BOOL CArcView::IntersectsWithRect(const Rect& rectangle) { Point topLeft(rectangle.GetLeft(), rectangle.GetTop()); Point topRight(rectangle.GetRight(), rectangle.GetTop()); Point bottomLeft(rectangle.GetLeft(), rectangle.GetBottom()); Point bottomRight(rectangle.GetRight(), rectangle.GetBottom()); Point currentPoint(*pathPoints.begin()); for(auto it=pathPoints.begin() + 1; it != pathPoints.end(); ++it) { if(rectangle.Contains(currentPoint)) return TRUE; if(Geometry::LinesIntersect(topLeft, topRight, currentPoint, *it)) return TRUE; if(Geometry::LinesIntersect(topLeft, bottomLeft, currentPoint, *it)) return TRUE; if(Geometry::LinesIntersect(bottomLeft, bottomRight, currentPoint, *it)) return TRUE; if(Geometry::LinesIntersect(topRight, bottomRight, currentPoint, *it)) return TRUE; currentPoint = *it; } return FALSE; }
void tst_QOpenGL::textureblitterPartTargetRectTransform() { QVector4D topLeft(-1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QVector4D bottomLeft(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QVector4D topRight(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QVector4D bottomRight(1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QRectF targetRect(50,50,200,200); QRect viewport(0,0,400,400); //multiply by 2 since coordinate system goes from -1 -> 1; qreal x_point_ratio = (50. / 400.) * 2; qreal y_point_ratio = (50. / 400.) * 2; qreal width_ratio = (200. / 400.) * 2; qreal height_ratio = (200. / 400.) * 2; QMatrix4x4 targetMatrix = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::targetTransform(targetRect, viewport); QVector4D targetTopLeft = targetMatrix * topLeft; QVector4D expectedTopLeft(-1 + x_point_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio, .0, 1.0); QCOMPARE(targetTopLeft, expectedTopLeft); QVector4D targetBottomLeft = targetMatrix * bottomLeft; QVector4D expectedBottomLeft(-1 + x_point_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio - height_ratio, 0.0, 1.0); QCOMPARE(targetBottomLeft, expectedBottomLeft); QVector4D targetTopRight = targetMatrix * topRight; QVector4D expectedTopRight(-1 + x_point_ratio + width_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio, 0.0, 1.0); QCOMPARE(targetTopRight, expectedTopRight); QVector4D targetBottomRight = targetMatrix * bottomRight; QVector4D expectedBottomRight(-1 + x_point_ratio + width_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio - height_ratio, 0.0, 1.0); QCOMPARE(targetBottomRight, expectedBottomRight); }
void BoundingBoxDoorVisual::generateWireframe() { delete m_wireframe; m_wireframe = new rviz::BillboardLine(m_sceneManager, m_sceneNode); m_wireframe->setLineWidth(m_lineWidth); m_wireframe->setMaxPointsPerLine(2); m_wireframe->setNumLines(12); double w = m_width, h = m_height; Ogre::Vector3 bottomLeft(0, -w, 0), bottomRight(0, 0, 0), topLeft(0, -w, h), topRight(0, 0, h); Ogre::Vector3 rear(m_thickness, 0, 0); // Front quad m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomLeft); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomRight); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomRight); m_wireframe->addPoint(topRight); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(topRight); m_wireframe->addPoint(topLeft); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(topLeft); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomLeft); // Rear quad m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomLeft + rear); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomRight + rear); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomRight + rear); m_wireframe->addPoint(topRight + rear); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(topRight + rear); m_wireframe->addPoint(topLeft + rear); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(topLeft + rear); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomLeft + rear); // Four