Ejemplo n.º 1
static PyObject *
compress_helper(void * input, size_t nbytes, size_t typesize,
                int clevel, int shuffle, char *cname){

    int cbytes;
    PyObject *output = NULL;

    /* Alloc memory for compression */
    if (!(output = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, nbytes+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD)))
      return NULL;

    /* Select compressor */
    if (blosc_set_compressor(cname) < 0) {
      /* The compressor is not available (should never happen here) */
      blosc_error(-1, "compressor not available");
      return NULL;

    /* Compress */
    cbytes = blosc_compress(clevel, shuffle, typesize, nbytes,
                            input, PyBytes_AS_STRING(output),
    if (cbytes < 0) {
      blosc_error(cbytes, "while compressing data");
      return NULL;

    /* Attempt to resize, if it's much smaller, a copy is required. */
    if (_PyBytes_Resize(&output, cbytes) < 0){
        /* the memory exception will have been set, hopefully */
        return NULL;
    return output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // ctor
    BloscWrapper::BloscWrapper() {


        if (blosc_set_compressor("zlib") == -1) {

            std::cerr << "Blosc reports cannot use zlib.  Falling back to default" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
     * \brief Converts compressor ID string to category enum
     * \param[in] strCompressorType Compressor name as string
     * \param[in] iCompressionLevel Compression level (compressor dependent)
    bool setCompressor( const char *strCompressorType, int iCompressionLevel = -1 )
        compressor_type_e eCompressorType = CT_NONE;
        // if no compressor or compression is specified, use standard compressor
        // which leads to no compression
        if( 0 == iCompressionLevel || !strCompressorType || !*strCompressorType )
            strCompressorType = COMPRESSOR_DEFAULT_ID;
            iCompressionLevel = 0;
        // checking compressor names
        if( 0 == _strcmpi( strCompressorType, BLOSC_LZ4_ID ) )
            eCompressorType = CT_BLOSC;
        else if( 0 == _strcmpi( strCompressorType, BLOSC_LZ4HC_ID ) )
            eCompressorType = CT_BLOSC;
        else if( 0 == _strcmpi( strCompressorType, BLOSC_DEFAULT_ID ) )
            eCompressorType = CT_BLOSC;
        else if( 0 == _strcmpi( strCompressorType, QLIN16_ID ) )
            eCompressorType = CT_QLIN16;
        else if( 0 == _strcmpi( strCompressorType, QLOG16_ID ) )
            eCompressorType = CT_QLOG16;

        // check and acquire valid settings
        if( CT_NONE != eCompressorType )
            m_strCompressorType = strCompressorType;
            m_eCompressorType   = eCompressorType;

            if( iCompressionLevel >= 0 )
                m_iCompressionLevel = iCompressionLevel;

            if( m_eCompressorType == CT_BLOSC )
                blosc_set_compressor( m_strCompressorType );

            return true;
        else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Append a data buffer to a *packed* super-chunk. */
void* blosc2_packed_append_buffer(void* packed, size_t typesize, size_t nbytes, void* src) {
  int cname = *(int16_t*)((uint8_t*)packed + 4);
  int clevel = *(int16_t*)((uint8_t*)packed + 6);
  void* filters_chunk = (uint8_t*)packed + *(uint64_t*)((uint8_t*)packed + 40);
  uint8_t* filters = decode_filters(*(uint16_t*)((uint8_t*)packed + 8));
  int cbytes;
  void* chunk = malloc(nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  void* dest = malloc(nbytes);
  char* compname;
  int doshuffle;
  void* new_packed;

  /* Apply filters prior to compress */
  if (filters[0] == BLOSC_DELTA) {
    doshuffle = filters[1];
    if (filters_chunk == NULL) {
      /* For packed super-buffers, the filters schunk should exist */
      return NULL;
    delta_encoder8(filters_chunk, 0, (int)nbytes, src, dest);
    /* memcpy(dest, src, nbytes); */
    src = dest;
  else {
    doshuffle = filters[0];

  /* Compress the src buffer using super-chunk defaults */
  blosc_compcode_to_compname(cname, &compname);
  cbytes = blosc_compress(clevel, doshuffle, typesize, nbytes, src, chunk,
                          nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  if (cbytes < 0) {
    return NULL;

  /* We don't need dest and filters anymore */

  /* Append the chunk and free it */
  new_packed = packed_append_chunk(packed, chunk);

  return new_packed;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Check bitshuffle */
static const char *test_bitshuffle(void) {
  int cbytes2;

  /* Get a compressed buffer */
  blosc_set_compressor("blosclz");  /* avoid lz4 here for now (see #BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD8) */
  cbytes = blosc_compress(clevel, doshuffle, typesize, size, src,
                          dest, size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  mu_assert("ERROR: cbytes is not 0", cbytes < size);

