Ejemplo n.º 1
int main_vcfgtcheck(int argc, char *argv[])
	int c;
	args_t *args = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->files  = bcf_sr_init();
	args->argc   = argc; args->argv = argv; set_cwd(args);
    char *regions = NULL, *targets = NULL;

	static struct option loptions[] = 
	while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hg:p:s:S:Hr:at:G:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0) {
		switch (c) {
			case 'G': args->no_PLs = atoi(optarg); break;
			case 'a': args->all_sites = 1; break;
			case 'H': args->hom_only = 1; break;
			case 'g': args->gt_fname = optarg; break;
			case 'p': args->plot = optarg; break;
			case 'S': args->target_sample = optarg; break;
			case 's': args->query_sample = optarg; break;
            case 'r': regions = optarg; break;
            case 't': targets = optarg; break;
			case 'h': 
			case '?': usage();
			default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);
    if ( argc==optind || argc>optind+1 )  usage();  // none or too many files given
    if ( !args->gt_fname ) args->cross_check = 1;   // no genotype file, run in cross-check mode
    else args->files->require_index = 1;
    if ( regions && bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, regions)<0 ) error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", regions);
    if ( targets && bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, targets,0)<0 ) error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", targets);
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, argv[optind]) ) error("Failed to open or the file not indexed: %s\n", argv[optind]);
    if ( args->gt_fname && !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, args->gt_fname) ) error("Failed to open or the file not indexed: %s\n", args->gt_fname);
    args->files->collapse = COLLAPSE_SNPS|COLLAPSE_INDELS;
    if ( args->plot ) args->plot = init_prefix(args->plot);
    if ( args->cross_check )
    if (args->plot) free(args->plot);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void init_data(args_t *args)
    args->aux.srs = bcf_sr_init();

    // Open files for input and output, initialize structures
    if ( args->targets )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->aux.srs, args->targets, args->targets_is_file, args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES ? 3 : 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets);

        if ( args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES && args->flag&CF_INS_MISSED )
            args->aux.srs->targets->missed_reg_handler = print_missed_line;
            args->aux.srs->targets->missed_reg_data = args;
    if ( args->regions )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->aux.srs, args->regions, args->regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->regions);

    int i;
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->aux.srs, args->bcf_fname) ) error("Failed to open: %s\n", args->bcf_fname);

    if ( args->nsamples && args->nsamples != bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.srs->readers[0].header) )
        args->samples_map = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*args->nsamples);
        args->aux.hdr = bcf_hdr_subset(args->aux.srs->readers[0].header, args->nsamples, args->samples, args->samples_map);
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
            if ( args->samples_map[i]<0 ) error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[i]);
        if ( !bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr) ) error("No matching sample found\n");
        args->aux.hdr = bcf_hdr_dup(args->aux.srs->readers[0].header);
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
            if ( bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->samples[i])<0 )
                error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[i]);

    // Reorder ploidy and family indexes to match mpileup's output and exclude samples which are not available
    if ( args->aux.ploidy )
        for (i=0; i<args->aux.nfams; i++)
            int j;
            for (j=0; j<3; j++)
                int k = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, args->samples[ args->aux.fams[i].sample[j] ]);
                if ( k<0 ) error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[ args->aux.fams[i].sample[j] ]);
                args->aux.fams[i].sample[j] = k;
        uint8_t *ploidy = (uint8_t*) calloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr), 1);
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)    // i index in -s sample list
            int j = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, args->samples[i]);     // j index in the output VCF / subset VCF
            if ( j<0 )
                fprintf(stderr,"Warning: no such sample: \"%s\"\n", args->samples[i]);
            ploidy[j] = args->aux.ploidy[i];
        args->nsamples = bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr);
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
            assert( ploidy[i]==0 || ploidy[i]==1 || ploidy[i]==2 );
        args->aux.ploidy = ploidy;

    args->out_fh = hts_open(args->output_fname, hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
    if ( args->out_fh == NULL ) error("Can't write to \"%s\": %s\n", args->output_fname, strerror(errno));

    if ( args->flag & CF_QCALL )

    if ( args->flag & CF_MCALL )

    if ( args->flag & CF_CCALL )

    if ( args->flag&CF_GVCF )
        bcf_hdr_append(args->aux.hdr,"##INFO=<ID=END,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"End position of the variant described in this record\">");
        args->gvcf.rid  = -1;
        args->gvcf.line = bcf_init1();
        args->gvcf.gt   = (int32_t*) malloc(2*sizeof(int32_t)*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr));
        for (i=0; i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr); i++)
            args->gvcf.gt[2*i+0] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);
            args->gvcf.gt[2*i+1] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);

    bcf_hdr_remove(args->aux.hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, "QS");
    bcf_hdr_remove(args->aux.hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, "I16");

    bcf_hdr_append_version(args->aux.hdr, args->argc, args->argv, "bcftools_call");
    bcf_hdr_write(args->out_fh, args->aux.hdr);

