Ejemplo n.º 1
    void TtFontAsset::RenderText( SurfacePtr dest, int& x, int& y, const char* text, const pei::Color& color /*= pei::XColor(255,255,255)*/ )
        //     assert ( pFont );
        if (!m_TtFont || dest.get() == NULL ) {
#ifdef _HAS_SDL_TTF_
        SDL_Surface *text_surface = NULL;
        // this is a hack! We swap r & g and correct the color format manually
        // SDL_ttf renders ARGB, but we need ABGR (or LE RGBA) to match RGBA texture format - performace reasons!
        SDL_Color c = { color.b, color.g, color.r, color.a };
        if ( (text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended( (TTF_Font*)m_TtFont->GetFontHandle(), text, c )) != NULL )
            // swap r&g in the format description
            text_surface->format->Rmask = 0x000000ff; text_surface->format->Rshift = 0;
            text_surface->format->Bmask = 0x00ff0000; text_surface->format->Bshift = 16;

        	pei::SurfacePtr txt( new pei::SDL::SurfaceWrapper(text_surface));
            pei::Blitter blitter(pei::PixOpPtr(new PixOpAlphaBlitSrcAlpha(txt->GetFormat(),dest->GetFormat()) ) );
            blitter.Blit( txt, dest, x, y, txt->GetWidth(), txt->GetHeight(), 0, 0 );

            int tw, th;
            TTF_SizeText( (TTF_Font*)m_TtFont->GetFontHandle(), text, &tw, &th);

            Uint32 font_height = TTF_FontHeight((TTF_Font*)m_TtFont->GetFontHandle()); // - a - 2*d;
            y += font_height;
            x += tw;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void VDPixmapBlt_UberblitAdapter(const VDPixmap& dst, const VDPixmap& src, vdpixsize w, vdpixsize h) {
	vdautoptr<IVDPixmapBlitter> blitter(VDPixmapCreateBlitter(dst, src));

	if (w > src.w)
		w = src.w;
	if (w > dst.w)
		w = dst.w;
	if (h > src.h)
		h = src.h;
	if (h > dst.h)
		h = dst.h;

	vdrect32 r(0, 0, w, h);
	blitter->Blit(dst, &r, src);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void driver_update(void)
	blitter(video, fb_dos.vesa_mode_info.BytesPerScanLine);

Ejemplo n.º 4
	a generic 2D Blitter
static s32 Blit(eBlitter operation,
		video::IImage * dest,
		const core::rect<s32> *destClipping,
		const core::position2d<s32> *destPos,
		video::IImage * const source,
		const core::rect<s32> *sourceClipping,
		u32 argb)
	tExecuteBlit blitter = getBlitter( operation, dest, source );
	if ( 0 == blitter )
		return 0;

	// Clipping
	AbsRectangle sourceClip;
	AbsRectangle destClip;
	AbsRectangle v;

	SBlitJob job;

	if ( sourceClipping )
		sourceClip.x0 = sourceClipping->UpperLeftCorner.X;
		sourceClip.y0 = sourceClipping->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
		sourceClip.x1 = sourceClipping->LowerRightCorner.X;
		sourceClip.y1 = sourceClipping->LowerRightCorner.Y;
		sourceClip.x0 = 0;
		sourceClip.y0 = 0;
		sourceClip.x1 = source ? source->getDimension().Width : 0;
		sourceClip.y1 = source ? source->getDimension().Height : 0;

	if ( destClipping )
		destClip.x0 = destClipping->UpperLeftCorner.X;
		destClip.y0 = destClipping->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
		destClip.x1 = destClipping->LowerRightCorner.X;
		destClip.y1 = destClipping->LowerRightCorner.Y;
		destClip.x0 = 0;
		destClip.y0 = 0;
		destClip.x1 = dest ? dest->getDimension().Width : 0;
		destClip.y1 = dest ? dest->getDimension().Height : 0;

	v.x0 = destPos ? destPos->X : 0;
	v.y0 = destPos ? destPos->Y : 0;
	v.x1 = v.x0 + ( sourceClip.x1 - sourceClip.x0 );
	v.y1 = v.y0 + ( sourceClip.y1 - sourceClip.y0 );

	intersect( job.Dest, destClip, v );
	if ( !isValid( job.Dest ) )
		return 0;

	job.width = job.Dest.x1 - job.Dest.x0;
	job.height = job.Dest.y1 - job.Dest.y0;

	job.Source.x0 = sourceClip.x0 + ( job.Dest.x0 - v.x0 );
	job.Source.x1 = job.Source.x0 + job.width;

	job.Source.y0 = sourceClip.y0 + ( job.Dest.y0 - v.y0 );
	job.Source.y1 = job.Source.y0 + job.height;

	job.argb = argb;

	if ( source )
		job.srcPitch = source->getPitch();
		job.srcPixelMul = source->getBytesPerPixel();
		job.src = (void*) ( (u8*) source->lock() + ( job.Source.y0 * job.srcPitch ) + ( job.Source.x0 * job.srcPixelMul ) );
		// use srcPitch for color operation on dest
		job.srcPitch = job.width * dest->getBytesPerPixel();

	job.dstPitch = dest->getPitch();
	job.dstPixelMul = dest->getBytesPerPixel();
	job.dst = (void*) ( (u8*) dest->lock() + ( job.Dest.y0 * job.dstPitch ) + ( job.Dest.x0 * job.dstPixelMul ) );

	blitter( &job );

	if ( source )

	if ( dest )

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Direct3D9Texture::blitToMemory(void* targetData)
    D3DSurfaceBlitter blitter(d_owner.getDevice(), d_texture);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Direct3D9Texture::blitFromMemory(const void* sourceData, const Rectf& area)
    D3DSurfaceBlitter blitter(d_owner.getDevice(), d_texture);
    blitter.blitFromMemory(static_cast<const uint32*>(sourceData), area);