lref_t lstructurep(lref_t st, lref_t expected_layout) { if (!STRUCTUREP(st)) return boolcons(false); if (!NULLP(expected_layout) && (expected_layout != STRUCTURE_LAYOUT(st))) return boolcons(false); return boolcons(true); }
lref_t linput_portp(lref_t obj) { if (PORTP(obj) && PORT_INPUTP(obj)) return obj; return boolcons(false); }
lref_t loutput_portp(lref_t obj) { if (PORTP(obj) && PORT_OUTPUTP(obj)) return obj; return boolcons(false); }
lref_t lport_translate_mode(lref_t port) { if (!TEXT_PORTP(port)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(1, port); return boolcons(PORT_TEXT_INFO(port)->translate); }
lref_t lbinary_portp(lref_t obj) { if (BINARY_PORTP(obj)) return obj; return boolcons(false); }
lref_t lport_openp(lref_t obj) { if (!PORTP(obj)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(1, obj); return boolcons(!PORT_CLOSEDP(obj)); }
lref_t leof_objectp(lref_t obj) { if (EOFP(obj)) return obj; return boolcons(false); }
lref_t lifoplog_enable(lref_t enablep) { lref_t prev = boolcons(CURRENT_TIB()->foplog_enable); CURRENT_TIB()->foplog_enable = TRUEP(enablep); return prev; }
lref_t lset_interrupt_mask(lref_t new_mask) { bool previous_mask = interp.intr_masked; interp.intr_masked = TRUEP(new_mask); return boolcons(previous_mask); }
lref_t lfresh_line(lref_t port) { if (NULLP(port)) port = CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT(); if (!TEXT_PORTP(port)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(1, port); if (PORT_INPUTP(port)) vmerror_unsupported(_T("cannot fresh-line to input ports")); if ((PORT_TEXT_INFO(port)->col != 0) && !PORT_TEXT_INFO(port)->needs_lf) { lnewline(port); return boolcons(true); } return boolcons(false); }
lref_t lrich_write(lref_t obj, lref_t machine_readable, lref_t port) { if (NULLP(port)) port = CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT(); if (!PORTP(port)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(3, port); if (PORT_INPUTP(port)) vmerror_unsupported(_T("cannot rich-write to input ports")); if (PORT_CLASS(port)->rich_write == NULL) return boolcons(false); if (PORT_CLASS(port)->rich_write(port, obj, TRUEP(machine_readable))) return port; return boolcons(false); }
lref_t lport_set_translate_mode(lref_t port, lref_t mode) { if (!TEXT_PORTP(port)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(1, port); if (!BOOLP(mode)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(2, mode); lflush_port(port); bool old_translate_mode = PORT_TEXT_INFO(port)->translate; PORT_TEXT_INFO(port)->translate = TRUEP(mode); return boolcons(old_translate_mode); }
static lref_t find_package(lref_t name) { _TCHAR *n = get_c_string(name); for (lref_t l = interp.fasl_package_list; CONSP(l); l = CDR(l)) { lref_t p = CAR(l); if (!PACKAGEP(p)) panic("damaged package list"); if (_tcscmp(n, get_c_string(p-> == 0) return p; } return boolcons(false); }
lref_t lset_stack_limit(lref_t amount) { size_t new_size_limit = 0; if (!NULLP(amount) && !FALSEP(amount)) new_size_limit = get_c_long(amount); void *new_limit_obj = sys_set_stack_limit(new_size_limit); if (!new_size_limit) { dscwritef(DF_SHOW_GC, ("stack limit disabled!")); return boolcons(false); } dscwritef(DF_SHOW_GC, ("stack_size = ~cd bytes, [~c&,~c&]\n", new_size_limit, new_limit_obj, sys_get_stack_start())); return fixcons(new_size_limit); }
static void fast_read(lref_t reader, lref_t * retval, bool allow_loader_ops /* = false */ ) { lref_t *fasl_table_entry = NULL; *retval = NIL; if (!FASL_READER_P(reader)) vmerror_wrong_type_n(1, reader); assert(NULLP(FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->table) || VECTORP(FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->table)); /* The core of this function is wrapped in a giant while loop to remove * tail recursive calls. Some opcodes don't directly return anything: * they just tail recursively read the next opcode after performing their * action via side