    if ( args->flag&CF_INS_MISSED ) init_missed_line(args);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main_vcfisec(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->files  = bcf_sr_init();
    args->argc   = argc; args->argv = argv;
    args->output_fname = NULL;
    args->output_type = FT_VCF;
    args->n_threads = 0;
    args->record_cmd_line = 1;
    int targets_is_file = 0, regions_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hc:r:R:p:n:w:t:T:Cf:o:O:i:e:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'o': args->output_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'O':
                switch (optarg[0]) {
                    case 'b': args->output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'u': args->output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                    case 'z': args->output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'v': args->output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                    default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'c':
                if ( !strcmp(optarg,"snps") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SNPS;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"indels") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_INDELS;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"both") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SNPS | COLLAPSE_INDELS;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"any") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_ANY;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"all") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_ANY;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"some") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SOME;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"none") ) args->files->collapse = COLLAPSE_NONE;
                else error("The --collapse string \"%s\" not recognised.\n", optarg);
            case 'f': args->files->apply_filters = optarg; break;
            case 'C': args->isec_op = OP_COMPLEMENT; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'p': args->prefix = optarg; break;
            case 'w': args->write_files = optarg; break;
            case 'i': add_filter(args, optarg, FLT_INCLUDE); break;
            case 'e': add_filter(args, optarg, FLT_EXCLUDE); break;
            case 'n':
                    char *p = optarg;
                    if ( *p=='-' ) { args->isec_op = OP_MINUS; p++; }
                    else if ( *p=='+' ) { args->isec_op = OP_PLUS; p++; }
                    else if ( *p=='=' ) { args->isec_op = OP_EQUAL; p++; }
                    else if ( *p=='~' ) { args->isec_op = OP_EXACT; p++; }
                    else if ( isdigit(*p) ) args->isec_op = OP_EQUAL;
                    else error("Could not parse --nfiles %s\n", optarg);
                    if ( args->isec_op == OP_EXACT ) args->isec_exact = p;
                    else if ( sscanf(p,"%d",&args->isec_n)!=1 ) error("Could not parse --nfiles %s\n", optarg);
            case  9 : args->n_threads = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break;
            case  8 : args->record_cmd_line = 0; break;
            case 'h':
            case '?': usage();
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);
    if ( argc-optind<1 ) usage();   // no file given
    if ( args->targets_list && bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file,0)<0 )
        error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
    if ( args->regions_list && bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
        error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    if ( argc-optind==2 && !args->isec_op )
        args->isec_op = OP_VENN;
        if ( !args->prefix ) error("Expected the -p option\n");
    if ( !args->targets_list )
        if ( argc-optind<2  ) error("Expected multiple files or the --targets option\n");
        if ( !args->isec_op ) error("Expected two file names or one of the options --complement, --nfiles or --targets\n");
    args->files->require_index = 1;
    while (optind<argc)
        if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, argv[optind]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", argv[optind],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void init_data(args_t *args)
    bcf_srs_t *files = bcf_sr_init();
    if ( args->regions_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(files, args->regions_list, args->regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    if ( args->targets_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(files, args->targets_list, args->targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(files, args->fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->fname,bcf_sr_strerror(files->errnum));
    bcf_hdr_t *hdr = files->readers[0].header;
    if ( !args->sample )
        if ( bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr)>1 ) error("Missing the option -s, --sample\n");
        args->sample = hdr->samples[0];
    else if ( bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->sample)<0 ) error("No such sample: %s\n", args->sample);
    int ret = bcf_hdr_set_samples(hdr, args->sample, 0);
    if ( ret<0 ) error("Error setting the sample: %s\n", args->sample);

    if ( !bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(hdr,BCF_HL_FMT,bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr,BCF_DT_ID,"BAF")) )
        error("The tag FORMAT/BAF is not present in the VCF: %s\n", args->fname);

    int i;
    args->xvals = (double*) calloc(args->nbins,sizeof(double));
    for (i=0; i<args->nbins; i++) args->xvals[i] = 1.0*i/(args->nbins-1);

    // collect BAF distributions for all chromosomes
    int idist = -1, nbaf = 0, nprocessed = 0, ntotal = 0, prev_chr = -1;
    float *baf = NULL;
    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(files) )

        bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(files,0);
        if ( bcf_get_format_float(hdr,line,"BAF",&baf,&nbaf) != 1 ) continue;
        if ( bcf_float_is_missing(baf[0]) ) continue;


        if ( prev_chr==-1 || prev_chr!=line->rid )
            // new chromosome
            idist = args->ndist++;
            args->dist = (dist_t*) realloc(args->dist, sizeof(dist_t)*args->ndist);
            args->dist[idist].chr   = strdup(bcf_seqname(hdr,line));
            args->dist[idist].yvals = (double*) calloc(args->nbins,sizeof(double));
            args->dist[idist].xvals = args->xvals;
            args->dist[idist].nvals = args->nbins;
            prev_chr = line->rid;
        int bin = baf[0]*(args->nbins-1);
        args->dist[idist].yvals[bin]++;   // the distribution

    for (idist=0; idist<args->ndist; idist++)
        #if 0
            int j;
            for (j=0; j<args->nbins; j++)
                double x = args->dist[idist].xvals[j];
                args->dist[idist].yvals[j] = exp(-(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)/1e-3);
        init_dist(args, &args->dist[idist],args->verbose);

    args->dat_fp = open_file(&args->dat_fname,"w","%s/dist.dat", args->output_dir);
    fprintf(args->dat_fp, "# This file was produced by: bcftools polysomy(%s+htslib-%s), the command line was:\n", bcftools_version(),hts_version());
    fprintf(args->dat_fp, "# \t bcftools %s ", args->argv[0]);
    for (i=1; i<args->argc; i++)
        fprintf(args->dat_fp, " %s",args->argv[i]);
    fprintf(args->dat_fp,"# DIST\t[2]Chrom\t[3]BAF\t[4]Normalized Count\n");
    fprintf(args->dat_fp,"# FIT\t[2]Goodness of Fit\t[3]iFrom\t[4]iTo\t[5]The Fitted Function\n");
    fprintf(args->dat_fp,"# CN\t[2]Chrom\t[3]Estimated Copy Number\t[4]Absolute fit deviation\n");