  /* Activate the BLOSC_BITSHUFFLE variable */
  cbytes2 = blosc_compress(clevel, doshuffle, typesize, size, src,
                           dest, size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  mu_assert("ERROR: BLOSC_SHUFFLE=BITSHUFFLE does not work correctly",
            cbytes2 < cbytes * 1.5);

  /* Reset env var */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int64_t *_src;
  const char *result;
  size_t i;

  printf("STARTING TESTS for %s", argv[0]);


  /* Initialize buffers */
  src = blosc_test_malloc(BUFFER_ALIGN_SIZE, size);
  srccpy = blosc_test_malloc(BUFFER_ALIGN_SIZE, size);
  dest = blosc_test_malloc(BUFFER_ALIGN_SIZE, size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  dest2 = blosc_test_malloc(BUFFER_ALIGN_SIZE, size);
  _src = (int64_t *)src;
  for (i=0; i < (size / sizeof(int64_t)); i++) {
    _src[i] = (int64_t)i;
  memcpy(srccpy, src, size);

  /* Run all the suite */
  result = all_tests();
  if (result != 0) {
    printf(" (%s)\n", result);
  else {
    printf(" ALL TESTS PASSED");
  printf("\tTests run: %d\n", tests_run);



  return result != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Append a data buffer to a super-chunk. */
size_t blosc2_append_buffer(blosc2_sheader* sheader, size_t typesize,
                            size_t nbytes, void* src) {
  int cbytes;
  void* chunk = malloc(nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  uint8_t* dec_filters = decode_filters(sheader->filters);
  int clevel = sheader->clevel;
  char* compname;
  int doshuffle, ret;

  /* Apply filters prior to compress */
  if (dec_filters[0] == BLOSC_DELTA) {
    doshuffle = dec_filters[1];
    if (sheader->filters_chunk == NULL) {
      ret = blosc2_set_delta_ref(sheader, nbytes, src);
      if (ret < 0) {
  else {
    doshuffle = dec_filters[0];

  /* Compress the src buffer using super-chunk defaults */
  blosc_compcode_to_compname(sheader->compressor, &compname);
  cbytes = blosc_compress(clevel, doshuffle, typesize, nbytes, src, chunk,
                          nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
  if (cbytes < 0) {
    return cbytes;

  /* Append the chunk */
  return append_chunk(sheader, chunk);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void do_bench(char *compressor, char *shuffle, int nthreads, int size, int elsize,
              int rshift, FILE * ofile) {
  void *src, *srccpy;
  void *dest[NCHUNKS], *dest2;
  int nbytes = 0, cbytes = 0;
  int i, j, retcode;
  unsigned char *orig, *round;
  blosc_timestamp_t last, current;
  double tmemcpy, tshuf, tunshuf;
  int clevel, doshuffle;

  if (strcmp(shuffle, "shuffle") == 0) {
      doshuffle = BLOSC_SHUFFLE;
  else if (strcmp(shuffle, "bitshuffle") == 0) {
      doshuffle = BLOSC_BITSHUFFLE;
  else if (strcmp(shuffle, "noshuffle") == 0) {
      doshuffle = BLOSC_NOSHUFFLE;

  if(blosc_set_compressor(compressor) < 0){
    printf("Compiled w/o support for compressor: '%s', so sorry.\n",

  /* Initialize buffers */
  srccpy = malloc(size);
  retcode = posix_memalign( (void **)(&src), 32, size);
  retcode = posix_memalign( (void **)(&dest2), 32, size);

  /* zero src to initialize byte on it, and not only multiples of 4 */
  memset(src, 0, size);
  init_buffer(src, size, rshift);
  memcpy(srccpy, src, size);
  for (j = 0; j < nchunks; j++) {
     retcode = posix_memalign( (void **)(&dest[j]), 32, size+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);

  fprintf(ofile, "--> %d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s\n", nthreads, size, elsize, rshift, compressor, shuffle);
  fprintf(ofile, "********************** Run info ******************************\n");
  fprintf(ofile, "Blosc version: %s (%s)\n", BLOSC_VERSION_STRING, BLOSC_VERSION_DATE);
  fprintf(ofile, "Using synthetic data with %d significant bits (out of 32)\n", rshift);
  fprintf(ofile, "Dataset size: %d bytes\tType size: %d bytes\n", size, elsize);
  fprintf(ofile, "Working set: %.1f MB\t\t", (size*nchunks) / (float)MB);
  fprintf(ofile, "Number of threads: %d\n", nthreads);
  fprintf(ofile, "********************** Running benchmarks *********************\n");

  for (i = 0; i < niter; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < nchunks; j++) {
      memcpy(dest[j], src, size);
  tmemcpy = get_usec_chunk(last, current, niter, nchunks);
  fprintf(ofile, "memcpy(write):\t\t %6.1f us, %.1f MB/s\n",
         tmemcpy, (size * 1e6) / (tmemcpy*MB));

