Ejemplo n.º 1
struct splatAlign *splatExtendTag(struct splatTag *tag,
	struct dnaSeq *qSeqF, struct dnaSeq *qSeqR, struct splix *splix,
	struct axtScoreScheme *scoreScheme)
/* Convert a single tag to an alignment. */
int maxSingleGap = 9;
int maxTotalGap = maxSingleGap * 3;
struct splatAlign *ali = tagToAlign(tag, qSeqF, qSeqR, splix, scoreScheme);
struct chain *chain = ali->chain;
chainAddAxtScore(chain, ali->qDna, ali->tDna, scoreScheme);
int qxSize = chain->qSize - chain->qEnd;	/* extra q size. */
int txSize = chain->tSize - chain->tEnd;	/* extra t size. */
if (qxSize > 0 && txSize > 0)
    int qxStart = chain->qEnd;
    int qxEnd = chain->qSize;
    int txStart = chain->tEnd;
    int txEnd = chain->tSize;
    int txMaxSize = qxSize + maxTotalGap;
    if (txSize > txMaxSize)
        txSize = txMaxSize;
    int symAlloc = qxSize + txSize;
    char *qSym, *tSym;
    AllocArray(qSym, symAlloc);
    AllocArray(tSym, symAlloc);
    int symCount, revStartQ, revStartT;
    if (bandExt(FALSE, scoreScheme, 9, 
    		ali->qDna + qxStart, qxSize,  
		ali->tDna + txStart, txSize, 1,
		symAlloc, &symCount, qSym, tSym, &revStartQ, &revStartT))
	struct cBlock *newBlocks = cBlocksFromAliSym(symCount, 
		qSym, tSym, qxStart, txStart);
	struct cBlock *lastOldBlock = slLastEl(chain->blockList);
	lastOldBlock->next = newBlocks;
	chainAddAxtScore(chain, ali->qDna, ali->tDna, scoreScheme);
return ali;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static boolean smoothOneGap(struct ffAli *left, struct ffAli *right, struct ffAli *ffList)
/* If and necessary connect left and right - either directly or
 * with a small intermediate ffAli inbetween.  Do not bother to
 * merge directly abutting regions,  this happens later.  Returns
 * TRUE if any smoothing done. */ 
int nGap = right->nStart - left->nEnd;
int hGap = right->hStart - left->hEnd;
if (nGap > 0 && hGap > 0 && nGap < 10 && hGap < 10)
    int sizeDiff = nGap - hGap;
    if (sizeDiff < 0) sizeDiff = -sizeDiff;
    if (sizeDiff <= 3)
	struct axtScoreScheme *ss = axtScoreSchemeRnaDefault();
	char hSym[20], nSym[20];
	int symCount;
	if (bandExt(TRUE, ss, 3, left->nEnd, nGap, left->hEnd, hGap, 1,
		sizeof(hSym), &symCount, nSym, hSym, NULL, NULL))
	    int gapPenalty = -ffCalcCdnaGapPenalty(hGap, nGap) * ss->matrix['a']['a'];
	    int score = axtScoreSym(ss, symCount, nSym, hSym);
	    if (score >= gapPenalty)
		struct ffAli *l, *r;
		l = ffAliFromSym(symCount, nSym, hSym, NULL, left->nEnd, left->hEnd);
		r = ffRightmost(l);
		left->right = l;
		l->left = left;
		r->right = right;
		right->left = r;
		return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static struct cBlock *extendInRegion(
                             DNA *qDna, int qStart, int qEnd,
                             DNA *tDna, int tStart, int tEnd,
                             int dir, char *qSym, char *tSym, int symAlloc,
			     struct axtScoreScheme *scoreScheme, int maxGap)
/* Do banded extension in region and return as a list of blocks. */
int symCount;
int qSize = qEnd - qStart;
int tSize = tEnd - tStart;
int qs, ts, qExtStart, tExtStart;
if (qSize > 0 && tSize > 0)
    if (dir < 0)
        qStart = qEnd - qSize;
        tStart = tEnd - tSize;
    bandExt(FALSE, scoreScheme, maxGap, 
            qDna + qStart,  qSize,
            tDna + tStart, tSize,
            dir, symAlloc, &symCount, qSym, tSym, &qs, &ts);
    if (dir > 0)
        qExtStart = qStart;
        tExtStart = tStart;
        qExtStart = qEnd - qs - 1;
        tExtStart = tEnd - ts - 1;
    return cBlocksFromAliSym(symCount, qSym, tSym, qExtStart, tExtStart);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static struct ffAli *hardRefineSplice(struct ffAli *left, struct ffAli *right,
	struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct dnaSeq *tSeq, struct ffAli *ffList, 
	int orientation)
/* Do difficult refinement of splice site.  See if
 * can get nice splice sites without breaking too much.  */
/* Strategy: peel back about 6 bases on either side of intron.
 * Then try positioning the intron at each position in the
 * peeled area and assessing score. */
int peelSize = 12;
char nSeq[12+1], hSeq[12+1+1];
char nSym[25], hSym[25];
int symCount;
int seqScore, spliceScore, score, maxScore = 0;
int nGap = right->nStart - left->nEnd;
int hGap = right->hStart - left->hEnd;
int peelLeft = (peelSize - nGap)/2;
int intronSize = hGap - nGap;
char *npStart = left->nEnd - peelLeft;
char *npEnd = npStart + peelSize;
char *hpStart = left->hEnd - peelLeft;
char *hpEnd = npEnd + (right->hStart - right->nStart);
struct axtScoreScheme *ss = axtScoreSchemeRnaDefault();
static int modSize[3] = {0, 1, -1};
int modIx;
int bestPos = -1, bestMod = 0;
int iPos;

