Ejemplo n.º 1
/** \brief callback notified by \ref socket_full_t when a connection is established
bool	http_sresp_cnx_t::neoip_socket_full_event_cb(void *userptr, socket_full_t &cb_socket_full
							, const socket_event_t &socket_event)	throw()
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter event=" << socket_event);
	// sanity check - the event MUST be full_ok
	DBG_ASSERT( socket_event.is_full_ok() );

	// handle the fatal events
	if( socket_event.is_fatal() )	return autodelete();
	// handle each possible events from its type
	switch( socket_event.get_value() ){
	case socket_event_t::RECVED_DATA:
			// data MUST NOT be called if it is not a POST
			if( !m_http_reqhd.method().is_post() )
				return autodelete("recved data on non POST");
			// forward to the proper handler
			return handle_recved_data(*socket_event.get_recved_data());
	case socket_event_t::MAYSEND_ON:
			// if MAYSEND_ON occurs and the maysend_threashold is == sendbuf maxlen, this is
			// the end of the connection, so autodelete
			// - this is a kludge to implement a weird linger... to fix
			if( m_socket_full->maysend_tshold() == m_socket_full->xmitbuf_maxlen())
				return autodelete();
			// try to full the socket_full sendbuf
	default:	DBG_ASSERT(0);
	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** \brief Handler RECVED_DATA from the socket_full_t
bool	http_sresp_cnx_t::handle_recved_data(const pkt_t &pkt)	throw()
	// sanity check - data must be received IIF http_method_t::POST
	DBG_ASSERT( m_http_reqhd.method().is_post() );
	// queue the received data to the one already received
	m_recved_data.append( pkt.to_datum(datum_t::NOCOPY) );
	// some logging
	KLOG_ERR("recved data " << m_recved_data.length() << "-byte");
	// if the pending_data are too long, close the connection
	if( m_recved_data.length() > profile().recv_post_maxlen() )
		return autodelete("recved POST too large");
	// http_reqhd.content_length() MUST be size_t_ok
	if( !m_http_reqhd.content_length().is_size_t_ok() )
		return autodelete("recved Content-Length is not size_t ok");
	// get the http_reqhd.content_length()
	size_t	content_length	= m_http_reqhd.content_length().to_size_t();
#if 0
	// if the recved_data is larger than content_length, return an error
	if( m_recved_data.length() > content_length )
		return autodelete("recved_data larger than http_reqhd_t Content-Length");
	// if recved_data is larger than content_length, strip m_recved_data to content_length
	// - NOTE: needed as IE (tested on IE6sp2/IE7) sends 2 additionnal byte "\r\n".
	if( m_recved_data.length() > content_length )
		m_recved_data.tail_free(m_recved_data.length() - content_length);
	// if the recved_data length is less than content_length, return now
	if( m_recved_data.length() < content_length )	return true;
	// now the http_method_t::POST is fully received, notify the http_sresp_ctx_t
	return notify_ctx();
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** \brief parse a bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_REP command
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_block_rep(pkt_t &pkt)			throw()
	bt_swarm_stats_t&	swarm_stats	= bt_swarm->swarm_stats();	
	const bt_mfile_t &	bt_mfile	= bt_swarm->get_mfile();
	uint32_t		piece_idx;
	uint32_t		data_offset;
	bt_err_t		bt_err;
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter pkt="<< pkt);
	try {
		pkt >> piece_idx;
		pkt >> data_offset;
		// NOTE: the data replied are the remaining of pkt
	}catch(serial_except_t &e){
		// if the unserialization failed, it is a bug in the protocol, autodelete
		return autodelete();

	// if the piece_idx is greater than or equal to the number of piece, autodelete
	if( piece_idx >= bt_mfile.nb_piece() )			return autodelete();
	// if the block_rep goes across several pieces, autodelete
	if( data_offset + pkt.size() > bt_mfile.piecelen() )	return autodelete();
	// if the block_rep has a size of 0, autodelete
	if( pkt.size() == 0 )					return autodelete();

