static inline float calcRelVel(const b3Vector3& l0, const b3Vector3& l1, const b3Vector3& a0, const b3Vector3& a1, const b3Vector3& linVel0, const b3Vector3& angVel0, const b3Vector3& linVel1, const b3Vector3& angVel1) { return b3Dot(l0, linVel0) + b3Dot(a0, angVel0) + b3Dot(l1, linVel1) + b3Dot(a1, angVel1); }
void resolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric2(b3GpuSolverBody* body1, b3GpuSolverBody* body2, b3GpuSolverConstraint* c) { float deltaImpulse = c->m_rhs - b3Scalar(c->m_appliedImpulse) * c->m_cfm; float deltaVel1Dotn = b3Dot(c->m_contactNormal, body1->m_deltaLinearVelocity) + b3Dot(c->m_relpos1CrossNormal, body1->m_deltaAngularVelocity); float deltaVel2Dotn = -b3Dot(c->m_contactNormal, body2->m_deltaLinearVelocity) + b3Dot(c->m_relpos2CrossNormal, body2->m_deltaAngularVelocity); deltaImpulse -= deltaVel1Dotn * c->m_jacDiagABInv; deltaImpulse -= deltaVel2Dotn * c->m_jacDiagABInv; float sum = b3Scalar(c->m_appliedImpulse) + deltaImpulse; if (sum < c->m_lowerLimit) { deltaImpulse = c->m_lowerLimit - b3Scalar(c->m_appliedImpulse); c->m_appliedImpulse = c->m_lowerLimit; } else if (sum > c->m_upperLimit) { deltaImpulse = c->m_upperLimit - b3Scalar(c->m_appliedImpulse); c->m_appliedImpulse = c->m_upperLimit; } else { c->m_appliedImpulse = sum; } internalApplyImpulse(body1, c->m_contactNormal * body1->m_invMass, c->m_angularComponentA, deltaImpulse); internalApplyImpulse(body2, -c->m_contactNormal * body2->m_invMass, c->m_angularComponentB, deltaImpulse); }
float calcJacCoeff(const b3Vector3& linear0, const b3Vector3& linear1, const b3Vector3& angular0, const b3Vector3& angular1, float invMass0, const b3Matrix3x3* invInertia0, float invMass1, const b3Matrix3x3* invInertia1, float countA, float countB) { // linear0,1 are normlized float jmj0 = invMass0;//dot3F4(linear0, linear0)*invMass0; float jmj1 = b3Dot(mtMul3(angular0,*invInertia0), angular0); float jmj2 = invMass1;//dot3F4(linear1, linear1)*invMass1; float jmj3 = b3Dot(mtMul3(angular1,*invInertia1), angular1); return -1.f/((jmj0+jmj1)*countA+(jmj2+jmj3)*countB); // return -1.f/((jmj0+jmj1)+(jmj2+jmj3)); }
bool rayConvex(const b3Vector3& rayFromLocal, const b3Vector3& rayToLocal, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& poly, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces, float& hitFraction, b3Vector3& hitNormal) { float exitFraction = hitFraction; float enterFraction = -0.1f; b3Vector3 curHitNormal=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0); for (int i=0;i<poly.m_numFaces;i++) { const b3GpuFace& face = faces[poly.m_faceOffset+i]; float fromPlaneDist = b3Dot(rayFromLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w; float toPlaneDist = b3Dot(rayToLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w; if (fromPlaneDist<0.f) { if (toPlaneDist >= 0.f) { float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist); if (exitFraction>fraction) { exitFraction = fraction; } } } else { if (toPlaneDist<0.f) { float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist); if (enterFraction <= fraction) { enterFraction = fraction; curHitNormal = face.m_plane; curHitNormal.w = 0.f; } } else { return false; } } if (exitFraction <= enterFraction) return false; } if (enterFraction < 0.f) return false; hitFraction = enterFraction; hitNormal = curHitNormal; return true; }
