static void handleTimeout(XiTimerListener* __thisPtr, XiQTimer* timer) { XiQRect* oldRect = ballRect(); x += dx; y += dy; if (x + R >= DIM || (x - R)<= 0) dx = -dx; if (y + R >= DIM || (y - R) <= 0) dy = -dy; XiQRect* newRect = ballRect(); XiQRect* both = newRect->vtable()->united(newRect, oldRect); mainWidget->vtable()->repaint(mainWidget, both->vtable()->adjusted(both, -5, -5, 5, 5)); }
void render() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); std::vector<Rect> rectangles; Rect ballRect(0, 0, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE); ball.getCoordinates(ballRect.x, ballRect.y); rectangles.push_back(ballRect); rectangles.push_back(leftPlayer.getCoords()); rectangles.push_back(rightPlayer.getCoords()); std::vector<Color> colors; colors.push_back(Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); colors.push_back(Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); colors.push_back(Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); drawRectangles(rectangles, colors); }
static void handlePaintEvent(XiQWidget* __thisPtr, XiQPaintEvent* pe) { // draw scene on backBuffer backBuffer->vtable()->fill(backBuffer, XI(qcolor_o6QColoriii)(255, 255, 192)); XiQPainter* p = XI(qpainter_o8QPaintero12QPaintDevice)(backBuffer); p->vtable()->setHighQuality(p, true); XiQPen* pen = XI(qpen_o4QPeno6QColor)(XI(qcolor_o6QColoriii)(0, 0, 255)); pen->vtable()->setWidth(pen, 5); p->vtable()->setPen(p, pen); p->vtable()->setBrush(p, XI(qbrush_o6QBrusho6QColor)(XI(qcolor_o6QColoriii)(255, 0, 0))); p->vtable()->drawEllipse(p, ballRect()); p->vtable()->end(p); // paint the backbuffer XiQRect* dirty = pe->vtable()->rect(pe); XiQPainter* pw = XI(qpainter_o8QPaintero12QPaintDevice)(__thisPtr); pw->vtable()->drawPixmapPortion(pw, dirty->vtable()->topLeft(dirty), backBuffer, dirty); pw->vtable()->end(pw); }
void PixmapDial::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter painter(this); if (! m_label.isEmpty()) { painter.setPen(m_color2); painter.setBrush(m_label_gradient); painter.drawRect(m_label_gradient_rect); painter.setPen(m_colorT[isEnabled() ? 0 : 1]); painter.drawText(m_label_pos, m_label); } if (isEnabled()) { float current = value()-minimum(); float divider = maximum()-minimum(); if (divider == 0.0f) return; float value = current/divider; QRectF source, target(0.0f, 0.0f, p_size, p_size); int xpos, ypos, per = (p_count-1)*value; if (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL) { xpos = p_size*per; ypos = 0.0f; } else { xpos = 0.0f; ypos = p_size*per; } source = QRectF(xpos, ypos, p_size, p_size); painter.drawPixmap(target, m_pixmap, source); // Custom knobs (Dry/Wet and Volume) if (m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_WET || m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_VOL) { // knob color QColor colorGreen(0x5D, 0xE7, 0x3D, 191 + m_hover_step*7); QColor colorBlue(0x3E, 0xB8, 0xBE, 191 + m_hover_step*7); // draw small circle QRectF ballRect(8.0, 8.0, 15.0, 15.0); QPainterPath ballPath; ballPath.addEllipse(ballRect); //painter.drawRect(ballRect); float tmpValue = (0.375f + 0.75f*value); float ballValue = tmpValue - floorf(tmpValue); QPointF ballPoint(ballPath.pointAtPercent(ballValue)); // draw arc int startAngle = 216*16; int spanAngle = -252*16*value; if (m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_WET) { painter.setBrush(colorBlue); painter.setPen(QPen(colorBlue, 0)); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(ballPoint.x(), ballPoint.y(), 2.2, 2.2)); QConicalGradient gradient(15.5, 15.5, -45); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, colorBlue); gradient.setColorAt(0.125, colorBlue); gradient.setColorAt(0.625, colorGreen); gradient.setColorAt(0.75, colorGreen); gradient.setColorAt(0.76, colorGreen); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, colorGreen); painter.setBrush(gradient); painter.setPen(QPen(gradient, 3)); } else { painter.setBrush(colorBlue); painter.setPen(QPen(colorBlue, 0)); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(ballPoint.x(), ballPoint.y(), 