	// update the recv_rate

	// update the dloaded_datalen in bt_swarm_stats_t
	// TODO should it be updated here ? and not in the scheduler ?
	// - do i update it properly in the ecnx case too ?
	// - where should i update it ? in the block notify complete ?
	// - this is not updated for ecnx
	swarm_stats.dloaded_datalen	( swarm_stats.dloaded_datalen() + pkt.size() );
	// if no pending bt_swarm_sched_request_t matches this block_rep, discard it
	// - NOTE: it may happen in a race such as (i) local peer requests the block to peer alice 
	//   and bob, (ii) receives its from bob, (iii) send a BLOCK_DEL to alice, (iv) alice already
	//   replied the data before getting the BLOCK_DEL, (v) local peer received BLOCK_REP without
	//   matching bt_+swarm_sched_request_t.
	bt_prange_t	bt_prange	= bt_prange_t(piece_idx, data_offset, pkt.size());
	file_range_t	totfile_range	= bt_prange.to_totfile_range(bt_mfile);
	if( !full_sched()->has_matching_request(totfile_range) ){
		// update the bt_swarm_stats_t
		swarm_stats.dup_rep_nb	( swarm_stats.dup_rep_nb() + 1 );
		swarm_stats.dup_rep_len	( swarm_stats.dup_rep_len() + pkt.size() );
		// return tokeep
		return true;
	// notify the callback of this event - up to the scheduler to write the data
	bt_cmd_t bt_cmd	= bt_cmd_t::build_block_rep(bt_prange);
	bool	tokeep	= notify_callback( bt_swarm_full_event_t::build_block_rep(bt_cmd, &pkt) );
	if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** \brief callback notified by \ref socket_full_t to provide event
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::neoip_socket_full_event_cb(void *userptr
			, socket_full_t &cb_socket_full, const socket_event_t &socket_event) throw()
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter event=" << socket_event);
	// sanity check - the event MUST be full_ok
	DBG_ASSERT( socket_event.is_full_ok() );

	// if the socket_event_t is fatal, autodelete this router_resp_cnx_t
	if( socket_event.is_fatal() )	return autodelete();
	// handle each possible events from its type
	switch( socket_event.get_value() ){
	case socket_event_t::RECVED_DATA:{
			pkt_t *	pkt	= socket_event.get_recved_data();
			// log to debug
			KLOG_DBG("data len=" << pkt->length());
			// queue the received data to the one already received
			recved_data.append(pkt->void_ptr(), pkt->length());
			// parse the recved command
			return parse_recved_data();}
	case socket_event_t::MAYSEND_ON:
			// to warn the sendq that it can send
			return true;	
	default:	DBG_ASSERT(0);
	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/** \brief callback notified by \ref bt_swarm_t when to notify an event
bool 	bt_oload0_swarm_t::neoip_bt_swarm_cb(void *cb_userptr, bt_swarm_t &cb_bt_swarm
					, const bt_swarm_event_t &swarm_event)	throw()
	// log to debug
	KLOG_WARN("enter event=" << swarm_event);
	// handle the fatal bt_swarm_event_t
	if( swarm_event.is_fatal() ){
		// log the event
		KLOG_INFO("Closing the bt_swarm_t for " << nested_uri << " due to " << swarm_event);
		// autodelete
		return autodelete();
	// handle the bt_swarm_event_t according to its value
	case bt_swarm_event_t::PIECE_NEWLY_AVAIL:{
			std::list<bt_httpo_full_t *>::iterator	iter;
			// notify this new data to each bt_httpo_full_t within the httpo_full_db
			for(iter = httpo_full_db.begin(); iter != httpo_full_db.end(); iter++){
				bt_httpo_full_t *httpo_full	= *iter;
				// notify this bt_httpo_full_t of the new data
	default:	DBG_ASSERT( 0 );
	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/** \brief to be called when a piece_idx is newly marked unavailable
 * - WARNING: this function MAY delete the bt_swarm_full_t. take this into account.
void	bt_swarm_full_t::declare_piece_nomore_avail(size_t piece_idx)	throw()
	// autodelete the connection if there is pending BLOCK_REP for this piece_idx in the sendq
	// - NOTE: autodelete is the only possible option as it is impossible to notify the
	//   remote peer that a particular request have been canceled (limitation in 
	//   bt protocol)
	//   - maybe some stuff about the 'fast' extension (not implemented)
	const std::list<bt_cmd_t> &		cmd_queue	= sendq->cmd_queue;
	std::list<bt_cmd_t>::const_iterator	iter;
	for(iter = cmd_queue.begin(); iter != cmd_queue.end(); iter++){
		const bt_cmd_t &	bt_cmd = *iter;
		// if this bt_cmd_t is NOT a BLOCK_REP, skip it
		if( bt_cmd.cmdtype() != bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_REP )	continue;
		// if this bt_cmd_t is NOT for this piece_idx, skip it
		if( bt_cmd.prange().piece_idx() != piece_idx )		continue;
		// else autodelete the bt_swarm_full_t and return immediatly

