Ejemplo n.º 1
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double lhoodcpp(SEXP eta,
                   SEXP beta,
                   SEXP doc_ct,
                   SEXP mu,
                   SEXP siginv){
   Rcpp::NumericVector etav(eta); 
   arma::vec etas(etav.begin(), etav.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix betam(beta);
   arma::mat betas(betam.begin(), betam.nrow(), betam.ncol(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericVector doc_ctv(doc_ct);
   arma::vec doc_cts(doc_ctv.begin(), doc_ctv.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericVector muv(mu);
   arma::vec mus(muv.begin(), muv.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix siginvm(siginv);
   arma::mat siginvs(siginvm.begin(), siginvm.nrow(), siginvm.ncol(), false);
   arma::rowvec expeta(etas.size()+1); 
   int neta = etav.size(); 
   for(int j=0; j <neta;  j++){
     expeta(j) = exp(etas(j));
   double ndoc = sum(doc_cts);
   double part1 = arma::as_scalar(log(expeta*betas)*doc_cts - ndoc*log(sum(expeta)));
   arma::vec diff = etas - mus;
   double part2 = .5*arma::as_scalar(diff.t()*siginvs*diff);
   double out = part2 - part1;
   return out;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec gradcpp(SEXP eta,
                   SEXP beta,
                   SEXP doc_ct,
                   SEXP mu,
                   SEXP siginv){
   Rcpp::NumericVector etav(eta); 
   arma::vec etas(etav.begin(), etav.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix betam(beta);
   arma::mat betas(betam.begin(), betam.nrow(), betam.ncol());
   Rcpp::NumericVector doc_ctv(doc_ct);
   arma::vec doc_cts(doc_ctv.begin(), doc_ctv.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericVector muv(mu);
   arma::vec mus(muv.begin(), muv.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix siginvm(siginv);
   arma::mat siginvs(siginvm.begin(), siginvm.nrow(), siginvm.ncol(), false);
    arma::colvec expeta(etas.size()+1); 
    int neta = etas.size(); 
    for(int j=0; j <neta;  j++){
       expeta(j) = exp(etas(j));
    betas.each_col() %= expeta;
    arma::vec part1 = betas*(doc_cts/arma::trans(sum(betas,0))) - (sum(doc_cts)/sum(expeta))*expeta;
    arma::vec part2 = siginvs*(etas - mus);
    return part2-part1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void write_tasks(transport::repository<>& repo, transport::step_mpi<>* model)
    const double M_P       = 1.0;
    const double m         = 1E-5 * M_P;
    const double c         = 0.0018;
    const double d         = 0.022 * M_P;
    const double phi0      = 14.84 * M_P;

    const double phi_init  = 16.5 * M_P;

    const double N_init    = 0.0;
    const double N_pre     = 6.0;
    const double N_max     = 50.1;

    transport::parameters<> params(M_P, { m, c, d, phi0 }, model);
    transport::initial_conditions<> ics("step", params, { phi_init }, N_init, N_pre);

    transport::basic_range<> times(N_init, N_max, 100, transport::spacing::linear);

    transport::basic_range<> ks(exp(7.0), exp(11.5), 1000, transport::spacing::log_bottom);
    transport::basic_range<> alphas(0.0, 0.0, 0, transport::spacing::linear);
    transport::basic_range<> betas(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 0, transport::spacing::linear);

    // construct a threepf task
    transport::threepf_alphabeta_task<> tk3("step.threepf", ics, times, ks, alphas, betas);

    transport::zeta_threepf_task<> ztk3("step.threepf-zeta", tk3);

Ejemplo n.º 4
Rcpp::List HDP::save_state(){
	Rcpp::NumericMatrix doc_states(save_doc_states());  
	Rcpp::NumericMatrix wods_state(hdp_state_->save_words_count_by_topic());  
	Rcpp::NumericVector betas(hdp_state_->save_betas());

	return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("topicPerDoc")= doc_states,
Ejemplo n.º 5
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List rhierLinearModel_rcpp_loop(List const& regdata, mat const& Z, mat const& Deltabar, mat const& A, double nu, 
                          mat const& V, double nu_e, vec const& ssq, vec tau, mat Delta, mat Vbeta, int R, int keep, int nprint){

// Keunwoo Kim 09/16/2014

// Purpose: run hiearchical regression model

// Arguments:
//   Data list of regdata,Z 
//     regdata is a list of lists each list with members y, X
//        e.g. regdata[[i]]=list(y=y,X=X)
//     X has nvar columns
//     Z is nreg=length(regdata) x nz

//   Prior list of prior hyperparameters
//     Deltabar,A, nu.e,ssq,nu,V
//          note: ssq is a nreg x 1 vector!

