Ejemplo n.º 1
// Given this harm_weight, are we better than this other context?
bool battle_context::better_attack(class battle_context& that, double harm_weight)
	return better_combat(
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** @todo FIXME: Hand previous defender unit in here. */
int battle_context::choose_defender_weapon(const unit &attacker,
		const unit &defender, unsigned attacker_weapon, const unit_map& units,
		const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc,
		const combatant *prev_def)
	VALIDATE(attacker_weapon < attacker.attacks().size(),
			_("An invalid attacker weapon got selected."));
	const attack_type &att = attacker.attacks()[attacker_weapon];
	std::vector<unsigned int> choices;

	// What options does defender have?
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < defender.attacks().size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type &def = defender.attacks()[i];
		if (def.range() == att.range() && def.defense_weight() > 0) {
	if (choices.empty())
		return -1;
	if (choices.size() == 1)
		return choices[0];

	// Multiple options:
	// First pass : get the best weight and the minimum simple rating for this weight.
	// simple rating = number of blows * damage per blows (resistance taken in account) * cth * weight
	// Elligible attacks for defense should have a simple rating greater or equal to this weight.

	double max_weight = 0.0;
	int min_rating = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < choices.size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type &def = defender.attacks()[choices[i]];
		if (def.defense_weight() >= max_weight) {
			max_weight = def.defense_weight();
			const battle_context_unit_stats def_stats(defender, defender_loc,
					choices[i], false, attacker, attacker_loc, &att, units);
			int rating = static_cast<int>(def_stats.num_blows * def_stats.damage *
					def_stats.chance_to_hit * def.defense_weight());
			if (def.defense_weight() > max_weight || rating < min_rating ) {
				min_rating = rating;

	// Multiple options: simulate them, save best.
	for (i = 0; i < choices.size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type &def = defender.attacks()[choices[i]];
		battle_context_unit_stats *att_stats = new battle_context_unit_stats(attacker, attacker_loc, attacker_weapon,
				true, defender, defender_loc, &def, units);
		battle_context_unit_stats *def_stats = new battle_context_unit_stats(defender, defender_loc, choices[i], false,
				attacker, attacker_loc, &att, units);

		combatant *att_comb = new combatant(*att_stats);
		combatant *def_comb = new combatant(*def_stats, prev_def);

		int simple_rating = static_cast<int>(def_stats->num_blows *
				def_stats->damage * def_stats->chance_to_hit * def.defense_weight());

		if (simple_rating >= min_rating &&
				( !attacker_combatant_ || better_combat(*def_comb, *att_comb, *defender_combatant_, *attacker_combatant_, 1.0) )
		   ) {
			delete attacker_combatant_;
			delete defender_combatant_;
			delete attacker_stats_;
			delete defender_stats_;
			attacker_combatant_ = att_comb;
			defender_combatant_ = def_comb;
			attacker_stats_ = att_stats;
			defender_stats_ = def_stats;
		} else {
			delete att_comb;
			delete def_comb;
			delete att_stats;
			delete def_stats;

	return defender_stats_->attack_num;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int battle_context::choose_attacker_weapon(const unit &attacker,
		const unit &defender, const unit_map& units,
		const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc,
		double harm_weight, int *defender_weapon, const combatant *prev_def)
	std::vector<unsigned int> choices;

	// What options does attacker have?
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < attacker.attacks().size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type &att = attacker.attacks()[i];
		if (att.attack_weight() > 0) {
	if (choices.empty())
		return -1;
	if (choices.size() == 1) {
		*defender_weapon = choose_defender_weapon(attacker, defender, choices[0], units,
			attacker_loc, defender_loc, prev_def);
		return choices[0];

	// Multiple options: simulate them, save best.
	battle_context_unit_stats *best_att_stats = NULL, *best_def_stats = NULL;
	combatant *best_att_comb = NULL, *best_def_comb = NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < choices.size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type &att = attacker.attacks()[choices[i]];
		int def_weapon = choose_defender_weapon(attacker, defender, choices[i], units,
			attacker_loc, defender_loc, prev_def);
		// If that didn't simulate, do so now.
		if (!attacker_combatant_) {
			const attack_type *def = NULL;
			if (def_weapon >= 0) {
				def = &defender.attacks()[def_weapon];
			attacker_stats_ = new battle_context_unit_stats(attacker, attacker_loc, choices[i],
				true, defender, defender_loc, def, units);
			defender_stats_ = new battle_context_unit_stats(defender, defender_loc, def_weapon, false,
				attacker, attacker_loc, &att, units);
			attacker_combatant_ = new combatant(*attacker_stats_);
			defender_combatant_ = new combatant(*defender_stats_, prev_def);
		if (!best_att_comb || better_combat(*attacker_combatant_, *defender_combatant_,
					*best_att_comb, *best_def_comb, harm_weight)) {
			delete best_att_comb;
			delete best_def_comb;
			delete best_att_stats;
			delete best_def_stats;
			best_att_comb = attacker_combatant_;
			best_def_comb = defender_combatant_;
			best_att_stats = attacker_stats_;
			best_def_stats = defender_stats_;
		} else {
			delete attacker_combatant_;
			delete defender_combatant_;
			delete attacker_stats_;
			delete defender_stats_;
		attacker_combatant_ = NULL;
		defender_combatant_ = NULL;
		attacker_stats_ = NULL;
		defender_stats_ = NULL;

