Ejemplo n.º 1
** Write the content of a blob into a file.
** If the filename is blank or "-" then write to standard output.
** Return the number of bytes written.
int blob_write_to_file(Blob *pBlob, const char *zFilename){
  FILE *out;
  int nWrote;

  if( zFilename[0]==0 || (zFilename[0]=='-' && zFilename[1]==0) ){
    nWrote = blob_size(pBlob);
#if defined(_WIN32)
    if( fossil_utf8_to_console(blob_buffer(pBlob), nWrote, 0) >= 0 ){
      return nWrote;
    fwrite(blob_buffer(pBlob), 1, nWrote, stdout);
    file_mkfolder(zFilename, 1);
    out = fossil_fopen(zFilename, "wb");
    if( out==0 ){
      fossil_fatal_recursive("unable to open file \"%s\" for writing",
      return 0;
    nWrote = fwrite(blob_buffer(pBlob), 1, blob_size(pBlob), out);
    if( nWrote!=blob_size(pBlob) ){
      fossil_fatal_recursive("short write: %d of %d bytes to %s", nWrote,
         blob_size(pBlob), zFilename);
  return nWrote;
Ejemplo n.º 2
** Compress the concatenation of a blobs pIn1 and pIn2.  Store the result
** in pOut.
** pOut must be either uninitialized or must be the same as either pIn1 or
** pIn2.
void blob_compress2(Blob *pIn1, Blob *pIn2, Blob *pOut){
  unsigned int nIn = blob_size(pIn1) + blob_size(pIn2);
  unsigned int nOut = 13 + nIn + (nIn+999)/1000;
  unsigned char *outBuf;
  z_stream stream;
  Blob temp;
  blob_resize(&temp, nOut+4);
  outBuf = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(&temp);
  outBuf[0] = nIn>>24 & 0xff;
  outBuf[1] = nIn>>16 & 0xff;
  outBuf[2] = nIn>>8 & 0xff;
  outBuf[3] = nIn & 0xff;
  stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
  stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
  stream.opaque = 0;
  stream.avail_out = nOut;
  stream.next_out = &outBuf[4];
  deflateInit(&stream, 9);
  stream.avail_in = blob_size(pIn1);
  stream.next_in = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pIn1);
  deflate(&stream, 0);
  stream.avail_in = blob_size(pIn2);
  stream.next_in = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pIn2);
  deflate(&stream, 0);
  deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
  blob_resize(&temp, stream.total_out + 4);
  if( pOut==pIn1 ) blob_reset(pOut);
  if( pOut==pIn2 ) blob_reset(pOut);
  *pOut = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
** Uncompress blob pIn and store the result in pOut.  It is ok for pIn and
** pOut to be the same blob.
** pOut must be either uninitialized or the same as pIn.
int blob_uncompress(Blob *pIn, Blob *pOut){
  unsigned int nOut;
  unsigned char *inBuf;
  unsigned int nIn = blob_size(pIn);
  Blob temp;
  int rc;
  unsigned long int nOut2;
  if( nIn<=4 ){
    return 0;
  inBuf = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pIn);
  nOut = (inBuf[0]<<24) + (inBuf[1]<<16) + (inBuf[2]<<8) + inBuf[3];
  blob_resize(&temp, nOut+1);
  nOut2 = (long int)nOut;
  rc = uncompress((unsigned char*)blob_buffer(&temp), &nOut2,
                  &inBuf[4], nIn - 4);
  if( rc!=Z_OK ){
    return 1;
  blob_resize(&temp, nOut2);
  if( pOut==pIn ) blob_reset(pOut);
  *pOut = temp;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
** Implementation of /json/timeline/wiki.
cson_value * json_timeline_wiki(){
  /* This code is 95% the same as json_timeline_ci(), by the way. */
  cson_value * payV = NULL;
  cson_object * pay = NULL;
  cson_array * list = NULL;
  int check = 0;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
  Blob sql = empty_blob;
  if( !g.perm.RdWiki && !g.perm.Read ){
    json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Wiki timeline requires 'o' or 'j' access.");
    return NULL;
  payV = cson_value_new_object();
  pay = cson_value_get_object(payV);
  check = json_timeline_setup_sql( "w", &sql, pay );
    json_set_err(check, "Query initialization failed.");
    goto error;

