Ejemplo n.º 1
void atlKy2hd( AstKeyMap *keymap, HDSLoc *loc, int *status ) {
    *  Name:
    *     atlKy2hd

    *  Purpose:
    *     Copies values from an AST KeyMap to a primitive HDS object.

    *  Language:
    *     C.

    *  Invocation:
    *     void atlKy2hd( AstKeyMap *keymap, HDSLoc *loc, int *status )

    *  Description:
    *     This routine copies the contents of an AST KeyMap into a supplied
    *     HDS structure.

    *  Arguments:
    *     keymap
    *        An AST pointer to the KeyMap.
    *     loc
    *        A locator for the HDS object into which the KeyMap contents
    *        are to be copied. A new component is added to the HDS object for
    *        each entry in the KeyMap.
    *     status
    *        The inherited status.

    *  Copyright:
    *     Copyright (C) 2008, 2010, 2012 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
    *     All Rights Reserved.

    *  Licence:
    *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
    *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
    *     useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    *     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    *     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
    *     02110-1301, USA

    *  Authors:
    *     DSB: David S. Berry
    *     TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
    *     {enter_new_authors_here}

    *  History:
    *     29-APR-2008 (DSB):
    *        Original version.
    *     2010-09-23 (TIMJ):
    *        Fix arrays of strings.
    *     2010-09-30 (TIMJ):
    *        Make sure that we are using the correct status pointer in AST.
    *     2010-10-01 (TIMJ):
    *        Sort the keys when writing to HDS structured.
    *     2010-10-04 (TIMJ):
    *        Support Short ints in keymap
    *     14-SEP-2012 (DSB):
    *        Moved from kaplibs to atl.
    *     17-SEP-2012 (DSB):
    *        Add support for undefined values.
    *     {enter_further_changes_here}

    *  Bugs:
    *     {note_any_bugs_here}

    /* Local Varianles: */
    AstObject **objArray = NULL;
    AstObject *obj = NULL;
    HDSLoc *cloc = NULL;
    HDSLoc *dloc = NULL;
    const char *cval = NULL;
    const char *key;
    double dval;
    float fval;
    int i;
    int ival;
    int j;
    int lenc;
    int nval;
    char *oldsortby;
    int *oldstat = NULL;
    int size;
    int type;
    int veclen;
    size_t el;
    void *pntr = NULL;

    /* Check inherited status */
    if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

    /* Make sure that we are checking AST status */
    oldstat = astWatch( status );

    /* If set, save the old SortBy value and then ensure alphabetical sorting.
       We need to take a copy of the original string since the buffer in which
       the string is stored may be re-used by subsequent incocations of astGetC.  */
    if( astTest( keymap, "SortBy" ) ) {
        int nc = 0;
        oldsortby = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, astGetC( keymap, "SortBy" ) );
    } else {
        oldsortby = NULL;
    astSet( keymap, "SortBy=KeyUp" );

    /* Loop round each entry in the KeyMap. */
    size = astMapSize( keymap );
    for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {

        if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

        /* Get the key. the data type and the vector length for the current
           KeyMap entry. */
        key = astMapKey( keymap, i );
        type = astMapType( keymap, key );
        veclen = astMapLength( keymap, key );

        /* If the current entry holds one or more nested KeyMaps, then we call
           this function recursively to add them into a new HDS component. */
        if( type == AST__OBJECTTYPE ) {

            /* First deal with scalar entries holding a single KeyMap. */
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew( loc, key, "KEYMAP_ENTRY", 0, NULL, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );

                (void) astMapGet0A( keymap, key, &obj );

                if( astIsAKeyMap( obj ) ) {
                    atlKy2hd( (AstKeyMap *) obj, cloc, status );

                } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                    *status = SAI__ERROR;
                    errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains unusable AST "
                            "objects (programming error).", status );

                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

                /* Now deal with vector entries holding multiple KeyMaps. */
            } else {
                datNew( loc, key, "KEYMAP_ENTRY", 1, &veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );

                objArray = astMalloc( sizeof( AstObject *) * (size_t)veclen );
                if( objArray ) {
                    (void) astMapGet1A( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, objArray );

                    for( j = 1; j <= veclen; j++ ) {
                        datCell( cloc, 1, &j, &dloc, status );

                        if( astIsAKeyMap( objArray[ j - 1 ] ) ) {
                            atlKy2hd( (AstKeyMap *) objArray[ j - 1 ], dloc, status );

                        } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                            *status = SAI__ERROR;
                            errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains unusable AST "
                                    "objects (programming error).", status );

                        datAnnul( &dloc, status );

                    objArray = astFree( objArray );

                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            /* For primitive types... */
        } else if( type == AST__INTTYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0I( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0I( keymap, key, &ival );
                datPut0I( cloc, ival, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1I( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_INTEGER", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1I( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (int *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__SINTTYPE ) {
            short sval = 0;
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0W( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0S( keymap, key, &sval );
                datPut0W( cloc, sval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1W( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_WORD", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1S( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (short *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__DOUBLETYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0D( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0D( keymap, key, &dval );
                datPut0D( cloc, dval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1D( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_DOUBLE", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1D( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (double *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__FLOATTYPE ) {
            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0R( loc, key, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0F( keymap, key, &fval );
                datPut0R( cloc, fval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1R( loc, key, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_REAL", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) astMapGet1F( keymap, key, veclen, &nval, (float *) pntr );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