// Christer Ericson, Real-Time Collision Detection (2005), p. 198. bool b3Polyhedron::RayCast(const b3RayCastInput& input, b3RayCastOutput& output, const b3Transform& transform) const { b3Assert(m_hull); b3Assert(m_hull->faceCount >= 3); // Perform computations in the local space of the hull. b3Vec3 a = b3MulT(transform.rotation, input.p1 - transform.translation); b3Vec3 b = b3MulT(transform.rotation, input.p2 - transform.translation); b3Vec3 direction = b - a; r32 tfirst = B3_ZERO; r32 tlast = input.maxFraction; i32 index = -1; // Test ray against each plane. for (u32 i = 0; i < m_hull->faceCount; i++) { const b3Plane& plane = m_hull->facesPlanes[i]; r32 numerator = -b3Distance(plane, a); r32 denominator = b3Dot(plane.normal, direction); if (denominator == B3_ZERO) { // The ray is parallel to the plane. if (numerator > B3_ZERO) { // Then return false if ray segment lies in front (outside) of the plane. return false; } } else { // Compute parameterized t value for intersection with current plane. r32 t = numerator / denominator; if (denominator < B3_ZERO) { // When entering halfspace, update tfirst if t is larger. if (t > tfirst) { tfirst = t; index = i; } } else { // When exiting halfspace, update tlast if t is smaller. if (t < tlast) { tlast = t; } } // Exit with �no intersection� if intersection becomes empty. if (tfirst > tlast) { return false; } } } output.fraction = tfirst; if (index != -1) { output.normal = transform.rotation * m_hull->GetPlane(index).normal; } // If the ray is contained in all planes then it intersects. return true; }
bool sphere_intersect(const b3Vector3& spherePos, b3Scalar radius, const b3Vector3& rayFrom, const b3Vector3& rayTo) { // rs = - const b3Vector3& rs = rayFrom - spherePos; b3Vector3 rayDir = rayTo-rayFrom;//rayFrom-rayTo; rayDir.normalize(); float B = b3Dot(rs, rayDir); float C = b3Dot(rs, rs) - (radius * radius); float D = B * B - C; if (D > 0.0) { float t = -B - sqrt(D); if ( (t > 0.0))// && (t < isect.t) ) { return true;//isect.t = t; } } return false; }
bool sphere_intersect(const b3Vector3& spherePos, b3Scalar radius, const b3Vector3& rayFrom, const b3Vector3& rayTo, float& hitFraction) { b3Vector3 rs = rayFrom - spherePos; b3Vector3 rayDir = rayTo-rayFrom; float A = b3Dot(rayDir,rayDir); float B = b3Dot(rs, rayDir); float C = b3Dot(rs, rs) - (radius * radius); float D = B * B - A*C; if (D > 0.0) { float t = (-B - sqrt(D))/A; if ( (t >= 0.0f) && (t < hitFraction) ) { hitFraction = t; return true; } } return false; }
void ExplicitEuler::computeSpringForces(struct CpuSoftClothDemoInternalData* clothData, char* vertexPositions, int vertexStride, float dt) { //add spring forces for(int i=0;i<clothData->m_springs.size();i++) { int indexA = clothData->m_springs[i].m_particleIndexA; int indexB = clothData->m_springs[i].m_particleIndexB; float restLength = clothData->m_springs[i].m_restLength; const ClothMaterial& mat = clothData->m_materials[clothData->m_springs[i].m_material]; const b3Vector3& posA = (const b3Vector3&)vertexPositions[indexA*vertexStride]; const b3Vector3& posB = (const b3Vector3&)vertexPositions[indexB*vertexStride]; const b3Vector3& velA = clothData->m_velocities[indexA]; const b3Vector3& velB = clothData->m_velocities[indexB]; b3Vector3 deltaP = posA-posB; b3Vector3 deltaV = velA-velB; float dist = deltaP.length(); b3Vector3 