#if 0
  /* only for testing! */
  cson_object_set(pay, "timelineSql", cson_value_new_string(blob_buffer(&sql),strlen(blob_buffer(&sql))));
  db_multi_exec("%s", blob_buffer(&sql) /*safe-for-%s*/);
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT"
             " uuid AS uuid,"
             " mtime AS timestamp,"
#if 0
             " timestampString AS timestampString,"
             " comment AS comment, "
             " user AS user,"
             " eventType AS eventType"
#if 0
             /* can wiki pages have tags? */
             " tags AS tags," /*FIXME: split this into
                                a JSON array*/
             " tagId AS tagId,"
             " FROM json_timeline"
             " ORDER BY rowid");
  list = cson_new_array();
  json_stmt_to_array_of_obj(&q, list);
  cson_object_set(pay, "timeline", cson_array_value(list));
  goto ok;
  assert( 0 != g.json.resultCode );
  payV = NULL;
  return payV;
Ejemplo n.º 5
** Compare two blobs.  Return negative, zero, or positive if the first
** blob is less then, equal to, or greater than the second.
int blob_compare(Blob *pA, Blob *pB){
  int szA, szB, sz, rc;
  szA = blob_size(pA);
  szB = blob_size(pB);
  sz = szA<szB ? szA : szB;
  rc = memcmp(blob_buffer(pA), blob_buffer(pB), sz);
  if( rc==0 ){
    rc = szA - szB;
  return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 6
** Initialize a blob to be the content of a file.  If the filename
** is blank or "-" then read from standard input.
** Any prior content of the blob is discarded, not freed.
** Return the number of bytes read. Calls fossil_fatal() error (i.e.
** it exit()s and does not return).
int blob_read_from_file(Blob *pBlob, const char *zFilename){
  int size, got;
  FILE *in;
  if( zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]==0
        || (zFilename[0]=='-' && zFilename[1]==0) ){
    return blob_read_from_channel(pBlob, stdin, -1);
  size = file_wd_size(zFilename);
  if( size<0 ){
    fossil_fatal("no such file: %s", zFilename);
  if( size==0 ){
    return 0;
  blob_resize(pBlob, size);
  in = fossil_fopen(zFilename, "rb");
  if( in==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("cannot open %s for reading", zFilename);
  got = fread(blob_buffer(pBlob), 1, size, in);
  if( got<size ){
    blob_resize(pBlob, got);
  return got;
Ejemplo n.º 7
** Process a single "config" card received from the other side of a
** sync session.
** Process a file full of "config" cards.
void configure_receive_all(Blob *pIn, int groupMask) {
    Blob line;
    int nToken;
    int size;
    Blob aToken[4];

    configHasBeenReset = 0;
    while( blob_line(pIn, &line) ) {
        if( blob_buffer(&line)[0]=='#' ) continue;
        nToken = blob_tokenize(&line, aToken, count(aToken));
        if( blob_eq(&aToken[0],"config")
                && nToken==3
                && blob_is_int(&aToken[2], &size)
          ) {
            const char *zName = blob_str(&aToken[1]);
            Blob content;
            blob_extract(pIn, size, &content);
            g.perm.Admin = g.perm.RdAddr = 1;
            configure_receive(zName, &content, groupMask);
            blob_seek(pIn, 1, BLOB_SEEK_CUR);
Ejemplo n.º 8
** Send content over the wire.
void transport_send(Blob *toSend){
  char *z = blob_buffer(toSend);
  int n = blob_size(toSend);
  transport.nSent += n;
  if( g.urlIsSsh ){
    int sent;
    sent = fwrite(z, 1, n, sshOut);
    /* printf("sent %d of %d bytes\n", sent, n); fflush(stdout); */
  }else if( g.urlIsHttps ){
    int sent;
    while( n>0 ){
      sent = ssl_send(0, z, n);
      /* printf("Sent %d of %d bytes\n", sent, n); fflush(stdout); */
      if( sent<=0 ) break;
      n -= sent;
  }else if( g.urlIsFile ){
    fwrite(z, 1, n, transport.pFile);
    int sent;
    while( n>0 ){
      sent = socket_send(0, z, n);
      /* printf("Sent %d of %d bytes\n", sent, n); fflush(stdout); */
      if( sent<=0 ) break;
      n -= sent;
Ejemplo n.º 9
** Compare N lines of text from pV1 and pV2.  If the lines
** are the same, return true.  Return false if one or more of the N
** lines are different.
** The cursors on both pV1 and pV2 is unchanged by this comparison.
static int sameLines(Blob *pV1, Blob *pV2, int N){
  char *z1, *z2;
  int i;
  char c;