        } else if( type == AST__STRINGTYPE ) {
            lenc = astMapLenC( keymap, key );

            if( veclen == 1 ) {
                datNew0C( loc, key, lenc, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                (void) astMapGet0C( keymap, key, &cval );
                datPut0C( cloc, cval, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            } else {
                datNew1C( loc, key, lenc, veclen, status );
                datFind( loc, key, &cloc, status );
                datMapV( cloc, "_CHAR", "WRITE", &pntr, &el, status );
                (void) atlMapGet1C( keymap, key, veclen*lenc, lenc, &nval,
                                    (char *) pntr, status );
                datUnmap( cloc, status );
                datAnnul( &cloc, status );

            /* KeyMap "UNDEF" values are always scalar and have no corresponding HDS
               data type. So arbitrarily use an "_INTEGER" primitive with no defined
               value to represent a KeyMap UNDEF value. */
        } else if( type == AST__UNDEFTYPE ) {
            datNew0L( loc, key, status );

            /* Unknown or unsupported data types. */
        } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            msgSeti( "T", type );
            errRep( "", "atlKy2hd: Supplied KeyMap contains entries with "
                    "unusable data type (^T) (programming error).", status );

    /* If it was originally set, re-instate the old SortBy value in the KeyMap,
       then free the memory. Otherwise, clear the SortBy attribute. */
    if( oldsortby ) {
        astSetC( keymap, "SortBy", oldsortby );
        oldsortby = astFree( oldsortby );
    } else {
        astClear( keymap, "SortBy" );

    /* Reset AST status */
    astWatch( oldstat );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void kpg1Kygp1( AstKeyMap *keymap, Grp **igrp, const char *prefix,
                int *status ){
*  Name:
*     kpg1Kygp1

*  Purpose:
*     Creates a GRP group holding keyword/value pairs read from an AST KeyMap.

*  Language:
*     C.

*  Invocation:
*     void kpg1Kygp1( AstKeyMap *keymap, Grp **igrp, const char *prefix,
*                     int *status )

*  Description:
*     This function is the inverse of kpg1Kymp1. It extracts the values
*     from the supplied AST KeyMap and creates a set of "name=value" strings
*     which it appends to a supplied group (or creates a new group). If
*     the KeyMap contains nested KeyMaps, then the "name" associated with
*     each primitive value stored in the returned group is a hierarchical
*     list of component names separated by dots.

*  Arguments:
*     keymap
*        A pointer to the KeyMap. Numerical entries which have bad values
*        (VAL__BADI for integer entries or VAL__BADD for floating point
*        entries) are not copied into the group.
*     igrp
*        A location at which is stored a pointer to the Grp structure
*        to which the name=value strings are to be appended. A new group is
*        created and a pointer to it is returned if the supplied Grp
*        structure is not valid.
*     prefix
*        A string to append to the start of each key extracted from the
*        supplied KeyMap. If NULL, no prefix is used.
*     status
*        Pointer to the inherited status value.

*  Notes:
*     - This function provides a private implementation for the public
*     KPG1_KYGRP Fortran routine and kpg1Kygrp C function.
*     - Entries will be stored in the group in alphabetical order

*  Copyright:
*     Copyright (C) 2008,2010 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
*     Copyright (C) 2005 Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council.
*     All Rights Reserved.

*  Licence:
*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
*     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
*     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
*     useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
*     PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
*     02110-1301, USA

*  Authors:
*     DSB: David S. Berry
*     TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
*     {enter_new_authors_here}

*  History:
*     7-NOV-2005 (DSB):
*        Original version.
*     15-JUL-2008 (TIMJ):
*        Tweak to GRP C API.
*     2010-07-19 (TIMJ):
*        Handle vector keymap entries.
*     2010-08-12 (TIMJ):
*        Store entries in group in alphabetical order.
*     13-AUG-2010 (DSB):
*        Re-instate the original SortBy value before exiting.
*     {enter_further_changes_here}

*  Bugs:
*     {note_any_bugs_here}


/* Local Variables: */
   AstObject *obj;              /* Pointer to nested AST Object */
   char *oldsortby;             /* The old value of the KeyMap's SortBy attribute */
   char *text;                  /* Sum of concatenated strings */
   const char *key;             /* Key string for current entry in KeyMap */
   const char *value;           /* Value of current entry in KeyMap */
   double dval;                 /* Double value */
   int *old_status;             /* Pointer to original status variable */
   int bad;                     /* Is the numerical entry value bad? */
   int i;                       /* Index into supplied KeyMap */
   int ival;                    /* Integer value */
   int n;                       /* Number of entries in the KeyMap */
   int nc;                      /* Length of "text" excluding trailing null */
   int type;                    /* Data type of current entry in KeyMap */
   int valid;                   /* Is the supplied GRP structure valid? */

/* Check the inherited status. */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Make AST use the Fortran status variable. */
   old_status = astWatch( status );

/* Create a new GRP group if required. */
   valid = grpValid( *igrp, status );
   if( !valid ) *igrp = grpNew( "Created by kpg1_Kygp1", status );

/* If set, save the old SortBy value and then ensure alphabetical sorting.
   We need to take a copy of the original string since the buffer in which
   the string is stored may be re-used by subsequent incocations of astGetC.  */
   if( astTest( keymap, "SortBy" ) ) {
      nc = 0;
      oldsortby = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, astGetC( keymap, "SortBy" ) );
   } else {
      oldsortby = NULL;
   astSet( keymap, "SortBy=KeyUp" );

/* Get the number of entries in the KeyMap. */
   n = astMapSize( keymap );

/* Loop round all the entries in the KeyMap.*/
   for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {

