODD(lsts)) {
      for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
	while (_INSQTI(&mp->list[i].entry, &mp->freeroot) == 1);
	mp->list[i].flag = 64+i;
	lsts = sys$clref(mp->list[i].flag);
	if (EVEN(lsts)) break;

#elif defined(OS_LYNX)
  if (sem_init(mp, 1, 1) != 0) {
    errh_Error("sect_InitLock: sem_init, errno: %d", errno);
    lsts = 2;
#elif defined OS_POSIX
  if (posix_sem_init_shared(mp, ftok(shp->name, 'P'), 1) != 0) {
    errh_Error("sect_InitLock: sem_init(%s), errno: %d", shp->name, errno);
    lsts = 2;

  errh_ReturnOrBugcheck(ODD(lsts), sts, lsts, "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
void bck_ForceBackup (
		void **context)
  pwr_tInt32 sts;
  pwr_tTime *t;
#ifdef OS_VMS

 * Initialize

#ifdef OS_ELN
  if (!areas_mapped) {
    areas_mapped = TRUE;

 * Build the context block (i.e. current time)

  if (context != NULL) {
    t = malloc (sizeof *t);
    *context = t;

 * Kick the backup processes

#ifdef OS_ELN
  ker$signal (NULL, bck_forced_activation);
  sts = sys$ascefc (BCK_EFC, &efcname, 0, 0);
  if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);
  sts = sys$setef (BCK_ACTIVATE);
  if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);

} /* bck_ForceBackup */
Ejemplo n.º 5
pwr_tUInt32 bck_WaitBackup (
		void *context,
		pwr_tBoolean timeout)
  pwr_tUInt32 sts;
  pwr_tObjid objid;
  pwr_tInt32 c;
  pwr_tTime t;
  pwr_tVaxTime tmo;
  pwr_tVaxTime tmptime;
  pwr_sClass_Backup_Conf *backup_confp;	/* Backup_Conf object pointer */
  $DESCRIPTOR (timeunitdsc, "0 0:0:0.1");	/* 0.1 second units */
  int cycletime;

#ifdef OS_ELN
  pwr_tInt32 res;
  pwr_tVaxTime *tmop;

#ifdef OS_VMS

 * Initialize

#ifdef OS_ELN
  if (!areas_mapped) {
    areas_mapped = TRUE;

 * Find the local Backup_Conf object

  sts = gdh_GetClassList (pwr_cClass_Backup_Conf, &objid);
  while (ODD (sts)) {
    sts = gdh_ObjidToPointer (objid, (pwr_tAddress *)&backup_confp);
    if (ODD (sts)) break;
    sts = gdh_GetNextObject (objid, &objid);
  if (EVEN (sts)) return sts;		/* Something wrong, quit */

 * Pick up argument information

  if (context == NULL) time_GetTime(&t);
  else {
    t = *(pwr_tTime *)context;
    free (context);

#ifdef OS_ELN
  tmop = NULL;
  timed_out = FALSE;  
  sts = sys$ascefc (BCK_EFC, &efcname, 0, 0);
  if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);			/* BUG */

  if (timeout) {
    cycletime = backup_confp->CycleSlow * 2;
    if (cycletime == 0) cycletime = BCK_DEFAULT_SLOW * 2;

#ifdef OS_ELN
    tmo = eln$time_value (&timeunitdsc);
    sts = sys$bintim (&timeunitdsc, &tmo);
    if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);		/* BUG, should not happen */

    lib$mult_delta_time (
		&cycletime,		/* multiplier */
		&tmo);			/* delta_time (modified) */
    sys$gettim (&tmptime);
    lib$add_times (&tmo, &tmptime, &tmo); /* Make absolute time */

#ifdef OS_ELN
    tmop = &tmo;
    sts = sys$setimr (BCK_WRITE_DONE, &tmo, &astrtn, 4711, 0);
    if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);			/* BUG */

 * Loop, and wait for things to happen

  while (TRUE) {
#ifdef OS_ELN
    ker$clear_event (NULL, bck_write_done);
    ker$wait_any (NULL, &res, tmop, bck_write_done);

    /* Check for timeout */

    if (res == 0) return SS$_TIMEOUT;

    sts = sys$clref (BCK_WRITE_DONE);
    if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);			/* BUG */
    sts = sys$waitfr (BCK_WRITE_DONE);
    if (EVEN (sts)) lib$signal (sts);			/* BUG */

    /* Check for timeout */

    if (timed_out) return SS$_TIMEOUT;


    /* Check if both cycles done */

    if (time_Acomp(&backup_confp->ObjTimeSlow, &t) < 0) 
    if (time_Acomp(&backup_confp->ObjTimeFast, &t) < 0) 


  } /* Loop */

#ifdef OS_VMS
  sys$cantim (4711, 0);

  return 1;	/* Done. */

} /* bck_WaitBackup */