deltaPNormalized = deltaP/dist; float spring = -mat.m_stiffness * (dist-restLength)*100000; float damper = mat.m_damping * b3Dot(deltaV,deltaPNormalized)*100; b3Vector3 springForce = (spring+damper)*deltaPNormalized; float particleMassA = clothData->m_particleMasses[indexA]; float particleMassB = clothData->m_particleMasses[indexB]; //if (springForce.length()) { if (particleMassA) { clothData->m_forces[indexA] += springForce*particleMassA; } if (particleMassB) { clothData->m_forces[indexB] -= springForce*particleMassB; } } } }
static __inline void solveFriction(b3GpuConstraint4& cs, const b3Vector3& posA, b3Vector3& linVelA, b3Vector3& angVelA, float invMassA, const b3Matrix3x3& invInertiaA, const b3Vector3& posB, b3Vector3& linVelB, b3Vector3& angVelB, float invMassB, const b3Matrix3x3& invInertiaB, float maxRambdaDt[4], float minRambdaDt[4]) { if( cs.m_fJacCoeffInv[0] == 0 && cs.m_fJacCoeffInv[0] == 0 ) return; const b3Vector3& center = (const b3Vector3&)cs.m_center; b3Vector3 n = -(const b3Vector3&)cs.m_linear; b3Vector3 tangent[2]; #if 1 b3PlaneSpace1 (n, tangent[0],tangent[1]); #else b3Vector3 r = cs.m_worldPos[0]-center; tangent[0] = cross3( n, r ); tangent[1] = cross3( tangent[0], n ); tangent[0] = normalize3( tangent[0] ); tangent[1] = normalize3( tangent[1] ); #endif b3Vector3 angular0, angular1, linear; b3Vector3 r0 = center - posA; b3Vector3 r1 = center - posB; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { setLinearAndAngular( tangent[i], r0, r1, linear, angular0, angular1 ); float rambdaDt = calcRelVel(linear, -linear, angular0, angular1, linVelA, angVelA, linVelB, angVelB ); rambdaDt *= cs.m_fJacCoeffInv[i]; { float prevSum = cs.m_fAppliedRambdaDt[i]; float updated = prevSum; updated += rambdaDt; updated = b3Max( updated, minRambdaDt[i] ); updated = b3Min( updated, maxRambdaDt[i] ); rambdaDt = updated - prevSum; cs.m_fAppliedRambdaDt[i] = updated; } b3Vector3 linImp0 = invMassA*linear*rambdaDt; b3Vector3 linImp1 = invMassB*(-linear)*rambdaDt; b3Vector3 angImp0 = (invInertiaA* angular0)*rambdaDt; b3Vector3 angImp1 = (invInertiaB* angular1)*rambdaDt; #ifdef _WIN32 b3Assert(_finite(linImp0.getX())); b3Assert(_finite(linImp1.getX())); #endif linVelA += linImp0; angVelA += angImp0; linVelB += linImp1; angVelB += angImp1; } { // angular damping for point constraint b3Vector3 ab = ( posB - posA ).normalized(); b3Vector3 ac = ( center - posA ).normalized(); if( b3Dot( ab, ac ) > 0.95f || (invMassA == 0.f || invMassB == 0.f)) { float angNA = b3Dot( n, angVelA ); float angNB = b3Dot( n, angVelB ); angVelA -= (angNA*0.1f)*n; angVelB -= (angNB*0.1f)*n; } } }
void b3BuildEdgeContact(b3Manifold& manifold, const b3Transform& xf1, u32 index1, const b3HullShape* s1, const b3Transform& xf2, u32 index2, const b3HullShape* s2) { const b3Hull* hull1 = s1->m_hull; const b3HalfEdge* edge1 = hull1->GetEdge(index1); const b3HalfEdge* twin1 = hull1->GetEdge(index1 + 1); b3Vec3 C1 = xf1 * hull1->centroid; b3Vec3 P1 = xf1 * hull1->GetVertex(edge1->origin); b3Vec3 Q1 = xf1 * hull1->GetVertex(twin1->origin); b3Vec3 E1 = Q1 - P1; b3Vec3 N1 = E1; float32 L1 = N1.Normalize(); B3_ASSERT(L1 > B3_LINEAR_SLOP); const b3Hull* hull2 = s2->m_hull; const b3HalfEdge* edge2 = hull2->GetEdge(index2); const b3HalfEdge* twin2 = hull2->GetEdge(index2 + 1); b3Vec3 C2 = xf2 * hull2->centroid; b3Vec3 