Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Destroy the local state associated with a given channel
void lmp_chan_destroy(struct lmp_chan *lc)
    lc->connstate = LMP_DISCONNECTED;

    if (lc->endpoint != NULL) {

    // remove from send retry queue on dispatcher
    if (waitset_chan_is_registered(&lc->send_waitset)) {
        assert(lc->prev != NULL && lc->next != NULL);
        dispatcher_handle_t handle = disp_disable();
        struct dispatcher_generic *disp = get_dispatcher_generic(handle);
        if (lc->next == lc->prev) {
            assert_disabled(lc->next == lc);
            assert_disabled(disp->lmp_send_events_list == lc);
            disp->lmp_send_events_list = NULL;
        } else {
            lc->prev->next = lc->next;
            lc->next->prev = lc->prev;

#ifndef NDEBUG
        lc->next = lc->prev = NULL;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * \brief Wakeup a thread on a foreign dispatcher while disabled.
 * \param core_id       Core ID to wakeup on
 * \param thread        Pointer to thread to wakeup
 * \param mydisp        Dispatcher this function is running on
 * \return SYS_ERR_OK on success.
static errval_t domain_wakeup_on_coreid_disabled(coreid_t core_id,
                                                 struct thread *thread,
                                                 dispatcher_handle_t mydisp)
    struct domain_state *ds = get_domain_state();

    // XXX: Ugly hack to allow waking up on a core id we don't have a
    // dispatcher handler for
    thread->coreid = core_id;

    // Catch this early
    assert_disabled(ds != NULL);
    if (ds->b[core_id] == NULL) {
        return LIB_ERR_NO_SPANNED_DISP;

    thread_enqueue(thread, &ds->remote_wakeup_queue);

    // Signal the inter-disp waitset of this event
    struct event_closure closure = {
        .handler = handle_wakeup_on
    errval_t err =
    assert_disabled(err_is_ok(err) ||
                    err_no(err) == LIB_ERR_CHAN_ALREADY_REGISTERED);

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// Returns a channel with a pending event on the given waitset, or NULL
static struct waitset_chanstate *get_pending_event_disabled(struct waitset *ws)
    // are there any pending events on the waitset?
    if (ws->pending == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    // dequeue next pending event
    struct waitset_chanstate *chan = ws->pending;
    if (chan->next == chan) {
        assert_disabled(chan->prev == chan);
        ws->pending = NULL;
    } else {
        ws->pending = chan->next;
        chan->prev->next = chan->next;
        chan->next->prev = chan->prev;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    chan->prev = chan->next = NULL;

    // mark not pending
    assert_disabled(chan->state == CHAN_PENDING);
    chan->state = CHAN_UNREGISTERED;
    chan->waitset = NULL;

    return chan;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * \brief Register a closure to be called when a channel is triggered
 * In the Future, call the closure on a thread associated with the waitset
 * when the channel is triggered. Only one closure may be registered per
 * channel state at any one time.
 * This function must only be called when disabled.
 * \param ws Waitset
 * \param chan Waitset's per-channel state
 * \param closure Event handler
errval_t waitset_chan_register_disabled(struct waitset *ws,
                                        struct waitset_chanstate *chan,
                                        struct event_closure closure)
    if (chan->waitset != NULL) {

    chan->waitset = ws;

    // channel must not already be registered!
    assert_disabled(chan->next == NULL && chan->prev == NULL);
    assert_disabled(chan->state == CHAN_UNREGISTERED);

    // this is probably insane! :)
    assert_disabled(closure.handler != NULL);

    // store closure
    chan->closure = closure;

    // enqueue this channel on the waitset's queue of idle channels
    if (ws->idle == NULL) {
        chan->next = chan->prev = chan;
        ws->idle = chan;
    } else {
        chan->next = ws->idle;
        chan->prev = chan->next->prev;
        chan->next->prev = chan;
        chan->prev->next = chan;
    chan->state = CHAN_IDLE;