memcpy(nSeq, npStart, peelSize);
nSeq[peelSize] = 0;
for (modIx=0; modIx < ArraySize(modSize); ++modIx)
    int modOne = modSize[modIx];
    int modPeelSize = peelSize - modOne;
    int iSize = intronSize + modOne;
    for (iPos=0; iPos <= modPeelSize; iPos++)
	grabAroundIntron(hpStart, iPos, iSize, modPeelSize, hSeq);
	if (bandExt(TRUE, ss, 2, nSeq, peelSize, hSeq, modPeelSize, 1,
		sizeof(hSym), &symCount, nSym, hSym, NULL, NULL))
	    seqScore = axtScoreSym(ss, symCount, nSym, hSym);
	    spliceScore = calcSpliceScore(ss, hpStart[iPos], hpStart[iPos+1],
		    hpStart[iPos+iSize-2], hpStart[iPos+iSize-1], orientation);
	    score = seqScore + spliceScore;
	    if (score > maxScore)
		maxScore = score;
		bestPos = iPos;
		bestMod = modOne;
if (maxScore > 0)
    int modPeelSize = peelSize - bestMod;
    int i,diff, cutSymIx = 0;
    int nIx, hIx;
    struct ffAli *ff;

    /* Regenerate the best alignment. */
    grabAroundIntron(hpStart, bestPos, intronSize + bestMod, modPeelSize, hSeq); 
    bandExt(TRUE, ss, 2, nSeq, peelSize, hSeq, modPeelSize, 1,
	    sizeof(hSym), &symCount, nSym, hSym, NULL, NULL);

    /* Peel back surrounding ffAli's */
    if (left->nStart > npStart || right->nEnd < npEnd)
	/* It would take a lot of code to handle this case. 
	 * I believe it is rare enough that it's not worth
	 * it.  This verbosity will help keep track of how
	 * often it comes up. */
	verbose(2, "Unable to peel in hardRefineSplice\n");
	return ffList;
    diff = left->nEnd - npStart;
    left->nEnd -= diff;
    left->hEnd -= diff;
    diff = right->nStart - npEnd;
    right->nStart -= diff;
    right->hStart -= diff;

    /* Step through base by base alignment from the left until
     * hit intron, converting it into ffAli format. */
    nIx = hIx = 0;
    ff = left;
    for (i=0; i<symCount; ++i)
	if (hIx == bestPos)
	    cutSymIx = i;
	if (hSym[i] == '-')
	    ff = NULL;
	    nIx += 1;
	else if (nSym[i] == '-')
	    ff = NULL;
	    hIx += 1;
	    if (ff == NULL)
		ff->left = left;
		ff->right = right;
		left->right = ff;
		right->left = ff;
		left = ff;
		ff->nStart = ff->nEnd = npStart + nIx;
		ff->hStart = ff->hEnd = hpStart + hIx;
	    ff->nEnd += 1;
	    ff->hEnd += 1;

    /* Step through base by base alignment from the right until
     * hit intron, converting it into ffAli format. */
    ff = right;
    hIx = nIx = 0;	/* Index from right side. */
    for (i = symCount-1; i >= cutSymIx; --i)
	if (hSym[i] == '-')
	    ff = NULL;
	    nIx += 1;
	else if (nSym[i] == '-')
	    ff = NULL;
	    hIx += 1;
	    if (ff == NULL)
		ff->left = left;
		ff->right = right;
		left->right = ff;
		right->left = ff;
		left = ff;
		ff->nStart = ff->nEnd = npEnd - nIx;
		ff->hStart = ff->hEnd = hpEnd - hIx;
	    ff->nStart -= 1;
	    ff->hStart -= 1;
return ffList;