P2 = xf2 * hull2->GetVertex(edge2->origin); b3Vec3 Q2 = xf2 * hull2->GetVertex(twin2->origin); b3Vec3 E2 = Q2 - P2; b3Vec3 N2 = E2; float32 L2 = N2.Normalize(); B3_ASSERT(L2 > B3_LINEAR_SLOP); // Compute the closest points on the two lines. float32 b = b3Dot(N1, N2); float32 den = 1.0f - b * b; if (den <= 0.0f) { return; } float32 inv_den = 1.0f / den; b3Vec3 E3 = P1 - P2; float32 d = b3Dot(N1, E3); float32 e = b3Dot(N2, E3); float32 s = inv_den * (b * e - d); float32 t = inv_den * (e - b * d); b3Vec3 c1 = P1 + s * N1; b3Vec3 c2 = P2 + t * N2; // Ensure normal orientation to hull 2. b3Vec3 N = b3Cross(E1, E2); float32 LN = N.Normalize(); B3_ASSERT(LN > 0.0f); if (b3Dot(N, P1 - C1) < 0.0f) { N = -N; } b3FeaturePair pair = b3MakePair(index1, index1 + 1, index2, index2 + 1); manifold.pointCount = 1; manifold.points[0].localNormal1 = b3MulT(xf1.rotation, N); manifold.points[0].localPoint1 = b3MulT(xf1, c1); manifold.points[0].localPoint2 = b3MulT(xf2, c2); manifold.points[0].key = b3MakeKey(pair); }
void b3ContactGraph::UpdateContacts() { // Update all contact constraints and its states. b3Contact* c = m_contactList; while (c) { const b3Shape* shapeA = c->m_shapeA; const b3Shape* shapeB = c->m_shapeB; b3Body* bodyA = c->m_shapeA->m_body; b3Body* bodyB = c->m_shapeB->m_body; if (bodyA == bodyB) { b3Contact* quack = c; c = c->m_next; DestroyContact(quack); continue; } bool activeA = bodyA->IsAwake() && (bodyA->m_type != e_staticBody); bool activeB = bodyB->IsAwake() && (bodyB->m_type != e_staticBody); if (!activeA && !activeB) { c = c->m_next; continue; } // Destroy the contact if is definately persistenting. if (!m_broadPhase.TestOverlap(shapeA->broadPhaseID, shapeB->broadPhaseID)) { b3Contact* quack = c; c = c->m_next; DestroyContact(quack); continue; } bool wasTouching = c->IsTouching(); bool isTouching = false; bool isSensorContact = shapeA->IsSensor() || shapeB->IsSensor(); if (isSensorContact) { // Simply, a sensor is active if its bounds is touching with another other shape's bounds. isTouching = m_broadPhase.TestOverlap(shapeA->broadPhaseID, shapeB->broadPhaseID); c->m_manifold.pointCount = 0; } else { // For the time being, Bounce can compute the closest distance between convex objects only. typedef void(*b3DistanceQuery) (b3Manifold&, const b3Transform&, const b3Shape*, const b3Transform&, const b3Shape*); // Simply, register the collision routines here. static b3DistanceQuery queryMatrix[e_maxShapes][e_maxShapes] = { { &b3HullHullShapeContact }, }; b3ShapeType typeA = shapeA->GetType(); b3ShapeType typeB = shapeB->GetType(); b3Assert(typeA <= typeB); b3DistanceQuery Query = queryMatrix[typeA][typeB]; b3Assert(Query); // Copy the old manifold so we can compare the new contact points with it. b3Manifold oldManifold = c->m_manifold; // Compute the a new contact manifold. c->m_manifold.pointCount = 0; Query(c->m_manifold, bodyA->m_transform * shapeA->m_local, shapeA, bodyB->m_transform * shapeB->m_local, shapeB); isTouching = c->m_manifold.pointCount > 0; // Look up the contact cache for identical contact points. b3Manifold* newManifold = &c->m_manifold; b3Vec3 normal = newManifold->normal; b3Vec3 xA = bodyA->m_worldCenter; b3Vec3 vA = bodyA->m_linearVelocity; b3Vec3 wA = bodyA->m_angularVelocity; b3Vec3 xB = bodyB->m_worldCenter; b3Vec3 vB = bodyB->m_linearVelocity; b3Vec3 