  if( N==0 ) return 1;
  z1 = &blob_buffer(pV1)[blob_tell(pV1)];
  z2 = &blob_buffer(pV2)[blob_tell(pV2)];
  for(i=0; (c=z1[i])==z2[i]; i++){
    if( c=='\n' || c==0 ){
      if( N==0 || c==0 ) return 1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
** When using an extension header we still need to put something
** reasonable in the name and prefix fields. This is probably as
** good as it gets.
static void approximate_split_path(
  const char *zName,     /* path */
  int nName,             /* path length */
  char *pName,           /* name field */
  char *pPrefix,         /* prefix field */
  int bHeader            /* is this a 'x' type tar header? */
  int split;

  /* if this is a Pax Interchange header prepend "PaxHeader/"
  ** so we can tell files apart from metadata */
  if( bHeader ){
    blob_appendf(&tball.pax, "PaxHeader/%*.*s", nName, nName, zName);
    zName = blob_buffer(&tball.pax);
    nName = blob_size(&tball.pax);

  /* find the split position */
  split = find_split_pos(zName, nName);

  /* extract a name, truncate if needed */
  padded_copy(pName, USTAR_NAME_LEN, &zName[split], nName - split);

  /* extract a prefix field, truncate when needed */
  padded_copy(pPrefix, USTAR_PREFIX_LEN, zName, (split > 0 ? split-1 : 0));
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void html_raw_block(struct Blob *ob, struct Blob *text, void *opaque){
  char *data = blob_buffer(text);
  size_t first = 0, size = blob_size(text);
  while( first<size && data[first]=='\n' ) first++;
  while( size>first && data[size-1]=='\n' ) size--;
  blob_append(ob, data+first, size-first);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int html_image(
  struct Blob *ob,
  struct Blob *link,
  struct Blob *title,
  struct Blob *alt,
  void *opaque
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "<img src=\"");
  html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(link), blob_size(link));
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "\" alt=\"");
  html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(alt), blob_size(alt));
  if( title && blob_size(title)>0 ){
    BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "\" title=\"");
    html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(title), blob_size(title));
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "\" />");
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
** Return true if Blob p looks like it might be a parsable control artifact.
static int looks_like_control_artifact(Blob *p){
  const char *z = blob_buffer(p);
  int n = blob_size(p);
  if( n<10 ) return 0;
  if( strncmp(z, "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----", 34)==0 ) return 1;
  if( z[0]<'A' || z[0]>'Z' || z[1]!=' ' || z[0]=='I' ) return 0;
  if( z[n-1]!='\n' ) return 0;
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static int html_link(
  struct Blob *ob,
  struct Blob *link,
  struct Blob *title,
  struct Blob *content,
  void *opaque
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "<a href=\"");
  html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(link), blob_size(link));
  if( title && blob_size(title)>0 ){
    BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "\" title=\"");
    html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(title), blob_size(title));
  BLOB_APPEND_BLOB(ob, content);
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "</a>");
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 15
** Compare two blobs in constant time and return zero if they are equal.
** Constant time comparison only applies for blobs of the same length.
** If lengths are different, immediately returns 1.
int blob_constant_time_cmp(Blob *pA, Blob *pB){
  int szA, szB, i;
  unsigned char *buf1, *buf2;
  unsigned char rc = 0;

  szA = blob_size(pA);
  szB = blob_size(pB);
  if( szA!=szB || szA==0 ) return 1;

  buf1 = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pA);
  buf2 = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pB);

  for( i=0; i<szA; i++ ){
    rc = rc | (buf1[i] ^ buf2[i]);