connecting lines between front and rear m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomLeft); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomLeft + rear); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomRight); m_wireframe->addPoint(bottomRight + rear); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(topRight); m_wireframe->addPoint(topRight + rear); m_wireframe->newLine(); m_wireframe->addPoint(topLeft); m_wireframe->addPoint(topLeft + rear); m_wireframe->setPosition(Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 0)); // Ogre::Quaternion orientation; // orientation.FromRotationMatrix(R_do); // m_wireframe->setOrientation(orientation); }
// draw window shadow void Widget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter painter(this); QRect bottom(5, 136, 200, 7); QRect top(5, 0, 200, 3); QRect left(0, 3, 5, 133); QRect right(205, 3, 5, 133); QRect topRight(205, 0, 5, 3); QRect topLeft(0, 0, 5, 3); QRect bottomLeft(0, 136, 5, 7); QRect bottomRight(205, 136, 5, 7); QRect tBottom(5, this->height() - 7, this->width() - 10, 7); QRect tTop(5, 0, this->width() - 10, 3); QRect tLeft(0, 3, 5, this->height() - 10); QRect tRight(this->width() - 5, 3, 5, this->height() - 10); QRect tTopLeft(0, 0, 5, 3); QRect tTopRight(this->width() - 5, 0, 5, 3); QRect tBottomLeft(0, this->height() - 7, 5, 7); QRect tBottomRight(this->width() - 5, this->height() - 7, 5, 7); painter.drawPixmap(tBottom, m_shadow, bottom); painter.drawPixmap(tTop, m_shadow, top); painter.drawPixmap(tLeft, m_shadow, left); painter.drawPixmap(tRight, m_shadow, right); painter.drawPixmap(tTopRight, m_shadow, topRight); painter.drawPixmap(tTopLeft, m_shadow, topLeft); painter.drawPixmap(tBottomLeft, m_shadow, bottomLeft); painter.drawPixmap(tBottomRight, m_shadow, bottomRight); }
IRect ScaleManager::GetScaledRect() { FPoint topRigth(Core::screen.GLWidth(), Core::screen.GLHeight()); FPoint bottomLeft(0, 0); topRigth = GetPointScaled(topRigth); bottomLeft = GetPointScaled(bottomLeft); return IRect(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, topRigth.x, topRigth.y); }
QPainterPath DArrowRectangle::getBottomCornerPath() { qreal delta = shadowBlurRadius() + shadowDistance(); QRect rect = this->rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(delta, delta, delta, delta)); QPoint cornerPoint(rect.x() + (m_arrowX > 0 ? m_arrowX : rect.width() / 2), rect.y() + rect.height()); QPoint topLeft(rect.x(), rect.y()); QPoint topRight(rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y()); QPoint bottomRight(rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height() - m_arrowHeight); QPoint bottomLeft(rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height() - m_arrowHeight); int radius = this->m_radius > (rect.height() / 2 - m_arrowHeight) ? rect.height() / 2 -m_arrowHeight : this->m_radius; QPainterPath border; border.moveTo(topLeft.x() + radius, topLeft.y()); border.lineTo(topRight.x() - radius, topRight.y()); border.arcTo(topRight.x() - 2 * radius, topRight.y(), 2 * radius, 2 * radius, 90, -90); border.lineTo(bottomRight.x(), bottomRight.y() - radius); border.arcTo(bottomRight.x() - 2 * radius, bottomRight.y() - 2 * radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius, 0, -90); border.lineTo(cornerPoint.x() + m_arrowWidth / 2, cornerPoint.y() - m_arrowHeight); border.lineTo(cornerPoint); border.lineTo(cornerPoint.x() - m_arrowWidth / 2, cornerPoint.y() - m_arrowHeight); border.lineTo(bottomLeft.x() + radius, bottomLeft.y()); border.arcTo(bottomLeft.x(), bottomLeft.y() - 2 * radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius, -90, -90); border.lineTo(topLeft.x(), topLeft.y() + radius); border.arcTo(topLeft.x(), topLeft.y(), 2 * radius, 2 * radius, 180, -90); return border; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofBackgroundGradient(ofColor(50), ofColor(0)); //------ //draw the scene // if (usePreview){ previewCamera.begin(); } else{ headTrackedCamera.begin(); } drawScene(usePreview); if (usePreview){ previewCamera.end(); } else{ headTrackedCamera.end(); } // //------ //------ //draw some overlays // video.draw(0, 0); ofPushStyle(); ofNoFill(); for(int i = 0; i < finder.blobs.size(); i++) { ofRectangle cur = finder.blobs[i].boundingRect; ofRect(cur.x, cur.y, cur.width, cur.height); } ofPopStyle(); stringstream message; message << "[SPACE] = User preview camera [" << (usePreview ? 