wB = bodyB->m_angularVelocity; for (u32 i = 0; i < newManifold->pointCount; ++i) { b3ContactPoint* p2 = newManifold->points + i; b3Vec3 position = p2->position; b3Vec3 tangent1; b3Vec3 tangent2; p2->normalImpulse = B3_ZERO; p2->tangentImpulse[0] = B3_ZERO; p2->tangentImpulse[1] = B3_ZERO; p2->warmStarted = false; // Compute the (two) new tangent directions. b3Vec3 rA = position - xA; b3Vec3 rB = position - xB; b3Vec3 dv = vB + b3Cross(wB, rB) - vA - b3Cross(wA, rA); tangent1 = dv - b3Dot(dv, normal) * normal; r32 tangentMag = b3Dot(tangent1, tangent1); if (tangentMag > B3_EPSILON) { tangent1 *= B3_ONE / b3Sqrt(tangentMag); tangent2 = b3Cross(tangent1, normal); } else { b3ComputeBasis(normal, &tangent1, &tangent2); } p2->tangents[0] = tangent1; p2->tangents[1] = tangent2; // Initialize new contact point with the old contact point solution if they're identical. for (u32 j = 0; j < oldManifold.pointCount; ++j) { b3ContactPoint* p1 = oldManifold.points + j; if (p1->id.key == p2->id.key) { // Copy normal impulse. p2->warmStarted = true; p2->normalImpulse = p1->normalImpulse; // Project old friction solutions into the new tangential directions. b3Vec3 oldFrictionSolution = p1->tangentImpulse[0] * p1->tangents[0] + p1->tangentImpulse[1] * p1->tangents[1]; p2->tangentImpulse[0] = b3Dot(oldFrictionSolution, p2->tangents[0]); p2->tangentImpulse[1] = b3Dot(oldFrictionSolution, p2->tangents[1]); break; } } } // If the contact has begun then awake the bodies. if (isTouching != wasTouching) { bodyA->SetAwake(true); bodyB->SetAwake(true); } } // Mark the contact as touching. if (isTouching) { c->m_flags |= b3Contact::e_touchingFlag; } else { c->m_flags &= ~b3Contact::e_touchingFlag; } // Notify the contact listener the contact state. if (m_contactListener) { if (!wasTouching && isTouching) { m_contactListener->BeginContact(c); } if (wasTouching && !isTouching) { m_contactListener->EndContact(c); } if (!isSensorContact && isTouching) { m_contactListener->Persisting(c); } } // Go to the next contact. c = c->m_next; } }
void b3Island::Solve(const b3Vec3& gravity, float32 dt, u32 velocityIterations, u32 positionIterations, u32 flags) { float32 h = dt; // 1. Integrate velocities for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) { b3Body* b = m_bodies[i]; b3Vec3 v = b->m_linearVelocity; b3Vec3 w = b->m_angularVelocity; b3Vec3 x = b->m_sweep.worldCenter; b3Quat q = b->m_sweep.orientation; // Remember the positions for CCD b->m_sweep.worldCenter0 = b->m_sweep.worldCenter; b->m_sweep.orientation0 = b->m_sweep.orientation; if (b->m_type == e_dynamicBody) { // Integrate forces v += h * (b->m_gravityScale * gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force); // Clear forces b->m_force.SetZero(); // Integrate torques // Superposition Principle // w2 - w1 = dw1 + dw2 // w2 - w1 = h * I^1 * bt + h * I^1 * -gt // w2 = w1 + dw1 + dw2 // Explicit Euler on current inertia and applied torque // w2 = w1 + h * I1^1 * bt1 b3Vec3 dw1 = h * b->m_worldInvI * b->m_torque; // Implicit Euler on next inertia and angular velocity // w2 = w1 - h * I2^1 * cross(w2, I2 * w2) // w2 - w1 = -I2^1 * h * cross(w2, I2 * w2) // I2 * (w2 - w1) = -h * cross(w2, I2 * w2) // I2 * (w2 - w1) + h * cross(w2, I2 * w2) = 0 // Toss out I2 from f using local I2 (constant) and local w1 // to remove its time dependency. b3Vec3 