Ejemplo n.º 1
  void SICompiler::initialize() {
    assert(theSIC == NULL, "shouldn't have but one compiler at a time");
    theSIC = lastSIC = this;
    theAssembler = new Assembler(SICInstructionsSize, SICInstructionsSize / 2,
                                 PrintSICCompiledCode, true);
    stackLocCount = argCount = 0;
    countID = 0;
    nodeGen = new NodeGen(L, send_desc, diLink);
    topScope = NULL;
    splitSig = NULL;
    bbIterator = new BBIterator;
    /* theAllocator = */ new SICAllocator();
    if (theRecompilation && theRecompilation->recompileeVScopes) {
      vscopes = theRecompilation->recompileeVScopes;
    } else {
      vscopes = NULL; 
    if (baseLookupType(L->lookupType()) == NormalBaseLookupType) {
      // ignore the receiver static bit (same nmethod covers both cases)


    SScope::currentScopeID = 0;
    ncodes = 0;
    rec = new ScopeDescRecorder(SICScopesSize, SICPCsSize);


Ejemplo n.º 2
Lookup::Result* Lookup::findSlotsIn( oop_t rcvr, oop_t selector, LookupType lt ) {
  static bool reentered = false;
  if (reentered) fatal("reentered");
  reentered = true;
  static Lookup lp;
  lp.init(selector, lt);
  if (baseLookupType(lt) == ResendBaseLookupType)   lp.findInParentsOf(rcvr, MapObj::from(mapOop(rcvr)));
  else                                              lp.findInObject(rcvr);
  reentered = false;
  return &lp.result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
cacheProbingLookup::cacheProbingLookup(oop rcvr,
                                       oop sel,
                                       oop dgt,
                                       oop smh_or_map,
                                       abstract_vframe* sendingVf, 
                                       sendDesc *sd,
                                       DIDesc *dc,
                                       bool debug,
                                       bool canReuseNM )
 : compilingLookup( rcvr, sel, dgt, smh_or_map, sendingVf, sd, dc,
                    debug, canReuseNM) { 