effect. */ bool current_read_complete = false; while (!current_read_complete) { /* Assume we're going to complete the read unless we find out otherwise.. */ current_read_complete = true; size_t opcode_location = PORT_BYTES_READ(FASL_READER_PORT(reader)); enum fasl_opcode_t opcode = fast_read_opcode(reader); fixnum_t index = 0; lref_t name; if (DEBUG_FLAG(DF_FASL_SHOW_OPCODES)) { const _TCHAR *opcode_name = fasl_opcode_name(opcode); dscwritef(DF_FASL_SHOW_OPCODES, (_T("; DEBUG: fasl-opcode@~cx :~cS\n"), opcode_location, opcode_name ? opcode_name : _T("<INVALID>"))); } switch (opcode) { case FASL_OP_NIL: *retval = NIL; break; case FASL_OP_TRUE: *retval = boolcons(true); break; case FASL_OP_FALSE: *retval = boolcons(false); break; case FASL_OP_CHARACTER: fast_read_character(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_LIST: fast_read_list(reader, false, retval); break; case FASL_OP_LISTD: fast_read_list(reader, true, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FIX8: fast_read_fixnum_int8(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FIX16: fast_read_fixnum_int16(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FIX32: fast_read_fixnum_int32(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FIX64: fast_read_fixnum_int64(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FLOAT: fast_read_flonum(reader, false, retval); break; case FASL_OP_COMPLEX: fast_read_flonum(reader, true, retval); break; case FASL_OP_STRING: fast_read_string(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_PACKAGE: fast_read_package(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_VECTOR: fast_read_vector(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_HASH: fast_read_hash(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_CLOSURE: fast_read_closure(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_MACRO: fast_read_macro(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_SYMBOL: fast_read_symbol(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_SUBR: fast_read_subr(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_STRUCTURE: fast_read_structure(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_STRUCTURE_LAYOUT: fast_read_structure_layout(reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FAST_OP_0: fast_read_fast_op(0, false, reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FAST_OP_1: fast_read_fast_op(1, false, reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FAST_OP_2: fast_read_fast_op(2, false, reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FAST_OP_0N: fast_read_fast_op(0, true, reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FAST_OP_1N: fast_read_fast_op(1, true, reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_FAST_OP_2N: fast_read_fast_op(2, true, reader, retval); break; case FASL_OP_NOP_1: case FASL_OP_NOP_2: case FASL_OP_NOP_3: current_read_complete = false; break; case FASL_OP_COMMENT_1: case FASL_OP_COMMENT_2: fast_read_to_newline(reader); current_read_complete = false; break; case FASL_OP_RESET_READER_DEFS: FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->table = NIL; current_read_complete = false; break; case FASL_OP_READER_DEFINITION: index = fast_read_table_index(reader); fasl_table_entry = &(FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->table->[index]); fast_read(reader, fasl_table_entry, allow_loader_ops); /* This should throw if the FASL table was resized * during the call to read. */ assert(fasl_table_entry == &(FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->table->[index])); *retval = *fasl_table_entry; break; case FASL_OP_READER_REFERENCE: index = fast_read_table_index(reader); *retval = FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->table->[index]; break; case FASL_OP_EOF: *retval = lmake_eof(); break; case FASL_OP_LOADER_DEFINEQ: case FASL_OP_LOADER_DEFINEA0: if (!allow_loader_ops) vmerror_fast_read(_T("loader