Ejemplo n.º 1
void editor_map::sanity_check()
	int errors = 0;
	if (total_width() != static_cast<int>(tiles_.size())) {
		ERR_ED << "total_width is " << total_width() << " but tiles_.size() is " << tiles_.size() << "\n";
	if (total_height() != static_cast<int>(tiles_[0].size())) {
		ERR_ED << "total_height is " << total_height() << " but tiles_[0].size() is " << tiles_.size() << "\n";
	if (w() + 2 * border_size() != total_width()) {
		ERR_ED << "h is " << h_ << " and border_size is " << border_size() << " but total_width is " << total_width() << "\n";
	if (h() + 2 * border_size() != total_height()) {
		ERR_ED << "w is " << w_ << " and border_size is " << border_size() << " but total_height is " << total_height() << "\n";
	for (size_t i = 1; i < tiles_.size(); ++i) {
		if (tiles_[i].size() != tiles_[0].size()) {
			ERR_ED << "tiles_[ " << i << "] has size() " << tiles_[i].size() << " but tiles[0] has size() " << tiles_[0].size() << "\n";
	BOOST_FOREACH(const map_location& loc, selection_) {
		if (!on_board_with_border(loc)) {
			ERR_ED << "Off-map tile in selection: " << loc << "\n";
	if (errors) {
		throw editor_map_integrity_error();
Ejemplo n.º 2
gamemap editor_map::mask_to(const gamemap& target) const
	if (target.w() != w() || target.h() != h()) {
		throw editor_action_exception(_("The size of the target map is different from the current map"));
	gamemap mask(target);
	map_location iter;
	for (iter.x = -border_size(); iter.x < w() + border_size(); ++iter.x) {
		for (iter.y = -border_size(); iter.y < h() + border_size(); ++iter.y) {
			if (target.get_terrain(iter) == get_terrain(iter)) {
				mask.set_terrain(iter, t_translation::FOGGED);
	return mask;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void gamemap::read(const std::string& data, const bool allow_invalid)
	tiles_ = t_translation::ter_map();

	if(data.empty()) {
		w_ = 0;
		h_ = 0;
		if(allow_invalid) return;

	int offset = read_header(data);

	const std::string& data_only = std::string(data, offset);

	try {
		tiles_ = t_translation::read_game_map(data_only, starting_positions_, t_translation::coordinate{ border_size(), border_size() });

	} catch(const t_translation::error& e) {
		// We re-throw the error but as map error.
		// Since all codepaths test for this, it's the least work.
		throw incorrect_map_format_error(e.message);

	// Post processing on the map
	w_ = total_width() - 2 * border_size();
	h_ = total_height() - 2 * border_size();
	//Disabled since there are callcases which pass along a valid map header but empty
	//map data. Still, loading (and actually applying) an empty map causes problems later on.
	//Other callcases which need to load a dummy map use completely empty data :(.
	//VALIDATE((w_ >= 1 && h_ >= 1), "A map needs at least 1 tile, the map cannot be loaded.");

	for(int x = 0; x < total_width(); ++x) {
		for(int y = 0; y < total_height(); ++y) {

			// Is the terrain valid?
			t_translation::terrain_code t = tiles_.get(x, y);
			if(tdata_->map().count(t) == 0) {
				if(!tdata_->try_merge_terrains(t)) {
					std::stringstream ss;
					ss << "Unknown tile in map: (" << t_translation::write_terrain_code(t)
						   << ") '" << t << "'";
					throw incorrect_map_format_error(ss.str().c_str());

			// Is it a village?
			if(x >= border_size() && y >= border_size()
					&& x < total_width()- border_size() && y < total_height()- border_size()
					&& tdata_->is_village(tiles_.get(x, y))) {
				villages_.push_back(map_location(x - border_size(), y - border_size()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
std::vector<map_location> gamemap::parse_location_range(const std::string &x, const std::string &y,
	bool with_border) const
	std::vector<map_location> res;
	const std::vector<std::string> xvals = utils::split(x);
	const std::vector<std::string> yvals = utils::split(y);
	int xmin = 1, xmax = w(), ymin = 1, ymax = h();
	if (with_border) {
		int bs = border_size();
		xmin -= bs;
		xmax += bs;
		ymin -= bs;
		ymax += bs;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < xvals.size() || i < yvals.size(); ++i)
		std::pair<int,int> xrange, yrange;