    char *fname = NULL;
    FILE *fp = open_file(&fname,"w","%s/dist.py", args->output_dir);
//-------- matplotlib script --------------
        "#!/usr/bin/env python\n"
        "import matplotlib as mpl\n"
        "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n"
        "import csv,sys,argparse\n"
        "from math import exp\n"
        "outdir = '%s'\n"
        "def read_dat(dat,fit,cn):\n"
        "   csv.register_dialect('tab', delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)\n"
        "   with open(outdir+'/dist.dat', 'rb') as f:\n"
        "      reader = csv.reader(f, 'tab')\n"
        "      for row in reader:\n"
        "          if row[0][0]=='#': continue\n"
        "          type = row[0]\n"
        "          chr  = row[1]\n"
        "          if type=='DIST':\n"
        "              if chr not in dat: dat[chr] = []\n"
        "              dat[chr].append(row)\n"
        "          elif type=='FIT':\n"
        "              if chr not in fit: fit[chr] = []\n"
        "              fit[chr].append(row)\n"
        "          elif type=='CN':\n"
        "              cn[chr] = row[2]\n"
        "def plot_dist(dat,fit,chr):\n"
        "   fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7,5))\n"
        "   ax.plot([x[2] for x in dat[chr]],[x[3] for x in dat[chr]],'k-',label='Distribution')\n"
        "   if chr in fit:\n"
        "       for i in range(len(fit[chr])):\n"
        "           pfit = fit[chr][i]\n"
        "           exec('def xfit(x): return '+pfit[5])\n"
        "           istart = int(pfit[3])\n"
        "           iend   = int(pfit[4])+1\n"
        "           vals   = dat[chr][istart:iend]\n"
        "           args   = {}\n"
        "           if i==0: args = {'label':'Target to Fit'}\n"
        "           ax.plot([x[2] for x in vals],[x[3] for x in vals],'r-',**args)\n"
        "           if i==0: args = {'label':'Best Fit'}\n"
        "           ax.plot([x[2] for x in vals],[xfit(float(x[2])) for x in vals],'g-',**args)\n"
        "   ax.set_title('BAF distribution, chr'+chr)\n"
        "   ax.set_xlabel('BAF')\n"
        "   ax.set_ylabel('Frequency')\n"
        "   ax.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':7},frameon=False)\n"
        "   plt.savefig(outdir+'/dist.chr'+chr+'.png')\n"
        "   plt.close()\n"
        "def plot_copy_number(cn):\n"
        "   fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7,5))\n"
        "   xlabels = sorted(cn.keys())\n"
        "   xvals = range(len(xlabels))\n"
        "   yvals = [float(cn[x]) for x in xlabels]\n"
        "   ax.plot(xvals,yvals,'o',color='red')\n"
        "   for i in range(len(xvals)):\n"
        "       if yvals[i]==-1: ax.annotate('?', xy=(xvals[i],0.5),va='center',ha='center',color='red',fontweight='bold')\n"
        "   ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=9)\n"
        "   ax.set_xticks(xvals)\n"
        "   ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels,rotation=45)\n"
        "   ax.set_xlim(-1,len(xlabels))\n"
        "   ax.set_ylim(0,5.0)\n"
        "   ax.set_yticks([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0])\n"
        "   ax.set_xlabel('Chromosome')\n"
        "   ax.set_ylabel('Copy Number')\n"
        "   plt.savefig(outdir+'/copy-number.png')\n"
        "   plt.close()\n"
        "class myParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):\n"
        "   def error(self, message):\n"
        "       self.print_help()\n"
        "       sys.stderr.write('error: %%s\\n' %% message)\n"
        "       sys.exit(2)\n"
        "def main():\n"
        "   parser = myParser()\n"
        "   parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help='Create all plots')\n"
        "   parser.add_argument('-c', '--copy-number', action='store_true', help='Create copy-number plot')\n"
        "   parser.add_argument('-d', '--distrib', metavar='CHR', help='Plot BAF distribution of a single chromosome')\n"
        "   args = parser.parse_args()\n"
        "   dat = {}; fit = {}; cn = {}\n"
        "   read_dat(dat,fit,cn)\n"
        "   if args.distrib!=None:\n"
        "       plot_dist(dat,fit,args.distrib)\n"
        "   if args.all:\n"
        "       for chr in dat: plot_dist(dat,fit,chr)\n"
        "       plot_copy_number(cn)\n"
        "   elif args.copy_number:\n"
        "       plot_copy_number(cn)\n"
        "   else:\n"
        "       for chr in dat: plot_dist(dat,fit,chr)\n"
        "if __name__ == '__main__':\n"
        "   main()\n",
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void init_data(args_t *args)
    bcf1_t *line = NULL;

    // With phased concat, the chunks overlap and come in the right order.  To
    // avoid opening all files at once, store start positions to recognise need
    // for the next one. This way we can keep only two open chunks at once.
    if ( args->phased_concat )
        args->start_pos = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*args->nfnames);
        line = bcf_init();

    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
    int i, prev_chrid = -1;
    for (i=0; i<args->nfnames; i++)
        htsFile *fp = hts_open(args->fnames[i], "r"); if ( !fp ) error("Failed to open: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
        bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fp); if ( !hdr ) error("Failed to parse header: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
        args->out_hdr = bcf_hdr_merge(args->out_hdr,hdr);
        if ( bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr) != bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->out_hdr) )
            error("Different number of samples in %s. Perhaps \"bcftools merge\" is what you are looking for?\n", args->fnames[i]);

        int j;
        for (j=0; j<bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr); j++)
            if ( strcmp(args->out_hdr->samples[j],hdr->samples[j]) )
                error("Different sample names in %s. Perhaps \"bcftools merge\" is what you are looking for?\n", args->fnames[i]);

        if ( args->phased_concat )
            int ret = bcf_read(fp, hdr, line);
            if ( ret!=0 ) args->start_pos[i] = -2;  // empty file
                int chrid = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->out_hdr,BCF_DT_CTG,bcf_seqname(hdr,line));
                args->start_pos[i] = chrid==prev_chrid ? line->pos : -1;
                prev_chrid = chrid;
    if ( line ) bcf_destroy(line);

    args->seen_seq = (int*) calloc(args->out_hdr->n[BCF_DT_CTG],sizeof(int));