/* Get the name and type of the current KeyMap entry. */
      key = astMapKey( keymap, i );
      type = astMapType( keymap, key );

/* If the entry is an AST Object, get a pointer to it.*/
      if( type == AST__OBJECTTYPE && astMapGet0A( keymap, key, &obj ) ) {

/* If it is a nested KeyMap, update the prefix and call this function
   recursively. We ignore other forms of AST Objects. */
         if( astIsAKeyMap( obj ) ) {
            nc = 0;
            text = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, prefix );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, key );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "." );
            kpg1Kygp1( (AstKeyMap *) obj, igrp, text, status );
            text = astFree( text );

/* If it is a primitive, format it and add it to the group. */
      } else {

/* If it is a numerical type, see if it has a bad value. */
         bad = 0;
         if( type == AST__INTTYPE && astMapGet0I( keymap, key, &ival ) ){
            if( ival == VAL__BADI ) bad = 1;
         } else if( type == AST__DOUBLETYPE && astMapGet0D( keymap, key, &dval ) ){
            if( dval == VAL__BADD ) bad = 1;

/* If it not bad, get its formatted value. We also make sure that astMapGet0C returns
   true because we intend to skip undefined values. */
         if( !bad && astMapGet0C( keymap, key, &value ) ) {
            size_t length;

/* Write the key and equals sign to a buffer */
            nc = 0;
            text = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, prefix );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, key );
            text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "=" );

            length = astMapLength( keymap, key );

            if( length > 1 ) {
/* Vector so we need to use  (a,b,c) syntax */
               char thiselem[GRP__SZNAM+1];
               size_t l;

               text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "(");
               for ( l = 0; l < length; l++) {
                  if( astMapGetElemC( keymap, key, sizeof(thiselem), l, thiselem ) ) {
                     text = astAppendString( text, &nc, thiselem );
/* always deal with the comma. Even if value was undef we need to put in the comma */
                  if( l < (length - 1) ) {
                     text = astAppendString( text, &nc, "," );
               text = astAppendString( text, &nc, ")");

            } else {
/* Scalar */
               text = astAppendString( text, &nc, value );
/* Put it in the group. */
            grpPut1( *igrp, text, 0, status );
            text = astFree( text );

/* If it was originally set, re-instate the old SortBy value in the KeyMap,
   then free the memory. Otherwise, clear the SortBy attribute. */
   if( oldsortby ) {
      astSetC( keymap, "SortBy", oldsortby );
      oldsortby = astFree( oldsortby );
   } else {
      astClear( keymap, "SortBy" );

/* Make AST use its original status variable. */
   astWatch( old_status );

Ejemplo n.º 3
void smf_find_science(const Grp * ingrp, Grp **outgrp, int reverttodark,
                      Grp **darkgrp, Grp **flatgrp, int reducedark,
                      int calcflat, smf_dtype darktype, smfArray ** darks,
                      smfArray **fflats, AstKeyMap ** heateffmap,
                      double * meanstep, int * status ) {

  smfSortInfo *alldarks; /* array of sort structs for darks */
  smfSortInfo *allfflats; /* array of fast flat info */
  Grp * dgrp = NULL;  /* Internal dark group */
  double duration_darks = 0.0; /* total duration of all darks */
  double duration_sci = 0.0;  /* Duration of all science observations */
  size_t dkcount = 0; /* Dark counter */
  size_t ffcount = 0; /* Fast flat counter */
  Grp * fgrp = NULL;  /* Fast flat group */
  size_t i;           /* loop counter */
  smfData *infile = NULL; /* input file */
  size_t insize;     /* number of input files */
  size_t nsteps_dark = 0;    /* Total number of steps for darks */
  size_t nsteps_sci = 0;     /* Total number of steps for science */
  AstKeyMap * heatermap = NULL; /* Heater efficiency map */
  AstKeyMap * obsmap = NULL; /* Info from all observations */
  AstKeyMap * objmap = NULL; /* All the object names used */
  AstKeyMap * scimap = NULL; /* All non-flat obs indexed by unique key */
  Grp *ogrp = NULL;   /* local copy of output group */
  size_t sccount = 0; /* Number of accepted science files */
  struct timeval tv1;  /* Timer */
  struct timeval tv2;  /* Timer */

  if (meanstep) *meanstep = VAL__BADD;
  if (outgrp) *outgrp = NULL;
  if (darkgrp) *darkgrp = NULL;
  if (darks) *darks = NULL;
  if (fflats) *fflats = NULL;
  if (heateffmap) *heateffmap = NULL;

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  /* Sanity check to make sure we return some information */
  if ( outgrp == NULL && darkgrp == NULL && darks == NULL && fflats == NULL) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( " ", FUNC_NAME ": Must have some non-NULL arguments"
            " (possible programming error)", status);

  /* Start a timer to see how long this takes */
  smf_timerinit( &tv1, &tv2, status );

  /* Create new group for output files */
  ogrp = smf_grp_new( ingrp, "Science", status );

  /* and a new group for darks */
  dgrp =  smf_grp_new( ingrp, "DarkFiles", status );

  /* and for fast flats */
  fgrp =  smf_grp_new( ingrp, "FastFlats", status );

  /* and also create a keymap for the observation description */
  obsmap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1" );

  /* and an object map */
  objmap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1" );

  /* This keymap contains the sequence counters for each related
     subarray/obsidss/heater/shutter combination and is used to decide
     if a bad flat is relevant */
  scimap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1,KeyCase=0" );