  for (i = 0; i < niter; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < nchunks; j++) {
      memcpy(dest2, dest[j], size);
  tmemcpy = get_usec_chunk(last, current, niter, nchunks);
  fprintf(ofile, "memcpy(read):\t\t %6.1f us, %.1f MB/s\n",
         tmemcpy, (size * 1e6) / (tmemcpy*MB));

  for (clevel=0; clevel<10; clevel++) {

    fprintf(ofile, "Compression level: %d\n", clevel);

    for (i = 0; i < niter; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < nchunks; j++) {
        cbytes = blosc_compress(clevel, doshuffle, elsize, size, src,
                                dest[j], size+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
    tshuf = get_usec_chunk(last, current, niter, nchunks);
    fprintf(ofile, "comp(write):\t %6.1f us, %.1f MB/s\t  ",
           tshuf, (size * 1e6) / (tshuf*MB));
    fprintf(ofile, "Final bytes: %d  ", cbytes);
    if (cbytes > 0) {
      fprintf(ofile, "Ratio: %3.2f", size/(float)cbytes);
    fprintf(ofile, "\n");

    /* Compressor was unable to compress.  Copy the buffer manually. */
    if (cbytes == 0) {
      for (j = 0; j < nchunks; j++) {
        memcpy(dest[j], src, size);

    for (i = 0; i < niter; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < nchunks; j++) {
        if (cbytes == 0) {
          memcpy(dest2, dest[j], size);
          nbytes = size;
        else {
          nbytes = blosc_decompress(dest[j], dest2, size);
    tunshuf = get_usec_chunk(last, current, niter, nchunks);
    fprintf(ofile, "decomp(read):\t %6.1f us, %.1f MB/s\t  ",
           tunshuf, (nbytes * 1e6) / (tunshuf*MB));
    if (nbytes < 0) {
      fprintf(ofile, "FAILED.  Error code: %d\n", nbytes);
    /* fprintf(ofile, "Orig bytes: %d\tFinal bytes: %d\n", cbytes, nbytes); */

    /* Check if data has had a good roundtrip.
       Byte-by-byte comparison is slow, so use 'memcmp' to check whether the
       roundtripped data is correct. If not, fall back to the slow path to
       print diagnostic messages. */
    orig = (unsigned char *)srccpy;
    round = (unsigned char *)dest2;
    if (memcmp(orig, round, size) != 0)
      for(i = 0; i<size; ++i){
        if (orig[i] != round[i]) {
          fprintf(ofile, "\nError: Original data and round-trip do not match in pos %d\n",
          fprintf(ofile, "Orig--> %x, round-trip--> %x\n", orig[i], round[i]);
    else { i = size; }

    if (i == size) fprintf(ofile, "OK\n");

  } /* End clevel loop */

  /* To compute the totalsize, we should take into account the 10
     compression levels */
  totalsize += (size * nchunks * niter * 10.);

  aligned_free(src); free(srccpy); aligned_free(dest2);
  for (i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) {

Ejemplo n.º 9
static PyObject *
compress_helper(void * input, size_t nbytes, size_t typesize,
                int clevel, int shuffle, char *cname){

  int cbytes, blocksize, nthreads;
  PyObject *output;
  char *output_ptr;
  PyThreadState *_save = NULL;

  /* Alloc memory for compression */
  if (!(output = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, nbytes+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD)))
    return NULL;

  /* Select compressor */
  if (blosc_set_compressor(cname) < 0) {
    /* The compressor is not available (should never happen here) */
    blosc_error(-1, "compressor not available");
    return NULL;

  /* Compress */
  // This macro probably doesn't require the Python interpreter but let's leave it outside for safety
  output_ptr = PyBytes_AS_STRING(output);

    // Run with GIL released, tiny overhead penalty from this (although it
    // may be significant for smaller chunks.) 
    _save = PyEval_SaveThread();
    blocksize = blosc_get_blocksize();
    // if blocksize==0, blosc_compress_ctx will try to auto-optimize it.
    nthreads = blosc_get_nthreads();
    cbytes = blosc_compress_ctx(clevel, shuffle, typesize, nbytes,
			  input, output_ptr, nbytes+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD,
               cname, blocksize, nthreads);
     _save = NULL;
  { // Hold onto the Python GIL while compressing
    cbytes = blosc_compress(clevel, shuffle, typesize, nbytes,
			  input, output_ptr,

  if (cbytes < 0) {
    blosc_error(cbytes, "while compressing data");
    return NULL;
  /* Attempt to resize, if it's much smaller, a copy is required. */
  if (_PyBytes_Resize(&output, cbytes) < 0){
    /* the memory exception will have been set, hopefully */
    return NULL;

  return output;