//   Mcmc
//     list of Mcmc parameters
//     R is number of draws
//     keep is thining parameter -- keep every keepth draw
//     nprint - print estimated time remaining on every nprint'th draw

// Output: 
//   list of 
//   betadraw -- nreg x nvar x R/keep array of individual regression betas
//   taudraw -- R/keep x nreg  array of error variances for each regression
//   Deltadraw -- R/keep x nz x nvar array of Delta draws
//   Vbetadraw -- R/keep x nvar*nvar array of Vbeta draws

// Model:
// nreg regression equations 
//        y_i = X_ibeta_i + epsilon_i  
//        epsilon_i ~ N(0,tau_i)
//             nvar X vars in each equation

// Prior:
//        tau_i ~ nu.e*ssq_i/chisq(nu.e)  tau_i is the variance of epsilon_i
//        beta_i ~ N(ZDelta[i,],V_beta)
//               Note:  ZDelta is the matrix Z * Delta; [i,] refers to ith row of this product!

//          vec(Delta) | V_beta ~ N(vec(Deltabar),Vbeta (x) A^-1)
//          V_beta ~ IW(nu,V)  or V_beta^-1 ~ W(nu,V^-1)
//              Delta, Deltabar are nz x nvar
//              A is nz x nz
//              Vbeta is nvar x nvar
//          NOTE: if you don't have any z vars, set Z=iota (nreg x 1)
// Update Note:
//        (Keunwoo Kim 04/07/2015)
//        Changed "rmultireg" to return List object, which is the original function.
//        Efficiency is almost same as when the output is a struct object.
//        Nothing different from "rmultireg1" in the previous R version.

  int reg, mkeep;
  mat Abeta, betabar, ucholinv, Abetabar;
  List regdatai, rmregout;
  unireg regout_struct;
  int nreg = regdata.size();
  int nvar = V.n_cols;
  int nz = Z.n_cols;
  // convert List to std::vector of struct
  std::vector<moments> regdata_vector;
  moments regdatai_struct;
  // store vector with struct
  for (reg=0; reg<nreg; reg++){
    regdatai = regdata[reg];
    regdatai_struct.y = as<vec>(regdatai["y"]);
    regdatai_struct.X = as<mat>(regdatai["X"]);
    regdatai_struct.XpX = as<mat>(regdatai["XpX"]);
    regdatai_struct.Xpy = as<vec>(regdatai["Xpy"]);
  mat betas(nreg, nvar);
  mat Vbetadraw(R/keep, nvar*nvar);
  mat Deltadraw(R/keep, nz*nvar);
  mat taudraw(R/keep, nreg);
  cube betadraw(nreg, nvar, R/keep);

  if (nprint>0) startMcmcTimer();
  //start main iteration loop
  for (int rep=0; rep<R; rep++){    

    // compute the inverse of Vbeta
    ucholinv = solve(trimatu(chol(Vbeta)), eye(nvar,nvar)); //trimatu interprets the matrix as upper triangular and makes solve more efficient
    Abeta = ucholinv*trans(ucholinv);
    betabar = Z*Delta;
    Abetabar = Abeta*trans(betabar);
    //loop over all regressions
    for (reg=0; reg<nreg; reg++){      
      regout_struct = runiregG(regdata_vector[reg].y, regdata_vector[reg].X, 
                                regdata_vector[reg].XpX, regdata_vector[reg].Xpy, 
                                tau[reg], Abeta, Abetabar(span::all,reg), 
                                nu_e, ssq[reg]);
      betas(reg,span::all) = trans(regout_struct.beta);
      tau[reg] = regout_struct.sigmasq;
    //draw Vbeta, Delta | {beta_i}
    rmregout = rmultireg(betas,Z,Deltabar,A,nu,V);
    Vbeta = as<mat>(rmregout["Sigma"]); //conversion from Rcpp to Armadillo requires explict declaration of variable type using as<>
    Delta = as<mat>(rmregout["B"]);
    //print time to completion and draw # every nprint'th draw
    if (nprint>0) if ((rep+1)%nprint==0) infoMcmcTimer(rep, R);
      mkeep = (rep+1)/keep;
      Vbetadraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(vectorise(Vbeta));
      Deltadraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(vectorise(Delta));
      taudraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(tau);
      betadraw.slice(mkeep-1) = betas;
  if (nprint>0) endMcmcTimer();
  return List::create(
    Named("Vbetadraw") = Vbetadraw,
    Named("Deltadraw") = Deltadraw,
	  Named("betadraw") = betadraw,
	  Named("taudraw") = taudraw);
Ejemplo n.º 6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP hpbcpp(SEXP eta,
            SEXP beta,
            SEXP doc_ct,
            SEXP mu,
            SEXP siginv,
            SEXP sigmaentropy){
   Rcpp::NumericVector etav(eta); 
   arma::vec etas(etav.begin(), etav.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix betam(beta);
   arma::mat betas(betam.begin(), betam.nrow(), betam.ncol());
   Rcpp::NumericVector doc_ctv(doc_ct);
   arma::vec doc_cts(doc_ctv.begin(), doc_ctv.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericVector muv(mu);
   arma::vec mus(muv.begin(), muv.size(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix siginvm(siginv);
   arma::mat siginvs(siginvm.begin(), siginvm.nrow(), siginvm.ncol(), false);
   Rcpp::NumericVector sigmaentropym(sigmaentropy);
   arma::vec entropy(sigmaentropym);