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \brief Resume execution of a given register state
 * This function resumes the execution of the given register state on the
 * current dispatcher. It may only be called while the dispatcher is disabled.
 * \param disp Current dispatcher pointer
 * \param regs Register state snapshot
disp_resume(dispatcher_handle_t handle,
            arch_registers_state_t *archregs)

    struct dispatcher_shared_arm *disp =

    // The definition of disp_resume_end is a totally flakey. The system
    // uses the location of the PC to determine where to spill the thread
    // context for exceptions and interrupts. There are two safe ways of doing
    // this:
    // 1) Write this entire function in assmebler.
    // 2) Write this function in C and write a linker script to emit
    //    function bounds.

    assert_disabled(curdispatcher() == handle);

    ((struct disp_priv *)disp)->yieldcount = 0;

    disp_resume_context(&disp->d, archregs->regs);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * \brief Save the current register state and optionally yield the CPU
 * This function saves as much as necessary of the current register state
 * (which, when resumed will return to the caller), and then either
 * re-enters the thread scheduler or yields the CPU.
 * It may only be called while the dispatcher is disabled.
 * \param disp Current dispatcher pointer
 * \param regs Location to save current register state
 * \param yield If true, yield CPU to kernel; otherwise re-run thread scheduler
 * \param yield_to Endpoint capability for dispatcher to which we want to yield
void disp_save(dispatcher_handle_t handle,
               arch_registers_state_t *state,
               bool yield, capaddr_t yield_to)
    struct dispatcher_shared_arm *disp =

    assert_disabled(curdispatcher() == handle);

    state->named.pc = (lvaddr_t)disp_save_epilog;

    if (yield) {
        // may fail if target doesn't exist; if so, just fall through
    // this code won't run if the yield succeeded

    // enter thread scheduler again
    // this doesn't return, and will call disp_yield if there's nothing to do

    __asm volatile("disp_save_epilog:");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * \brief Cancel an event registration made with lmp_chan_register_send()
 * \param lc LMP channel
errval_t lmp_chan_deregister_send(struct lmp_chan *lc)
    assert(lc != NULL);
    errval_t err = waitset_chan_deregister(&lc->send_waitset);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        return err;

    // dequeue from list of channels with send events
    assert(lc->next != NULL && lc->prev != NULL);
    dispatcher_handle_t handle = disp_disable();
    struct dispatcher_generic *dp = get_dispatcher_generic(handle);
    if (lc->next == lc->prev) {
        assert_disabled(dp->lmp_send_events_list == lc);
        dp->lmp_send_events_list = NULL;
    } else {
        lc->prev->next = lc->next;
        lc->next->prev = lc->prev;
        if (dp->lmp_send_events_list == lc) {
            dp->lmp_send_events_list = lc->next;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    lc->prev = lc->next = NULL;

    return err;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * \brief Switch execution between two register states
 * This function saves as much as necessary of the current register state
 * (which, when resumed will return to the caller), and switches execution
 * by resuming the given register state.  It may only be called while the
 * dispatcher is disabled.
 * \param disp Current dispatcher pointer
 * \param from_regs Location to save current register state
 * \param to_regs Location from which to resume new register state
void disp_switch(dispatcher_handle_t handle,
                 arch_registers_state_t *from_state,
                 arch_registers_state_t *to_state)
    struct dispatcher_shared_arm *disp =

    assert_disabled(curdispatcher() == handle);
    assert_disabled(to_state != NULL);

    from_state->named.pc = (lvaddr_t)disp_switch_epilog;
    disp_resume_context(&disp->d, to_state->regs);

    __asm volatile("disp_switch_epilog:");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * \brief Trigger a specific event callback on an unregistered channel
 * This function is equivalent to waitset_chan_register_disabled() immediately
 * followed by waitset_chan_trigger_disabled(), but avoids unneccessary queue
 * manipulation. This function must only be called when disabled.
 * \param ws Waitset
 * \param chan Waitset's per-channel state
 * \param closure Event handler
 * \param disp Current dispatcher pointer
errval_t waitset_chan_trigger_closure_disabled(struct waitset *ws,
                                               struct waitset_chanstate *chan,
                                               struct event_closure closure,
                                               dispatcher_handle_t handle)
    assert_disabled(chan != NULL);
    assert_disabled(ws != NULL);