  /* This keymap is used to contain relevant heater efficiency data */
  heatermap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1,KeyCase=0" );

  /* Work out how many input files we have and allocate sufficient sorting
     space */
  insize = grpGrpsz( ingrp, status );
  alldarks = astCalloc( insize, sizeof(*alldarks) );
  allfflats = astCalloc( insize, sizeof(*allfflats) );

  /* check each file in turn */
  for (i = 1; i <= insize; i++) {
    int seqcount = 0;
    char keystr[100];  /* Key for scimap entry */

    /* open the file but just to get the header */
    smf_open_file( ingrp, i, "READ", SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, &infile, status );
    if (*status != SAI__OK) break;

    /* Fill in the keymap with observation details */
    smf_obsmap_fill( infile, obsmap, objmap, status );

    /* Find the heater efficiency map if required */
    if (*status == SAI__OK && heateffmap) {
      char arrayidstr[32];
      smf_fits_getS( infile->hdr, "ARRAYID", arrayidstr, sizeof(arrayidstr),
                     status );
      if (!astMapHasKey( heatermap, arrayidstr ) ) {
        smfData * heateff = NULL;
        dim_t nbolos = 0;
        smf_flat_params( infile, "RESIST", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &heateff, status );
        smf_get_dims( heateff, NULL, NULL, &nbolos, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                      status );
        if (heateff) astMapPut0P( heatermap, arrayidstr, heateff, NULL );

    /* Get the sequence counter for the file. We do not worry about
       duplicate sequence counters (at the moment) */
    smf_find_seqcount( infile->hdr, &seqcount, status );

    /* The key identifying this subarray/obsidss/heater/shutter combo */
    smf__calc_flatobskey( infile->hdr, keystr, sizeof(keystr), status );

    if (smf_isdark( infile, status )) {
      /* Store the sorting information */
      dkcount = smf__addto_sortinfo( infile, alldarks, i, dkcount, "Dark", status );
      smf__addto_durations( infile, &duration_darks, &nsteps_dark, status );
      astMapPutElemI( scimap, keystr, -1, seqcount );
    } else {
      /* compare sequence type with observation type and drop it (for now)
         if they differ */
      if ( infile->hdr->obstype == infile->hdr->seqtype ) {
        /* Sanity check the header for corruption. Compare RTS_NUM with SEQSTART
           and SEQEND. The first RTS_NUM must either be SEQSTART or else between
           SEQSTART and SEQEND (if someone has giving us a section) */
        int seqstart = 0;
        int seqend = 0;
        int firstnum = 0;
        JCMTState *tmpState = NULL;
        smf_getfitsi( infile->hdr, "SEQSTART", &seqstart, status );
        smf_getfitsi( infile->hdr, "SEQEND", &seqend, status );
        tmpState = infile->hdr->allState;

        if( tmpState ) {
          firstnum = (tmpState[0]).rts_num;
          smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>");
          if ( firstnum >= seqstart && firstnum <= seqend ) {
            /* store the file in the output group */
            ndgCpsup( ingrp, i, ogrp, status );
            msgOutif(MSG__DEBUG, " ", "Non-dark file: ^F",status);
            smf__addto_durations( infile, &duration_sci, &nsteps_sci, status );
            astMapPutElemI( scimap, keystr, -1, seqcount );
          } else {
            msgOutif( MSG__QUIET, "",
                      "File ^F has a corrupt FITS header. Ignoring it.",
                      status );
        } else {
          smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>");
          /* store the file in the output group */
          ndgCpsup( ingrp, i, ogrp, status );
          msgOutif( MSG__DEBUG, " ",
                    "File ^F lacks JCMTState: assuming it is non-dark",status);
          smf__addto_durations( infile, &duration_sci, &nsteps_sci, status );
          astMapPutElemI( scimap, keystr, -1, seqcount );

      } else if (infile->hdr->seqtype == SMF__TYP_FASTFLAT ) {
        ffcount = smf__addto_sortinfo( infile, allfflats, i, ffcount, "Fast flat", status );
      } else {
        smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>");
        msgOutif(MSG__DEBUG, " ", "Sequence type mismatch with observation type: ^F",status);

    /* close the file */
    smf_close_file( &infile, status );

  /* Store output group in return variable or else free it */
  if (outgrp) {
    *outgrp = ogrp;
  } else {
    grpDelet( &ogrp, status );

  /* process flatfields if necessary */
  if (ffcount > 0 && fflats ) {
    smfArray * array = NULL;

    /* sort flats into order */
    qsort( allfflats, ffcount, sizeof(*allfflats), smf_sort_bydouble);

    if (fflats) array = smf_create_smfArray( status );

    /* now open the flats and store them if requested */
    if (*status == SAI__OK && array && ffcount) {
      size_t start_ffcount = ffcount;
      AstKeyMap * flatmap = NULL;

      if (calcflat) {
        /* Use AgeUp so that we get the keys out in the sorted order
           that allfflats used */
        flatmap = astKeyMap( "KeyCase=0,KeyError=1,SortBy=AgeDown" );

      /* Read each flatfield. Calculate a responsivity image and a flatfield
         solution. Store these in a keymap along with related information
         which is itself stored in a keymap indexed by a string made of
         OBSIDSS, reference heater value, shutter and subarray.

      for (i = 0; i < start_ffcount; i++ ) {
        size_t ori_index =  (allfflats[i]).index;
        smfData * outfile = NULL;
        char keystr[100];
        AstKeyMap * infomap = astKeyMap( "KeyError=1" );
        int oplen = 0;
        char thisfile[MSG__SZMSG];
        int seqcount = 0;