   //Performance Nots from 3/6/2015
   //  I tried a few different variants and benchmarked this one as roughly twice as
   //  fast as the R code for a K=100 problem.  Key to performance was not creating
   //  too many objects and being selective in how things were flagged as triangular.
   //  Some additional notes in the code below.
   //  Some things this doesn't have or I haven't tried
   //  - I didn't tweak the arguments much.  sigmaentropy is a double, and I'm still
   //    passing beta in the same way.  I tried doing a ", false" for beta but it didn't
   //    change much so I left it the same as in gradient.  
   //  - I tried treating the factors for doc_cts and colSums(EB) as a diagonal matrix- much slower.
   //  Haven't Tried/Done
   //  - each_row() might be much slower (not sure but arma is column order).  Maybe transpose in place?
   //  - depending on costs there are some really minor calculations that could be precomputed: 
   //     - sum(doc_ct)
   //     - sqrt(doc_ct)
   //  More on passing by reference here:
   //  - Hypothetically we could alter beta (because hessian is last thing we do) however down
   //    the road we may want to explore treating nonPD hessians by optimization at which point
   //    we would need it again.
   arma::colvec expeta(etas.size()+1); 
   int neta = etas.size(); 
   for(int j=0; j <neta;  j++){
     expeta(j) = exp(etas(j));
   arma::vec theta = expeta/sum(expeta);

   //create a new version of the matrix so we can mess with it
   arma::mat EB(betam.begin(), betam.nrow(), betam.ncol());
   //multiply each column by expeta
   EB.each_col() %= expeta; //this should be fastest as its column-major ordering
   //divide out by the column sums
   EB.each_row() %= arma::trans(sqrt(doc_cts))/sum(EB,0);
   //Combine the pieces of the Hessian which are matrices
   arma::mat hess = EB*EB.t() - sum(doc_cts)*(theta*theta.t());
   //we don't need EB any more so we turn it into phi
   EB.each_row() %= arma::trans(sqrt(doc_cts));
   //Now alter just the diagonal of the Hessian
   hess.diag() -= sum(EB,1) - sum(doc_cts)*theta;
   //Drop the last row and column
   //Now we can add in siginv
   hess = hess + siginvs;
   //At this point the Hessian is complete.
   //This next bit of code is from http://arma.sourceforge.net/docs.html#logging
   //It basically keeps arma from printing errors from chol to the console.
   std::ostream nullstream(0);
   //Invert via cholesky decomposition
   //Start by initializing an object
   arma::mat nu = arma::mat(hess.n_rows, hess.n_rows);
   //This version of chol generates a boolean which tells us if it failed.
   bool worked = arma::chol(nu,hess);
   if(!worked) {
     //It failed!  Oh Nos.
     // So the matrix wasn't positive definite.  In practice this means that it hasn't
     // converged probably along some minor aspect of the dimension.
     //Here we make it positive definite through diagonal dominance
     arma::vec dvec = hess.diag();
     //find the magnitude of the diagonal 
     arma::vec magnitudes = sum(abs(hess), 1) - abs(dvec);
     //iterate over each row and set the minimum value of the diagonal to be the magnitude of the other terms
     int Km1 = dvec.size();
     for(int j=0; j < Km1;  j++){
       if(arma::as_scalar(dvec(j)) < arma::as_scalar(magnitudes(j))) dvec(j) = magnitudes(j); //enforce diagonal dominance 
     //overwrite the diagonal of the hessian with our new object
     hess.diag() = dvec;
     //that was sufficient to ensure positive definiteness so we now do cholesky
     nu = arma::chol(hess);
   //compute 1/2 the determinant from the cholesky decomposition
   double detTerm = -sum(log(nu.diag()));
   //Now finish constructing nu
   nu = arma::inv(arma::trimatu(nu));
   nu = nu * nu.t(); //trimatu doesn't do anything for multiplication so it would just be timesink to signal here.
   //Precompute the difference since we use it twice
   arma::vec diff = etas - mus;
   //Now generate the bound and make it a scalar
   double bound = arma::as_scalar(log(arma::trans(theta)*betas)*doc_cts + detTerm - .5*diff.t()*siginvs*diff - entropy); 
   // Generate a return list that mimics the R output
   return Rcpp::List::create(
        Rcpp::Named("phis") = EB,
        Rcpp::Named("eta") = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("lambda")=etas, Rcpp::Named("nu")=nu),
        Rcpp::Named("bound") = bound
Ejemplo n.º 7
    SwaptionVolCube1::sabrCalibration(const Cube& marketVolCube) const {

