static inline void b3SetLinearAndAngular(const b3Vector3& n, const b3Vector3& r0, const b3Vector3& r1, b3Vector3& linear, b3Vector3& angular0, b3Vector3& angular1) { linear = -n; angular0 = -b3Cross(r0, n); angular1 = b3Cross(r1, n); }
void b3SphericalJoint::SolveVelocityConstraint(const b3SolverData* data) { u32 indexA = m_indexA; u32 indexB = m_indexB; r32 mA = m_mA; r32 mB = m_mB; b3Mat33 iA = m_iA; b3Mat33 iB = m_iB; b3Vec3 rA = m_rA; b3Vec3 rB = m_rB; b3Mat33 invMass = m_invMass; b3Vec3 velocityBias = m_velocityBias; b3Vec3 lastImpulse = m_accImpulse; b3Vec3 vA = data->velocities[indexA].v; b3Vec3 wA = data->velocities[indexA].w; b3Vec3 vB = data->velocities[indexB].v; b3Vec3 wB = data->velocities[indexB].w; // Compute J * u. b3Vec3 dCdt = vB + b3Cross(wB, rB) - vA - b3Cross(wA, rA); // Compute the new, total, and delta impulses. b3Vec3 impulse = invMass * (-dCdt + velocityBias); b3Vec3 newImpulse = lastImpulse + impulse; // b3Vec3 deltaImpulse = newImpulse - lastImpulse <=> impulse; // Keep track of the accumulated impulse for the next iteration. lastImpulse = newImpulse; // Apply new impulse. vA -= mA * impulse; wA -= iA * b3Cross(rA, impulse); vB += mB * impulse; wB += iB * b3Cross(rB, impulse); // Copy the new old impulse for the next iteration. m_accImpulse = lastImpulse; // Update velocity vector. data->velocities[indexA].v = vA; data->velocities[indexA].w = wA; data->velocities[indexB].v = vB; data->velocities[indexB].w = wB; }
void b3SphericalJoint::WarmStart(const b3SolverData* data) { u32 indexA = m_indexA; u32 indexB = m_indexB; r32 mA = m_mA; r32 mB = m_mB; b3Mat33 iA = m_iA; b3Mat33 iB = m_iB; b3Vec3 rA = m_rA; b3Vec3 rB = m_rB; b3Vec3 impulse = m_accImpulse; data->velocities[indexA].v -= mA * impulse; data->velocities[indexA].w -= iA * b3Cross(rA, impulse); data->velocities[indexB].v += mB * impulse; data->velocities[indexB].w += iB * b3Cross(rB, impulse); }
// Box2D static B3_FORCE_INLINE b3Vec3 b3SolveGyro(const b3Quat& q, const b3Mat33& Ib, const b3Vec3& w1, float32 h) { // Convert angular velocity to body coordinates b3Vec3 w1b = b3MulT(q, w1); // Jacobian of f b3Mat33 J = Ib + h * (b3Skew(w1b) * Ib - b3Skew(Ib * w1b)); // One iteration of Newton-Raphson // Residual vector b3Vec3 f; { f = h * b3Cross(w1b, Ib * w1b); w1b -= J.Solve(f); } // Convert angular velocity back to world coordinates b3Vec3 w2 = b3Mul(q, w1b); return w2; }
void b3BuildEdgeContact(b3Manifold& manifold, const b3Transform& xf1, u32 index1, const b3HullShape* s1, const b3Transform& xf2, u32 index2, const b3HullShape* s2) { const b3Hull* hull1 = s1->m_hull; const b3HalfEdge* edge1 = hull1->GetEdge(index1); const b3HalfEdge* twin1 = hull1->GetEdge(index1 + 1); b3Vec3 C1 = xf1 * hull1->centroid; b3Vec3 P1 = xf1 * hull1->GetVertex(edge1->origin); b3Vec3 Q1 = xf1 * hull1->GetVertex(twin1->origin); b3Vec3 E1 = Q1 - P1; b3Vec3 N1 = E1; float32 L1 = N1.Normalize(); B3_ASSERT(L1 > B3_LINEAR_SLOP); const b3Hull* hull2 = s2->m_hull; const b3HalfEdge* edge2 = hull2->GetEdge(index2); const b3HalfEdge* twin2 = hull2->GetEdge(index2 + 1); b3Vec3 C2 = xf2 * hull2->centroid; b3Vec3 P2 = xf2 * hull2->GetVertex(edge2->origin); b3Vec3 Q2 = xf2 * hull2->GetVertex(twin2->origin); b3Vec3 E2 = Q2 - P2; b3Vec3 N2 = E2; float32 L2 = N2.Normalize(); B3_ASSERT(L2 > B3_LINEAR_SLOP); // Compute the closest points on the two lines. float32 b = b3Dot(N1, N2); float32 den = 1.0f - b * b; if (den <= 0.0f) { return; } float32 inv_den = 1.0f / den; b3Vec3 E3 = P1 - P2; float32 d = b3Dot(N1, E3); float32 e = b3Dot(N2, E3); float32 s = inv_den * (b * e - d); float32 t = inv_den * (e - b * d); b3Vec3 c1 = P1 + s * N1; b3Vec3 c2 = P2 + t * N2; // Ensure normal orientation to hull 2. b3Vec3 N = b3Cross(E1, E2); float32 LN = N.Normalize(); B3_ASSERT(LN > 0.0f); if (b3Dot(N, P1 - C1) < 0.0f) { N = -N; } b3FeaturePair pair = b3MakePair(index1, index1 + 1, index2, index2 + 1); manifold.pointCount = 1; manifold.points[0].localNormal1 = b3MulT(xf1.rotation, N); manifold.points[0].localPoint1 = b3MulT(xf1, c1); manifold.points[0].localPoint2 = b3MulT(xf2, c2); manifold.points[0].key = b3MakeKey(pair); }
void b3ContactGraph::UpdateContacts() { // Update all contact constraints and its states. b3Contact* c = m_contactList; while (c) { const b3Shape* shapeA = c->m_shapeA; const b3Shape* shapeB = c->m_shapeB; b3Body* bodyA = c->m_shapeA->m_body; b3Body* bodyB = c->m_shapeB->m_body; if (bodyA == bodyB) { b3Contact* quack = c; c = c->m_next; DestroyContact(quack); continue; } bool activeA = bodyA->IsAwake() && (bodyA->m_type != e_staticBody); bool activeB = bodyB->IsAwake() && (bodyB->m_type != e_staticBody); if (!activeA && !activeB) { c = c->m_next; continue; } // Destroy the contact if is definately persistenting. if (!m_broadPhase.TestOverlap(shapeA->broadPhaseID, shapeB->broadPhaseID)) { b3Contact* quack = c; c = c->m_next; DestroyContact(quack); continue; } bool wasTouching = c->IsTouching(); bool isTouching = false; bool isSensorContact = shapeA->IsSensor() || shapeB->IsSensor(); if (isSensorContact) { // Simply, a sensor is active if its bounds is touching with another other shape's bounds. isTouching = m_broadPhase.TestOverlap(shapeA->broadPhaseID, shapeB->broadPhaseID); c->m_manifold.pointCount = 0; } else { // For the time being, Bounce can compute the closest distance between convex objects only. typedef void(*b3DistanceQuery) (b3Manifold&, const b3Transform&, const b3Shape*, const b3Transform&, const b3Shape*); // Simply, register the collision routines here. static b3DistanceQuery queryMatrix[e_maxShapes][e_maxShapes] = { { &b3HullHullShapeContact }, }; b3ShapeType typeA = shapeA->GetType(); b3ShapeType typeB = shapeB->GetType(); b3Assert(typeA <= typeB); b3DistanceQuery Query = queryMatrix[typeA][typeB]; b3Assert(Query); // Copy the old manifold so we can compare the new contact points with it. b3Manifold oldManifold = c->m_manifold; // Compute the a new contact manifold. c->m_manifold.pointCount = 0; Query(c->m_manifold, bodyA->m_transform * shapeA->m_local, shapeA, bodyB->m_transform * shapeB->m_local, shapeB); isTouching = c->m_manifold.pointCount > 0; // Look up the contact cache for identical contact points. b3Manifold* newManifold = &c->m_manifold; b3Vec3 normal = newManifold->normal; b3Vec3 xA = bodyA->m_worldCenter; b3Vec3 vA = bodyA->m_linearVelocity; b3Vec3 wA = bodyA->m_angularVelocity; b3Vec3 xB = bodyB->m_worldCenter; b3Vec3 vB = bodyB->m_linearVelocity; b3Vec3 wB = bodyB->m_angularVelocity; for (u32 i = 0; i < newManifold->pointCount; ++i) { b3ContactPoint* p2 = newManifold->points + i; b3Vec3 position = p2->position; b3Vec3 tangent1; b3Vec3 tangent2; p2->normalImpulse = B3_ZERO; p2->tangentImpulse[0] = B3_ZERO; p2->tangentImpulse[1] = B3_ZERO; p2->warmStarted = false; // Compute the (two) new tangent directions. b3Vec3 rA = position - xA; b3Vec3 rB = position - xB; b3Vec3 dv = vB + b3Cross(wB, rB) - vA - b3Cross(wA, rA); tangent1 = dv - b3Dot(dv, normal) * normal; r32 tangentMag = b3Dot(tangent1, tangent1); if (tangentMag > B3_EPSILON) { tangent1 *= B3_ONE / b3Sqrt(tangentMag); tangent2 = b3Cross(tangent1, normal); } else { b3ComputeBasis(normal, &tangent1, &tangent2); } p2->tangents[0] = tangent1; p2->tangents[1] = tangent2; // Initialize new contact point with the old contact point solution if they're identical. for (u32 j = 0; j < oldManifold.pointCount; ++j) { b3ContactPoint* p1 = oldManifold.points + j; if (p1->id.key == p2->id.key) { // Copy normal impulse. p2->warmStarted = true; p2->normalImpulse = p1->normalImpulse; // Project old friction solutions into the new tangential directions. b3Vec3 oldFrictionSolution = p1->tangentImpulse[0] * p1->tangents[0] + p1->tangentImpulse[1] * p1->tangents[1]; p2->tangentImpulse[0] = b3Dot(oldFrictionSolution, p2->tangents[0]); p2->tangentImpulse[1] = b3Dot(oldFrictionSolution, p2->tangents[1]); break; } } } // If the contact has begun then awake the bodies. if (isTouching != wasTouching) { bodyA->SetAwake(true); bodyB->SetAwake(true); } } // Mark the contact as touching. if (isTouching) { c->m_flags |= b3Contact::e_touchingFlag; } else { c->m_flags &= ~b3Contact::e_touchingFlag; } // Notify the contact listener the contact state. if (m_contactListener) { if (!wasTouching && isTouching) { m_contactListener->BeginContact(c); } if (wasTouching && !isTouching) { m_contactListener->EndContact(c); } if (!isSensorContact && isTouching) { m_contactListener->Persisting(c); } } // Go to the next contact. c = c->m_next; } }
void b3Body::SetMassData(const b3MassData* massData) { if (m_type != e_dynamicBody) { return; } m_invMass = 0.0f; m_I.SetZero(); m_invI.SetZero(); m_worldInvI.SetZero(); m_mass = massData->mass; if (m_mass > 0.0f) { m_invMass = 1.0f / m_mass; m_I = massData->I - m_mass * b3Steiner(massData->center); B3_ASSERT(m_I.x.x > 0.0f); B3_ASSERT(m_I.y.y > 0.0f); B3_ASSERT(m_I.z.z > 0.0f); m_invI = b3Inverse(m_I); m_worldInvI = b3RotateToFrame(m_invI, m_xf.rotation); if (m_flags & e_fixedRotationX) { m_invI.y.y = 0.0f; m_invI.z.y = 0.0f; m_invI.y.z = 0.0f; m_invI.z.