2.2, 2.2)); painter.setBrush(colorBlue); painter.setPen(QPen(colorBlue, 3)); } painter.drawArc(4.0, 4.0, 26.0, 26.0, startAngle, spanAngle); } // Custom knobs (L and R) else if (m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_L || m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_R) { // knob color QColor color(0xAD + m_hover_step*5, 0xD5 + m_hover_step*4, 0x4B + m_hover_step*5); // draw small circle QRectF ballRect(7.0, 8.0, 11.0, 12.0); QPainterPath ballPath; ballPath.addEllipse(ballRect); //painter.drawRect(ballRect); float tmpValue = (0.375f + 0.75f*value); float ballValue = tmpValue - floorf(tmpValue); QPointF ballPoint(ballPath.pointAtPercent(ballValue)); painter.setBrush(color); painter.setPen(QPen(color, 0)); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(ballPoint.x(), ballPoint.y(), 2.0f, 2.0f)); int startAngle, spanAngle; // draw arc if (m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_L) { startAngle = 216*16; spanAngle = -252.0*16*value; } else if (m_custom_paint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_R) { startAngle = 324.0*16; spanAngle = 252.0*16*(1.0-value); } else return; painter.setPen(QPen(color, 2)); painter.drawArc(3.5, 4.5, 22.0, 22.0, startAngle, spanAngle); if (HOVER_MIN < m_hover_step && m_hover_step < HOVER_MAX) { m_hover_step += m_hovered ? 1 : -1; QTimer::singleShot(20, this, SLOT(update())); } } if (HOVER_MIN < m_hover_step && m_hover_step < HOVER_MAX) { m_hover_step += m_hovered ? 1 : -1; QTimer::singleShot(20, this, SLOT(update())); } } else { QRectF target(0.0, 0.0, p_size, p_size); painter.drawPixmap(target, m_pixmap, target); } }
void PixmapDial::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { event->accept(); QPainter painter(this);; painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); if (! fLabel.isEmpty()) { if (fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_NULL) { painter.setPen(fColor2); painter.setBrush(fLabelGradient); painter.drawRect(fLabelGradientRect); } painter.setFont(fLabelFont); painter.setPen(fColorT[isEnabled() ? 0 : 1]); painter.drawText(fLabelPos, fLabel); } if (isEnabled()) { float current = value()-minimum(); float divider = maximum()-minimum(); if (divider == 0.0f) return; float value = current/divider; QRectF source, target(0.0f, 0.0f, fSize, fSize); int xpos, ypos, per = (fCount-1)*value; if (fOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { xpos = fSize*per; ypos = 0.0f; } else { xpos = 0.0f; ypos = fSize*per; } source = QRectF(xpos, ypos, fSize, fSize); painter.drawPixmap(target, fPixmap, source); // Custom knobs (Dry/Wet and Volume) if (fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_WET || fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_VOL) { // knob color QColor colorGreen(0x5D, 0xE7, 0x3D, 191 + fHoverStep*7); QColor colorBlue(0x3E, 0xB8, 0xBE, 191 + fHoverStep*7); // draw small circle QRectF ballRect(8.0f, 8.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f); QPainterPath ballPath; ballPath.addEllipse(ballRect); //painter.drawRect(ballRect); float tmpValue = (0.375f + 0.75f*value); float ballValue = tmpValue - std::floor(tmpValue); QPointF ballPoint(ballPath.pointAtPercent(ballValue)); // draw arc int startAngle = 216*16; int spanAngle = -252*16*value; if (fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_WET) { painter.setBrush(colorBlue); painter.setPen(QPen(colorBlue, 0)); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(ballPoint.x(), ballPoint.y(), 2.2f, 2.2f)); QConicalGradient gradient(15.5f, 15.5f, -45); gradient.setColorAt(0.0f, colorBlue); gradient.setColorAt(0.125f, colorBlue); gradient.setColorAt(0.625f, colorGreen); gradient.setColorAt(0.75f, colorGreen); gradient.setColorAt(0.76f, colorGreen); gradient.setColorAt(1.0f, colorGreen); painter.setBrush(gradient); painter.setPen(QPen(gradient, 3)); } else { painter.setBrush(colorBlue); painter.setPen(QPen(colorBlue, 0)); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(ballPoint.x(), ballPoint.y(), 2.2f, 