Ejemplo n.º 1
bool BlurayMetadata::ParseDisc(void)
    if (!m_bdnav && !OpenDisc())
        return false;

    m_metadata = bd_get_meta(m_bdnav);

    if (!m_metadata)
        return false;

    m_title = QString(m_metadata->di_name);
    m_alttitle = QString(m_metadata->di_alternative);
    m_language = QString(m_metadata->language_code);
    m_discnumber = m_metadata->di_set_number;
    m_disctotal = m_metadata->di_num_sets;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_metadata->toc_count; i++)
        uint num = m_metadata->toc_entries[i].title_number;
        QString title = QString(m_metadata->toc_entries[i].title_name);
        QPair<uint,QString> ret(num,title);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_metadata->thumb_count; i++)
        QString filepath = QString("%1/BDMV/META/DL/%2")

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool BlurayMetadata::ParseDisc(void)
    if (!OpenDisc() && !m_bdnav)
        return false;

    const meta_dl *metadata = bd_get_meta(m_bdnav);

    if (metadata)
        m_title = QString(metadata->di_name);
        m_alttitle = QString(metadata->di_alternative);
        m_language = QString(metadata->language_code);
        m_discnumber = metadata->di_set_number;
        m_disctotal = metadata->di_num_sets;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < metadata->toc_count; i++)
            uint num = metadata->toc_entries[i].title_number;
            QString title = QString(metadata->toc_entries[i].title_name);
            QPair<uint,QString> ret(num,title); 

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < metadata->thumb_count; i++)
            QString filepath = QString("%1/BDMV/META/DL/%2")

    const BLURAY_DISC_INFO *discinfo = bd_get_disc_info(m_bdnav);
    if (discinfo)
        m_topMenuSupported   = discinfo->top_menu_supported;
        m_firstPlaySupported = discinfo->first_play_supported;
        m_numHDMVTitles = discinfo->num_hdmv_titles;
        m_numBDJTitles = discinfo->num_bdj_titles;
        m_numUnsupportedTitles = discinfo->num_unsupported_titles;
        m_aacsDetected = discinfo->aacs_detected;
        m_libaacsDetected = discinfo->libaacs_detected;
        m_aacsHandled = discinfo->aacs_handled;
        m_bdplusDetected = discinfo->bdplus_detected;
        m_libbdplusDetected = discinfo->libbdplus_detected;
        m_bdplusHandled = discinfo->bdplus_handled;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool BDRingBuffer::GetNameAndSerialNum(QString &name, QString &serial)
    if (!bdnav)
        return false;

    const meta_dl *metaDiscLibrary = bd_get_meta(bdnav);

    if (!metaDiscLibrary)
        return false;

    name   = QString(metaDiscLibrary->di_name);
    serial = QString::number(metaDiscLibrary->di_set_number);

    if (name.isEmpty() && serial.isEmpty())
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool BDRingBuffer::OpenFile(const QString &lfilename, uint retry_ms)
    filename = lfilename;

    VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC + QString("Opened BDRingBuffer device at %1")

    // Ask mythiowrapper to update this object on file open progress. Opening
    // a bluray disc can involve opening several hundred files which can take
    // several minutes when the disc structure is remote. The callback allows
    // us to 'kick' the main UI - as the 'please wait' widget is still visible
    // at this stage
    mythfile_open_register_callback(filename.toLatin1().data(), this,

    QMutexLocker locker(&m_infoLock);

    if (bdnav)

    QString keyfile = QString("%1/KEYDB.cfg").arg(GetConfDir());
    QByteArray keyarray = keyfile.toAscii();
    const char *keyfilepath = keyarray.data();

    bdnav = bd_open(filename.toLatin1().data(), keyfilepath);

    if (!bdnav)
        mythfile_open_register_callback(filename.toLatin1().data(), this, NULL);
        return false;

    m_metaDiscLibrary = bd_get_meta(bdnav);

    if (m_metaDiscLibrary)
        VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, LOC + QString("Disc Title: %1 (%2)")
        VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, LOC + QString("Alternative Title: %1")
        VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, LOC + QString("Disc Number: %1 of %2")

    // Check disc to see encryption status, menu and navigation types.
    m_topMenuSupported   = false;
    m_firstPlaySupported = false;
    const BLURAY_DISC_INFO *discinfo = bd_get_disc_info(bdnav);
    if (discinfo)
        m_topMenuSupported   = discinfo->top_menu_supported;
        m_firstPlaySupported = discinfo->first_play_supported;

        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("*** Blu-ray Disc Information ***"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("First Play Supported: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->first_play_supported ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("Top Menu Supported: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->top_menu_supported ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("Number of HDMV Titles: %1")
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("Number of BD-J Titles: %1")
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("Number of Unsupported Titles: %1")
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("AACS present on disc: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->aacs_detected ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("libaacs used: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->libaacs_detected ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("AACS handled: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->aacs_handled ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("BD+ present on disc: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->bdplus_detected ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("libbdplus used: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->libbdplus_detected ? "yes" : "no"));
        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("BD+ handled: %1")
                .arg(discinfo->bdplus_handled ? "yes" : "no"));

    // The following settings affect HDMV navigation
    // (default audio track selection,
    // parental controls, menu language, etc.  They are not yet used.