  return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int html_autolink(
  struct Blob *ob,
  struct Blob *link,
  enum mkd_autolink type,
  void *opaque
  if( !link || blob_size(link)<=0 ) return 0;
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "<a href=\"");
  if( type==MKDA_IMPLICIT_EMAIL ) BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "mailto:");
  html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(link), blob_size(link));
  if( type==MKDA_EXPLICIT_EMAIL && blob_size(link)>7 ){
    /* remove "mailto:" from displayed text */
    html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(link)+7, blob_size(link)-7);
    html_escape(ob, blob_buffer(link), blob_size(link));
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "</a>");
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
** Compress a blob pIn.  Store the result in pOut.  It is ok for pIn and
** pOut to be the same blob.
** pOut must either be the same as pIn or else uninitialized.
void blob_compress(Blob *pIn, Blob *pOut){
  unsigned int nIn = blob_size(pIn);
  unsigned int nOut = 13 + nIn + (nIn+999)/1000;
  unsigned long int nOut2;
  unsigned char *outBuf;
  Blob temp;
  blob_resize(&temp, nOut+4);
  outBuf = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(&temp);
  outBuf[0] = nIn>>24 & 0xff;
  outBuf[1] = nIn>>16 & 0xff;
  outBuf[2] = nIn>>8 & 0xff;
  outBuf[3] = nIn & 0xff;
  nOut2 = (long int)nOut;
  compress(&outBuf[4], &nOut2,
           (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pIn), blob_size(pIn));
  if( pOut==pIn ) blob_reset(pOut);
  *pOut = temp;
  blob_resize(pOut, nOut2+4);
Ejemplo n.º 18
static void html_list_item(
  struct Blob *ob,
  struct Blob *text,
  int flags,
  void *opaque
  char *text_data = blob_buffer(text);
  size_t text_size = blob_size(text);
  while( text_size>0 && text_data[text_size-1]=='\n' ) text_size--;
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "<li>");
  blob_append(ob, text_data, text_size);
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "</li>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 19
** Return true if the blob contains a valid 32-bit integer.  Store
** the integer value in *pValue.
int blob_is_int(Blob *pBlob, int *pValue){
  const char *z = blob_buffer(pBlob);
  int i, n, c, v;
  n = blob_size(pBlob);
  v = 0;
  for(i=0; i<n && (c = z[i])!=0 && c>='0' && c<='9'; i++){
    v = v*10 + c - '0';
  if( i==n ){
    *pValue = v;
    return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
** TH1 command:  combobox NAME TEXT-LIST NUMLINES
** Generate an HTML combobox.  NAME is both the name of the
** CGI parameter and the name of a variable that contains the
** currently selected value.  TEXT-LIST is a list of possible
** values for the combobox.  NUMLINES is 1 for a true combobox.
** If NUMLINES is greater than one then the display is a listbox
** with the number of lines given.
static int comboboxCmd(
  Th_Interp *interp,
  void *p, 
  int argc, 
  const char **argv, 
  int *argl
  if( argc!=4 ){
    return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "combobox NAME TEXT-LIST NUMLINES");
  if( enableOutput ){
    int height;
    Blob name;
    int nValue;
    const char *zValue;
    char *z, *zH;
    int nElem;
    int *aszElem;
    char **azElem;
    int i;

    if( Th_ToInt(interp, argv[3], argl[3], &height) ) return TH_ERROR;
    Th_SplitList(interp, argv[2], argl[2], &azElem, &aszElem, &nElem);
    blob_init(&name, (char*)argv[1], argl[1]);
    zValue = Th_Fetch(blob_str(&name), &nValue);
    z = mprintf("<select name=\"%z\" size=\"%d\">", 
                 htmlize(blob_buffer(&name), blob_size(&name)), height);
    sendText(z, -1, 0);
    for(i=0; i<nElem; i++){
      zH = htmlize((char*)azElem[i], aszElem[i]);
      if( zValue && aszElem[i]==nValue 
             && memcmp(zValue, azElem[i], nValue)==0 ){
        z = mprintf("<option value=\"%s\" selected=\"selected\">%s</option>",
                     zH, zH);
        z = mprintf("<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>", zH, zH);
      sendText(z, -1, 0);
    sendText("</select>", -1, 0);
    Th_Free(interp, azElem);
  return TH_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 21
** Build a header for a file or directory and write that header
** into the growing tarball.
static void tar_add_header(
  const char *zName,     /* Name of the object */
  int nName,             /* Number of characters in zName */
  int iMode,             /* Mode.  0644 or 0755 */
  unsigned int mTime,    /* File modification time */
  int iSize,             /* Size of the object in bytes */
  char cType             /* Type of object:  
                            '0'==file. '2'==symlink. '5'==directory */
  /* set mode and modification time */
  sqlite3_snprintf(8, (char*)&tball.aHdr[100], "%07o", iMode);
  sqlite3_snprintf(12, (char*)&tball.aHdr[136], "%011o", mTime);