    // check if already registered
    if (chan->waitset != NULL || chan->state != CHAN_UNREGISTERED) {

    assert_disabled(chan->prev == NULL && chan->next == NULL);

    // set closure
    chan->closure = closure;

    // is there a thread blocked on this waitset? if so, awaken it with the event
    if (ws->waiting_threads != NULL) {
        struct thread *t;
        t = thread_unblock_one_disabled(handle, &ws->waiting_threads, chan);
        assert_disabled(t == NULL);
        return SYS_ERR_OK;

    // mark channel pending and place on end of pending event queue
    chan->waitset = ws;
    chan->state = CHAN_PENDING;
    if (ws->pending == NULL) {
        ws->pending = chan;
        chan->next = chan->prev = chan;
    } else {
        chan->next = ws->pending;
        chan->prev = ws->pending->prev;
        chan->next->prev = chan;
        chan->prev->next = chan;

    assert(ws->pending->prev != NULL && ws->pending->next != NULL);

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 10
errval_t domain_wakeup_on_disabled(dispatcher_handle_t disp,
                                   struct thread *thread,
                                   dispatcher_handle_t mydisp)
    coreid_t core_id = disp_handle_get_core_id(disp);

    // TODO: Can't wakeup on anyone else than the owning dispatcher yet
    assert_disabled(disp == thread->disp);

    return domain_wakeup_on_coreid_disabled(core_id, thread, mydisp);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void wakeup_thread_request(struct interdisp_binding *b,
                                  genvaddr_t taddr)
    coreid_t core_id = disp_get_core_id();
    struct thread *wakeup = (struct thread *)(uintptr_t)taddr;
    dispatcher_handle_t handle = disp_disable();
    struct dispatcher_generic *disp_gen = get_dispatcher_generic(handle);
    /* assert_disabled(wakeup->disp == handle); */
    assert_disabled(wakeup->coreid == core_id);
    wakeup->disp = handle;
    thread_enqueue(wakeup, &disp_gen->runq);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * \brief Register a closure on a channel, and mark the channel as polled
 * In the Future, call the closure on a thread associated with the waitset
 * when the channel is triggered. Only one closure may be registered per
 * channel state at any one time. Additionally, mark the channel as polled.
 * This function must only be called when disabled.
 * \param ws Waitset
 * \param chan Waitset's per-channel state
 * \param closure Event handler
 * \param disp Current dispatcher pointer
errval_t waitset_chan_register_polled_disabled(struct waitset *ws,
                                               struct waitset_chanstate *chan,
                                               struct event_closure closure,
                                               dispatcher_handle_t handle)
    if (chan->waitset != NULL) {

    chan->waitset = ws;

    // channel must not already be registered!
    assert_disabled(chan->next == NULL && chan->prev == NULL);
    assert_disabled(chan->state == CHAN_UNREGISTERED);

    // store closure
    chan->closure = closure;

    // enqueue this channel on the waitset's queue of polled channels
    if (ws->polled == NULL) {
        chan->next = chan->prev = chan;
        ws->polled = chan;
        if (ws->waiting_threads != NULL && !ws->polling) {
            // start a blocked thread polling
            ws->polling = true;
            struct thread *t;
            t = thread_unblock_one_disabled(handle, &ws->waiting_threads, NULL);
            assert_disabled(t == NULL); // shouldn't see a remote thread: waitsets are per-dispatcher
    } else {
        chan->next = ws->polled;
        chan->prev = chan->next->prev;
        chan->next->prev = chan;
        chan->prev->next = chan;
    chan->state = CHAN_POLLED;