    if ( args->phased_concat )
        bcf_hdr_append(args->out_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=PQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Phasing Quality (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(args->out_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=PS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Phase Set\">");
    if (args->record_cmd_line) bcf_hdr_append_version(args->out_hdr, args->argc, args->argv, "bcftools_concat");
    args->out_fh = hts_open(args->output_fname,hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
    if ( args->out_fh == NULL ) error("Can't write to \"%s\": %s\n", args->output_fname, strerror(errno));
    if ( args->n_threads ) hts_set_threads(args->out_fh, args->n_threads);

    bcf_hdr_write(args->out_fh, args->out_hdr);

    if ( args->allow_overlaps )
        args->files = bcf_sr_init();
        args->files->require_index = 1;
        if ( args->regions_list )
            if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, args->regions_is_file)<0 )
                error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
        if ( args->remove_dups )
            if ( !strcmp(args->remove_dups,"snps") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SNPS;
            else if ( !strcmp(args->remove_dups,"indels") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_INDELS;
            else if ( !strcmp(args->remove_dups,"both") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SNPS | COLLAPSE_INDELS;
            else if ( !strcmp(args->remove_dups,"any") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_ANY;
            else if ( !strcmp(args->remove_dups,"all") ) args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_ANY;
            else if ( !strcmp(args->remove_dups,"none") ) args->files->collapse = COLLAPSE_NONE;
            else error("The -D string \"%s\" not recognised.\n", args->remove_dups);
        for (i=0; i<args->nfnames; i++)
            if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files,args->fnames[i]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->fnames[i],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
    else if ( args->phased_concat )
        // Remove empty files from the list
        int nok = 0;
        while (1)
            while ( nok<args->nfnames && args->start_pos[nok]!=-2 ) nok++;
            if ( nok==args->nfnames ) break;

            i = nok;
            while ( i<args->nfnames && args->start_pos[i]==-2 ) i++;
            if ( i==args->nfnames ) break;

            int tmp = args->start_pos[nok]; args->start_pos[nok] = args->start_pos[i]; args->start_pos[i] = tmp;
            char *str = args->fnames[nok]; args->fnames[nok] = args->fnames[i]; args->fnames[i] = str;
        for (i=nok; i<args->nfnames; i++) free(args->fnames[i]);
        args->nfnames = nok;

        for (i=1; i<args->nfnames; i++)
            if ( args->start_pos[i-1]!=-1 && args->start_pos[i]!=-1 && args->start_pos[i]<args->start_pos[i-1] )
                error("The files not in ascending order: %d in %s, %d in %s\n", args->start_pos[i-1]+1,args->fnames[i-1],args->start_pos[i]+1,args->fnames[i]);

        args->prev_chr = -1;
        args->swap_phase = (int*) calloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->out_hdr),sizeof(int));
        args->nmatch = (int*) calloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->out_hdr),sizeof(int));
        args->nmism  = (int*) calloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->out_hdr),sizeof(int));
        args->phase_qual = (int32_t*) malloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->out_hdr)*sizeof(int32_t));
        args->phase_set  = (int32_t*) malloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->out_hdr)*sizeof(int32_t));
        args->files = bcf_sr_init();
        args->files->require_index = 1;
        args->ifname = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void init_data(args_t *args)
    args->sr = bcf_sr_init();
    if ( args->region )
        args->sr->require_index = 1;
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->sr, args->region, args->region_is_file)<0 ) error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n",args->region);
    if ( args->target && bcf_sr_set_targets(args->sr, args->target, args->target_is_file, 0)<0 ) error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n",args->target);
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->sr,args->fname) ) error("Error: %s\n", bcf_sr_strerror(args->sr->errnum));
    args->hdr_in  = bcf_sr_get_header(args->sr,0);
    args->hdr_out = bcf_hdr_dup(args->hdr_in);

    if ( args->filter_str )
        args->filter = filter_init(args->hdr_in, args->filter_str);


    int i, nsmpl = bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->hdr_in);
    if ( !nsmpl ) error("No samples to split: %s\n", args->fname);
    args->fh = (htsFile**)calloc(nsmpl,sizeof(*args->fh));
    args->bnames = set_file_base_names(args);
    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
    for (i=0; i<nsmpl; i++)
        if ( !args->bnames[i] ) continue;
        str.l = 0;
        kputs(args->output_dir, &str);
        if ( str.s[str.l-1] != '/' ) kputc('/', &str);
        int k, l = str.l;
        kputs(args->bnames[i], &str);
        for (k=l; k<str.l; k++) if ( isspace(str.s[k]) ) str.s[k] = '_';
        if ( args->output_type & FT_BCF ) kputs(".bcf", &str);
        else if ( args->output_type & FT_GZ ) kputs(".vcf.gz", &str);
        else kputs(".vcf", &str);
        args->fh[i] = hts_open(str.s, hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
        if ( args->fh[i] == NULL ) error("Can't write to \"%s\": %s\n", str.s, strerror(errno));
        bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->hdr_out) = 1;
        args->hdr_out->samples[0] = args->bnames[i];
        bcf_hdr_write(args->fh[i], args->hdr_out);