definitions not allowed outside loader"), reader, NIL); fast_read_loader_definition(reader, opcode); current_read_complete = false; break; case FASL_OP_LOADER_APPLY0: case FASL_OP_LOADER_APPLYN: if (!allow_loader_ops) vmerror_fast_read(_T("loader function applications not allowed outside loader"), reader, NIL); fast_read_loader_application(reader, opcode); break; case FASL_OP_BEGIN_LOAD_UNIT: if (!allow_loader_ops) vmerror_fast_read(_T("load units are not allowed outside loader"), reader, NIL); fast_read(reader, &name, allow_loader_ops); dscwritef(DF_SHOW_FAST_LOAD_UNITS, ("; DEBUG: FASL entering unit ~s\n", name)); break; case FASL_OP_END_LOAD_UNIT: if (!allow_loader_ops) vmerror_fast_read(_T("load units are not allowed outside loader"), reader, NIL); fast_read(reader, &name, allow_loader_ops); dscwritef(DF_SHOW_FAST_LOAD_UNITS, ("; DEBUG: FASL leaving unit ~s\n", name)); break; case FASL_OP_LOADER_PUSH: fast_loader_stack_push(reader, FASL_READER_STREAM(reader)->accum); break; case FASL_OP_LOADER_DROP: fast_loader_stack_pop(reader); break; default: vmerror_fast_read("invalid opcode", reader, fixcons(opcode)); } } }
lref_t lportp(lref_t obj) { return boolcons(PORTP(obj)); }
static lref_t execute_fast_op(lref_t fop, lref_t env) { lref_t retval = NIL; lref_t sym; lref_t binding; lref_t fn; lref_t args; size_t argc; lref_t argv[ARG_BUF_LEN]; lref_t after; lref_t tag; lref_t cell; lref_t escape_retval; jmp_buf *jmpbuf; STACK_CHECK(&fop); _process_interrupts(); fstack_enter_eval_frame(&fop, fop, env); while(!NULLP(fop)) { switch(fop->header.opcode) { case FOP_LITERAL: retval = fop->as.fast_op.arg1; fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GLOBAL_REF: sym = fop->as.fast_op.arg1; binding = SYMBOL_VCELL(sym); if (UNBOUND_MARKER_P(binding)) vmerror_unbound(sym); retval = binding; fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GLOBAL_SET: sym = fop->as.fast_op.arg1; binding = SYMBOL_VCELL(sym); if (UNBOUND_MARKER_P(binding)) vmerror_unbound(sym); SET_SYMBOL_VCELL(sym, retval); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_APPLY_GLOBAL: sym = fop->as.fast_op.arg1; fn = SYMBOL_VCELL(sym); if (UNBOUND_MARKER_P(fn)) vmerror_unbound(sym); argc = 0; args = fop->as.fast_op.arg2; while (CONSP(args)) { if (argc >= ARG_BUF_LEN) { vmerror_unsupported(_T("too many actual arguments")); break; } argv[argc] = execute_fast_op(CAR(args), env); args = CDR(args); argc++; } if (!NULLP(args)) vmerror_arg_out_of_range(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, _T("bad formal argument list")); fop = apply(fn, argc, argv, &env, &retval); break; case FOP_APPLY: argc = 0; fn = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); args = fop->as.fast_op.arg2; while (CONSP(args)) { if (argc >= ARG_BUF_LEN) { vmerror_unsupported(_T("too many actual arguments")); break; } argv[argc] = execute_fast_op(CAR(args), env); args = CDR(args); argc++; } if (!NULLP(args)) vmerror_arg_out_of_range(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, _T("bad formal argument list")); fop = apply(fn, argc, argv, &env, &retval); break; case FOP_IF_TRUE: if (TRUEP(retval)) fop = fop->as.fast_op.arg1; else fop = fop->as.fast_op.arg2; break; case FOP_RETVAL: fop = fop->; break; case FOP_SEQUENCE: retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); fop = fop->as.fast_op.arg2; break; case FOP_THROW: tag = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); escape_retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); dscwritef(DF_SHOW_THROWS, (_T("; DEBUG: throw ~a, retval = ~a\n"), tag, escape_retval)); CURRENT_TIB()->escape_frame = find_matching_escape(CURRENT_TIB()->frame, tag); CURRENT_TIB()->escape_value = escape_retval; if (CURRENT_TIB()->escape_frame == NULL) { /* If we don't find a matching catch for the throw, we have a * problem and need to invoke a trap. */ vmtrap(TRAP_UNCAUGHT_THROW, (enum vmt_options_t)(VMT_MANDATORY_TRAP | VMT_HANDLER_MUST_ESCAPE), 2, tag, escape_retval); } unwind_stack_for_throw(); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_CATCH: tag = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); jmpbuf = fstack_enter_catch_frame(tag, CURRENT_TIB()->frame); dscwritef(DF_SHOW_THROWS, (_T("; DEBUG: setjmp tag: ~a, frame: ~c&, jmpbuf: ~c&\n"), tag, CURRENT_TIB()->frame, jmpbuf)); if (setjmp(*jmpbuf) == 0) { retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); } else { dscwritef(DF_SHOW_THROWS, (_T("; DEBUG: catch, retval = ~a\n"), CURRENT_TIB()->escape_value)); retval = CURRENT_TIB()->escape_value; CURRENT_TIB()->escape_value = NIL; } fstack_leave_frame(); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_WITH_UNWIND_FN: fstack_enter_unwind_frame(execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env)); retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); after = CURRENT_TIB()->frame[FOFS_UNWIND_AFTER]; fstack_leave_frame(); apply1(after, 0, NULL); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_CLOSURE: retval = lclosurecons(env, lcons(lcar(fop->as.fast_op.arg1), fop->as.fast_op.arg2), lcdr(fop->as.fast_op.arg1)); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_CAR: retval = lcar(retval); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_CDR: retval = lcdr(retval); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_NOT: retval = boolcons(!TRUEP(retval)); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_NULLP: retval = boolcons(NULLP(retval)); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_EQP: retval = boolcons(EQ(execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env), execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env))); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GET_ENV: retval = env; fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GLOBAL_DEF: // three args, third was genv, but currently unused retval = lidefine_global(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, fop->as.fast_op.arg2); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GET_FSP: retval = fixcons((fixnum_t)CURRENT_TIB()->fsp); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GET_FRAME: retval = fixcons((fixnum_t)CURRENT_TIB()->frame); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GET_HFRAMES: retval = CURRENT_TIB()->handler_frames; fop = fop->; break; case FOP_SET_HFRAMES: CURRENT_TIB()->handler_frames = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_GLOBAL_PRESERVE_FRAME: sym = fop->as.fast_op.arg1; binding = SYMBOL_VCELL(sym); if (UNBOUND_MARKER_P(binding)) vmerror_unbound(sym); SET_SYMBOL_VCELL(sym, fixcons((fixnum_t)CURRENT_TIB()->frame)); retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_STACK_BOUNDARY: sym = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); fstack_enter_boundary_frame(sym); retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); fstack_leave_frame(); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_FAST_ENQUEUE_CELL: retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); cell = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env); SET_CDR(CAR(retval), cell); SET_CAR(retval, cell); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_WHILE_TRUE: while(TRUEP(execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg1, env))) { retval = execute_fast_op(fop->as.fast_op.arg2, env); } fop = fop->; break; case FOP_LOCAL_REF_BY_INDEX: retval = lenvlookup_by_index(FIXNM(fop->as.fast_op.arg1), FIXNM(fop->as.fast_op.arg2), env); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_LOCAL_REF_RESTARG: retval = lenvlookup_restarg_by_index(FIXNM(fop->as.fast_op.arg1), FIXNM(fop->as.fast_op.arg2), env); fop = fop->; break; case FOP_LOCAL_SET_BY_INDEX: lenvlookup_set_by_index(FIXNM(fop->as.fast_op.arg1), FIXNM(fop->as.fast_op.arg2), env, retval); fop = fop->; break; default: panic("Unsupported fast-op"); } } fstack_leave_frame(); return retval; }