w2 = b3SolveGyro(q, b->m_I, w, h); b3Vec3 dw2 = w2 - w; w += dw1 + dw2; // Clear torques b->m_torque.SetZero(); // Apply local damping. // ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0 // Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t) // Step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt) // v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1 // Padé approximation: // 1 / (1 + c * dt) v *= 1.0f / (1.0f + h * b->m_linearDamping); w *= 1.0f / (1.0f + h * b->m_angularDamping); } m_velocities[i].v = v; m_velocities[i].w = w; m_positions[i].x = x; m_positions[i].q = q; m_invInertias[i] = b->m_worldInvI; } b3JointSolverDef jointSolverDef; jointSolverDef.joints = m_joints; jointSolverDef.count = m_jointCount; jointSolverDef.positions = m_positions; jointSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities; jointSolverDef.invInertias = m_invInertias; jointSolverDef.dt = h; b3JointSolver jointSolver(&jointSolverDef); b3ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef; contactSolverDef.allocator = m_allocator; contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts; contactSolverDef.count = m_contactCount; contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions; contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities; contactSolverDef.invInertias = m_invInertias; contactSolverDef.dt = h; b3ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef); // 2. Initialize constraints { B3_PROFILE("Initialize Constraints"); contactSolver.InitializeConstraints(); if (flags & e_warmStartBit) { contactSolver.WarmStart(); } jointSolver.InitializeConstraints(); if (flags & e_warmStartBit) { jointSolver.WarmStart(); } } // 3. Solve velocity constraints { B3_PROFILE("Solve Velocity Constraints"); for (u32 i = 0; i < velocityIterations; ++i) { jointSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints(); contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints(); } if (flags & e_warmStartBit) { contactSolver.StoreImpulses(); } } // 4. Integrate positions for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) { b3Body* b = m_bodies[i]; b3Vec3 x = m_positions[i].x; b3Quat q = m_positions[i].q; b3Vec3 v = m_velocities[i].v; b3Vec3 w = m_velocities[i].w; b3Mat33 invI = m_invInertias[i]; // Prevent numerical instability due to large velocity changes. b3Vec3 translation = h * v; if (b3Dot(translation, translation) > B3_MAX_TRANSLATION_SQUARED) { float32 ratio = B3_MAX_TRANSLATION / b3Length(translation); v *= ratio; } b3Vec3 rotation = h * w; if (b3Dot(rotation, rotation) > B3_MAX_ROTATION_SQUARED) { float32 ratio = B3_MAX_ROTATION / b3Length(rotation); w *= ratio; } // Integrate x += h * v; q = b3Integrate(q, w, h); invI = b3RotateToFrame(b->m_invI, q); m_positions[i].x = x; m_positions[i].q = q; m_velocities[i].v = v; m_velocities[i].w = w; m_invInertias[i] = invI; } // 5. Solve position constraints { B3_PROFILE("Solve Position Constraints"); bool positionsSolved = false; for (u32 i = 0; i < positionIterations; ++i) { bool contactsSolved = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(); bool jointsSolved = jointSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(); if (contactsSolved && jointsSolved) { // Early out if the position errors are small. positionsSolved = true; break; } } } // 6. Copy state buffers back to