        /* read filename from group */
        infile = NULL;
        smf_open_file( ingrp, ori_index, "READ", 0, &infile, status );
        if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
          /* This should not happen because we have already opened
             the file. If it does happen we abort with error. */
          if (infile) smf_close_file( &infile, status );

        /* Calculate the key for this observation */
        smf__calc_flatobskey( infile->hdr, keystr, sizeof(keystr), status );

        /* Get the file name for error messages */
        smf_smfFile_msg( infile->file, "F", 1, "<unknown file>" );
        msgLoad( "", "^F", thisfile, sizeof(thisfile), &oplen, status );

        /* And the sequence counter to link against science observations */
        smf_find_seqcount( infile->hdr, &seqcount, status );

        /* Prefill infomap */
        astMapPut0C( infomap, "FILENAME", thisfile, "");
        astMapPut0I( infomap, "SEQCOUNT", seqcount, "");

        /* Collapse it */
        if (*status == SAI__OK) {
          smf_flat_fastflat( infile, &outfile, status );
          if (*status == SMF__BADFLAT) {
            errFlush( status );

            if (calcflat) {
              /* Need to generate an outfile like smf_flat_fastflat
                 and one heater setting will force smf_flat_calcflat to fail */
              smf_flat_malloc( 1, infile, NULL, &outfile, status );
            } else {
              if (outfile) smf_close_file( &outfile, status );
              if (infile) smf_close_file( &infile, status );
              infomap = astAnnul( infomap );

        if (outfile && *status == SAI__OK) {
          smf_close_file( &infile, status );
          infile = outfile;

          if (calcflat) {
            size_t ngood = 0;
            smfData * curresp = NULL;
            int utdate;

            if (*status == SAI__OK) {
              ngood = smf_flat_calcflat( MSG__VERB, NULL, "RESIST",
                                         "FLATMETH", "FLATORDER", NULL, "RESPMASK",
                                         "FLATSNR", NULL, infile, &curresp, status );
              if (*status != SAI__OK) {
                /* if we failed to calculate a flatfield we continue but force the
                   flatfield to be completely bad. This will force the science data associated
                   with the flatfield to be correctly blanked. We do not annul though
                   if we have a SUBPAR error telling us that we have failed to define
                   our parameters properly. */
                if (*status != SUBPAR__NOPAR) errAnnul(status);

                /* parameters of flatfield */
                ngood = 0;

                /* Generate a blank flatfield and blank responsivity image */
                smf_flat_badflat( infile, &curresp, status );

              /* Retrieve the UT date so we can decide whether to compare
                 flatfields */
              smf_getfitsi( infile->hdr, "UTDATE", &utdate, status );

              /* Store the responsivity data for later on and the processed
                 flatfield until we have vetted it */
              astMapPut0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", infile, "" );
              astMapPut0P( infomap, "RESP", curresp, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "UTDATE", utdate, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "ISGOOD", 1, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "NGOOD", ngood, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "GRPINDEX", ori_index, "" );
              astMapPut0I( infomap, "SMFTYP", infile->hdr->obstype, "" );
              astMapPutElemA( flatmap, keystr, -1, infomap );


          } else { /* if (calcflat) */
            /* Store the collapsed flatfield  - the processed flat is not stored here yet */
            smf_addto_smfArray( array, infile, status );

            /* Copy the group info */
            ndgCpsup( ingrp, ori_index, fgrp, status );


        } /* if (outfile) */

        /* Annul the keymap (will be fine if it is has been stored in another keymap) */
        infomap = astAnnul( infomap );

      } /* End loop over flatfields */

      /* Now we have to loop over the related flatfields to disable
         bolometers that are not good and also decide whether we
         need to set status to bad. */
      if (*status == SAI__OK && calcflat ) {
        size_t nkeys = astMapSize( flatmap );
        for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++ ) {
          const char *key = astMapKey( flatmap, i );
          int nf = 0;
          AstKeyMap ** kmaps = NULL;
          int nelem = astMapLength( flatmap, key );
          kmaps = astMalloc( sizeof(*kmaps) * nelem );
          astMapGet1A( flatmap, key, nelem, &nelem, kmaps );

          for ( nf = 0; nf < nelem && *status == SAI__OK; nf++ ) {
            AstKeyMap * infomap = kmaps[nf];
            int isgood = 0;

            astMapGet0I( infomap, "ISGOOD", &isgood );

            if (isgood) {
              /* The flatfield worked */
              size_t ngood = 0;
              int itemp;
              int utdate = 0;
              int ratioFlats = 0;

              /* Get the UT date - we do not compare flatfields after
                 the time we enabled heater tracking at each sequence. */
              astMapGet0I( infomap, "UTDATE", &utdate );

              /* Get the number of good bolometers at this point */
              astMapGet0I( infomap, "NGOOD", &itemp );
              ngood = itemp;

              /* Decide if we want to do the ratio test. We default to
                 not doing it between 20110901 and 20120827 which is
                 the period when we did mini-heater tracks before each
                 flat. ! indicates that we choose based on date. */
              if (*status == SAI__OK) {
                parGet0l( "FLATUSENEXT", &ratioFlats, status );
                if ( *status == PAR__NULL ) {
                  errAnnul( status );
                  if (utdate >= 20110901 || utdate <= 20120827 ) {
                    ratioFlats = 0;
                  } else {
                    ratioFlats = 1;