	attacker_combatant_ = best_att_comb;
	defender_combatant_ = best_def_comb;
	attacker_stats_ = best_att_stats;
	defender_stats_ = best_def_stats;

	*defender_weapon = defender_stats_->attack_num;
	return attacker_stats_->attack_num;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int battle_context::choose_attacker_weapon(const unit& attacker,
		const unit& defender,
		const unit_map& units,
		const map_location& attacker_loc,
		const map_location& defender_loc,
		double harm_weight,
		int* defender_weapon,
		const combatant* prev_def)
	std::vector<unsigned int> choices;

	// What options does attacker have?
	unsigned int i;

	for(i = 0; i < attacker.attacks().size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type& att = attacker.attacks()[i];

		if(att.attack_weight() > 0) {

	if(choices.empty()) {
		return -1;

	if(choices.size() == 1) {
				= choose_defender_weapon(attacker, defender, choices[0], units, attacker_loc, defender_loc, prev_def);
		const_attack_ptr def_weapon
				= *defender_weapon >= 0 ? defender.attacks()[*defender_weapon].shared_from_this() : nullptr;
		attacker_stats_.reset(new battle_context_unit_stats(
				attacker, attacker_loc, choices[0], true, defender, defender_loc, def_weapon, units));

		if(attacker_stats_->disable) {
			return -1;

		const attack_type& att = attacker.attacks()[choices[0]];
		defender_stats_.reset(new battle_context_unit_stats(
				defender, defender_loc, *defender_weapon, false, attacker, attacker_loc, att.shared_from_this(), units));

		return choices[0];

	// Multiple options: simulate them, save best.
	std::unique_ptr<battle_context_unit_stats> best_att_stats(nullptr);
	std::unique_ptr<battle_context_unit_stats> best_def_stats(nullptr);

	std::unique_ptr<combatant> best_att_comb(nullptr);
	std::unique_ptr<combatant> best_def_comb(nullptr);

	for(i = 0; i < choices.size(); ++i) {
		const attack_type& att = attacker.attacks()[choices[i]];

		int def_weapon =
			choose_defender_weapon(attacker, defender, choices[i], units, attacker_loc, defender_loc, prev_def);

		// If that didn't simulate, do so now.
		if(!attacker_combatant_) {
			const_attack_ptr def = nullptr;

			if(def_weapon >= 0) {
				def = defender.attacks()[def_weapon].shared_from_this();

			attacker_stats_.reset(new battle_context_unit_stats(
					attacker, attacker_loc, choices[i], true, defender, defender_loc, def, units));

			if(attacker_stats_->disable) {

			defender_stats_.reset(new battle_context_unit_stats(
					defender, defender_loc, def_weapon, false, attacker, attacker_loc, att.shared_from_this(), units));

			attacker_combatant_.reset(new combatant(*attacker_stats_));
			defender_combatant_.reset(new combatant(*defender_stats_, prev_def));

		} else {
			if(attacker_stats_ != nullptr && attacker_stats_->disable) {

		if(!best_att_comb ||
			better_combat(*attacker_combatant_, *defender_combatant_, *best_att_comb, *best_def_comb, harm_weight)
		) {
			best_att_comb = std::move(attacker_combatant_);
			best_def_comb = std::move(defender_combatant_);
			best_att_stats = std::move(attacker_stats_);
			best_def_stats = std::move(defender_stats_);


	attacker_combatant_ = std::move(best_att_comb);
	defender_combatant_ = std::move(best_def_comb);
	attacker_stats_ = std::move(best_att_stats);
	defender_stats_ = std::move(best_def_stats);

	// These currently mean the same thing, but assumptions like that have been broken before
	if(!defender_stats_ || !attacker_stats_) {
		return -1;

	*defender_weapon = defender_stats_->attack_num;
	return attacker_stats_->attack_num;