'x' : ' ') << "]"; ofDrawBitmapString(message.str(), video.getWidth() + 10, 20); if (usePreview){ ofRectangle bottomLeft(0, ofGetHeight() - 200.0f, 300.0f, 200.0f); ofPushStyle(); ofSetColor(0); ofRect(bottomLeft); ofPopStyle(); headTrackedCamera.begin(bottomLeft); drawScene(false); headTrackedCamera.end(); } // //------ }
QRectF GraphConnection::getBoundingRect(void) const { QVector<QPointF> points = _impl->points; const auto arrowRect = _impl->arrowHead.boundingRect(); points.push_back(arrowRect.topLeft()); points.push_back(arrowRect.topRight()); points.push_back(arrowRect.bottomRight()); points.push_back(arrowRect.bottomLeft()); return QPolygonF(points).boundingRect(); }
Rect GeomUtils::outside(const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2) { Point bottomLeft(MIN(rect1.getMinX(), rect2.getMinX()), MIN(rect1.getMinY(), rect2.getMinY())); Point topRight(MAX(rect1.getMaxX(), rect2.getMaxX()), MAX(rect1.getMaxY(), rect2.getMaxY())); return Rect(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, topRight.x - bottomLeft.x, topRight.y - bottomLeft.y); }
void TableSideSelector::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { double edgeWidth = 5; double inset = edgeWidth/2 + frameWidth()*2; QPointF topLeft(inset, inset); QPointF topRight(width() - inset, inset); QPointF bottomLeft(inset, height() - inset); QPointF bottomRight(width() - inset, height() - inset); m_left = QLineF(topLeft, bottomLeft); m_right = QLineF(topRight, bottomRight); m_top = QLineF(topRight, topLeft); m_bottom = QLineF(bottomRight, bottomLeft); QPainter painter(this); // Paint selection. painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, edgeWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap)); if (m_selection & Left) painter.drawLine(m_left); if (m_selection & Right) painter.drawLine(m_right); if (m_selection & Top) painter.drawLine(m_top); if (m_selection & Bottom) painter.drawLine(m_bottom); // Paint the dotted grid. painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::gray, edgeWidth/4, Qt::DotLine)); painter.drawRect(QRectF(topLeft, bottomRight)); painter.drawLine(m_left.pointAt(0.5), m_right.pointAt(0.5)); painter.drawLine(m_top.pointAt(0.5), m_bottom.pointAt(0.5)); // Paint highlighting. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 60), edgeWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap)); switch (m_highlighted) { case Left: painter.drawLine(m_left); break; case Right: painter.drawLine(m_right); break; case Top: painter.drawLine(m_top); break; case Bottom: painter.drawLine(m_bottom); break; default: break; } }
// 获取矩形范围内,所有四叉树的所有物体 // 如果这个矩形是完全处于一个四叉树中的,那么跟Retrieve返回的结果一样 // 如果这个矩形处于多个四叉树中,那么需要获取它所在的四叉树,以及它四个点所在四叉树的物体 void FixedQuadTree::RetrieveArea(const plane_shooting::Rectangle& rect, list<Object*>& objList) { Retrieve(rect, objList); // 左上顶点 Rectangle topLeft(rect.x - rect.fWidth / 2, rect.y + rect.fHeight / 2, 0, 1); // 右上顶点 Rectangle topRight(rect.x + rect.fWidth / 2, rect.y + rect.fHeight / 2, 0, 1); // 左下顶点 Rectangle bottomLeft(rect.x - rect.fWidth / 2, rect.y - rect.fHeight / 2, 0, 1); // 右下顶点 Rectangle bottomRight(rect.x + rect.fWidth / 2, rect.y - rect.fHeight / 2, 0, 1); // TODO , 改成直接返回list<Object*>列表指针 }
