Ejemplo n.º 1
void Trajectory::PlotTransformedTrajectory(bot_lcmgl_t *lcmgl, const BotTrans *transform)
    bot_lcmgl_line_width(lcmgl, 2.0f);
    bot_lcmgl_begin(lcmgl, GL_LINE_STRIP);
    for (int i=0; i<int(xpoints_.size()); i++)
        double xyz[3];
        GetTransformedPoint(i, transform, xyz);

        bot_lcmgl_vertex3f(lcmgl, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
int main(int argc, char** argv)

    lcm_t* lcm_ = lcm_create(NULL);
    bot_lcmgl_t* lcmgl_ = bot_lcmgl_init(lcm_, "LCMGL_DEMO");

    // lcmgl setup
    bot_lcmgl_translated(lcmgl_, 0, 0, 0);
    bot_lcmgl_line_width(lcmgl_, 2.0f);
    bot_lcmgl_point_size(lcmgl_, 12.0f);
    bot_lcmgl_begin(lcmgl_, GL_POINTS);

    // setup color and draw a point
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(lcmgl_, 1.0, 0, 0);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex3f(lcmgl_, 0, 0, 1);

    // end and refresh to viewer

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Visualization::draw_pyramid_level_matches(const VisualOdometry* odom, int level_num)
  const OdometryFrame* ref_frame = odom->getReferenceFrame();
  const OdometryFrame* target_frame = odom->getTargetFrame();
  const PyramidLevel* ref_level = ref_frame->getLevel(level_num);
  const PyramidLevel* target_level = target_frame->getLevel(level_num);

  int width = ref_level->getWidth();
  int height = ref_level->getHeight();

  const MotionEstimator* estimator = odom->getMotionEstimator();
  const FeatureMatch* matches = estimator->getMatches();
  int num_matches = estimator->getNumMatches();

  // previous image
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1,1,1);
  const uint8_t* ref_gray = ref_level->getGrayscaleImage();
  int ref_gray_stride = ref_level->getGrayscaleImageStride();
  int prev_gray_texid = bot_lcmgl_texture2d(_lcmgl, ref_gray,
      width, height, ref_gray_stride,

  bot_lcmgl_translated(_lcmgl, 0, height + 10, 0);
  bot_lcmgl_texture_draw_quad(_lcmgl, prev_gray_texid,
      0, 0, 0,
      0, height, 0,
      width, height, 0,
      width, 0, 0);

  // draw features in reference frame
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 0, 1);
  bot_lcmgl_point_size(_lcmgl, 1.5f);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_POINTS);
  for(int i=0, nfeatures=ref_level->getNumKeypoints(); i<nfeatures; i++) {
    const KeyPoint& kp = ref_level->getKeypoint(i);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kp.u, kp.v);

  // current image
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1,1,1);
  const uint8_t* target_gray = target_level->getGrayscaleImage();
  int target_gray_stride = target_level->getGrayscaleImageStride();
  int gray_texid = bot_lcmgl_texture2d(_lcmgl, target_gray,
      width, height, target_gray_stride,
  bot_lcmgl_texture_draw_quad(_lcmgl, gray_texid,
      0, 0, 0,
      0, height, 0,
      width, height, 0,
      width, 0, 0);

  // draw features
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0, 1, 0);
  bot_lcmgl_point_size(_lcmgl, 3.0f);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_POINTS);
  for(int i=0, nfeatures=target_level->getNumKeypoints(); i<nfeatures; i++) {
    const KeyPoint& kp = target_level->getKeypoint(i);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kp.u, kp.v);

  // draw matches that are not in the maximal clique
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0.3, 0, 0);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES);
  for(int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) {
    const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i];
    if(match.inlier || match.in_maximal_clique || match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level != level_num)
    int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u;
    int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v;
    int prev_x = match.ref_keypoint->kp.u;
    int prev_y = match.ref_keypoint->kp.v;
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, prev_x, prev_y + height + 10);

  // draw inliers
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0, 0, 1);
  bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 2.0);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES);
  for(int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) {
    const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i];
    if(!match.inlier || match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level != level_num)
    int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u;
    int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v;
    int prev_x = match.ref_keypoint->kp.u;
    int prev_y = match.ref_keypoint->kp.v;
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, prev_x, prev_y + height + 10);

  // draw matches that are in the maximal clique but failed the projection test
  bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 1.0);
  for(int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) {
    const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i];
    if(match.in_maximal_clique && !match.inlier && match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level == level_num) {
      int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u;
      int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v;
      int prev_x = match.ref_keypoint->kp.u;
      int prev_y = match.ref_keypoint->kp.v;
      bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 0, 0);
      bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES);
      bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y);
      bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, prev_x, prev_y + height + 10);

      bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 1, 1);
      double cur_xyz[] = { cur_x, cur_y + 10, 0 };
      char txt[500];
      snprintf(txt, 80, "%.3f", match.reprojection_error);
      bot_lcmgl_text(_lcmgl, cur_xyz, txt);

  if (level_num ==0){
    //draw the ESM homography estimate
    bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 2.0);
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 1, 0);
    const Eigen::Matrix3d & H = odom->getInitialHomography();
    Eigen::MatrixXd vertices(5, 3);
    vertices <<
        0     , 0      , 1  ,
        width , 0      , 1  ,
        width , height , 1  ,
        0     , height , 1  ,
        0     , 0      , 1;
    Eigen::MatrixXd warpedPoints = H*vertices.transpose();
    warpedPoints.row(0) = warpedPoints.row(0).array()/warpedPoints.row(2).array();
    warpedPoints.row(1) = warpedPoints.row(1).array()/warpedPoints.row(2).array();
    for (int i=0;i<warpedPoints.cols();i++){
      bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, warpedPoints(0, i), warpedPoints(1, i));