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.z = 0.0f; } if (m_flags & e_fixedRotationY) { m_invI.x.x = 0.0f; m_invI.x.z = 0.0f; m_invI.z.x = 0.0f; m_invI.z.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.z = 0.0f; } if (m_flags & e_fixedRotationZ) { m_invI.x.x = 0.0f; m_invI.x.y = 0.0f; m_invI.y.x = 0.0f; m_invI.y.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.y = 0.0f; } } else { m_mass = 1.0f; m_invMass = 1.0f; } // Move center of mass. b3Vec3 oldCenter = m_sweep.worldCenter; m_sweep.localCenter = massData->center; m_sweep.worldCenter = b3Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter); m_sweep.worldCenter0 = m_sweep.worldCenter; // Update center of mass velocity. m_linearVelocity += b3Cross(m_angularVelocity, m_sweep.worldCenter - oldCenter); }
void b3Body::ResetMass() { m_mass = 0.0f; m_invMass = 0.0f; m_I.SetZero(); m_invI.SetZero(); m_worldInvI.SetZero(); m_sweep.localCenter.SetZero(); // Static and kinematic bodies have zero mass. if (m_type == e_staticBody || m_type == e_kinematicBody) { m_sweep.worldCenter0 = m_xf.position; m_sweep.worldCenter = m_xf.position; m_sweep.orientation0 = m_sweep.orientation; return; } // Accumulate the mass about the body origin of all shapes. b3Vec3 localCenter; localCenter.SetZero(); for (b3Shape* s = m_shapeList.m_head; s; s = s->m_next) { if (s->m_density == 0.0f) { continue; } b3MassData massData; s->ComputeMass(&massData, s->m_density); localCenter += massData.mass *; m_mass += massData.mass; m_I += massData.I; } if (m_mass > 0.0f) { // Compute local center of mass. m_invMass = 1.0f / m_mass; localCenter *= m_invMass; // Shift inertia about the body origin into the body local center of mass. m_I = m_I - m_mass * b3Steiner(localCenter); B3_ASSERT(m_I.x.x > 0.0f); B3_ASSERT(m_I.y.y > 0.0f); B3_ASSERT(m_I.z.z > 0.0f); // Compute inverse inertia about the body local center of mass. m_invI = b3Inverse(m_I); // Align the inverse inertia with the world frame of the body. m_worldInvI = b3RotateToFrame(m_invI, m_xf.rotation); // Fix rotation. if (m_flags & e_fixedRotationX) { m_invI.y.y = 0.0f; m_invI.z.y = 0.0f; m_invI.y.z = 0.0f; m_invI.z.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.z = 0.0f; } if (m_flags & e_fixedRotationY) { m_invI.x.x = 0.0f; m_invI.x.z = 0.0f; m_invI.z.x = 0.0f; m_invI.z.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.z = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.z.z = 0.0f; } if (m_flags & e_fixedRotationZ) { m_invI.x.x = 0.0f; m_invI.x.y = 0.0f; m_invI.y.x = 0.0f; m_invI.y.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.x.y = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.x = 0.0f; m_worldInvI.y.y = 0.0f; } } else { // Force all dynamic bodies to have positive mass. m_mass = 1.0f; m_invMass = 1.0f; } // Move center of mass. b3Vec3 oldCenter = m_sweep.worldCenter; m_sweep.localCenter = localCenter; m_sweep.worldCenter = b3Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter); m_sweep.worldCenter0 = m_sweep.worldCenter; // Update center of mass velocity. m_linearVelocity += b3Cross(m_angularVelocity, m_sweep.worldCenter - oldCenter); }