		if (i < xvals.size()) {
			xrange = utils::parse_range(xvals[i]);
			if (xrange.first < xmin) xrange.first = xmin;
			if (xrange.second > xmax) xrange.second = xmax;
		} else {
			xrange.first = xmin;
			xrange.second = xmax;

		if (i < yvals.size()) {
			yrange = utils::parse_range(yvals[i]);
			if (yrange.first < ymin) yrange.first = ymin;
			if (yrange.second > ymax) yrange.second = ymax;
		} else {
			yrange.first = ymin;
			yrange.second = ymax;

		for(int x = xrange.first; x <= xrange.second; ++x) {
			for(int y = yrange.first; y <= yrange.second; ++y) {
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void gamemap::overlay(const gamemap& m, const config& rules_cfg, int xpos, int ypos, bool border)
	const config::const_child_itors &rules = rules_cfg.child_range("rule");
	int actual_border = (m.border_size() == border_size()) && border ? border_size() : 0;

	const int xstart = std::max<int>(-actual_border, -xpos - actual_border);
	const int ystart = std::max<int>(-actual_border, -ypos - actual_border - ((xpos & 1) ? 1 : 0));
	const int xend = std::min<int>(m.w() + actual_border, w() + actual_border - xpos);
	const int yend = std::min<int>(m.h() + actual_border, h() + actual_border - ypos);
	for(int x1 = xstart; x1 < xend; ++x1) {
		for(int y1 = ystart; y1 < yend; ++y1) {
			const int x2 = x1 + xpos;
			const int y2 = y1 + ypos +
				((xpos & 1) && (x1 & 1) ? 1 : 0);

			const t_translation::t_terrain t = m[x1][y1 + m.border_size_];
			const t_translation::t_terrain current = (*this)[x2][y2 + border_size_];

			if(t == t_translation::FOGGED || t == t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN) {

			// See if there is a matching rule
			config::const_child_iterator rule = rules.first;
			for( ; rule != rules.second; ++rule)
				static const std::string src_key = "old", dst_key = "new";
				const config &cfg = *rule;
				const t_translation::t_list& src = t_translation::read_list(cfg[src_key]);

				if(!src.empty() && t_translation::terrain_matches(current, src) == false) {

				const t_translation::t_list& dst = t_translation::read_list(cfg[dst_key]);

				if(!dst.empty() && t_translation::terrain_matches(t, dst) == false) {


			if (rule != rules.second)
				const config &cfg = *rule;
				const t_translation::t_list& terrain = t_translation::read_list(cfg["terrain"]);

				terrain_type_data::tmerge_mode mode = terrain_type_data::BOTH;
				if (cfg["layer"] == "base") {
					mode = terrain_type_data::BASE;
				else if (cfg["layer"] == "overlay") {
					mode = terrain_type_data::OVERLAY;

				t_translation::t_terrain new_terrain = t;
				if(!terrain.empty()) {
					new_terrain = terrain[0];

				if (!cfg["use_old"].to_bool()) {
					set_terrain(map_location(x2, y2), new_terrain, mode, cfg["replace_if_failed"].to_bool());

			} else {

	for(const map_location* pos = m.startingPositions_;
			pos != m.startingPositions_ + sizeof(m.startingPositions_)/sizeof(*m.startingPositions_);
			++pos) {