    // parse tags
    int is_info = 0, is_fmt = 0;
    char *beg = args->keep_tags;
    while ( beg && *beg )
        if ( !strncasecmp("INFO/",beg,5) ) { is_info = 1; is_fmt = 0; beg += 5; }
        else if ( !strcasecmp("INFO",beg) ) { args->keep_info = 1; break; }
        else if ( !strncasecmp("INFO,",beg,5) ) { args->keep_info = 1; beg += 5; continue; }
        else if ( !strncasecmp("FMT/",beg,4) ) { is_info = 0; is_fmt = 1; beg += 4; }
        else if ( !strncasecmp("FORMAT/",beg,7) ) { is_info = 0; is_fmt = 1; beg += 7; }
        else if ( !strcasecmp("FMT",beg) ) { args->keep_fmt = 1; break; }
        else if ( !strcasecmp("FORMAT",beg) ) { args->keep_fmt = 1; break; }
        else if ( !strncasecmp("FMT,",beg,4) ) { args->keep_fmt = 1; beg += 4; continue; }
        else if ( !strncasecmp("FORMAT,",beg,7) ) { args->keep_fmt = 1; beg += 7; continue; }
        char *end = beg;
        while ( *end && *end!=',' ) end++;
        char tmp = *end; *end = 0;
        int id = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->hdr_in, BCF_DT_ID, beg);
        beg = tmp ? end + 1 : end;
        if ( is_info && bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(args->hdr_in,BCF_HL_INFO,id) )
            if ( id >= args->ninfo_tags ) args->ninfo_tags = id + 1;
            hts_expand0(uint8_t, args->ninfo_tags, args->minfo_tags, args->info_tags);
            args->info_tags[id] = 1;
        if ( is_fmt && bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(args->hdr_in,BCF_HL_FMT,id) )
            if ( id >= args->nfmt_tags ) args->nfmt_tags = id + 1;
            hts_expand0(uint8_t, args->nfmt_tags, args->mfmt_tags, args->fmt_tags);
            args->fmt_tags[id] = 1;
    if ( !args->keep_info && !args->keep_fmt && !args->ninfo_tags && !args->nfmt_tags )
        args->keep_info = args->keep_fmt = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void union_data::readGenotypesVCF(string fvcf,string region) {
	int n_includedG = 0;
	int n_excludedG_mult = 0;
	int n_excludedG_void = 0;
	int n_excludedG_user = 0;
	int n_includedS = 0;
	vector < int > mappingS;

	//Opening files
	bcf_srs_t * sr =  bcf_sr_init();

    //vrb.bullet("target region [" + regionGenotype.get() + "]");
    //if (bcf_sr_set_regions(sr, regionGenotype.get().c_str(), 0) == -1) vrb.error("Cannot jump to region!");
	bcf_sr_set_regions(sr, region.c_str(), 0);
	if(!(bcf_sr_add_reader (sr, fvcf.c_str()))) {
		switch (sr->errnum) {
		case not_bgzf: vrb.error("File not compressed with bgzip!");
		case idx_load_failed: vrb.error("Impossible to load index file!");
		case file_type_error: vrb.error("File format not detected by htslib!");
		default : vrb.error("Unknown error!");

	//Sample processing
	int n_samples = bcf_hdr_nsamples(sr->readers[0].header);
	for (int i0 = 0 ; i0 < n_samples ; i0 ++) {
		if (mappingS.back() >= 0) n_includedS++;

	//Read genotype data
	int ngt, ngt_arr = 0, nds, nds_arr = 0, * gt_arr = NULL, nsl, nsl_arr = 0, * sl_arr = NULL;
	float * ds_arr = NULL;
	bcf1_t * line;
    unsigned int linecount = 0;
	while(bcf_sr_next_line (sr)) {
        linecount ++;
        if (linecount % 100000 == 0) vrb.bullet("Read " + stb.str(linecount) + " lines");
		line =  bcf_sr_get_line(sr, 0);
		if (line->n_allele == 2) {
			ngt = bcf_get_genotypes(sr->readers[0].header, line, &gt_arr, &ngt_arr);
			nds = bcf_get_format_float(sr->readers[0].header, line,"DS", &ds_arr, &nds_arr);
			if (nds == n_samples || ngt == 2*n_samples) {
				bcf_unpack(line, BCF_UN_STR);
				string sid = string(line->d.id);
				if (filter_genotype.check(sid)) {
					genotype_chr.push_back(string(bcf_hdr_id2name(sr->readers[0].header, line->rid)));
					string genotype_ref = string(line->d.allele[0]);
					genotype_start.push_back(line->pos + 1);
					nsl = bcf_get_info_int32(sr->readers[0].header, line, "END", &sl_arr, &nsl_arr);
					if (nsl >= 0 && nsl_arr == 1) genotype_end.push_back(sl_arr[0]);
					else genotype_end.push_back(genotype_start.back() + genotype_ref.size() - 1);
					genotype_val.push_back(vector < float > (sample_count, 0.0));

					for(int i = 0 ; i < n_samples ; i ++) {
						if (mappingS[i] >= 0) {
							if (nds > 0) genotype_val.back()[mappingS[i]] = ds_arr[i];
							else {
								if (gt_arr[2*i+0] == bcf_gt_missing || gt_arr[2*i+1] == bcf_gt_missing) genotype_val.back()[mappingS[i]] = bcf_float_missing;
								else genotype_val.back()[mappingS[i]] = bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2*i+0]) + bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2*i+1]);
                    pair < string, int > temp (sid,n_includedG);
				} else n_excludedG_user ++;
			} else n_excludedG_void ++;
		} else n_excludedG_mult ++;