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * \brief Trigger send events for all LMP channels that are registered
 * We don't have a good way to determine when we are likely to be able
 * to send on an LMP channel, so this function just trigger all such
 * pending events every time the dispatcher is rescheduled.
 * Must be called while disabled and from dispatcher logic.
void lmp_channels_retry_send_disabled(dispatcher_handle_t handle)
    struct dispatcher_generic *dp = get_dispatcher_generic(handle);
    struct lmp_chan *lc, *first = dp->lmp_send_events_list, *next;
    errval_t err;

    for (lc = first; lc != NULL; lc = next) {
        next = lc->next;
        assert(next != NULL);
        err = waitset_chan_trigger_disabled(&lc->send_waitset, handle);
        assert_disabled(err_is_ok(err)); // shouldn't fail
#ifndef NDEBUG
        lc->next = lc->prev = NULL;
        if (next == first) {
            break; // wrapped

    dp->lmp_send_events_list = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * \brief Trigger an event callback on a channel
 * Marks the given channel as having a pending event, causing some future call
 * to get_next_event() to return the registered closure.
 * This function must only be called when disabled.
 * \param chan Waitset's per-channel state
 * \param disp Current dispatcher pointer
errval_t waitset_chan_trigger_disabled(struct waitset_chanstate *chan,
                                       dispatcher_handle_t handle)
    assert_disabled(chan != NULL);
    struct waitset *ws = chan->waitset;
    assert_disabled(ws != NULL);
    assert_disabled(chan->prev != NULL && chan->next != NULL);

    // no-op if already pending
    if (chan->state == CHAN_PENDING) {
        return SYS_ERR_OK;

    // remove from previous queue (either idle or polled)
    if (chan->next == chan) {
        assert_disabled(chan->prev == chan);
        if (chan->state == CHAN_IDLE) {
            assert_disabled(ws->idle == chan);
            ws->idle = NULL;
        } else {
            assert_disabled(chan->state == CHAN_POLLED);
            assert_disabled(ws->polled == chan);
            ws->polled = NULL;
    } else {
        chan->prev->next = chan->next;
        chan->next->prev = chan->prev;
        if (chan->state == CHAN_IDLE) {
            if (ws->idle == chan) {
                ws->idle = chan->next;
        } else {
            assert_disabled(chan->state == CHAN_POLLED);
            if (ws->polled == chan) {
                ws->polled = chan->next;

    // is there a thread blocked on this waitset? if so, awaken it with the event
    if (ws->waiting_threads != NULL) {
        chan->waitset = NULL;
#ifndef NDEBUG
        chan->prev = chan->next = NULL;
        chan->state = CHAN_UNREGISTERED;
        struct thread *t;
        t = thread_unblock_one_disabled(handle, &ws->waiting_threads, chan);
        assert_disabled(t == NULL);
        return SYS_ERR_OK;

    // else mark channel pending and move to end of pending event queue
    chan->state = CHAN_PENDING;
    if (ws->pending == NULL) {
        ws->pending = chan;
        chan->next = chan->prev = chan;
    } else {
        chan->next = ws->pending;
        chan->prev = ws->pending->prev;
        assert_disabled(ws->pending->next != NULL);
        assert_disabled(ws->pending->prev != NULL);
        assert_disabled(chan->prev != NULL);
        chan->next->prev = chan;
        chan->prev->next = chan;

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * \brief Cancel a previous callback registration
 * Remove the registration for a callback on the given channel.
 * This function must only be called when disabled.
 * \param chan Waitset's per-channel state
errval_t waitset_chan_deregister_disabled(struct waitset_chanstate *chan)
    assert_disabled(chan != NULL);
    struct waitset *ws = chan->waitset;
    if (ws == NULL) {