		if(pos->valid()) {
			startingPositions_[pos - m.startingPositions_] = *pos;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void DropDownList::show(bool in_place, wxPoint pos, RealRect* rect) {
    if (IsShown()) return;
    // find selection
    selected_item = selection();
    // width
    size_t count = itemCount();
    if (item_size.width == 100) { // not initialized
        wxClientDC dc(this);
        for (size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
            int text_width;
            dc.GetTextExtent(capitalize(itemText(i)), &text_width, 0);
            item_size.width = max(item_size.width, text_width + icon_size.width + 14); // 14 = room for popup arrow + padding
    // height
    int line_count = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) if (lineBelow(i)) line_count += 1;
    // size
    RealSize border_size(2,2); // GetClientSize() - GetSize(), assume 1px borders
    RealSize size(
        item_size.width + marginW * 2,
        item_size.height * count + marginH * 2 + line_count
    // placement
    int parent_height = 0;
    if (!in_place && viewer) {
        // Position the drop down list below the editor control (based on the style)
        Rotation rot = viewer->viewer.getRotation();
        Rotater rr(rot, viewer->getRotation());
        RealRect r = rot.trRectToBB(rect ? *rect : rot.getInternalRect());
        if (viewer->viewer.nativeLook()) {
            pos           = RealPoint(r.x - 3, r.y - 3);
            size.width    = max(size.width, r.width + 6);
            parent_height = (int)r.height + 6;
        } else {
            pos           = RealPoint(r.x - 1, r.y - 1);
            parent_height = (int)r.height;
    } else if (parent_menu) {
        parent_height = -(int)item_size.height - 1;
    pos = GetParent()->ClientToScreen(pos);
    // virtual size = item size
    RealSize virtual_size = size;
    item_size.width = virtual_size.width - marginW * 2;
    // is there enough room for all items, or do we need a scrollbar?
    int room_below = wxGetDisplaySize().y - border_size.height - pos.y - parent_height - 50;
    int max_height = max(300, room_below);
    if (size.height > max_height) {
        size.height = max_height;
        size.width += wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_ARROW_X); // width of scrollbar
        SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, 0, size.height, virtual_size.height, false);
    } else {
    // move & resize
    SetSize(add_diagonal(size, border_size));
    Position(pos, wxSize(0, parent_height));
    // visible item
    visible_start = 0;
    // set event handler
    if (hider) {
        GetParent()                     ->PushEventHandler(hider2);
    // show
    if (selected_item == NO_SELECTION && itemCount() > 0) selected_item = 0; // select first item by default
    mouse_down = false;
    close_on_mouse_out = false;
    if (isRoot() && GetParent()->HasCapture()) {
        // release capture on parent
    // fix drop down arrow
Ejemplo n.º 7
Rect get_window_frame_size()
#ifdef WIN32
	RECT border_rect;
	border_rect.left = 200;
	border_rect.right = 200 + 200;
	border_rect.top = 200;
	border_rect.bottom = 200 + 200;
	Rect border_size(border_rect.left - 200, border_rect.top - 200, border_rect.right - 400, border_rect.bottom - 400);


	Display *d;
	Window w;
		throw Exception("Cannot open display");
	int s=DefaultScreen(d);
	const int win_xpos = 128;
	const int win_ypos = 128;
	const int win_width = 128;
	const int win_height = 128;
	w=XCreateSimpleWindow(d, RootWindow(d, s), win_xpos, win_ypos, win_width, win_height, 0, BlackPixel(d, s), WhitePixel(d, s));
	XSelectInput(d, w, 
		ExposureMask |
		KeyPressMask |
		KeyReleaseMask |
		ButtonPressMask |
		ButtonReleaseMask |
		StructureNotifyMask |
		PropertyChangeMask |
		PointerMotionMask |
		EnterWindowMask |
		LeaveWindowMask |
		KeymapStateMask |

	// setup size hints:
	XSizeHints size_hints;
	memset(&size_hints, 0, sizeof(XSizeHints));
	size_hints.x = win_xpos;
	size_hints.y = win_ypos;
	size_hints.width       = win_width;
	size_hints.height      = win_height;
	size_hints.base_width  = win_width;
	size_hints.base_height = win_height;
	size_hints.min_width   = size_hints.width;
	size_hints.min_height  = size_hints.height;
	size_hints.max_width   = size_hints.width;
	size_hints.max_height  = size_hints.height;
	size_hints.flags       = PSize|PBaseSize;
	size_hints.flags |= PMinSize | PMaxSize | PPosition;		// These flags are important
	XSetWMNormalHints(d, w, &size_hints);

	XMapWindow(d, w);

	// Wait for mapped
	XEvent event;
	do {
		XMaskEvent(d, StructureNotifyMask, &event);
	}while ( (event.type != MapNotify) || (event.xmap.event != w) );

	int xpos;
	int ypos;
	unsigned int width;
	unsigned int height;
	Window *children_ptr;
	unsigned int num_child;
	Window temp_window;
	XWindowAttributes attr;

	XGetWindowAttributes(d, w, &attr);

	xpos = attr.x;
	ypos = attr.y;
	width = attr.width;
	height = attr.height;