    // Set parental level "age" to 99 for now.  TODO: Add support for FE level
    bd_set_player_setting(bdnav, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_PARENTAL, 99);

    // Set preferred language to FE guide language
    const char *langpref = gCoreContext->GetSetting(
        "ISO639Language0", "eng").toLatin1().data();
    QString QScountry  = gCoreContext->GetLocale()->GetCountryCode().toLower();
    const char *country = QScountry.toLatin1().data();
        bdnav, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_AUDIO_LANG, langpref);

    // Set preferred presentation graphics language to the FE guide language
    bd_set_player_setting_str(bdnav, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_PG_LANG, langpref);

    // Set preferred menu language to the FE guide language
    bd_set_player_setting_str(bdnav, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_MENU_LANG, langpref);

    // Set player country code via MythLocale. (not a region setting)
        bdnav, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_COUNTRY_CODE, country);

    int regioncode = 0;
    regioncode = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("BlurayRegionCode");
    if (regioncode > 0)
        bd_set_player_setting(bdnav, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_REGION_CODE, regioncode);

    VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC + QString("Using %1 as keyfile...")

    // Return an index of relevant titles (excludes dupe clips + titles)
    VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, LOC + QString("Retrieving title list (please wait)."));
    m_numTitles = bd_get_titles(bdnav, TITLES_RELEVANT);
    VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, LOC + QString("Found %1 titles.").arg(m_numTitles));
    m_mainTitle = 0;
    m_currentTitleLength = 0;
    m_titlesize = 0;
    m_currentTime = 0;
    m_currentTitleInfo = NULL;
    m_currentTitleAngleCount = 0;

    // Mostly event-driven values below
    m_currentAngle = 0;
    m_currentTitle = 0;
    m_currentPlaylist = 0;
    m_currentPlayitem = 0;
    m_currentChapter = 0;
    m_currentAudioStream = 0;
    m_currentIGStream = 0;
    m_currentPGTextSTStream = 0;
    m_currentSecondaryAudioStream = 0;
    m_currentSecondaryVideoStream = 0;
    m_PGTextSTEnabled = false;
    m_secondaryAudioEnabled = false;
    m_secondaryVideoEnabled = false;
    m_secondaryVideoIsFullscreen = false;
    m_stillMode = BLURAY_STILL_NONE;
    m_stillTime = 0;
    m_inMenu = false;

    // First, attempt to initialize the disc in HDMV navigation mode.
    // If this fails, fall back to the traditional built-in title switching
    // mode.
    if (m_tryHDMVNavigation && m_firstPlaySupported && bd_play(bdnav))
        VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC + QString("Using HDMV navigation mode."));
        m_isHDMVNavigation = true;

        // Register the Menu Overlay Callback
        bd_register_overlay_proc(bdnav, this, HandleOverlayCallback);
        VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC + QString("Using title navigation mode."));

        // Loop through the relevant titles and find the longest
        uint64_t titleLength = 0;
        uint64_t margin      = 90000 << 4; // approx 30s
        BLURAY_TITLE_INFO *titleInfo = NULL;
        for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_numTitles; ++i)
            titleInfo = GetTitleInfo(i);
            if (titleLength == 0 ||
                (titleInfo->duration > (titleLength + margin)))
                m_mainTitle = titleInfo->idx;
                titleLength = titleInfo->duration;


    readblocksize   = BD_BLOCK_SIZE * 62;
    setswitchtonext = false;
    ateof           = false;
    commserror      = false;
    numfailures     = 0;
    rawbitrate      = 8000;


    mythfile_open_register_callback(filename.toLatin1().data(), this, NULL);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
bdmv_metadata_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *result,
                      GObject *object,
                      GCancellable *cancellable)
  BLURAY *bd;
  META_DL *meta;
  GError *error;
  GFile *file;
  char *disc_root;
  char *icon;
  char *name;
  const char *lang;

  file = G_FILE (object);

  disc_root = g_file_get_path (file);
  bd = bd_open (disc_root, NULL);
  g_free (disc_root);

  if (bd == NULL)
      error = g_error_new_literal (G_IO_ERROR,
                                   "Device is not a Blu-Ray disc");
      goto error;

  lang = get_iso_639_3_for_locale ();
  if (lang != NULL)
    bd_set_player_setting_str (bd, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_MENU_LANG, lang);

  meta = bd_get_meta (bd);
  if (meta == NULL)
      error = g_error_new_literal (G_IO_ERROR,
                                   "Device is not a Blu-Ray disc, or has no metadata");
      bd_close (bd);
      goto error;
  name = icon = NULL;

  if (meta != NULL)
      if (meta->di_name && *meta->di_name)
        name = g_strdup (meta->di_name);
      icon = g_strdup (get_icon (meta));

  /* We're missing either an icon, or the name */
  if (!name || !icon)
      bd_set_player_setting_str (bd, BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_MENU_LANG, "eng");
      meta = bd_get_meta (bd);

      if (meta != NULL && name == NULL && meta->di_name && *meta->di_name)
        name = meta->di_name;

      if (meta != NULL && icon == NULL)
        icon = g_strdup (get_icon (meta));

  /* Set the results */
  if (icon != NULL)
      char *icon_path;
      GFile *icon_file;

      icon_path = g_strdup_printf ("BDMV/META/DL/%s", icon);
      g_free (icon);
      icon_file = g_file_resolve_relative_path (file, icon_path);
      g_free (icon_path);

      g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (result,
                                                 g_file_icon_new (icon_file),
      g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (result, NULL, NULL);

  if (name != NULL)
    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (result), "name", name, g_free);

  bd_close (bd);


  g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (result, error);
  g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (result, NULL, NULL);
  g_error_free (error);