  /* see if we need to output a Pax Interchange Header */
  if( !is_iso646_name(zName, nName)
   || !tar_split_path(zName, nName, (char*)tball.aHdr, (char*)&tball.aHdr[345])
    int lastPage;
    /* add a file name for interoperability with older programs */
    approximate_split_path(zName, nName, (char*)tball.aHdr,
                           (char*)&tball.aHdr[345], 1);

    /* generate the Pax Interchange path header */
    add_pax_header("path", zName, nName);

    /* set the header length, and write the header */
    sqlite3_snprintf(12, (char*)&tball.aHdr[124], "%011o",

    /* write the Pax Interchange data */
    gzip_step(blob_buffer(&tball.pax), blob_size(&tball.pax));
    lastPage = blob_size(&tball.pax) % 512;
    if( lastPage!=0 ){
      gzip_step(tball.zSpaces, 512 - lastPage);

    /* generate an approximate path for the regular header */
    approximate_split_path(zName, nName, (char*)tball.aHdr,
                           (char*)&tball.aHdr[345], 0);
  /* set the size */
  sqlite3_snprintf(12, (char*)&tball.aHdr[124], "%011o", iSize);

  /* write the regular header */
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: name.c Proyecto: digsrc/fossil
** COMMAND:  test-name-to-id
** Convert a name to a full artifact ID.
void test_name_to_id(void){
  int i;
  Blob name;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    blob_init(&name, g.argv[i], -1);
    fossil_print("%s -> ", g.argv[i]);
    if( name_to_uuid(&name, 1, "*") ){
      fossil_print("ERROR: %s\n", g.zErrMsg);
      fossil_print("%s\n", blob_buffer(&name));
Ejemplo n.º 23
** Shell-escape the given string.  Append the result to a blob.
void shell_escape(Blob *pBlob, const char *zIn){
  int n = blob_size(pBlob);
  int k = strlen(zIn);
  int i, c;
  char *z;
  for(i=0; (c = zIn[i])!=0; i++){
    if( fossil_isspace(c) || c=='"' || (c=='\\' && zIn[i+1]!=0) ){
      blob_appendf(pBlob, "\"%s\"", zIn);
      z = blob_buffer(pBlob);
      for(i=n+1; i<=n+k; i++){
        if( z[i]=='"' ) z[i] = '_';
  blob_append(pBlob, zIn, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 24
** Initialize a blob to the data on an input channel.  Return
** the number of bytes read into the blob.  Any prior content
** of the blob is discarded, not freed.
int blob_read_from_channel(Blob *pBlob, FILE *in, int nToRead){
  size_t n;
  if( nToRead<0 ){
    char zBuf[10000];
    while( !feof(in) ){
      n = fread(zBuf, 1, sizeof(zBuf), in);
      if( n>0 ){
        blob_append(pBlob, zBuf, n);
    blob_resize(pBlob, nToRead);
    n = fread(blob_buffer(pBlob), 1, nToRead, in);
    blob_resize(pBlob, n);
  return blob_size(pBlob);
Ejemplo n.º 25
** Strip a possible byte-order-mark (BOM) from the blob. On Windows, if there
** is either no BOM at all or an (le/be) UTF-16 BOM, a conversion to UTF-8 is
** done.  If useMbcs is false and there is no BOM, the input string is assumed
** to be UTF-8 already, so no conversion is done.
void blob_to_utf8_no_bom(Blob *pBlob, int useMbcs){
  char *zUtf8;
  int bomSize = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  int bomReverse = 0;
  if( starts_with_utf8_bom(pBlob, &bomSize) ){
    struct Blob temp;
    zUtf8 = blob_str(pBlob) + bomSize;
    blob_append(&temp, zUtf8, -1);
    blob_swap(pBlob, &temp);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  }else if( starts_with_utf16_bom(pBlob, &bomSize, &bomReverse) ){
    zUtf8 = blob_buffer(pBlob);
    if( bomReverse ){
      /* Found BOM, but with reversed bytes */
      unsigned int i = blob_size(pBlob);
      while( i>0 ){
        /* swap bytes of unicode representation */
        char zTemp = zUtf8[--i];
        zUtf8[i] = zUtf8[i-1];
        zUtf8[--i] = zTemp;
    /* Make sure the blob contains two terminating 0-bytes */
    blob_append(pBlob, "", 1);
    zUtf8 = blob_str(pBlob) + bomSize;
    zUtf8 = fossil_unicode_to_utf8(zUtf8);
    blob_append(pBlob, zUtf8, -1);
#endif /* _WIN32 ||  __CYGWIN__ */
#if defined(_WIN32)
  }else if( useMbcs ){
    zUtf8 = fossil_mbcs_to_utf8(blob_str(pBlob));
    blob_append(pBlob, zUtf8, -1);
#endif /* _WIN32 */
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: doc.c Proyecto: digsrc/fossil
** Try to guess the mimetype from content.
** If the content is pure text, return NULL.
** For image types, attempt to return an appropriate mimetype
** name like "image/gif" or "image/jpeg".
** For any other binary type, return "unknown/unknown".
const char *mimetype_from_content(Blob *pBlob){
  int i;
  int n;
  const unsigned char *x;

