Ejemplo n.º 1
void TileCallback::post_render_tile(
    const asr::Frame*       frame,
    const size_t            tile_x,
    const size_t            tile_y)
    const asf::Image& image = frame->image();
    const asf::CanvasProperties& props = image.properties();

    DbgAssert(props.m_canvas_width == m_bitmap->Width());
    DbgAssert(props.m_canvas_height == m_bitmap->Height());
    DbgAssert(props.m_channel_count == 4);

    // Blit the tile to the destination bitmap.
    blit_tile(*frame, tile_x, tile_y);

    // Partially refresh the display window.
    const asf::Tile& tile = image.tile(tile_x, tile_y);
    const size_t x = tile_x * props.m_tile_width;
    const size_t y = tile_y * props.m_tile_height;
    RECT rect = make_rect(x, y, tile.get_width(), tile.get_height());

    // Keep track of the number of rendered tiles.
Ejemplo n.º 2
int map_draw(struct lua_State *L)
  struct Map *M = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, META);

  luaL_argcheck(L, M, 1, "Expected a map");
  luaL_argcheck(L, lua_isnumber(L, 2), 3, "Expected an x world origin");
  luaL_argcheck(L, lua_isnumber(L, 3), 3, "Expected a y world origin");

  Sint16 wx = lua_tonumber(L, 2) - SM_x(width/2, height/2);
  Sint16 wy = lua_tonumber(L, 3) - SM_y(width/2, height/2);
  Sint16 sx=0, sy=0;
  Uint8  *w = NULL;

  LX=wx+SCALE; LY=wy; /* SAVE THESE. (+W to avoid jaggies on the left.)*/

  sx = -MS_x(SUB(wx), SUB(wy), 0)-W;  /* sub-tile scroll */
  sy = -MS_y(SUB(wx), SUB(wy), 0);    /* adjustment      */

  wx /= SCALE; wy /= SCALE;

  Uint32 q = ~0;

  lua_pop(L, 3);
  if(lua_gettop(L)) debug_lua_stack(L, "bmap>");
  lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "sprites");

  Sint8 x=0, y=0, z=0;
  Sint16 xl, yl, zf;
  xl = SM_x(width,        0) / SCALE + 2;         /* +2,+3 to avoid jaggies */
  yl = SM_y(    0, 2*height) / SCALE + M->zs + 3;

  for   ( z = 0 ; z < M->zs; z++) {    /* bottom to top */
  for   ( y = 0 ; y <   yl ; y++) {    /* far to near   */
  for   ( x = 0 ; x <   xl ; x++) {    /* left to right */
    Uint16 mx, my, qx, qy;
    mx = wx+x+(y/2)+(y&1);
    my = wy-x+(y/2);

    w = raw_ref(M, mx, my, z);

    qx = sx+64*x+(32*(y&1));
    qy = sy+16*y-16*z;

    if(w != NULL && *w > 5)
      blit_tile(qx, qy, *w);

    do_sprites(GLOM(mx, my, z), qx+32, qy+16); /* offset 'cos of jaggie-adj */

  } } } /* for for for */
  lua_pop(L, 1);
  if(lua_gettop(L)) debug_lua_stack(L, "bmap<");

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void TileCallback::post_render(
    const asr::Frame*   frame)
    const asf::CanvasProperties& props = frame->image().properties();

    DbgAssert(props.m_canvas_width == m_bitmap->Width());
    DbgAssert(props.m_canvas_height == m_bitmap->Height());
    DbgAssert(props.m_channel_count == 4);

    // Blit all tiles.
    for (size_t y = 0; y < props.m_tile_count_y; ++y)
        for (size_t x = 0; x < props.m_tile_count_x; ++x)
            blit_tile(*frame, x, y);

    // Refresh the entire display window.