              /* Can we compare with the next flatfield? */
              if (ngood < SMF__MINSTATSAMP || !ratioFlats ) {
                /* no point doing all the ratio checking for this */
              } else if ( nelem - nf >= 2 ) {
                AstKeyMap * nextmap = kmaps[nf+1];
                const char *nextfname = NULL;
                const char *fname = NULL;
                smfData * curresp = NULL;
                smfData * nextresp = NULL;
                smfData * curflat = NULL;
                void *tmpvar = NULL;
                size_t bol = 0;
                smfData * ratio = NULL;
                double *in1 = NULL;
                double *in2 = NULL;
                double mean = VAL__BADD;
                size_t nbolo;
                double *out = NULL;
                double sigma = VAL__BADD;
                float clips[] = { 5.0, 5.0 }; /* 5.0 sigma iterative clip */
                size_t ngoodz = 0;

                astMapGet0C( nextmap, "FILENAME", &nextfname );
                astMapGet0C( infomap, "FILENAME", &fname );

                /* Retrieve the responsivity images from the keymap */
                astMapGet0P( infomap, "RESP", &tmpvar );
                curresp = tmpvar;
                astMapGet0P( nextmap, "RESP", &tmpvar );
                nextresp = tmpvar;
                astMapGet0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", &tmpvar );
                curflat = tmpvar;

                nbolo = (curresp->dims)[0] * (curresp->dims)[1];

                /* get some memory for the ratio if we have not already.
                   We could get some memory once assuming each flat has the
                   same number of bolometers... */
                ratio = smf_deepcopy_smfData( curresp, 0, 0, 0, 0, status );
                if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

                  /* divide: smf_divide_smfData ? */
                  in1 = (curresp->pntr)[0];
                  in2 = (nextresp->pntr)[0];
                  out = (ratio->pntr)[0];

                  for (bol=0; bol<nbolo;bol++) {
                    if ( in1[bol] != VAL__BADD && in1[bol] != 0.0 &&
                         in2[bol] != VAL__BADD && in2[bol] != 0.0 ) {
                      out[bol] = in1[bol] / in2[bol];
                    } else {
                      out[bol] = VAL__BADD;

                /* find some statistics */
                smf_clipped_stats1D( out, 2, clips, 1, nbolo, NULL, 0, 0, &mean,
                                     &sigma, NULL, 0, &ngoodz, status );

                if (*status == SMF__INSMP) {
                  msgOutiff( MSG__QUIET, "",
                            "Flatfield ramp ratio of %s with %s had too few bolometers (%zu < %d).",
                             status, fname, nextfname, ngoodz, SMF__MINSTATSAMP );
                  ngood = ngoodz; /* Must be lower or equal to original ngood */

                } else if (*status == SAI__OK && mean != VAL__BADD && sigma != VAL__BADD && curflat->da) {
                  /* Now flag the flatfield as bad for bolometers that have changed
                     more than n%. We expect the variation to be 1+/-a small bit */
                  const double pmrange = 0.10;
                  double thrlo = 1.0 - pmrange;
                  double thrhi = 1.0 + pmrange;
                  size_t nmasked = 0;
                  double *flatcal = curflat->da->flatcal;

                  msgOutiff( MSG__DEBUG, "", "Flatfield fast ramp ratio mean = %g +/- %g (%zu bolometers)",
                             status, mean, sigma, ngood);

                  /* we can just set the first slice of the flatcal to bad. That should
                     be enough to disable the entire bolometer. We have just read these
                     data so they should be in ICD order. */
                  for (bol=0; bol<nbolo;bol++) {
                    if ( out[bol] != VAL__BADD &&
                         (out[bol] < thrlo || out[bol] > thrhi ) ) {
                      flatcal[bol] = VAL__BADD;
                    } else if ( in1[bol] != VAL__BADD && in2[bol] == VAL__BADD ) {
                      /* A bolometer is bad next time but good now so we must set it bad now */
                      flatcal[bol] = VAL__BADD;

                  if ( nmasked > 0 ) {
                    msgOutiff( MSG__NORM, "", "Masked %zu bolometers in %s from unstable flatfield",
                               status, nmasked, fname );

                    /* update ngood to take into account the masking */
                    ngood -= nmasked;


                smf_close_file( &ratio, status );

              } /* End of flatfield responsivity comparison */

              /* if we only have a few bolometers left we now consider this
                 a bad flat unless it is actually an engineering measurement
                 where expect some configurations to give zero bolometers */
              if (ngood < SMF__MINSTATSAMP) {
                const char *fname = NULL;
                void * tmpvar = NULL;
                int smftyp = 0;
                smfData * curflat = NULL;
                astMapGet0I( infomap, "SMFTYP", &smftyp );
                astMapGet0C( infomap, "FILENAME", &fname );
                if (smftyp != SMF__TYP_NEP) {
                  msgOutiff( MSG__QUIET, "",
                            "Flatfield %s has %zu good bolometer%s.%s",
                             status, fname, ngood, (ngood == 1 ? "" : "s"),
                             ( ngood == 0 ? "" : " Keeping none.") );
                  isgood = 0;

                  /* Make sure that everything is blanked. */
                  if (ngood > 0) {
                    astMapGet0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", &tmpvar );
                    curflat = tmpvar;
                    if (curflat && curflat->da) {
                      size_t bol;
                      size_t nbolo = (curflat->dims)[0] * (curflat->dims)[1];
                      double *flatcal = curflat->da->flatcal;
                      for (bol=0; bol<nbolo; bol++) {
                        /* Just need to set the first element to bad */
                        flatcal[bol] = VAL__BADD;