Ejemplo n.º 4
Visualization::draw_pyramid_level_flow(const VisualOdometry* odom, int level_num)
  const OdometryFrame* ref_frame = odom->getReferenceFrame();
  const OdometryFrame* target_frame = odom->getTargetFrame();
  const PyramidLevel* ref_level = ref_frame->getLevel(level_num);
  const PyramidLevel* target_level = target_frame->getLevel(level_num);

  int width = ref_level->getWidth();
  int height = ref_level->getHeight();

  const MotionEstimator* estimator = odom->getMotionEstimator();
  const FeatureMatch* matches = estimator->getMatches();
  int num_matches = estimator->getNumMatches();

  // current image
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 1, 1);
  const uint8_t* target_gray = target_level->getGrayscaleImage();
  int target_gray_stride = target_level->getGrayscaleImageStride();
  int gray_texid = bot_lcmgl_texture2d(_lcmgl, target_gray, width, height,
                                       target_gray_stride, BOT_LCMGL_LUMINANCE,
  bot_lcmgl_texture_draw_quad(_lcmgl, gray_texid,
      0     , 0      , 0   ,
      0     , height , 0   ,
      width , height , 0   ,
      width , 0      , 0);

  float rgb[3];

#if 0
  // draw target features
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0, 1, 0);
  bot_lcmgl_point_size(_lcmgl, 3.0f);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_POINTS);
  for(int i=0, nfeatures=target_level->getNumKeypoints(); i<nfeatures; ++i) {
    const KeypointData& kpdata(*target_level->getKeypointData(i));
    colormap(kpdata.xyz.z(), rgb);
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u, kpdata.kp.v);

#if 0
  // draw 9x9 boxes around keypoints
  bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 1.0);
  bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, .5, .5, 1);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES);
  for(int i=0, num_kp=target_level->getNumKeypoints();
      i < num_kp;
      ++i) {
    const KeypointData& kpdata(*target_level->getKeypointData(i));
    colormap(kpdata.xyz.z(), rgb);
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);

    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u-4, kp.v-4);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u-4, kp.v+4);

    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u-4, kp.v+4);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u+4, kp.v+4);

    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u+4, kp.v+4);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u+4, kp.v-4);

    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u+4, kp.v-4);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, kpdata.kp.u-4, kp.v-4);

#if 1
  // draw inliers
  bot_lcmgl_point_size(_lcmgl, 4.0f);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_POINTS);
  for (int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) {
    const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i];
    if (!match.inlier ||
        match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level != level_num)
    int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u;
    int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v;
    colormap(match.target_keypoint->xyz(2), rgb);
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y);

#if 1
  // draw ref-to-target 'flow'
  //bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 0, 1, 0);
  bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 2.0f);
  bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINES);
  for (int i=0; i<num_matches; i++) {
    const FeatureMatch& match = matches[i];
    if (!match.inlier ||
        match.target_keypoint->pyramid_level != level_num)
    int cur_x = match.target_keypoint->kp.u;
    int cur_y = match.target_keypoint->kp.v;
    int prev_x = match.ref_keypoint->kp.u;
    int prev_y = match.ref_keypoint->kp.v;
    colormap(match.target_keypoint->xyz(2), rgb);
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, cur_x, cur_y);
    bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, prev_x, prev_y);

  if (level_num == 0) {
    //draw the ESM homography estimate
    bot_lcmgl_line_width(_lcmgl, 2.0);
    bot_lcmgl_color3f(_lcmgl, 1, 1, 0);
    bot_lcmgl_begin(_lcmgl, GL_LINE_STRIP);
    const Eigen::Matrix3d & H = odom->getInitialHomography();
    Eigen::MatrixXd vertices(5, 3);
    vertices <<
        0     , 0      , 1,
        width , 0      , 1,
        width , height , 1,
        0     , height , 1,
        0     , 0      , 1;
    Eigen::MatrixXd warpedPoints = H*vertices.transpose();
    warpedPoints.row(0) = warpedPoints.row(0).array()/warpedPoints.row(2).array();
    warpedPoints.row(1) = warpedPoints.row(1).array()/warpedPoints.row(2).array();
    for (int i=0;i<warpedPoints.cols();i++) {
      bot_lcmgl_vertex2f(_lcmgl, warpedPoints(0, i) ,warpedPoints(1, i));
