static void computeOffset(cv::Mat img1, cv::Mat img2, int d, cv::Point& _off) { cv::Point offset; cv::Size size1 = img1.size(), size2 = img2.size(); if ((size1.width > 2 && size1.height > 2) && (size2.width > 2 && size2.height > 2) && (d < 16)) { cv::Mat tmp1, tmp2; cv::resize(img1, tmp1, cv::Size(), 0.5f, 0.5f); cv::resize(img2, tmp2, cv::Size(), 0.5f, 0.5f); computeOffset(tmp1, tmp2, d+1, offset); offset.x *= 2, offset.y *= 2; } else { offset.x = 0, offset.y = 0; } cv::Point result; cv::Mat tb1, tb2, eb1, eb2; computeBitmaps(img1, tb1, eb1); computeBitmaps(img2, tb2, eb2); cv::Rect bound1(cv::Point(0,0), size1); cv::Rect bound2(cv::Point(0,0), size2); int min_err = (bound1 & bound2).area(); for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx) { for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy) { cv::Point displace = offset + cv::Point(dx,dy); cv::Rect frame = bound1 & (bound2 + displace); cv::Rect shift = bound2 & (bound1 - displace); // ROIs cv::Mat framed_tb1(tb1, frame); cv::Mat framed_eb1(eb1, frame); cv::Mat shifted_tb2(tb2, shift); cv::Mat shifted_eb2(eb2, shift); // cv::Mat tmp1, tmp2; cv::bitwise_xor(framed_tb1, shifted_tb2, tmp1); cv::bitwise_and(tmp1, framed_eb1, tmp2); cv::bitwise_and(shifted_eb2, tmp2, tmp1); // int err = (int)cv::sum(tmp1)[0]; if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) err -= 1; if (err < min_err) { result = displace; min_err = err; } } } _off = result; }
typename TreeType::ElemType MinimalCoverageSweep<SplitPolicy>:: SweepLeafNode(const size_t axis, const TreeType* node, typename TreeType::ElemType& axisCut) { typedef typename TreeType::ElemType ElemType; typedef bound::HRectBound<metric::EuclideanDistance, ElemType> BoundType; std::vector<std::pair<ElemType, size_t>> sorted(node->Count()); sorted.resize(node->Count()); for (size_t i = 0; i < node->NumPoints(); i++) { sorted[i].first = node->Dataset().col(node->Point(i))[axis]; sorted[i].second = i; } // Sort high bounds of children. std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [] (const std::pair<ElemType, size_t>& s1, const std::pair<ElemType, size_t>& s2) { return s1.first < s2.first; }); size_t splitPointer = node->Count() / 2; axisCut = sorted[splitPointer - 1].first; // Check if the partition is suitable. if (!CheckLeafSweep(node, axis, axisCut)) return std::numeric_limits<ElemType>::max(); BoundType bound1(node->Bound().Dim()); BoundType bound2(node->Bound().Dim()); // Find bounds of two resulting nodes. for (size_t i = 0; i < splitPointer; i++) bound1 |= node->Dataset().col(node->Point(sorted[i].second)); for (size_t i = splitPointer; i < node->NumChildren(); i++) bound2 |= node->Dataset().col(node->Point(sorted[i].second)); // Evaluate the cost of the split i.e. calculate the total coverage // of two resulting nodes. return bound1.Volume() + bound2.Volume(); }
Interval MeanValueForm::operator ()(const MeanValueForm::ipolynomial_type *poly_ptr, const MeanValueForm::additional_var_data *data_ptr ) const { Interval bound1(0.0), bound2(0.0); std::vector<Interval> bound_of_derivatives( data_ptr->size(), Interval(0.0) ); std::vector<Interval> arguments( data_ptr->size() ), arguments_mid( data_ptr->size() ); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < data_ptr->size(); i++) if( (*data_ptr)[ i ].operator ->() != 0 ) { arguments [ i ] = ((*data_ptr)[ i ])->domain_ - ((*data_ptr)[ i ])->devel_point_; arguments_mid[ i ] = Interval( arguments[ i ].mid() ); } MeanValueForm::const_ipolynomial_iterator