        const std::vector<Time>& optionTimes = marketVolCube.optionTimes();
        const std::vector<Time>& swapLengths = marketVolCube.swapLengths();
        const std::vector<Date>& optionDates = marketVolCube.optionDates();
        const std::vector<Period>& swapTenors = marketVolCube.swapTenors();
        Matrix alphas(optionTimes.size(), swapLengths.size(),0.);
        Matrix betas(alphas);
        Matrix nus(alphas);
        Matrix rhos(alphas);
        Matrix forwards(alphas);
        Matrix errors(alphas);
        Matrix maxErrors(alphas);
        Matrix endCriteria(alphas);

        const std::vector<Matrix>& tmpMarketVolCube = marketVolCube.points();

        std::vector<Real> strikes(strikeSpreads_.size());
        std::vector<Real> volatilities(strikeSpreads_.size());

        for (Size j=0; j<optionTimes.size(); j++) {
            for (Size k=0; k<swapLengths.size(); k++) {
                Rate atmForward = atmStrike(optionDates[j], swapTenors[k]);
                for (Size i=0; i<nStrikes_; i++){
                    Real strike = atmForward+strikeSpreads_[i];
                    if(strike>=MINSTRIKE) {

                const std::vector<Real>& guess = parametersGuess_.operator()(
                    optionTimes[j], swapLengths[k]);

                const boost::shared_ptr<SABRInterpolation> sabrInterpolation =
                        SABRInterpolation(strikes.begin(), strikes.end(),
                                          optionTimes[j], atmForward,
                                          guess[0], guess[1],
                                          guess[2], guess[3],

                Real rmsError = sabrInterpolation->rmsError();
                Real maxError = sabrInterpolation->maxError();
                alphas     [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->alpha();
                betas      [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->beta();
                nus        [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->nu();
                rhos       [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->rho();
                forwards   [j][k] = atmForward;
                errors     [j][k] = rmsError;
                maxErrors  [j][k] = maxError;
                endCriteria[j][k] = sabrInterpolation->endCriteria();

                          "global swaptions calibration failed: "
                          "MaxIterations reached: " << "\n" <<
                          "option maturity = " << optionDates[j] << ", \n" <<
                          "swap tenor = " << swapTenors[k] << ", \n" <<
                          "error = " << io::rate(errors[j][k])  << ", \n" <<
                          "max error = " << io::rate(maxErrors[j][k]) << ", \n" <<
                          "   alpha = " <<  alphas[j][k] << "n" <<
                          "   beta = " <<  betas[j][k] << "\n" <<
                          "   nu = " <<  nus[j][k]   << "\n" <<
                          "   rho = " <<  rhos[j][k]  << "\n"

                QL_ENSURE(useMaxError_ ? maxError : rmsError < maxErrorTolerance_,
                      "global swaptions calibration failed: "
                      "option tenor " << optionDates[j] <<
                      ", swap tenor " << swapTenors[k] <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? ": max error " : ": error") <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? maxError : rmsError) <<
                          "   alpha = " <<  alphas[j][k] << "n" <<
                          "   beta = " <<  betas[j][k] << "\n" <<
                          "   nu = " <<  nus[j][k]   << "\n" <<
                          "   rho = " <<  rhos[j][k]  << "\n" <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? ": error" : ": max error ") <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? rmsError :maxError)

        Cube sabrParametersCube(optionDates, swapTenors,
                                optionTimes, swapLengths, 8);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(0, alphas);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(1, betas);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(2, nus);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(3, rhos);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(4, forwards);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(5, errors);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(6, maxErrors);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(7, endCriteria);

        return sabrParametersCube;