	// if the remote peer support bt_utmsgtype_t::PUNAVAIL, notify it 
	if( full_utmsg()->do_support(bt_utmsgtype_t::PUNAVAIL) ){
		// TODO may be put a helper to get the it directly without putting the dynamic_cast here
		// - see what has been done in the bt_swarm_utmsg_t::utmsg_piecewish()
		bt_utmsg_cnx_vapi_t * 	cnx_vapi	= full_utmsg()->cnx_vapi(bt_utmsgtype_t::PUNAVAIL);
		bt_utmsg_punavail_cnx_t*punavail_cnx	= dynamic_cast<bt_utmsg_punavail_cnx_t*>(cnx_vapi);
		DBG_ASSERT( punavail_cnx );
Ejemplo n.º 7
/** \brief callback called when the timeout_t expire
bool 	bt_swarm_full_t::neoip_timeout_expire_cb(void *userptr, timeout_t &cb_timeout)	throw()
	// log to debug
	// autodelete
	return autodelete();
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool	bt_oload0_swarm_t::neoip_bt_httpo_full_cb(void *cb_userptr, bt_httpo_full_t &cb_bt_httpo_full
					, const bt_httpo_event_t &httpo_event)	throw()
	bt_httpo_full_t*httpo_full	= &cb_bt_httpo_full;
	// log to debug
	KLOG_WARN("enter httpo_event=" << httpo_event);
	// sanity check - bt_httpo_event_t MUST be is_full_ok()
	DBG_ASSERT( httpo_event.is_full_ok() );
	// handle each possible events from its type
	switch( httpo_event.get_value() ){
	case bt_httpo_event_t::CNX_CLOSED:
			// remove it from the httpo_full_db
			// delete the bt_httpo_full_t object itself
			nipmem_zdelete httpo_full;
			// if httpo_full_db is now empty, autodelete
			if( httpo_full_db.empty() )	return autodelete();
			// return dontkeep - as the httpo_full has just been deleted
			return false;
	default:	DBG_ASSERT(0);
	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** \brief function to notify a piece_unavail(pieceidx) from the bt_utmsgtype_t::PUNAVAIL
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::notify_utmsg_punavail(size_t pieceidx)		throw()
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("piece_idx=" << piece_idx);
	// sanity check - bt_utmsgtype_t::PUNAVAIL MUST be supported
	DBG_ASSERT( full_utmsg()->do_support(bt_utmsgtype_t::PUNAVAIL) );
	// if pieceidx is not in the proper range, autodelete
	if( pieceidx >= remote_pavail().nb_piece() )	return autodelete();

	// if piece_idx piece is already marked as unavail, do nothing 
	if( remote_pavail().is_unavail(pieceidx) )	return true;

	// mark the piece as available in the pieceavail
	// notify the callback of this event
	bool	tokeep	= notify_callback( bt_swarm_full_event_t::build_piece_unavail(pieceidx) );
	if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// if this bt_swarm_full_t DO NOT support bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH, update piecewish
	if( full_utmsg()->no_support(bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH) ){
		bool	tokeep	= notify_utmsg_dowish_index(pieceidx);
		if( !tokeep )	return false;
	// return tokeep
	return true;
/** \brief callback called when the timeout_t expire
bool	http_client_pool_cnx_t::neoip_timeout_expire_cb(void *userptr, timeout_t &cb_timeout)		throw()
	// update the http_client_pool_stat_t
	http_client_pool_stat_t & pool_stat	= client_pool->pool_stat;
	pool_stat.nb_cnx_died_internal	( pool_stat.nb_cnx_died_internal() + 1 );
	// autodelete
	return autodelete();
Ejemplo n.º 11
/** \brief parse a bt_cmdtype_t::PIECE_ISAVAIL command
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_piece_isavail_cmd(pkt_t &pkt)			throw()
	uint32_t	piece_idx;
	try {
		pkt >> piece_idx;
	}catch(serial_except_t &e){
		// if the unserialization failed, it is a bug in the protocol, autodelete
		return autodelete();
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("piece_idx=" << piece_idx);
	// if the piece_idx is not in the proper range, autodelete
	if( piece_idx >= remote_pavail().nb_piece() )	return autodelete();	