curr = poly_ptr->begin(), last = poly_ptr->end(); while( curr != last ) //Walk trough the polynomial. { Interval prod1(1.0), prod2(1.0); //Evaluate the current monomial at the midpoint of the domain. for(unsigned int i = (*curr).key().min_var_code(); i <= (*curr).key().max_var_code(); i++) { unsigned int e = (*curr).key().expnt_of_var(i); if( e != 0 ) { prod1 *= power( arguments [i-1], e ); prod2 *= power( arguments_mid[i-1], e ); } } //Multiply with coefficient. prod1 *= (*curr).value(); // <---- Multiply with double value. prod2 *= (*curr).value(); // <---- Multiply with double value. //Add enclosure to bound interval. bound1 += prod1; bound2 += prod2; //Derivate the current monomial and evaluate it. for(unsigned int i = (*curr).key().min_var_code(); i <= (*curr).key().max_var_code(); i++) { unsigned int e_i = (*curr).key().expnt_of_var(i); if( e_i != 0 ) { prod2 = e_i * power( arguments[i-1], e_i-1 ); //Value of derivative. unsigned int j; for(j = (*curr).key().min_var_code(); j < i; j++) { unsigned int e_j = (*curr).key().expnt_of_var(j); if( e_j != 0 ) { prod2 *= power( arguments[j-1], e_j ); } } for(j = i+1; j <= (*curr).key().max_var_code(); j++) { unsigned int e_j = (*curr).key().expnt_of_var(j); if( e_j != 0 ) { prod2 *= power( arguments[j-1], e_j ); } } //Multiply with coefficient. prod2 *= (*curr).value(); // <---- Multiply with double value. //Save enclosure of derivative. bound_of_derivatives[ i - 1 ] += prod2; } } ++curr; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bound_of_derivatives.size(); i++) if( bound_of_derivatives[i] != Interval(0.0) ) bound2 += bound_of_derivatives[i] * (((*data_ptr)[i])->domain_ - (((*data_ptr)[i])->domain_).mid() ); return bound1 & bound2; //Intersection of naive and mean value form evaluation. }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int n1,n2,n3; /*n1 is trace length, n2 is the number of traces, n3 is the number of 3th axis*/ int nfw; /*nfw is the filter-window length*/ int m; int i,j,k,ii; bool boundary; float *trace; float *tempt; float *temp1; float *extendt; sf_file in, out; sf_init (argc, argv); in = sf_input("in"); out = sf_output("out"); if (!sf_histint(in,"n1",&n1)) sf_error("No n1= in input"); if (!sf_histint(in,"n2",&n2)) sf_error("No n2= in input"); n3 = sf_leftsize(in,2); /* get the trace length (n1) and the number of traces (n2) and n3*/ if (!sf_getint("nfw",&nfw)) sf_error("Need integer input"); /* filter-window length (positive integer)*/ if (!sf_getbool("boundary",&boundary)) boundary=false; /* if y, boundary is data, whereas zero*/ if (nfw < 1) sf_error("Need positive integer input"); if (nfw%2 == 0) nfw = (nfw+1); m=(nfw-1)/2; trace = sf_floatalloc(n1*n2); tempt = sf_floatalloc(n1*n2); temp1 = sf_floatalloc(nfw); extendt = sf_floatalloc((n1+2*m)*n2); for(ii=0;ii<n3;ii++){ sf_floatread(trace,n1*n2,in); for(i=0;i<n1*n2;i++){ tempt[i]=trace[i]; } bound1(tempt,extendt,nfw,n1,n2,boundary); /************1-D mean filter****************/ for(i=0;i<n2;i++){ for(j=0;j<n1;j++){ for(k=0;k<nfw;k++){ temp1[k]=extendt[(n1+2*m)*i+j+k]; } trace[n1*i+j]=mean(temp1,nfw); } } sf_floatwrite(trace,n1*n2,out); } exit (0); }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int n1,n2,n3; /*n1 is trace length, n2 is the number of traces, n3 is the number of 3th axis*/ int i,j,k,kk,ii; int nfw; /*nfw is the reference filter-window length*/ int tempnfw; /*temporary variable*/ int m; float medianv; /*temporary median variable*/ bool boundary; int