	genotype_count = n_includedG;
	//vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_includedG) + " variants included");
	//if (n_excludedG_user > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedG_user) + " variants excluded by user");
	//if (n_excludedG_mult > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedG_mult) + " multi-allelic variants excluded");
	//if (n_excludedG_void > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedG_void) + " uninformative variants excluded [no GT/DS]");
    //if (genotype_count == 0) vrb.leave("Cannot find genotypes in target region!");
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main_vcfgtcheck(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->files  = bcf_sr_init();
    args->argc   = argc; args->argv = argv; set_cwd(args);
    char *regions = NULL, *targets = NULL;
    int regions_is_file = 0, targets_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =
    char *tmp;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hg:p:s:S:Hr:R:at:T:G:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'G':
                args->no_PLs = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --GTs-only %s\n", optarg);
            case 'a': args->all_sites = 1; break;
            case 'H': args->hom_only = 1; break;
            case 'g': args->gt_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'p': args->plot = optarg; break;
            case 'S': args->target_sample = optarg; break;
            case 's': args->query_sample = optarg; break;
            case 'r': regions = optarg; break;
            case 'R': regions = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 't': targets = optarg; break;
            case 'T': targets = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'h':
            case '?': usage();
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);
    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind==argc )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else usage();   // no files given
    else fname = argv[optind];
    if ( argc>optind+1 )  usage();  // too many files given
    if ( !args->gt_fname ) args->cross_check = 1;   // no genotype file, run in cross-check mode
    else args->files->require_index = 1;
    if ( regions && bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, regions, regions_is_file)<0 ) error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", regions);
    if ( targets && bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, targets, targets_is_file, 0)<0 ) error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", targets);
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
    if ( args->gt_fname && !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, args->gt_fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->gt_fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
    args->files->collapse = COLLAPSE_SNPS|COLLAPSE_INDELS;
    if ( args->plot ) args->plot = init_prefix(args->plot);
    if ( args->cross_check )
    if (args->plot) free(args->plot);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main_plugin(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args  = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->argc    = argc; args->argv = argv;
    args->files   = bcf_sr_init();
    args->output_fname = "-";
    args->output_type = FT_VCF;
    args->nplugin_paths = -1;
    int regions_is_file = 0, targets_is_file = 0, plist_only = 0;

    if ( argc==1 ) usage(args);
    char *plugin_name = NULL;
    if ( argv[1][0]!='-' ) { plugin_name = argv[1]; argc--; argv++; }

    static struct option loptions[] =
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?o:O:r:R:li:e:v",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
        switch (c) {
            case 'v': args->verbose = 1; break;
            case 'o': args->output_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'O':
                switch (optarg[0]) {
                    case 'b': args->output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'u': args->output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                    case 'z': args->output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'v': args->output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                    default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'e': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break;
            case 'i': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_INCLUDE; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'l': plist_only = 1; break;
            case '?':
            case 'h': load_plugin(args, plugin_name, 1, &args->plugin); fprintf(stderr,"%s",args->plugin.usage()); return 0; break;
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);
    if ( plist_only )  return list_plugins(args);

    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind>=argc || argv[optind][0]=='-' )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else usage(args);
        args->plugin.argc = argc - optind + 1;
        args->plugin.argv = argv + optind - 1;
        fname = argv[optind];
        args->plugin.argc = argc - optind;
        args->plugin.argv = argv + optind;
    optind = 0;
    args->plugin.argv[0] = plugin_name;
    load_plugin(args, plugin_name, 1, &args->plugin);

    if ( args->regions_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    if ( args->targets_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
        args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SOME;
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open or the file not indexed: %s\n", fname);

    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
        bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,0);
        if ( args->filter )
            int pass = filter_test(args->filter, line, NULL);
            if ( args->filter_logic & FLT_EXCLUDE ) pass = pass ? 0 : 1;
            if ( !pass ) continue;
        line = args->plugin.process(line);
        if ( line ) bcf_write1(args->out_fh, args->hdr_out, line);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main_vcfview(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args  = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->argc    = argc; args->argv = argv;
    args->files   = bcf_sr_init();
    args->clevel  = -1;
    args->print_header = 1;
    args->update_info = 1;
    args->output_type = FT_VCF;
    int targets_is_file = 0, regions_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =
    char *tmp;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "l:t:T:r:R:o:O:s:S:Gf:knv:V:m:M:auUhHc:C:Ii:e:xXpPq:Q:g:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
        char allele_type[8] = "nref";
        switch (c)
            case 'O':
                switch (optarg[0]) {
                    case 'b': args->output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'u': args->output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                    case 'z': args->output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'v': args->output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                    default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'l':
                args->clevel = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --compression-level %s\n", optarg);
                args->output_type |= FT_GZ; 
            case 'o': args->fn_out = optarg; break;
            case 'H': args->print_header = 0; break;
            case 'h': args->header_only = 1; break;

            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;

            case 's': args->sample_names = optarg; break;
            case 'S': args->sample_names = optarg; args->sample_is_file = 1; break;
            case  1 : args->force_samples = 1; break;
            case 'a': args->trim_alts = 1; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'I': args->update_info = 0; break;
            case 'G': args->sites_only = 1; break;

            case 'f': args->files->apply_filters = optarg; break;
            case 'k': args->known = 1; break;
            case 'n': args->novel = 1; break;
            case 'm':
                args->min_alleles = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --min-alleles %s\n", optarg);
            case 'M': 
                args->max_alleles = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --max-alleles %s\n", optarg);
            case 'v': args->include_types = optarg; break;
            case 'V': args->exclude_types = optarg; break;
            case 'e': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break;
            case 'i': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_INCLUDE; break;

            case 'c':
                args->min_ac_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%d:%s",&args->min_ac, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%d",&args->min_ac)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --min-ac %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->min_ac_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;
            case 'C':
                args->max_ac_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%d:%s",&args->max_ac, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%d",&args->max_ac)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --max-ac %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->max_ac_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;
            case 'q':
                args->min_af_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%f:%s",&args->min_af, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%f",&args->min_af)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --min_af %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->min_af_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;
            case 'Q':
                args->max_af_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%f:%s",&args->max_af, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%f",&args->max_af)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --min_af %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->max_af_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;