	// if piece_idx piece is already marked as avail, do nothing 
	if( remote_pavail().is_avail(piece_idx) )	return true;

	// if local peer was not interested and this piece_idx is not locally available, make it interested
	if( bt_swarm->local_pavail().is_unavail(piece_idx) && !local_dowant_req() ){
		m_local_dowant_req	= true;
		sendq->queue_cmd( bt_cmd_t::build_dowant_req() );

	// if bt_swarm_full_t DO NOT support bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH, update piecewish
	if( full_utmsg()->no_support(bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH) ){
		bool	tokeep	= notify_utmsg_nowish_index(piece_idx);
		if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// mark the piece as available in the remote_pavail
	// notify the callback of this event
	bool	tokeep	= notify_callback( bt_swarm_full_event_t::build_piece_isavail(piece_idx) );
	if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// if the local peer is seed and the remote one too, close the connection
	// - NOTE: it MUST be done after the notification to have the full and sched in sync when deleting
	if( bt_swarm->is_seed() && remote_pavail().is_fully_avail() )	return autodelete();	

	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/** \brief parse a bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_REQ command
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_block_req(pkt_t &pkt)			throw()
	const bt_swarm_profile_t &	swarm_profile	= bt_swarm->profile();
	const bt_mfile_t &		bt_mfile	= bt_swarm->get_mfile();
	uint32_t			piece_idx;
	uint32_t			data_offset;
	uint32_t			data_len;
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter pkt="<< pkt);
	try {
		pkt >> piece_idx;
		pkt >> data_offset;
		pkt >> data_len;
	}catch(serial_except_t &e){
		// if the unserialization failed, it is a bug in the protocol, autodelete
		return autodelete();
	// if the piece_idx is greater than or equal to the number of piece, autodelete
	if( piece_idx >= bt_mfile.nb_piece() )			return autodelete();
	// if the block_req goes across several pieces, autodelete
	if( data_offset + data_len > bt_mfile.piecelen() )	return autodelete();
	// if the data_len is larger that the swarm_profile.recv_req_maxlen, autodelete
	if( data_len > swarm_profile.recv_req_maxlen() )	return autodelete();
	// if the piece_idx is not locally available, autodelete
	// - NOTE: this is actually important for bt_io_vapi_t to http
	if( bt_swarm->local_pavail().is_unavail(piece_idx) ){
		KLOG_ERR("received a request from peerid " << remote_peerid().peerid_progfull() 
				<< " for piece_idx " << piece_idx << " so autodelete");
		return autodelete();

	// if BLOCK_REQ are no authorized, discard it
	if( !local_doauth_req() )	return true;
	// queue the BLOCK_REP command
	bt_prange_t bt_prange	= bt_prange_t(piece_idx, data_offset, data_len);
	sendq->queue_cmd( bt_cmd_t::build_block_rep(bt_prange)  );
	// return tokeep
	return true;
/** \brief callback notified by \ref socket_full_t when a connection is established
bool	http_client_pool_cnx_t::neoip_socket_full_event_cb(void *userptr, socket_full_t &cb_socket_full
							, const socket_event_t &socket_event)	throw()
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter event=" << socket_event);
	// sanity check - the event MUST be full_ok
	DBG_ASSERT( socket_event.is_full_ok() );

	// update the http_client_pool_stat_t
	http_client_pool_stat_t & pool_stat	= client_pool->pool_stat;
	pool_stat.nb_cnx_died_external	( pool_stat.nb_cnx_died_external() + 1 );

	// delete the connection on ALL socket_event_t
	return autodelete();
Ejemplo n.º 14
/** \brief parse a bt_cmdtype_t::PIECE_BFIELD command
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_piece_bfield_cmd(pkt_t &pkt)			throw()
	const bt_mfile_t &	bt_mfile	= bt_swarm->bt_mfile;
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter pkt="<< pkt);
	// try to parse it
	try {
		m_remote_pavail	= bt_pieceavail_t::btformat_from_pkt(pkt, bt_mfile.nb_piece());
	}catch(serial_except_t &e){
		// if the unserialization failed, it is a bug in the protocol, autodelete
		return autodelete();
	// if the local peer was not interested and this pieceavail contains pieces not locally avaiable
	// => switch to interested
	if( !local_dowant_req() && !bt_swarm->local_pavail().fully_contain(remote_pavail()) ){
		m_local_dowant_req	= true;
		sendq->queue_cmd( bt_cmd_t::build_dowant_req() );