  static const char isBinary[256] = {
     1, 1, 1, 1,  1, 1, 1, 1,    1, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 1, 1,
     1, 1, 1, 1,  1, 1, 1, 1,    1, 1, 0, 0,  1, 1, 1, 1

  /* A table of mimetypes based on file content prefixes
  static const struct {
    const char *zPrefix;       /* The file prefix */
    int size;                  /* Length of the prefix */
    const char *zMimetype;     /* The corresponding mimetype */
  } aMime[] = {
    { "GIF87a",                  6, "image/gif"  },
    { "GIF89a",                  6, "image/gif"  },
    { "\211PNG\r\n\032\n",       8, "image/png"  },
    { "\377\332\377",            3, "image/jpeg" },
    { "\377\330\377",            3, "image/jpeg" },

  x = (const unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pBlob);
  n = blob_size(pBlob);
  for(i=0; i<n; i++){
    unsigned char c = x[i];
    if( isBinary[c] ){
  if( i>=n ){
    return 0;   /* Plain text */
  for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aMime); i++){
    if( n>=aMime[i].size && memcmp(x, aMime[i].zPrefix, aMime[i].size)==0 ){
      return aMime[i].zMimetype;
  return "unknown/unknown";
Ejemplo n.º 27
** Implementation of the "content(X)" SQL function.  Return the complete
** content of artifact identified by X as a blob.
static void sqlcmd_content(
  sqlite3_context *context,
  int argc,
  sqlite3_value **argv
  int rid;
  Blob cx;
  const char *zName;
  assert( argc==1 );
  zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
  if( zName==0 ) return;
  g.db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context);
  g.repositoryOpen = 1;
  rid = name_to_rid(zName);
  if( rid==0 ) return;
  if( content_get(rid, &cx) ){
    sqlite3_result_blob(context, blob_buffer(&cx), blob_size(&cx), 
Ejemplo n.º 28
** Generates a diff between two versions (zFrom and zTo), using nContext
** content lines in the output. On success, returns a new JSON String
** object. On error it sets g.json's error state and returns NULL.
** If fSbs is true (non-0) them side-by-side diffs are used.
** If fHtml is true then HTML markup is added to the diff.
cson_value * json_generate_diff(const char *zFrom, const char *zTo,
                                int nContext, char fSbs,
                                char fHtml){
  int fromid;
  int toid;
  int outLen;
  Blob from = empty_blob, to = empty_blob, out = empty_blob;
  cson_value * rc = NULL;
  int flags = (DIFF_CONTEXT_MASK & nContext)
    | (fSbs ? DIFF_SIDEBYSIDE : 0)
    | (fHtml ? DIFF_HTML : 0);
  fromid = name_to_typed_rid(zFrom, "*");
                   "Could not resolve 'from' ID.");
      return NULL;
  toid = name_to_typed_rid(zTo, "*");
                   "Could not resolve 'to' ID.");
      return NULL;
  content_get(fromid, &from);
  content_get(toid, &to);
  text_diff(&from, &to, &out, 0, flags);
  outLen = blob_size(&out);
    rc = cson_value_new_string(blob_buffer(&out),
                               (unsigned int)blob_size(&out));
  return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 29
** Add a single file to the growing tarball.
static void tar_add_file(
  const char *zName,               /* Name of the file.  nul-terminated */
  Blob *pContent,                  /* Content of the file */
  int mPerm,                       /* 1: executable file, 2: symlink */
  unsigned int mTime               /* Last modification time of the file */
  int nName = strlen(zName);
  int n = blob_size(pContent);
  int lastPage;
  char cType = '0';