QPoint HintsWidgetPositioner::positionForSize(QSize size) { auto availableGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(m_hintsWidget); switch (m_hintsConfiguration->corner()) { case HintsConfiguration::Corner::TopLeft: return availableGeometry.topLeft() + QPoint{8, 8}; case HintsConfiguration::Corner::TopRight: return availableGeometry.topRight() + QPoint{-8 - size.width(), 8}; case HintsConfiguration::Corner::BottomLeft: return availableGeometry.bottomLeft() + QPoint{8, -8 - size.height()}; case HintsConfiguration::Corner::BottomRight: default: return availableGeometry.bottomRight() + QPoint{-8 - size.width(), -8 - size.height()}; } }
void ScriptEditorCloseButton::paint(QPainter* p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* o, QWidget* w) { Q_UNUSED(o); Q_UNUSED(w); auto br = boundingRect(); p->setPen(QPen(Colors::base06, 3)); int offset = 6; p->drawLine(br.bottomLeft() + QPointF(offset, -offset), br.topRight() - QPointF(offset, -offset)); p->drawLine(br.topLeft() + QPointF(offset, offset), br.bottomRight() - QPointF(offset, offset)); }
Prism::DebugFont::CharacterData Prism::DebugFont::GetCharData(char aChar) { int x = aChar % 16; int y = aChar / 16; CU::Vector2<float> topLeft(x * myCharSize.x, y * myCharSize.y); CU::Vector2<float> bottomLeft(topLeft.x + myCharSize.x, topLeft.y + myCharSize.y); CharacterData data; data.myTopLeftUV = topLeft / 512.f; data.myBottomRightUV = bottomLeft / 512.f; return data; }
bool TagsEditor::IsWindowRectValid(const wxRect *windowRect) const { wxDisplay display; wxPoint topLeft(windowRect->GetTopLeft().x, windowRect->GetTopLeft().y); wxPoint topRight(windowRect->GetTopRight().x, windowRect->GetTopRight().y); wxPoint bottomLeft(windowRect->GetBottomLeft().x, windowRect->GetBottomLeft().y); wxPoint bottomRight(windowRect->GetBottomRight().x, windowRect->GetBottomRight().y); display.GetFromPoint(topLeft); if (display.GetFromPoint(topLeft) == -1 && display.GetFromPoint(topRight) == -1 && display.GetFromPoint(bottomLeft) == -1 && display.GetFromPoint(bottomRight) == -1) { return false; } return true; }
TEST_F(BoxTests, InitialiseWithTwoOppositeCorners) { Point topLeft(2, 2), bottomRight(4, 0); expect(Box(topLeft, 2, 2)); Box b(topLeft, bottomRight); compareBoxes(b); b = Box(bottomRight, topLeft); compareBoxes(b); Point topRight(4, 2), bottomLeft(2, 0); b = Box(topRight, bottomLeft); compareBoxes(b); b = Box(bottomLeft, topRight); compareBoxes(b); }
void dftshift(ImgT& img) { const int cx = img.cols/2; const int cy = img.rows/2; ImgT tmp; ImgT topLeft(img, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); ImgT topRight(img, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); ImgT bottomLeft(img, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); ImgT bottomRight(img, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); topLeft.copyTo(tmp); bottomRight.copyTo(topLeft); tmp.copyTo(bottomRight); topRight.copyTo(tmp); bottomLeft.copyTo(topRight); tmp.copyTo(bottomLeft); }
void TennisFieldCalibrator::renderCalibrationWindow(Mat calibrationFrame, double h, double basis_min, double basis_maj, double h_displacement) { Point center = Point(calibrationFrame.cols/2, calibrationFrame.rows/2); Point bottomLeft(center.x-(basis_maj/2), center.y+(h/2)+h_displacement); Point bottomRight(center.x+(basis_maj/2), center.y+(h/2)+h_displacement); Point topLeft(center.x-(basis_min/2), center.y-(h/2)+h_displacement); Point topRight(center.x+(basis_min/2), center.y-(h/2)+h_displacement); line(calibrationFrame, bottomLeft, bottomRight, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); line(calibrationFrame, bottomRight, topRight, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); line(calibrationFrame, topRight, topLeft, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); line(calibrationFrame, topLeft, bottomLeft, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); char buffer[300]; sprintf(buffer, "PARAM: h=%g m=%g M=%g h_displacement=%g", h, basis_min, basis_maj, h_displacement); putText(calibrationFrame, buffer, cvPoint(10,30), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cvScalar(50, 205, 50), 1, CV_AA); }
