Ejemplo n.º 1
void ComponentTests::run()
    coment::World world;
    coment::Entity e;

    Position* pos;
    Velocity* vel;

    //  Create entity
    e = world.createEntity();

    // Check entity doesn't have component before adding
    begintest("Checking entity doesn't have component yet");
    endtest(world.getComponent<Position>(e) == NULL);

    // Add component to entity
    begintest("Adding position component to entity");
    pos = world.addComponent<Position>(e);
    endtest(world.getComponent<Position>(e) != NULL);

    // Get component from entity
    begintest("Retrieve component from entity");
    endtest(world.getComponent<Position>(e) == pos);

    // Add velocity component
    begintest("Adding second component");
    vel = world.addComponent<Velocity>(e);
    endtest(vel != NULL);

    // Remove component from entity
    begintest("Remove velocity component");
    endtest(world.getComponent<Velocity>(e) == NULL &&
            world.getComponent<Position>(e) != NULL);

    // Remove all components from entity
    begintest("Remove all components from entity");
    endtest(world.getComponent<Velocity>(e) == NULL &&
            world.getComponent<Position>(e) == NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void InitScene (void)
   GLint params[1];
   const char *tab[2];

    * GL should silently ignore calls that delete object 0.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "glDeleteObject(0)");
   glDeleteObjectARB (0);
   endtest ();

    * GL generates an error on invalid object handle.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDVALUE, "Pass invalid non-zero object handle");
   glDeleteObjectARB (find_invalid_handle ());
   endtest ();
   glUseProgramObjectARB (find_invalid_handle ());
   endtest ();

    * Create object. GL should return unique non-zero values.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Create object");
   vert = glCreateShaderObjectARB (GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB);
   endtest1 (vert);
   frag = glCreateShaderObjectARB (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB);
   endtest1 (frag);
   prog = glCreateProgramObjectARB ();
   endtest1 (prog);
   endtest1 (vert != frag && frag != prog && prog != vert);

    * Link empty program.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Link empty program");
   glLinkProgramARB (prog);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (prog));

    * Use empty program object. Empty program objects are valid.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Use empty program object");
   glUseProgramObjectARB (prog);
   endtest ();

    * Attach invalid object handles. Program object 0 should not be accepted.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDVALUE, "Attach invalid object handle");
   glAttachObjectARB (0, find_invalid_handle ());
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (0, frag);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (find_invalid_handle (), find_invalid_handle ());
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (find_invalid_handle (), frag);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, find_invalid_handle ());
   endtest ();

    * Attach valid object handles with wrong semantics.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDOPERATION, "Attach object badly");
   glAttachObjectARB (vert, frag);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (vert, prog);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, prog);
   endtest ();

    * Detach non-attached object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDOPERATION, "Detach non-attached object");
   glDetachObjectARB (prog, vert);
   endtest ();
   glDetachObjectARB (prog, frag);
   endtest ();

    * Attach shader.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Attach shader to program object");
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, vert);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, frag);
   endtest ();

    * Attach object twice.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDOPERATION, "Attach object twice");
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, vert);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, frag);
   endtest ();

    * Detach attached object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Detach attached object");
   glDetachObjectARB (prog, vert);
   endtest ();
   glDetachObjectARB (prog, frag);
   endtest ();

    * Attach shader again.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Attach shader again");
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, vert);
   endtest ();
   glAttachObjectARB (prog, frag);
   endtest ();

    * Delete attached object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Delete attached object");
   glDeleteObjectARB (vert);
   endtest ();
   glDeleteObjectARB (frag);
   endtest ();

    * Query delete status. It should return TRUE. Object handles are still valid
    * as they are referenced by program object container.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Query delete status");
   glGetObjectParameterivARB (vert, GL_OBJECT_DELETE_STATUS_ARB, params);
   endtest1 (params[0]);
   glGetObjectParameterivARB (frag, GL_OBJECT_DELETE_STATUS_ARB, params);
   endtest1 (params[0]);

    * Delete already deleted attached object. The behaviour is undefined, but we
    * check for no errors. The object still exists, so the handle value is okay.
    * In other words, these calls should be silently ignored by GL.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Delete already deleted attached object");
   glDeleteObjectARB (vert);
   endtest ();
   glDeleteObjectARB (frag);
   endtest ();

    * Compile shader source with syntax error.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_ZERO, "Compile shader source with syntax error");
   glShaderSourceARB (vert, 1, &invsynvertsrc, NULL);
   glCompileShaderARB (vert);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (vert));
   glShaderSourceARB (frag, 1, &invsynfragsrc, NULL);
   glCompileShaderARB (frag);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (frag));

    * Compile shader source with semantic error.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_ZERO, "Compile shader source with semantic error");
   glShaderSourceARB (vert, 1, &invsemvertsrc, NULL);
   glCompileShaderARB (vert);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (vert));
   glShaderSourceARB (frag, 1, &invsemfragsrc, NULL);
   glCompileShaderARB (frag);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (frag));

    * Link ill-formed vertex-fragment program.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_ZERO, "Link ill-formed vertex-fragment program");
   glLinkProgramARB (prog);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (prog));

    * Use badly linked program object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDOPERATION, "Use badly linked program object");
   glUseProgramObjectARB (prog);
   endtest ();

    * Compile well-formed shader source. Check if multi-string sources can be handled.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Compile well-formed shader source");
   tab[0] = uniforms;
   tab[1] = validvertsrc;
   glShaderSourceARB (vert, 2, tab, NULL);
   glCompileShaderARB (vert);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (vert));
   tab[0] = uniforms;
   tab[1] = validfragsrc;
   glShaderSourceARB (frag, 2, tab, NULL);
   glCompileShaderARB (frag);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (frag));