  /* length check moved to tar_split_path */
  tar_add_directory_of(zName, nName, mTime);

   * If we have a symlink, write its destination path (which is stored in
   * pContent) into header, and set content length to 0 to avoid storing path
   * as file content in the next step.  Since 'linkname' header is limited to
   * 100 bytes (-1 byte for terminating zero), if path is greater than that,
   * store symlink as a plain-text file. (Not sure how TAR handles long links.)
  if( mPerm == PERM_LNK && n <= 100 ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(100, (char*)&tball.aHdr[157], "%s", blob_str(pContent));
    cType = '2';
    n = 0;

  tar_add_header(zName, nName, ( mPerm==PERM_EXE ) ? 0755 : 0644, 
                 mTime, n, cType);
  if( n ){
    gzip_step(blob_buffer(pContent), n);
    lastPage = n % 512;
    if( lastPage!=0 ){
      gzip_step(tball.zSpaces, 512 - lastPage);
Ejemplo n.º 30
** COMMAND: test-integrity ?OPTIONS?
** Verify that all content can be extracted from the BLOB table correctly.
** If the BLOB table is correct, then the repository can always be
** successfully reconstructed using "fossil rebuild".
** Options:
**    --parse            Parse all manifests, wikis, tickets, events, and
**                       so forth, reporting any errors found.
void test_integrity(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob content;
  Blob cksum;
  int n1 = 0;
  int n2 = 0;
  int nErr = 0;
  int total;
  int nCA = 0;
  int anCA[10];
  int bParse = find_option("parse",0,0)!=0;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 2);
  memset(anCA, 0, sizeof(anCA));

  /* Make sure no public artifact is a delta from a private artifact */
    "SELECT "
    "   rid, (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.rid),"
    "   srcid, (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.srcid)"
    "  FROM delta"
    " WHERE srcid in private AND rid NOT IN private"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zId = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int srcid = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    const char *zSrc = db_column_text(&q, 3);
      "public artifact %S (%d) is a delta from private artifact %S (%d)\n",
      zId, rid, zSrc, srcid
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid, uuid, size FROM blob ORDER BY rid");
  total = db_int(0, "SELECT max(rid) FROM blob");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int size = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    fossil_print("  %d/%d\r", n1, total);
    if( size<0 ){
      fossil_print("skip phantom %d %s\n", rid, zUuid);
      continue;  /* Ignore phantoms */
    content_get(rid, &content);
    if( blob_size(&content)!=size ){
      fossil_print("size mismatch on artifact %d: wanted %d but got %d\n",
                     rid, size, blob_size(&content));
    sha1sum_blob(&content, &cksum);
    if( fossil_strcmp(blob_str(&cksum), zUuid)!=0 ){
      fossil_print("checksum mismatch on artifact %d: wanted %s but got %s\n",
                   rid, zUuid, blob_str(&cksum));
    if( bParse && looks_like_control_artifact(&content) ){
      Blob err;
      int i, n;
      char *z;
      Manifest *p;
      char zFirstLine[400];

      z = blob_buffer(&content);
      n = blob_size(&content);
      for(i=0; i<n && z[i] && z[i]!='\n' && i<sizeof(zFirstLine)-1; i++){}
      memcpy(zFirstLine, z, i);
      zFirstLine[i] = 0;
      p = manifest_parse(&content, 0, &err);
      if( p==0 ){
        fossil_print("manifest_parse failed for %s:\n%s\n",
               blob_str(&cksum), blob_str(&err));
        if( strncmp(blob_str(&err), "line 1:", 7)==0 ){
          fossil_print("\"%s\"\n", zFirstLine);
  fossil_print("%d non-phantom blobs (out of %d total) checked:  %d errors\n",
               n2, n1, nErr);
  if( bParse ){
    const char *azType[] = { 0, "manifest", "cluster", "control", "wiki",
                             "ticket", "attachment", "event" };
    int i;
    fossil_print("%d total control artifacts\n", nCA);
    for(i=1; i<count(azType); i++){
      if( anCA[i] ) fossil_print("  %d %ss\n", anCA[i], azType[i]);