                } else {
                  msgOutiff( MSG__NORM, "",
                            "Flatfield ramp file %s has %zu good bolometer%s. Eng mode.",
                             status, fname, ngood, (ngood == 1 ? "" : "s") );

              /* We do not need the responsivity image again */
                void *tmpvar = NULL;
                smfData * resp = NULL;
                astMapGet0P( infomap, "RESP", &tmpvar );
                resp = tmpvar;
                if (resp) smf_close_file( &resp, status );
                astMapRemove( infomap, "RESP" );

            } /* End of isgood comparison */

            /* We are storing flats even if they failed. Let the downstream
               software worry about it */
              int ori_index;
              smfData * flatfile = NULL;
              void *tmpvar = NULL;

              /* Store in the output group */
              astMapGet0I( infomap, "GRPINDEX", &ori_index );
              ndgCpsup( ingrp, ori_index, fgrp, status );

              /* And store in the smfArray */
              astMapGet0P( infomap, "CALCFLAT", &tmpvar );
              astMapRemove( infomap, "CALCFLAT" );
              flatfile = tmpvar;
              smf_addto_smfArray( array, flatfile, status );

            /* Free the object as we go */
            kmaps[nf] = astAnnul( kmaps[nf] );
          } /* End of loop over this obsidss/subarray/heater */

          kmaps = astFree( kmaps );


      if (array->ndat) {
        if (fflats) *fflats = array;
      } else {
        smf_close_related(&array, status );
        if (fflats) *fflats = NULL;

  /* no need to do any more if neither darks nor darkgrp are defined or we might
     be wanting to revert to darks. */
  if (dkcount > 0 && (darks || darkgrp || reverttodark ) ) {
    smfArray * array = NULL;

    /* sort darks into order */
    qsort( alldarks, dkcount, sizeof(*alldarks), smf_sort_bydouble);

    if (darks) array = smf_create_smfArray( status );

    /* now open the darks and store them if requested */
    if (*status == SAI__OK) {
      for (i = 0; i < dkcount; i++ ) {
        size_t ori_index =  (alldarks[i]).index;

         /* Store the entry in the output group */
        ndgCpsup( ingrp, ori_index, dgrp, status );

        if (darks) {

          /* read the value from the new group */
          smf_open_file( dgrp, i+1, "READ", 0, &infile, status );

          /* do we have to process these darks? */
          if (reducedark) {
            smfData *outfile = NULL;
            smf_reduce_dark( infile, darktype, &outfile, status );
            if (outfile) {
              smf_close_file( &infile, status );
              infile = outfile;

          smf_addto_smfArray( array, infile, status );
      if (darks) *darks = array;

  /* free memory */
  alldarks = astFree( alldarks );
  allfflats = astFree( allfflats );

  if( reverttodark && outgrp && (grpGrpsz(*outgrp,status)==0) &&
      (grpGrpsz(dgrp,status)>0) ) {
    /* If outgrp requested but no science observations were found, and
       dark observations were found, return darks in outgrp and set
       flatgrp and darkgrp to NULL. This is to handle cases where we
       want to process data taken in the dark like normal science
       data. To activate this behaviour set reverttodark */

    msgOutiff( MSG__NORM, "", "Treating the dark%s as science data",
               status, ( dkcount > 1 ? "s" : "" ) );

    *outgrp = dgrp;

    if( darkgrp ){
      *darkgrp = NULL;

    if( flatgrp ) {
      *flatgrp = NULL;

    grpDelet( &ogrp, status);
    grpDelet( &fgrp, status);

    if (meanstep && nsteps_dark > 0) *meanstep = duration_darks / nsteps_dark;

    /* Have to clear the darks smfArray as well */
    if (darks) smf_close_related( darks, status );

  } else {
    /* Store the output groups in the return variable or free it */
    if (darkgrp) {
      *darkgrp = dgrp;
    } else {
      grpDelet( &dgrp, status);
    if (flatgrp) {
      *flatgrp = fgrp;
    } else {
      grpDelet( &fgrp, status);

    if (meanstep && nsteps_sci > 0) *meanstep = duration_sci / nsteps_sci;

  msgSeti( "ND", sccount );
  msgSeti( "DK", dkcount );
  msgSeti( "FF", ffcount );
  msgSeti( "TOT", insize );
  if ( insize == 1 ) {
    if (dkcount == 1) {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was a dark",
    } else if (ffcount == 1) {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was a fast flatfield",
    } else if (sccount == 1) {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was accepted (observation type same as sequence type)",
    } else {
      msgOutif( MSG__VERB, " ", "Single input file was not accepted.",

  } else {
    if (dkcount == 1) {
      msgSetc( "DKTXT", "was a dark");
    } else {
      msgSetc( "DKTXT", "were darks");
    if (ffcount == 1) {
      msgSetc( "FFTXT", "was a fast flat");
    } else {
      msgSetc( "FFTXT", "were fast flats");
    if (sccount == 1) {
      msgSetc( "NDTXT", "was science");
    } else {
      msgSetc( "NDTXT", "were science");

    /* This might be a useful message */
    msgOutif( MSG__NORM, " ", "Out of ^TOT input files, ^DK ^DKTXT, ^FF ^FFTXT "
              "and ^ND ^NDTXT", status );

  if (meanstep && *meanstep != VAL__BADD) {
    msgOutiff( MSG__VERB, "", "Mean step time for input files = %g sec",
             status, *meanstep );

  /* Store the heater efficiency map */
  if (*status != SAI__OK) heatermap = smf_free_effmap( heatermap, status );
  if (heateffmap) *heateffmap = heatermap;

  /* Now report the details of the observation */
  smf_obsmap_report( MSG__NORM, obsmap, objmap, status );

  obsmap = astAnnul( obsmap );
  objmap = astAnnul( objmap );
  scimap = astAnnul( scimap );

  msgOutiff( SMF__TIMER_MSG, "",
             "Took %.3f s to find science observations",
             status, smf_timerupdate( &tv1, &tv2, status ) );

Ejemplo n.º 4
static void DisplayKeyMap( AstKeyMap *km, int sort, const char *prefix,
                           AstKeyMap *refkm, int *status ){
*  Name:
*     DisplayKeyMap

*  Purpose:
*     Display the contents of a keymap.