    // remove this channel from the queue in which it is waiting
    chan->waitset = NULL;
    assert_disabled(chan->next != NULL && chan->prev != NULL);

    if (chan->next == chan) {
        // only thing in the list: must be the head
        assert_disabled(chan->prev == chan);
        switch (chan->state) {
        case CHAN_IDLE:
            assert_disabled(chan == ws->idle);
            ws->idle = NULL;

        case CHAN_POLLED:
            assert_disabled(chan == ws->polled);
            ws->polled = NULL;

        case CHAN_PENDING:
            assert_disabled(chan == ws->pending);
            ws->pending = NULL;

            assert_disabled(!"invalid channel state in deregister");
    } else {
        assert_disabled(chan->prev != chan);
        chan->prev->next = chan->next;
        chan->next->prev = chan->prev;
        switch (chan->state) {
        case CHAN_IDLE:
            if (chan == ws->idle) {
                ws->idle = chan->next;

        case CHAN_POLLED:
            if (chan == ws->polled) {
                ws->polled = chan->next;

        case CHAN_PENDING:
            if (chan == ws->pending) {
                ws->pending = chan->next;

            assert_disabled(!"invalid channel state in deregister");
    chan->state = CHAN_UNREGISTERED;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    chan->prev = chan->next = NULL;

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static errval_t get_next_event_debug(struct waitset *ws,
        struct event_closure *retclosure, bool debug)
    struct waitset_chanstate *chan;
    bool was_polling = false;
    cycles_t pollcycles;

    assert(ws != NULL);
    assert(retclosure != NULL);

    // unconditionally disable ourselves and check for events
    // if we decide we have to start polling, we'll jump back up here
    goto check_for_events;

    /* ------------ POLLING LOOP; RUNS WHILE ENABLED ------------ */
    was_polling = true;
    assert(ws->polling); // this thread is polling
    // get the amount of cycles we want to poll for
    pollcycles = pollcycles_reset();

    // while there are no pending events, poll channels
    while (ws->polled != NULL && ws->pending == NULL) {
        struct waitset_chanstate *nextchan = NULL;
        // NB: Polling policy is to return as soon as a pending event
        // appears, not bother looking at the rest of the polling queue
        for (chan = ws->polled;
             chan != NULL && chan->waitset == ws && chan->state == CHAN_POLLED
                 && ws->pending == NULL;
             chan = nextchan) {

            nextchan = chan->next;
            // update pollcycles
            pollcycles = pollcycles_update(pollcycles);
            // yield the thread if we exceed the cycle count limit
            if (ws->pending == NULL && pollcycles_expired(pollcycles)) {
                if (debug) {
                if (strcmp(disp_name(), "netd") != 0) {
                    // Print the callback trace so that we know which call is leading
                    // the schedule removal and
                    printf("%s: callstack: %p %p %p %p\n", disp_name(),

                pollcycles = pollcycles_reset();

        // ensure that we restart polling from the place we left off here,
        // if the next channel is a valid one
        if (nextchan != NULL && nextchan->waitset == ws
            && nextchan->state == CHAN_POLLED) {
            ws->polled = nextchan;

    /* ------------ STATE MACHINERY; RUNS WHILE DISABLED ------------ */
check_for_events: ;
    dispatcher_handle_t handle = disp_disable();

    // are there any pending events on the waitset?
    chan = get_pending_event_disabled(ws);
    if (chan != NULL) {
        // if we need to poll, and we have a blocked thread, wake it up to do so
        if (was_polling && ws->polled != NULL && ws->waiting_threads != NULL) {
            // start a blocked thread polling
            struct thread *t;
            t = thread_unblock_one_disabled(handle, &ws->waiting_threads, NULL);
            assert_disabled(t == NULL); // shouldn't see a remote thread
        } else if (was_polling) {
            // I'm stopping polling, and there is nobody else
            ws->polling = false;

        *retclosure = chan->closure;
        return SYS_ERR_OK;

    // If we got here and there are channels to poll but no-one is polling,
    // then either we never polled, or we lost a race on the channel we picked.
    // Either way, we'd better start polling again.
    if (ws->polled != NULL && (was_polling || !ws->polling)) {
        if (!was_polling) {
            ws->polling = true;
        goto polling_loop;

    // otherwise block awaiting an event
    chan = thread_block_disabled(handle, &ws->waiting_threads);

    if (chan == NULL) {
        // not a real event, just a wakeup to get us to start polling!
        goto polling_loop;
    } else {
        *retclosure = chan->closure;
        return SYS_ERR_OK;