  // clear bit; nmethod will be used for other receivers
  if (baseLookupType(lookupType()) == NormalBaseLookupType)
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool NMethodLookupKey::verify() {
    bool flag = true;
    if (!oop(receiverMapOop())->verify_oop()) {
        lprintf("\tin receiverMap of NMethodLookupKey 0x%lx\n", this);
        flag = false;
    } else if (!receiverMapOop()->is_map()) {
        error1("receiverMapOop() 0x%lx isn't a map", receiverMapOop());
        flag = false;
    if ( methodHolder_or_map() != MH_TBD
            &&  !methodHolder_or_map()->verify_oop()) {
        lprintf("\tin methodHolder of NMethodLookupKey 0x%lx\n", this);
        flag = false;
    if (selector) {
        if (!selector->verify_oop()) {
            lprintf("\tin selector of NMethodLookupKey 0x%lx\n", this);
            flag = false;
            /* uncommon but legal
            } else if (!selector->is_string()) {
              lprintf("warning: selector ");
              lprintf(" isn't a string\n");
              flag = false;
    if (delegatee) {
        if (!delegatee->verify_oop()) {
            lprintf("\tin delegatee of NMethodLookupKey 0x%lx\n", this);
            flag = false;
        } else {
            BaseLookupType l = baseLookupType(lookupType);
            if (l == DirectedResendBaseLookupType &&
                    ! delegatee->is_string()) {
                error1("delegatee 0x%lx isn't a string", delegatee);
                flag = false;
    return flag;
Ejemplo n.º 5
oop_t Lookup::messageTypeForLookupError(LookupType lookupType) {
  // todo optimize time: put these strings in The. -- Adam, 5/06
  switch (baseLookupType(lookupType)) {
   case NormalBaseLookupType:
     if (isImplicitSelfLookupType(lookupType))
       return StringObj::intern("implicitSelf");
       return StringObj::intern("normal");
   case ResendBaseLookupType:
     return StringObj::intern("undirectedResend");
   case DirectedResendBaseLookupType:
     return StringObj::intern("directedResend");
   case DelegatedBaseLookupType:
     return StringObj::intern("delegated");
     fatal("should not reach here");
     return badOop;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool sendDesc::verify() {
  if (isPrimCall()) return true;
  LookupType l= lookupType();
  bool flag= checkLookupTypeAndEntryPoint();
  if (isPerformLookupType(l)) {
    if (arg_count() < 0 || arg_count() > 100) {
      error2("sendDesc %#lx arg count %ld is invalid", this, arg_count());
      flag = false;
  } else {
    if (! oop(selector())->verify_oop()) {
      flag = false;
    } else if (! selector()->is_string()) {
      error1("sendDesc %#lx selector isn't a string", this);
      flag = false;
    nmethod* nm = target();
    if (nm == NULL) {
      CountStub* cs = countStub();
      if (cs) nm = cs->target();
    if (nm == NULL) {
      CacheStub* cs = pic();
      if (cs) {
        nm= cs->get_method(0);
        oop sel= nm->key.selector;
        for (fint i= 1; i < cs->arity(); ++i)
          if (cs->get_method(i)->key.selector != sel)
            error2("sendDesc %#lx: selector != PIC case %d selector",
                   this, i);
    if (nm && nm->key.selector != selector())
      error1("sendDesc %#lx: selector != target nmethod's selector", this);
  if (l & DelegateeStaticBit) {
    if (! delegatee()->verify_oop()) {
      flag = false;
    } else if (baseLookupType(l) == DirectedResendLookupType &&
               ! delegatee()->is_string()) {
      error1("sendDesc %#lx delegatee isn't a string", this);
      flag = false;
  if (!dependency()->verify_list_integrity()) {
    lprintf("\tof sendDesc %#lx\n", this);
    flag = false;
  if (pic()) {
    if (dependency()->next != dependency()->prev)
      error1("sendDesc %#lx: more than one elem in dependency chain", this);
  } else {
    CountStub *cs= countStub();
    if (cs == NULL) {
      if (isCounting() && jump_addr() != lookupRoutine())
        error1("sendDesc %#lx: doesn't have countStub but is counting", this);
    } else {
      if (!isCounting() && !cs->isAgingStub())
        error1("sendDesc %#lx: has countStub but is not counting", this);
      if (dependency()->next != dependency()->prev)
        error1("sendDesc %#lx: more than one elem in dependency chain", this);
  return flag;
Ejemplo n.º 7
char* lookupTypeName(LookupType l) {
  char* name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, 80);
  switch (l) {
   case NormalLookupType:
    strcpy(name, "NormalLookup");
   case StaticNormalLookupType:
    strcpy(name, "StaticNormalLookup");
   case ImplicitSelfLookupType:
    strcpy(name, "ImplicitSelfLookup");
   case ResendLookupType:
    strcpy(name, "ResendLookup");
   case DirectedResendLookupType:
    strcpy(name, "DirectedResendLookup");
   case NormalPerformType:
    strcpy(name, "NormalPerform");
   case ResendPerformType:
    strcpy(name, "ResendPerform");
   case DelegatedPerformType:
    strcpy(name, "DelegatedPerform");
    char* baseName;
    switch (baseLookupType(l)) {
     case NormalBaseLookupType:
      baseName ="NormalBaseLookup "; break;
     case ResendBaseLookupType:
      baseName ="ResendBaseLookup "; break;
     case DirectedResendBaseLookupType:
      baseName ="DirectedResendBaseLookup "; break;
     case DelegatedBaseLookupType:
      baseName ="DelegatedBaseLookup "; break;
     default: fatal("unexpected base lookup type");
    strcpy(name, baseName);
    if (l & SelectorStaticBit) {
      strcat(name, "<selector static> ");
    if (l & DelegateeStaticBit) {
      strcat(name, "<delegatee static> ");
    if (l & ReceiverStaticBit) {
      strcat(name, "<receiver map static> ");
  bool hasFlag = false;
  switch (countType(l)) {
   case NonCounting: break;
   case Counting:    addFlag(hasFlag, name, "counting "); break;
   case Comparing:   addFlag(hasFlag, name, "comparing "); break;
   default:          fatal1("invalid count type %ld", countType(l));
  if (isSet(l, DirtySendBit)) addFlag(hasFlag, name, "dirty ");
  if (isSet(l, OptimizedSendBit)) addFlag(hasFlag, name, "optimized ");
  if (isSet(l, UninlinableSendBit)) addFlag(hasFlag, name, "uninlinable ");
  if (hasFlag) strcat(name, "}");
  return name;