void dftshift(cv::Mat_<float>& magnitude) { const int cx = magnitude.cols/2; const int cy = magnitude.rows/2; cv::Mat_<float> tmp; cv::Mat_<float> topLeft(magnitude, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); cv::Mat_<float> topRight(magnitude, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); cv::Mat_<float> bottomLeft(magnitude, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); cv::Mat_<float> bottomRight(magnitude, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); topLeft.copyTo(tmp); bottomRight.copyTo(topLeft); tmp.copyTo(bottomRight); topRight.copyTo(tmp); bottomLeft.copyTo(topRight); tmp.copyTo(bottomLeft); }
void StGeometryTest::resizeBrightness() { static const size_t BR_QUADS = 11; static const size_t VERT_PER_QUAD = 6; StGLContext& aCtx = getContext(); StGLVec2 rectSize(myCellSize.x(), 2.0f * myCellSize.y()); // move to the center StGLVec2 bottomLeft(-1.0f + 0.5f * (2.0f - GLfloat(BR_QUADS) * rectSize.x()), -1.0f + rectSize.y()); GLfloat anYBottom = bottomLeft.y() + 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); GLfloat anYTop = bottomLeft.y() + rectSize.y() - 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); // setup vertices StArray<StGLVec4> aVertArray(BR_QUADS * VERT_PER_QUAD); for(size_t quadId = 0; quadId < BR_QUADS; ++quadId) { GLfloat anXLeft = bottomLeft.x() + GLfloat(quadId + 0) * rectSize.x() + 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); GLfloat anXRight = bottomLeft.x() + GLfloat(quadId + 1) * rectSize.x() - 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 0] = StGLVec4(anXLeft, anYBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 1] = StGLVec4(anXRight, anYBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 2] = StGLVec4(anXRight, anYTop, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 3] = StGLVec4(anXRight, anYTop, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 4] = StGLVec4(anXLeft, anYBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 5] = StGLVec4(anXLeft, anYTop, 0.0f, 1.0f); } myBrightness.changeVBO(ST_VBO_VERTEX)->init(aCtx, aVertArray); // setup color (increased brightness): 3% 10% 20% 30% ... 100% StArray<StGLVec4> aColorsArray(BR_QUADS * VERT_PER_QUAD); StGLVec4 aColor(0.03f, 0.03f, 0.03f, 1.0f); StGLVec4 aColorDelta(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); for(size_t quadId = 0; quadId < BR_QUADS; ++quadId) { setValues(aColorsArray, aColor, quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); if(quadId == 0) { aColor = aColorDelta; } else { aColor += aColorDelta; } } myBrightness.changeVBO(ST_VBO_COLORS)->init(aCtx, aColorsArray); }
void Sprite::changeTexturePosition() { vector2f topLeft(sourceRectPosition.x, sourceRectPosition.y); vector2f bottomLeft(sourceRectPosition.x, sourceRectPosition.y + sourceRectSize.y); vector2f topRight(sourceRectPosition.x + sourceRectSize.x, sourceRectPosition.y); vector2f bottomRight(sourceRectPosition.x + sourceRectSize.x, sourceRectPosition.y + sourceRectSize.y); VERTEX_DATA[5] = topLeft.x; VERTEX_DATA[6] = topLeft.y; VERTEX_DATA[5 + 7] = bottomLeft.x; VERTEX_DATA[6 + 7] = bottomLeft.y; VERTEX_DATA[5 + 14] = topRight.x; VERTEX_DATA[6 + 14] = topRight.y; VERTEX_DATA[5 + 21] = bottomRight.x; VERTEX_DATA[6 + 21] = bottomRight.y; texturePositionChanged = false; }