	// Search all parent windows .... there MUST be an easier may

	Window current_window = w;
		children_ptr = NULL;
		XQueryTree(d, current_window, &temp_window, &current_window, &children_ptr, &num_child);
		if (children_ptr)

		if (!current_window) break;

		XGetWindowAttributes(d, current_window, &attr);
		xpos += attr.x;
		ypos += attr.y;

	XDestroyWindow(d, w);

	xpos -= win_xpos;
	ypos -= win_ypos;

	Rect border_size = Rect(-xpos, -ypos, 0, 0);

	return border_size;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool gamemap::on_board_with_border(const map_location& loc) const
	return !tiles_.data.empty()  &&  // tiles_ is not empty when initialized.
	       loc.x >= -border_size() &&  loc.x < w_ + border_size() &&
	       loc.y >= -border_size() &&  loc.y < h_ + border_size();
Ejemplo n.º 9
std::string gamemap::write() const
	return t_translation::write_game_map(tiles_, starting_positions_, t_translation::coordinate{ border_size(), border_size() }) + "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 10
int MapStatistics::num_interior_vertex() {
    return num_vertex() - border_size() ;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/*-+-+-* Logger *-+-+-*/
void MapStatistics::show(bool mesh, bool geom, bool error, bool param) {
    if(mesh) {
                << num_components() << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Mesh stats")
                << num_vertex() << " vertices, "
                << num_facet() << " facets, "
                << border_size() << "/" << num_edge() << " border edges."
                << sock_factor() << " sock factor."
                << std::endl ;

    if(geom) {
        bounding_box() ;
        Logger::out("Vertex bounding box")
                << "["
                << bbox_[0] << "," << bbox_[1] << "]x["
                << bbox_[2] << "," << bbox_[3] << "]x["
                << bbox_[4] << "," << bbox_[5]
                << "]" << std::endl ;

        gravity_center() ;

        Logger::out("Gravity center")
                << "("
                << G_.x() << ", " << G_.y() << ", " << G_.z()
                << ")" << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Surface area")
                << "area2D = " << total_area_2D() << " area3D = " << total_area_3D()
                << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Facet area 3D")
                << min_facet_area_3D() << " min. "
                << average_facet_area_3D() << " av. "
                << max_facet_area_3D() << " max."
                << std::endl ;

        if(is_parameterized()) {
            Logger::out("Facet area 2D")
                    << min_facet_area_2D() << " min. "
                    << average_facet_area_2D() << " av. "
                    << max_facet_area_2D() << " max."
                    << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Mesh length")
                << "Total length 2D = " << total_length_2D()
                << " Total length3D = " << total_length_3D()
                << std::endl ;

        if(is_parameterized_) {
            Logger::out("Edge length 2D")
                    << min_edge_length_2D() << " min. "
                    << average_edge_length_2D() << " av. "
                    << max_edge_length_2D() << " max."
                    << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Edge length 3D")
                << min_edge_length_3D() << " min. "
                << average_edge_length_3D() << " av. "
                << max_edge_length_3D() << " max."
                << std::endl ;

        if(border_size() > 0) {
            Logger::out("Border count")
                    << "Total length2D " << border_length2D()
                    << " Total length3D " << border_length3D()
                    << std::endl ;
        else Logger::out("Border count") << "Surface is closed." << std::endl ;

    if(error) {
                << num_null_edge_3D() << " null 3D edges, "
                << num_null_edge_2D() << " null 2D edges. "
                << num_flat_facet_3D() << " flat 3D facets, "
                << num_flat_facet_2D() << " flat 2D facets."
                << std::endl ;

    if(param && is_parameterized()) {
        Logger::out("Atlas stats")
                << "Surfacic deformation: "
                << average_area_deformation() << "% av. "
                << max_area_deformation() << "% max."
                << std::endl ;
        Logger::out("Atlas stats")
                << "Error on Jacobian: "
                << jacobian_error() << "%."
                << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Atlas stats")
                << "Angular deformation: "
                << average_angle_deformation() << "% av. "
                << max_angle_deformation() << "% max."
                << std::endl ;

        Logger::out("Atlas stats")
                << "Length deformation: "
                << average_length_deformation() << "% av. "
                << max_length_deformation() << "% max."
                << std::endl ;
    else Logger::out("Atlas Stats") << "Surface is not parameterized." << std::endl ;