    * Link vertex-fragment program.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Link vertex-fragment program");
   glLinkProgramARB (prog);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (prog));

    * Use valid linked program object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Use linked program object");
   glUseProgramObjectARB (prog);
   endtest ();

    * Get current program.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Get current program");
   endtest1 (glGetHandleARB (GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB) == prog);

    * Use 0 program object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Use 0 program object");
   glUseProgramObjectARB (0);
   endtest ();

    * Query uniform location. Uniforms with gl_ prefix cannot be queried.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Query uniform location");
   endtest1 (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "gl_ModelViewMatrix") == -1);
   endtest1 (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "UniformThatDoesNotExist") == -1);
   endtest1 (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "") == -1);
   endtest1 (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "CommonUniform") != -1);
   endtest1 (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "VertexUniform") != -1);
   endtest1 (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "FragmentUniform") != -1);

    * Query attrib location. Attribs with gl_ prefix cannot be queried.
    * When gl_Vertex is used, none of the generic attribs can have index 0.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Query attrib location");
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "gl_Vertex") == -1);
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "AttribThatDoesNotExist") == -1);
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "") == -1);
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "FirstAttrib") > 0);
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "SecondAttrib") > 0);

    * Bind attrib locations, link and check if locations are correct.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Bind attrib location #1");
   glBindAttribLocationARB (prog, 1, "FirstAttrib");
   glBindAttribLocationARB (prog, 2, "SecondAttrib");
   glLinkProgramARB (prog);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (prog));
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "FirstAttrib") == 1);
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "SecondAttrib") == 2);

    * Bind attrib locations in different order. Link and check if locations are correct.
   begintest (TT_PARAM1_NONZERO, "Bind attrib location #2");
   glBindAttribLocationARB (prog, 1, "SecondAttrib");
   glBindAttribLocationARB (prog, 2, "FirstAttrib");
   glLinkProgramARB (prog);
   endtest1 (CheckObjectStatus (prog));
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "SecondAttrib") == 1);
   endtest1 (glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "FirstAttrib") == 2);

    * Detach deleted object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_NOERROR, "Detach deleted object");
   glDetachObjectARB (prog, vert);
   endtest ();
   glDetachObjectARB (prog, frag);
   endtest ();

    * Delete deleted detached object.
   begintest (TT_GETERROR_INVALIDVALUE, "Delete deleted detached object");
   glDeleteObjectARB (vert);
   endtest ();
   glDeleteObjectARB (frag);
   endtest ();

   exit (0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FileTests::run()
	bool success = false;

	// Generate random strings
	char* filename = generateString(20);
	char* randomString = generateString(100);

	begintest("Create file with random name: " << filename);
		File file(filename);

	begintest("Write 100 bytes to file");
		int bytesWritten = file.write(randomString);
	endtest(bytesWritten == 100);

	begintest("Close file");

	begintest("Open same file by default constructor + call to open()");
		File file2;
		file2.open(filename, false);

	begintest("Delete file and check it doesn't exist");

	// Generate new filename and string
	filename = generateString(20);
	randomString = generateString(200);

	begintest("Write to file and then read it again");
		success = false;

		// Write to a file

		// Allocate memory for buffer
		int read = 0;
		char* buffer = (char*)ali::alloc(file.getLength()+1);

		// If read more than 0 bytes
		if ((read = file.read(buffer)) > 0)
			// If read string is identical to written string, success = true
			success = (strcmp(buffer, randomString) == 0);
		// Clean up test

	// Clean up files

	// Clean up memory
Ejemplo n.º 4
		void SystemTests::run()
			const int INITIAL_X = 50;
			const int INITIAL_Y = 50;

			const int INITIAL_VX = 50;
			const int INITIAL_VY = 50;

			const int WORLD_DELTA = 15;

			int updates = 0;

			coment::World world;
			coment::Entity e;

			Position* pos;
			Velocity* vel;

			// Systems
			MovementSystem movementSystem;

			// Set world delta

			// Check boolean event flags are set correctly
			begintest("Checking boolean flags are set to false");

			// Register system and check if registered is called
			begintest("Registering system and checking if onRegistered is called");

			//  Create entity
			e = world.createEntity();
			pos = world.addComponent<Position>(e);
			vel = world.addComponent<Velocity>(e);

			// Initialise components
			pos->x = INITIAL_X;
			pos->y = INITIAL_Y;
			vel->x = INITIAL_VX;
			vel->y = INITIAL_VY;

			// Run tests
			begintest("Run one update (using World::update) and check entity is updated");
			endtest(((int)(pos->x) == INITIAL_X + INITIAL_VX * WORLD_DELTA * updates) &&
				((int)(pos->y) == INITIAL_X + INITIAL_VY * WORLD_DELTA * updates) &&
				movementSystem.onFirstUpdateCalled() &&

			begintest("Add component back and check that entity gets updated");
				updates = 0;
				pos = world.addComponent<Position>(e);
			endtest(((int)(pos->x) == 0 + INITIAL_VX * WORLD_DELTA * updates) &&
				((int)(pos->y) == 0 + INITIAL_VY * WORLD_DELTA * updates));

			begintest("Remove all components and check that entity doesn't get updated");
			endtest(((int)(pos->x) == 0 + INITIAL_VX * WORLD_DELTA * updates) &&
				((int)(pos->y) == 0 + INITIAL_VY * WORLD_DELTA * updates) &&