QPainterPath CornersInWipeStrategy::clipPath(int step, const QRect &area) { int width_2 = area.width() >> 1; int height_2 = area.height() >> 1; qreal percent = static_cast<qreal>(step) / static_cast<qreal>(StepCount); int stepx = static_cast<int>(width_2 * percent); int stepy = static_cast<int>(height_2 * percent); QPainterPath path; if(! reverse()) { QSize rectSize(stepx, stepy); QRect topLeft(area.topLeft(), rectSize); QRect topRight(area.topRight() - QPoint(stepx, 0), rectSize); QRect bottomRight(area.bottomRight() - QPoint(stepx, stepy), rectSize); QRect bottomLeft(area.bottomLeft() - QPoint(0, stepy), rectSize); path.addRect(topLeft); path.addRect(topRight); path.addRect(bottomRight); path.addRect(bottomLeft); } else { QRect horzRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(2 * stepx, area.height())); horzRect.moveCenter(; QRect vertRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(area.width(), 2 * stepy)); vertRect.moveCenter(; path.addRect(horzRect); path.addRect(vertRect); path.setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill); } return path; }
void tst_QOpenGL::textureblitterFullTargetRectTransform() { QVector4D topLeft(-1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QVector4D bottomLeft(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QVector4D topRight(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QVector4D bottomRight(1.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f); QRectF rect(0,0,200,200); QMatrix4x4 targetMatrix = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::targetTransform(rect,rect.toRect()); QVector4D translatedTopLeft = targetMatrix * topLeft; QCOMPARE(translatedTopLeft, topLeft); QVector4D translatedBottomLeft = targetMatrix * bottomLeft; QCOMPARE(translatedBottomLeft, bottomLeft); QVector4D translatedTopRight = targetMatrix * topRight; QCOMPARE(translatedTopRight, topRight); QVector4D translatedBottomRight = targetMatrix * bottomRight; QCOMPARE(translatedBottomRight, bottomRight); }
BOOL CCircleView::IntersectsWithRect(const Rect& rectangle) { Point center(position); double edgeCenterDistance = INT_MAX; std::vector<Point> rectCorners; Point topLeft(rectangle.GetLeft(), rectangle.GetTop()); Point topRight(rectangle.GetRight(), rectangle.GetTop()); Point bottomLeft(rectangle.GetLeft(), rectangle.GetBottom()); Point bottomRight(rectangle.GetRight(), rectangle.GetBottom()); rectCorners.push_back(topLeft); rectCorners.push_back(topRight); rectCorners.push_back(bottomLeft); rectCorners.push_back(bottomRight); //Le centre du cercle est-il dans le rectangle ? if(rectangle.Contains(center)) return TRUE; //Un coin du rectangle est-il dans le cercle ? for(auto it=rectCorners.begin(); it!=rectCorners.end(); ++it) if(Geometry::Distance(*it, center) < radius) return TRUE; //Un côté du rectangle coupe-t-il dans le cercle ? if(topLeft.X < center.X && center.X < topRight.X && Geometry::LinePointDistance(topLeft, topRight, center) < radius) return TRUE; if(topLeft.Y < center.Y && center.Y < bottomLeft.Y && Geometry::LinePointDistance(topLeft, bottomLeft, center) < radius) return TRUE; if(bottomLeft.X < center.X && center.X < bottomRight.X && Geometry::LinePointDistance(bottomLeft, bottomRight, center) < radius) return TRUE; if(topRight.Y < center.Y && center.Y < bottomRight.Y && Geometry::LinePointDistance(topRight, bottomRight, center) < radius) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
void StGeometryTest::resizeColor() { static const size_t COLOR_QUADS = 8; static const size_t VERT_PER_QUAD = 6; StGLContext& aCtx = getContext(); StGLVec2 rectSize(myCellSize.x(), 2.0f * myCellSize.y()); // move to the center StGLVec2 bottomLeft(-1.0f + 0.5f * (2.0f - GLfloat(COLOR_QUADS) * rectSize.x()), -1.0f + 2.0f * rectSize.y()); GLfloat anYBottom = bottomLeft.y() + 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); GLfloat anYTop = bottomLeft.y() + rectSize.y() - 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); // setup vertices StArray<StGLVec4> aVertArray(COLOR_QUADS * VERT_PER_QUAD); for(size_t quadId = 0; quadId < COLOR_QUADS; ++quadId) { GLfloat anXLeft = bottomLeft.x() + GLfloat(quadId + 0) * rectSize.x() + 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); GLfloat anXRight = bottomLeft.x() + GLfloat(quadId + 1) * rectSize.x() - 4.0f * myPixelSize.x(); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 0] = StGLVec4(anXLeft, anYBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 1] = StGLVec4(anXRight, anYBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 2] = StGLVec4(anXRight, anYTop, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 3] = StGLVec4(anXRight, anYTop, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 4] = StGLVec4(anXLeft, anYBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f); aVertArray[quadId * VERT_PER_QUAD + 5] = StGLVec4(anXLeft, anYTop, 0.0f, 1.0f); } myColors.changeVBO(ST_VBO_VERTEX)->init(aCtx, aVertArray); // setup color StArray<StGLVec4> aColorsArray(COLOR_QUADS * VERT_PER_QUAD); setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // blue setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 1 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // aqua setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 2 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // fuchsia setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f), 3 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // ? setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 4 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // red setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 5 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // orange setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 6 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // yellow setValues(aColorsArray, StGLVec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 7 * VERT_PER_QUAD, VERT_PER_QUAD); // green myColors.changeVBO(ST_VBO_COLORS)->init(aCtx, aColorsArray); }
/** * @brief Entity::drawResizeCorner * @param painter */ void Entity::drawResizeCorner(QPainter *painter) { painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter->setPen(typeColor()); QRectF rect(resizeCornerRect()); QPointF bottomLeft(rect.bottomLeft()); QPointF topRight(rect.topRight()); // Draw hypotenuse painter->drawLine(bottomLeft, topRight); // Draw middle line bottomLeft.rx() += rect.width() / 2; topRight.ry() += rect.height() / 2; painter->drawLine(bottomLeft, topRight); painter->restore(); }
void HitEffect::run(const render::SceneContextPointer& sceneContext, const render::RenderContextPointer& renderContext) { assert(renderContext->args); assert(renderContext->args->hasViewFrustum()); RenderArgs* args = renderContext->args; gpu::doInBatch(args->_context, [&](gpu::Batch& batch) { glm::mat4 projMat; Transform viewMat; args->getViewFrustum().evalProjectionMatrix(projMat); args->getViewFrustum().evalViewTransform(viewMat); batch.setProjectionTransform(projMat); batch.setViewTransform(viewMat); batch.setModelTransform(Transform()); batch.setPipeline(getHitEffectPipeline()); glm::vec4 color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glm::vec2 bottomLeft(-1.0f, -1.0f); glm::vec2 topRight(1.0f, 1.0f); DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderQuad(batch, bottomLeft, topRight, color); }); }
void tst_QOpenGL::textureblitterPartOriginTopLeftSourceRectTransform() { TestVertex3D topLeft(uv_top_left); TestVertex3D bottomLeft(uv_bottom_left); TestVertex3D topRight(uv_top_right); TestVertex3D bottomRight(uv_bottom_right); QRectF sourceRect(50,190,170,170); QSize textureSize(400,400); QMatrix3x3 sourceMatrix = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::sourceTransform(sourceRect, textureSize, QOpenGLTextureBlitter::OriginTopLeft); const float x_point_ratio = sourceRect.topLeft().x() / textureSize.width(); const float y_point_ratio = sourceRect.topLeft().y() / textureSize.height(); const float width_ratio = sourceRect.width() / textureSize.width(); const float height_ratio = sourceRect.height() / textureSize.height(); TestVertex3D