2.2f)); painter.setBrush(colorBlue); painter.setPen(QPen(colorBlue, 3)); } painter.drawArc(4.0f, 4.0f, 26.0f, 26.0f, startAngle, spanAngle); } // Custom knobs (L and R) else if (fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_L || fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_R) { // knob color QColor color(0xAD + fHoverStep*5, 0xD5 + fHoverStep*4, 0x4B + fHoverStep*5); // draw small circle QRectF ballRect(7.0f, 8.0f, 11.0f, 12.0f); QPainterPath ballPath; ballPath.addEllipse(ballRect); //painter.drawRect(ballRect); float tmpValue = (0.375f + 0.75f*value); float ballValue = tmpValue - std::floor(tmpValue); QPointF ballPoint(ballPath.pointAtPercent(ballValue)); painter.setBrush(color); painter.setPen(QPen(color, 0)); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(ballPoint.x(), ballPoint.y(), 2.0f, 2.0f)); int startAngle, spanAngle; // draw arc if (fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_L) { startAngle = 216*16; spanAngle = -252.0*16*value; } else if (fCustomPaint == CUSTOM_PAINT_CARLA_R) { startAngle = 324.0*16; spanAngle = 252.0*16*(1.0-value); } else return; painter.setPen(QPen(color, 2)); painter.drawArc(3.5f, 4.5f, 22.0f, 22.0f, startAngle, spanAngle); if (HOVER_MIN < fHoverStep && fHoverStep < HOVER_MAX) { fHoverStep += fHovered ? 1 : -1; QTimer::singleShot(20, this, SLOT(update())); } } if (HOVER_MIN < fHoverStep && fHoverStep < HOVER_MAX) { fHoverStep += fHovered ? 1 : -1; QTimer::singleShot(20, this, SLOT(update())); } } else { QRectF target(0.0f, 0.0f, fSize, fSize); painter.drawPixmap(target, fPixmap, target); } painter.restore(); }
void RenderManagerSDL::draw() { if (!mDrawGame) return; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mBackground, NULL, NULL); int animationState; SDL_Rect position; // Ball marker position.y = 5; position.x = (int)lround(mBallPosition.x - 2.5); position.w = 5; position.h = 5; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mMarker[(int)SDL_GetTicks() % 1000 >= 500], 0, &position); // Mouse marker position.y = 590; position.x = (int)lround(mMouseMarkerPosition - 2.5); position.w = 5; position.h = 5; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mMarker[(int)SDL_GetTicks() % 1000 >= 500], 0, &position); if(mShowShadow) { // Ball Shadow position = ballShadowRect(ballShadowPosition(mBallPosition)); SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mBallShadow, 0, &position); // Left blob shadow position = blobShadowRect(blobShadowPosition(mLeftBlobPosition)); animationState = int(mLeftBlobAnimationState) % 5; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mLeftBlobShadow[animationState].mSDLsf, 0, &position); // Right blob shadow position = blobShadowRect(blobShadowPosition(mRightBlobPosition)); animationState = int(mRightBlobAnimationState) % 5; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mRightBlobShadow[animationState].mSDLsf, 0, &position); } // Restore the rod position.x = 400 - 7; position.y = 300; SDL_Rect rodPosition; rodPosition.x = 400 - 7; rodPosition.y = 300; rodPosition.w = 14; rodPosition.h = 300; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mBackground, &rodPosition, &rodPosition); #ifdef __APPLE__ #if !MAC_OS_X position.x = 400 - 35; position.y = 70; position.w = 70; position.h = 82; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mBackFlag, 0, &position); #endif #endif // Drawing the Ball position = ballRect(mBallPosition); animationState = int(mBallRotation / M_PI / 2 * 16) % 16; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mBall[animationState], 0, &position); // update blob colors colorizeBlobs(LEFT_PLAYER); colorizeBlobs(RIGHT_PLAYER); // Drawing left blob position = blobRect(mLeftBlobPosition); animationState = int(mLeftBlobAnimationState) % 5; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mLeftBlob[animationState].mSDLsf, 0, &position); // Drawing right blob position = blobRect(mRightBlobPosition); animationState = int(mRightBlobAnimationState) % 5; SDL_RenderCopy(mRenderer, mRightBlob[animationState].mSDLsf, 0, &position); }