            case 'x': args->private_vars |= FLT_INCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'X': args->private_vars |= FLT_EXCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'u': args->uncalled |= FLT_INCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'U': args->uncalled |= FLT_EXCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'p': args->phased |= FLT_INCLUDE; break; // phased
            case 'P': args->phased |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break; // exclude-phased
            case 'g':
                if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"hom") ) args->gt_type = GT_NEED_HOM;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"het") ) args->gt_type = GT_NEED_HET;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"miss") ) args->gt_type = GT_NEED_MISSING;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"^hom") ) args->gt_type = GT_NO_HOM;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"^het") ) args->gt_type = GT_NO_HET;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"^miss") ) args->gt_type = GT_NO_MISSING;
                else error("The argument to -g not recognised. Expected one of hom/het/miss/^hom/^het/^miss, got \"%s\".\n", optarg);
            case '?': usage(args);
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);

    if ( args->filter_logic == (FLT_EXCLUDE|FLT_INCLUDE) ) error("Only one of -i or -e can be given.\n");
    if ( args->private_vars > FLT_EXCLUDE ) error("Only one of -x or -X can be given.\n");
    if ( args->uncalled > FLT_EXCLUDE ) error("Only one of -u or -U can be given.\n");
    if ( args->phased > FLT_EXCLUDE ) error("Only one of -p or -P can be given.\n");

    if ( args->sample_names && args->update_info) args->calc_ac = 1;

    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind>=argc )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else usage(args);
    else fname = argv[optind];

    // read in the regions from the command line
    if ( args->regions_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    else if ( optind+1 < argc )
        int i;
        kstring_t tmp = {0,0,0};
        for (i=optind+2; i<argc; i++) { kputc(',',&tmp); kputs(argv[i],&tmp); }
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, tmp.s, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", tmp.s);
    if ( args->targets_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);

    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));

    bcf_hdr_t *out_hdr = args->hnull ? args->hnull : (args->hsub ? args->hsub : args->hdr);
    if (args->print_header)
        bcf_hdr_write(args->out, out_hdr);
    else if ( args->output_type & FT_BCF )
        error("BCF output requires header, cannot proceed with -H\n");
    if (!args->header_only)
        while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
            bcf1_t *line = args->files->readers[0].buffer[0];
            if ( line->errcode && out_hdr!=args->hdr ) error("Undefined tags in the header, cannot proceed in the sample subset mode.\n");
            if ( subset_vcf(args, line) )
                bcf_write1(args->out, out_hdr, line);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main_vcfroh(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args  = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->argc    = argc; args->argv = argv;
    args->files   = bcf_sr_init();
    args->t2AZ    = 6.7e-8;
    args->t2HW    = 5e-9;
    args->rec_rate = 0;
    int regions_is_file = 0, targets_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =

    int naf_opts = 0;
    char *tmp;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?r:R:t:T:H:a:s:m:M:G:Ia:e:V",loptions,NULL)) >= 0) {
        switch (c) {
            case 0: args->af_tag = optarg; naf_opts++; break;
            case 1: args->af_fname = optarg; naf_opts++; break;
            case 2: 
                args->dflt_AF = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse: --AF-dflt %s\n", optarg);
            case 'e': args->estimate_AF = optarg; naf_opts++; break;
            case 'I': args->snps_only = 1; break;
            case 'G':
                args->fake_PLs = 1; 
                args->unseen_PL = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse: -G %s\n", optarg);
                args->unseen_PL = pow(10,-args->unseen_PL/10.); 
            case 'm': args->genmap_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'M':
                args->rec_rate = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse: -M %s\n", optarg);
            case 's': args->sample = strdup(optarg); break;
            case 'a':
                args->t2AZ = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse: -a %s\n", optarg);
            case 'H':
                args->t2HW = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse: -H %s\n", optarg);
            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'V': args->vi_training = 1; break;
            case 'h': 
            case '?': usage(args); break;
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);

    if ( argc<optind+1 ) usage(args);
    if ( args->t2AZ<0 || args->t2AZ>1 ) error("Error: The parameter --hw-to-az is not in [0,1]\n", args->t2AZ);
    if ( args->t2HW<0 || args->t2HW>1 ) error("Error: The parameter --az-to-hw is not in [0,1]\n", args->t2HW);
    if ( naf_opts>1 ) error("Error: The options --AF-tag, --AF-file and -e are mutually exclusive\n");
    if ( args->af_fname && args->targets_list ) error("Error: The options --AF-file and -t are mutually exclusive\n");
    if ( args->regions_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    if ( args->targets_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
    if ( args->af_fname )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->af_fname, 1, 3)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->af_fname);
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, argv[optind]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", argv[optind],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));

    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
        vcfroh(args, args->files->readers[0].buffer[0]);
    vcfroh(args, NULL);
    fprintf(pysamerr,"Number of lines: total/processed: %d/%d\n", args->ntot,args->nused);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main_vcfquery(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c, collapse = 0;
    args_t *args = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->argc   = argc; args->argv = argv;
    int regions_is_file = 0, targets_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hlr:R:f:a:s:S:Ht:T:c:v:i:e:o:u",loptions,NULL)) >= 0) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'o': args->fn_out = optarg; break;
            case 'f': args->format_str = strdup(optarg); break;
            case 'H': args->print_header = 1; break;
            case 'v': args->vcf_list = optarg; break;
            case 'c':
                if ( !strcmp(optarg,"snps") ) collapse |= COLLAPSE_SNPS;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"indels") ) collapse |= COLLAPSE_INDELS;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"both") ) collapse |= COLLAPSE_SNPS | COLLAPSE_INDELS;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"any") ) collapse |= COLLAPSE_ANY;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"all") ) collapse |= COLLAPSE_ANY;
                else if ( !strcmp(optarg,"some") ) collapse |= COLLAPSE_SOME;
                else error("The --collapse string \"%s\" not recognised.\n", optarg);
            case 'a':
                    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
                    kputs("%CHROM\t%POS\t%MASK\t%REF\t%ALT\t%", &str);
                    char *p = optarg;
                    while ( *p )
                        if ( *p==',' )
                            kputs("\t%", &str);
                            kputc(*p, &str);
                    kputc('\n', &str);
                    args->format_str = str.s;
            case 'e': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break;
            case 'i': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_INCLUDE; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'l': args->list_columns = 1; break;
            case 'u': args->allow_undef_tags = 1; break;
            case 's': args->sample_list = optarg; break;
            case 'S': args->sample_list = optarg; args->sample_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'h':
            case '?': usage();
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);