*  Synopsis:
*     void DisplayKeyMap( AstKeyMap *km, int sort, const char *prefix,
*                         int *status )

*  Arguments:
*     km
*        Pointer to the KeyMaps containing the values to display.
*     sort
*        If non-zero, sort the values alphabetically by their keys.
*     prefix
*        A string to prepend to eack key.
*     refkm
*        Reference key map (e.g. values from the supplied configuration
*        rather than the NDF history), or null if not required.
*     status
*        Inherited status pointer.

*  Description:
*     This function displays the contents of a supplied KeyMap as
*     a series of "key = value" strings, one per line. It calls itself
*     recursively if a nested KeyMap is found, adding a suitable
*     prefix to the nested keys.  If a reference key map is supplied then
*     the output shows how the main key map differs from it.

/* Local Variables: */
   AstObject *avalue;
   AstObject *refavalue;
   char cbuffer[ 255 ];
   char newpref[ 255 ];
   const char *cvalue;
   const char *refcvalue;
   const char *key;
   int ikey;
   int ival;
   int nc;
   int nkey;
   int nval;

/* Check the inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;
   if (refkm) astClear(refkm, "KeyError");

/* Sort the supplied KeyMap is required. */
   if( sort ) astSetC( km, "SortBy", "KeyUp" );

/* Loop round all keys in the supplied KeyMap. */
   nkey = astMapSize( km );
   for( ikey = 0; ikey < nkey; ikey++ ) {
      key = astMapKey( km, ikey );

/* If the current entry is a nest KeyMap, get a pointer to it and call
   this function recurisvely to display it, modifying the prefix to add
   to each key so that it includes the key associated with the nest keymap. */
      if( astMapType( km, key ) == AST__OBJECTTYPE ) {
         astMapGet0A( km, key, &avalue );
         if (refkm) {
            if (! astMapGet0A(refkm, key, &refavalue)) {
               refavalue = (AstObject*) astKeyMap("");
         else {
            refavalue = NULL;
         sprintf( newpref, "%s%s.", prefix, key );
         DisplayKeyMap( (AstKeyMap *) avalue, sort, newpref,
                        (AstKeyMap *) refavalue, status );
         avalue = astAnnul( avalue );
         if (refavalue) refavalue = astAnnul(refavalue);

/* If the current entry is not a nested keymap, we display it now. */
      } else {

/* Get the vector length of the entry. */
         nval = astMapLength( km, key );

/* If it is a scalar, just get its value as a character string using
   the automatic type conversion provided by the KeyMap class, and
   display it, putting the supplied prefix at the start of the key. */
         if( nval <= 1 ) {
            cvalue = "<undef>";
            astMapGet0C( km, key, &cvalue );
            if (refkm) {
               refcvalue = "<undef>";
               if (astMapGet0C(refkm, key, &refcvalue)
                     && ! strcmp(cvalue, refcvalue)) {
                  msgOutf("", "- %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
               else {
                  msgOutf("", "+ %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
            else {
               msgOutf( "", "%s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue );

/* If it is a vector, we construct a string containing a comma-separated
   list of elements, enclosed in parentheses. */
         } else {
            nc = 0;
            cvalue = astAppendString( NULL, &nc, "(" );
            for( ival = 0; ival < nval; ival++ ) {
               if( astMapGetElemC( km, key, sizeof( cbuffer) - 1, ival,
                                   cbuffer ) ) {
                  cvalue = astAppendString( (char *) cvalue, &nc, cbuffer );
               if( ival < nval - 1 ) cvalue = astAppendString( (char *) cvalue,
                                                                &nc, "," );
            cvalue = astAppendString( (char *) cvalue, &nc, ")" );

/* Do the same for the reference KeyMap. */
            if (refkm && (nval = astMapLength(refkm, key))) {
               nc = 0;
               refcvalue = astAppendString(NULL, &nc, "(");
               for (ival = 0; ival < nval; ival++) {
                  if (ival) {
                     refcvalue = astAppendString((char*) refcvalue, &nc, "," );

                  if (astMapGetElemC(refkm, key, sizeof(cbuffer) - 1, ival,
                                      cbuffer)) {
                     refcvalue = astAppendString((char*) refcvalue, &nc,
               refcvalue = astAppendString((char*) refcvalue, &nc, ")");
            else {
               refcvalue = NULL;

/* Display the total string, with the current key prefix, and free the memory
   used to store it. */
            if (refkm) {
               if (refcvalue && ! strcmp(cvalue, refcvalue)) {
                  msgOutf("", "- %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
               else {
                  msgOutf("", "+ %s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue);
            else {
               msgOutf( "", "%s%s = %s", status, prefix, key, cvalue );
            cvalue = astFree( (void *) cvalue );
            if (refcvalue) refcvalue = astFree((void*) refcvalue);