	// notify the callback of this event
	bool	tokeep	= notify_callback(bt_swarm_full_event_t::build_piece_bfield());
	if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// if bt_swarm_full_t DO NOT support bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH, update piecewish
	if( full_utmsg()->no_support(bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH) ){
		bool	tokeep	= notify_utmsg_dowish_field(~remote_pavail());
		if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// if the local peer is seed and the remote one too, close the connection
	// - NOTE: it MUST be done after the notification to have the full and sched in sync when deleting
	if( bt_swarm->is_seed() && remote_pavail().is_fully_avail() )	return autodelete();	

	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
/** \brief parse a received command
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_recved_cmd(pkt_t &pkt)			throw()
	const bt_swarm_profile_t &profile	= bt_swarm->profile();
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter pkt=" << pkt);
	// restart the idle_timeout at eached receved command
	idle_timeout.start(profile.full_idle_timeout(), this, NULL);
	// handle the KEEP_ALIVE 'command' - the idle_timeout is restarted above for each command
	// - it has a length of 0 with no packet type
	if( pkt.size() == 0 )	return true;

	// parse the packet type
	bt_cmdtype_t	cmdtype;
	try {
		pkt >> cmdtype;
	}catch(serial_except_t &e){
		// if the unserialization failed, it is a bug in the protocol, autodelete
		return autodelete();
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("cmdtype=" << cmdtype << "pkt.size=" << pkt.size());

	// parse the command depending on the cmdtype
	case bt_cmdtype_t::DOAUTH_REQ:		return parse_doauth_req_cmd(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::UNAUTH_REQ:		return parse_unauth_req_cmd(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::DOWANT_REQ:		return parse_dowant_req_cmd(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::UNWANT_REQ:		return parse_unwant_req_cmd(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::PIECE_ISAVAIL:	return parse_piece_isavail_cmd(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::PIECE_BFIELD:	return parse_piece_bfield_cmd(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_REQ:		return parse_block_req(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_REP:		return parse_block_rep(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_DEL:		return parse_block_del(pkt);
	case bt_cmdtype_t::UTMSG_PAYL:		return parse_utmsg_payl(pkt);
	default:	// unknown command type are simply ignored
			KLOG_ERR("recved unknown command " << cmdtype.get_value()
					<< " from " << remote_peerid().peerid_progfull());
			return true;

	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/** \brief function to notify a nowish_field(bitfield_t) from the bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::notify_utmsg_dowish_field(const bitfield_t &new_remote_pwish)	throw()
	// sanity check - a pieceidx MUST NOT simultaneously be in remote_pavail and remote_pwish
	DBGNET_ASSERT( (remote_pavail() & new_remote_pwish).is_none_set() );
	// if a piece is currently available and wished, it is a bug in remote peer, autodelete
	if( (remote_pavail() & new_remote_pwish).is_any_set() )	return autodelete();

	// backup the old remote_pwish
	bitfield_t	old_pwish	= remote_pwish();
	// update the remote_pwish
	m_remote_pwish	= new_remote_pwish;

	// notify the callback of this event
	bool	tokeep	= notify_callback( bt_swarm_full_event_t::build_pwish_dofield(&old_pwish, &m_remote_pwish) );
	if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// return tokeep
	return true;	
Ejemplo n.º 17
/** \brief parse the received commands
 * - it read a whole command out of this->recved_data and then pass it to parse_recved_cmd()
 * @return a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_recved_data()	throw()
	const bt_swarm_profile_t &profile	= bt_swarm->profile();
	uint32_t		cmd_len;
	// if bt_swarm_full_t is not yet notified_as_open, notify it now
	if( !notified_as_open ){
		bool	tokeep = notify_cnx_open();
		if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// parse as many commands as possible
	while( recved_data.size() ){
		// read a command length
		try {
			recved_data.unserial_peek( cmd_len );
		}catch(serial_except_t &e){
			// if unserialization of the cmd_len failed, it is not yet fully received, return tokeep
			return true;
		// if the cmd_len is >= than the profile.recv_cmd_maxlen, autodelete
		if( cmd_len >  profile.recv_cmd_maxlen() )		return autodelete();
		// if recved_data are not long enougth to contain the whole command, return tokeep
		if( recved_data.size() < sizeof(uint32_t) + cmd_len )	return true;
		// extract the whole command from the recved_data WITHOUT copy
		pkt_t	cmd_pkt;
		cmd_pkt.work_on_data_nocopy(recved_data.char_ptr() + sizeof(uint32_t), cmd_len);