    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind>=argc )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";
    else fname = argv[optind];

    if ( args->list_columns )
        if ( !fname ) error("Missing the VCF file name\n");
        args->files = bcf_sr_init();
        if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
        return 0;

    if ( !args->format_str ) usage();
    args->out = args->fn_out ? fopen(args->fn_out, "w") : stdout;
    if ( !args->out ) error("%s: %s\n", args->fn_out,strerror(errno));

    if ( !args->vcf_list )
        if ( !fname ) usage();
        args->files = bcf_sr_init();
        args->files->collapse = collapse;
        if ( optind+1 < argc ) args->files->require_index = 1;
        if ( args->regions_list && bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
        if ( args->targets_list )
            if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
                error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
        while ( fname )
            if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
            fname = ++optind < argc ? argv[optind] : NULL;
        return 0;

    // multiple VCFs
    int i, k, nfiles, prev_nsamples = 0;
    char **fnames, **prev_samples = NULL;
    fnames = hts_readlist(args->vcf_list, 1, &nfiles);
    if ( !nfiles ) error("No files in %s?\n", args->vcf_list);
    for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++)
        args->files = bcf_sr_init();
        args->files->collapse = collapse;
        if ( args->regions_list && bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
        if ( optind < argc ) args->files->require_index = 1;
        if ( args->targets_list )
            if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list,targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
                error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
        if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fnames[i]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fnames[i],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
        for (k=optind; k<argc; k++)
            if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, argv[k]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", argv[k],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
        if ( i==0 )
            prev_samples = copy_header(args->header, args->files->readers[0].header->samples, bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->files->readers[0].header));
            args->print_header = 0;
            if ( compare_header(args->header, args->files->readers[0].header->samples, bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->files->readers[0].header), prev_samples, prev_nsamples) )
                error("Different samples in %s and %s\n", fnames[i-1],fnames[i]);
    destroy_list(fnames, nfiles);
    destroy_list(prev_samples, prev_nsamples);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  void set_region(const std::string &region) {

    if (bcf_sr_set_regions(m_sr, region.c_str(), false) != 0)
      throw std::runtime_error("Could not set region: [" + region + "]");
    assert(m_sr->require_index == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void init_data(args_t *args)
    args->aux.srs = bcf_sr_init();

    // Open files for input and output, initialize structures
    if ( args->targets )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->aux.srs, args->targets, args->targets_is_file, args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES ? 3 : 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets);

        if ( args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES && args->flag&CF_INS_MISSED )
            args->aux.srs->targets->missed_reg_handler = print_missed_line;
            args->aux.srs->targets->missed_reg_data = args;
    if ( args->regions )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->aux.srs, args->regions, args->regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->regions);

    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->aux.srs, args->bcf_fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->bcf_fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->aux.srs->errnum));
    args->aux.hdr = bcf_sr_get_header(args->aux.srs,0);

    int i;
    if ( args->samples_fname )
        set_samples(args, args->samples_fname, args->samples_is_file);
        if ( args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_TRIO )
            if ( 3*args->aux.nfams!=args->nsamples ) error("Expected only trios in %s, sorry!\n", args->samples_fname);
            fprintf(stderr,"Detected %d samples in %d trio families\n", args->nsamples,args->aux.nfams);
        args->nsex = ploidy_nsex(args->ploidy);
        args->sex2ploidy = (int*) calloc(args->nsex,sizeof(int));
        args->sex2ploidy_prev = (int*) calloc(args->nsex,sizeof(int));
        args->aux.ploidy = (uint8_t*) malloc(args->nsamples);
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++) args->aux.ploidy[i] = 2;
        for (i=0; i<args->nsex; i++) args->sex2ploidy_prev[i] = 2;

    if ( args->samples_map )
        args->aux.hdr = bcf_hdr_subset(bcf_sr_get_header(args->aux.srs,0), args->nsamples, args->samples, args->samples_map);
        if ( !args->aux.hdr ) error("Error occurred while subsetting samples\n");
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
            if ( args->samples_map[i]<0 ) error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[i]);
        if ( !bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr) ) error("No matching sample found\n");
        args->aux.hdr = bcf_hdr_dup(bcf_sr_get_header(args->aux.srs,0));
        for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
            if ( bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->samples[i])<0 )
                error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[i]);

    args->out_fh = hts_open(args->output_fname, hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
    if ( args->out_fh == NULL ) error("Can't write to \"%s\": %s\n", args->output_fname, strerror(errno));

    if ( args->flag & CF_QCALL )

    if ( args->flag & CF_MCALL )

    if ( args->flag & CF_CCALL )

    if ( args->flag&CF_GVCF )
        bcf_hdr_append(args->aux.hdr,"##INFO=<ID=END,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"End position of the variant described in this record\">");
        args->gvcf.rid  = -1;
        args->gvcf.line = bcf_init1();
        args->gvcf.gt   = (int32_t*) malloc(2*sizeof(int32_t)*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr));
        for (i=0; i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr); i++)
            args->gvcf.gt[2*i+0] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);
            args->gvcf.gt[2*i+1] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);

    bcf_hdr_remove(args->aux.hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, "QS");
    bcf_hdr_remove(args->aux.hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, "I16");

    bcf_hdr_append_version(args->aux.hdr, args->argc, args->argv, "bcftools_call");
    bcf_hdr_write(args->out_fh, args->aux.hdr);

    if ( args->flag&CF_INS_MISSED ) init_missed_line(args);