the bodies for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) { b3Body* b = m_bodies[i]; b->m_sweep.worldCenter = m_positions[i].x; b->m_sweep.orientation = m_positions[i].q; b->m_sweep.orientation.Normalize(); b->m_linearVelocity = m_velocities[i].v; b->m_angularVelocity = m_velocities[i].w; b->m_worldInvI = m_invInertias[i]; b->SynchronizeTransform(); } // 7. Put bodies under unconsiderable motion to sleep if (flags & e_sleepBit) { float32 minSleepTime = B3_MAX_FLOAT; for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) { b3Body* b = m_bodies[i]; if (b->m_type == e_staticBody) { continue; } // Compute the linear and angular speed of the body. float32 sqrLinVel = b3Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity); float32 sqrAngVel = b3Dot(b->m_angularVelocity, b->m_angularVelocity); if (sqrLinVel > B3_SLEEP_LINEAR_TOL || sqrAngVel > B3_SLEEP_ANGULAR_TOL) { minSleepTime = 0.0f; b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f; } else { b->m_sleepTime += h; minSleepTime = b3Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime); } } // Put the island to sleep so long as the minimum found sleep time // is below the threshold. if (minSleepTime >= B3_TIME_TO_SLEEP) { for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) { m_bodies[i]->SetAwake(false); } } } }
bool b3HullShape::RayCast(b3RayCastOutput* output, const b3RayCastInput& input, const b3Transform& xf) const { u32 planeCount = m_hull->faceCount; const b3Plane* planes = m_hull->planes; // Put the segment into the poly's frame of reference. b3Vec3 p1 = b3MulT(xf.rotation, input.p1 - xf.position); b3Vec3 p2 = b3MulT(xf.rotation, input.p2 - xf.position); b3Vec3 d = p2 - p1; float32 lower = 0.0f; float32 upper = input.maxFraction; u32 index = B3_MAX_U32; // s(lower) = p1 + lower * d, 0 <= lower <= kupper // The segment intersects the plane if a 'lower' exists // for which s(lower) is inside all half-spaces. // Solve line segment to plane: // dot(n, s(lower)) = offset // dot(n, p1 + lower * d) = offset // dot(n, p1) + dot(n, lower * d) = offset // dot(n, p1) + lower * dot(n, d) = offset // lower * dot(n, d) = offset - dot(n, p1) // lower = (offset - dot(n, p1)) / dot(n, d) for (u32 i = 0; i < planeCount; ++i) { float32 numerator = planes[i].offset - b3Dot(planes[i].normal, p1); float32 denominator = b3Dot(planes[i].normal, d); if (denominator == 0.0f) { // s is parallel to this half-space. if (numerator < 0.0f) { // s is outside of this half-space. // dot(n, p1) and dot(n, p2) < 0. return false; } } else { // Original predicates: // lower < numerator / denominator, for denominator < 0 // upper < numerator / denominator, for denominator < 0 // Optimized predicates: // lower * denominator > numerator // upper * denominator > numerator if (denominator < 0.0f) { // s enters this half-space. if (numerator < lower * denominator) { // Increase lower. lower = numerator / denominator; index = i; } } else { // s exits the half-space. if (numerator < upper * denominator) { // Decrease upper. upper = numerator / denominator; } } // Exit if intersection becomes empty. if (upper < lower) { return false; } } } B3_ASSERT(lower >= 0.0f && lower <= input.maxFraction); if (index != B3_MAX_U32) { output->fraction = lower; output->normal = b3Mul(xf.rotation, planes[index].normal); return true; } return false; }