		// update the dloaded_fulllen in bt_swarm_stats_t
		bt_swarm_stats_t & swarm_stats	= bt_swarm->swarm_stats();	

		// return tokeep
		bool	tokeep	= parse_recved_cmd(cmd_pkt);
		if( !tokeep )	return false;
		// free just parsed command from the recved_data
		recved_data.head_free(sizeof(uint32_t) + cmd_len);
	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
/** \brief parse a bt_cmdtype_t::BLOCK_DEL command
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::parse_block_del(pkt_t &pkt)			throw()
	uint32_t	piece_idx;
	uint32_t	data_offset;
	uint32_t	data_len;
	// log to debug
	KLOG_DBG("enter pkt="<< pkt);
	try {
		pkt >> piece_idx;
		pkt >> data_offset;
		pkt >> data_len;
	}catch(serial_except_t &e){
		// if the unserialization failed, it is a bug in the protocol, autodelete
		return autodelete();

	// ask the sendq to remove this BLOCK_REP
	bt_prange_t	bt_prange	= bt_prange_t(piece_idx, data_offset, data_len);
	sendq->remove_one_block_rep( bt_cmd_t::build_block_rep(bt_prange) );
	// return tokeep
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
/** \brief function to notify a dowish_index(pieceidx) from the bt_utmsgtype_t::PIECEWISH
 * @erturn a tokeep for the whole bt_swarm_full_t
bool	bt_swarm_full_t::notify_utmsg_dowish_index(size_t pieceidx)		throw()
	// sanity check - pieceidx MUST NOT simultaneously be in remote_pavail and remote_pwish
	DBGNET_ASSERT( remote_pavail().is_unavail(pieceidx) );
	// if pieceidx is currently available, it is a bug in remote peer, autodelete the cnx
	if( remote_pavail().is_avail(pieceidx) )	return autodelete();
	// TODO what if the piece is already dowish
	// - may that happen in normal operation ?
	// - is that a bug ?
	// - if it is a bug, do the usual dbgnet_assert + autodelete
	// - if it can happen in normal operation, just ignore the operation  
	// update the m_remote_pwish
	// notify the callback of this event
	bool	tokeep	= notify_callback( bt_swarm_full_event_t::build_pwish_doindex(pieceidx) );
	if( !tokeep )	return false;

	// return tokeep
	return true;	
bool SkTIJPEGImageDecoderEntry::WatchdogCallback(void* __item)
    bool restart = false;
    android::List<SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList_Item*>::iterator iter;
    SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList_Item* item = reinterpret_cast<SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList_Item*>(__item);

    android::Mutex::Autolock autolock(SkTIJPEGImageDecoderListLock);
    SkDebugf("SkTIJPEGImageDecoderEntry::WatchdogCallback() item=0x%x", item);

    if(item->Decoder->GetLoad() == 0 || item->Decoder->GetDeleteAttempts() >= MAX_DEL_ATTEMPTS)
        if(item->Decoder->GetDeleteAttempts() > MAX_DEL_ATTEMPTS)
            SkDebugf("    Restart attempt limit reached. deleting...");

        // watchdog has expired, delete our reference to Decoder object
        SkAutoTDelete<SkTIJPEGImageDecoder> autodelete(item->Decoder);
        // reset the strong pointer, okay to do here since lifetime will last longer than reset
        // delete item from Decoder list
        for(iter = SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList.list.begin(); iter != SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList.list.end(); iter++)
            if(((SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList_Item*)*iter) == item)
        // Decoder is still doing something, increment deleltion attempt, restart watchdog
        SkDebugf("  Decoder is still doing something, restart watchdog");
        restart = true;
    return restart;

    // return DeleteFromListIfDecoderNotWorking<SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList_Item*, SkTIJPEGImageDecoder>(__item, SkTIJPEGImageDecoderList);
Ejemplo n.º 21
	bool			autodelete(const bt_err_t &bt_err)	throw()	{ return autodelete(bt_err.to_string());	}
Ejemplo n.º 22
/** \brief callback called when the timeout_t expire
bool	http_sresp_cnx_t::neoip_timeout_expire_cb(void *userptr, timeout_t &cb_timeout)		throw()
	return autodelete("expired after " + expire_timeout.get_period().to_string() );