uvTopLeft = sourceMatrix * topLeft; const float expected_top_left[] = { x_point_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio - height_ratio, 1 }; TestVertex3D expectedTopLeft(expected_top_left); QVERIFY(q_fuzzy_compare(uvTopLeft, expectedTopLeft)); TestVertex3D uvBottomLeft = sourceMatrix * bottomLeft; const float expected_bottom_left[] = { x_point_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio, 1 }; TestVertex3D expectedBottomLeft(expected_bottom_left); QVERIFY(q_fuzzy_compare(uvBottomLeft, expectedBottomLeft)); TestVertex3D uvTopRight = sourceMatrix * topRight; const float expected_top_right[] = { x_point_ratio + width_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio - height_ratio, 1 }; TestVertex3D expectedTopRight(expected_top_right); QVERIFY(q_fuzzy_compare(uvTopRight, expectedTopRight)); TestVertex3D uvBottomRight = sourceMatrix * bottomRight; const float expected_bottom_right[] = { x_point_ratio + width_ratio, 1 - y_point_ratio, 1 }; TestVertex3D expectedBottomRight(expected_bottom_right); QVERIFY(q_fuzzy_compare(uvBottomRight, expectedBottomRight)); }
void ApplicationOverlay::renderRearView(RenderArgs* renderArgs) { if (!qApp->isHMDMode() && Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::MiniMirror) && !Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::FullscreenMirror)) { gpu::Batch& batch = *renderArgs->_batch; auto geometryCache = DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>(); auto framebuffer = DependencyManager::get<FramebufferCache>(); auto selfieTexture = framebuffer->getSelfieFramebuffer()->getRenderBuffer(0); int width = renderArgs->_viewport.z; int height = renderArgs->_viewport.w; mat4 legacyProjection = glm::ortho<float>(0, width, height, 0, ORTHO_NEAR_CLIP, ORTHO_FAR_CLIP); batch.setProjectionTransform(legacyProjection); batch.setModelTransform(Transform()); batch.setViewTransform(Transform()); float screenRatio = ((float)qApp->getDevicePixelRatio()); float renderRatio = ((float)qApp->getRenderResolutionScale()); auto viewport = qApp->getMirrorViewRect(); glm::vec2 bottomLeft(viewport.left(), + viewport.height()); glm::vec2 topRight(viewport.left() + viewport.width(),; bottomLeft *= screenRatio; topRight *= screenRatio; glm::vec2 texCoordMinCorner(0.0f, 0.0f); glm::vec2 texCoordMaxCorner(viewport.width() * renderRatio / float(selfieTexture->getWidth()), viewport.height() * renderRatio / float(selfieTexture->getHeight())); geometryCache->useSimpleDrawPipeline(batch, true); batch.setResourceTexture(0, selfieTexture); geometryCache->renderQuad(batch, bottomLeft, topRight, texCoordMinCorner, texCoordMaxCorner, glm::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); batch.setResourceTexture(0, renderArgs->_whiteTexture); geometryCache->useSimpleDrawPipeline(batch, false); } }
void RectTool::updateHandles() { if (d->selectedLayerInfos.size() == 1 && d->mode == NoOperation) { auto rectLayer = d->; if (rectLayer) { for (auto handle : d->handles) handle->setVisible(true); auto rect = rectLayer->rect(); // get vertices in scene coordinates auto transformToWindow = canvas()->transforms()->sceneToWindow; auto topLeft = rect.topLeft() * transformToWindow; auto topRight = rect.topRight() * transformToWindow; auto bottomLeft = rect.bottomLeft() * transformToWindow; auto bottomRight = rect.bottomRight() * transformToWindow; d->findHandle(Left)->setPos( (topLeft + bottomLeft) * 0.5 ); d->findHandle(Right)->setPos( (topRight + bottomRight) * 0.5 ); d->findHandle(Top)->setPos( (topLeft + topRight) * 0.5 ); d->findHandle(Bottom)->setPos( (bottomLeft + bottomRight) * 0.5 ); d->findHandle(Left | Top)->setPos(topLeft); d->findHandle(Left | Bottom)->setPos(bottomLeft); d->findHandle(Right | Top)->setPos(topRight); d->findHandle(Right | Bottom)->setPos(bottomRight); return; } } for (auto handle : d->handles) handle->setVisible(false); }