alpha,beta,gamma,delta; /*time-varying window coefficients*/ float *trace; float *tempt; /*temporary array*/ float *result; /*output array*/ float *extendt; float *medianarray; /*1D median filtered array*/ float *temp1,*temp2,*temp3; /*temporary array*/ sf_file in, out; sf_init (argc, argv); in = sf_input("in"); out = sf_output("out"); if (!sf_histint(in,"n1",&n1)) sf_error("No n1= in input"); if (!sf_histint(in,"n2",&n2)) sf_error("No n2= in input"); n3 = sf_leftsize(in,2); /* get the trace length (n1) and the number of traces (n2) and n3*/ if (!sf_getbool("boundary",&boundary)) boundary=false; /* if y, boundary is data, whereas zero*/ if (!sf_getint("nfw",&nfw)) sf_error("Need integer input"); /* reference filter-window length (>delta, positive and odd integer)*/ if (!sf_getint("alpha",&alpha)) alpha=2; /* time-varying window parameter "alpha" (default=2)*/ if (!sf_getint("beta",&beta)) beta=0; /* time-varying window parameter "beta" (default=0)*/ if (!sf_getint("gamma",&gamma)) gamma=2; /* time-varying window parameter "gamma" (default=2)*/ if (!sf_getint("delta",&delta)) delta=4; /* time-varying window parameter "delta" (default=4)*/ if (alpha<beta || delta<gamma) sf_error("Need alpha>=beta && delta>=gamma"); if ((alpha%2)!=0) alpha = alpha+1; if ((beta%2)!=0) beta = beta+1; if ((gamma%2)!=0) gamma = gamma+1; if ((delta%2)!=0) delta = delta+1; if (nfw <=delta) sf_error("Need nfw > delta"); if (nfw%2 == 0) nfw++; m=(nfw-1)/2; tempnfw=nfw; trace = sf_floatalloc(n1*n2); tempt = sf_floatalloc(n1*n2); result = sf_floatalloc(n1*n2); extendt = sf_floatalloc((n1+2*m)*n2); medianarray =sf_floatalloc(n1*n2); temp1 = sf_floatalloc(nfw); temp2 = sf_floatalloc(n1); /*set the data space*/ for(ii=0;ii<n3;ii++){ sf_floatread(trace,n1*n2,in); for(i=0;i<n1*n2;i++){ tempt[i]=trace[i]; } bound1(tempt,extendt,nfw,n1,n2,boundary); /************1D reference median filtering****************/ for(i=0;i<n2;i++){ for(j=0;j<n1;j++){ for(k=0;k<nfw;k++){ temp1[k]=extendt[(n1+2*m)*i+j+k]; } medianarray[n1*i+j]=sf_quantile(m,nfw,temp1); } } medianv=0.0; for(i=0;i<n1*n2;i++){ medianv=medianv+fabs(medianarray[i]); } medianv=medianv/(1.0*n1*n2); /************1D time-varying median filter****************/ for(i=0;i<n2;i++){ for(kk=0;kk<n1;kk++){ temp2[kk]=trace[n1*i+kk]; } for(j=0;j<n1;j++){ if(fabs(medianarray[n1*i+j])<medianv){ if(fabs(medianarray[n1*i+j])<medianv/2.0){ tempnfw=nfw+alpha; } else{ tempnfw=nfw+beta; } } else{ if(fabs(medianarray[n1*i+j])>=(medianv*2.0)){ tempnfw=nfw-delta; } else{ tempnfw=nfw-gamma; } } temp3 = sf_floatalloc(tempnfw); bound2(temp2,temp3,n1,tempnfw,j,boundary); result[n1*i+j]=sf_quantile((tempnfw-1)/2,tempnfw,temp3); tempnfw=nfw; } } sf_floatwrite(result,n1*n2,out); } exit (0); }
typename TreeType::ElemType MinimalCoverageSweep<SplitPolicy>:: SweepNonLeafNode(const size_t axis, const TreeType* node, typename TreeType::ElemType& axisCut) { typedef typename TreeType::ElemType ElemType; typedef bound::HRectBound<metric::EuclideanDistance, ElemType> BoundType; std::vector<std::pair<ElemType, size_t>> sorted(node->NumChildren()); for (size_t i = 0; i < node->NumChildren(); i++) { sorted[i].first = SplitPolicy::Bound(node->Child(i))[axis].Hi(); sorted[i].second = i; } // Sort high bounds of children. std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [] (const std::pair<ElemType, size_t>& s1, const std::pair<ElemType, size_t>& s2) { return s1.first < s2.first; }); size_t splitPointer = node->NumChildren() / 2; axisCut = sorted[splitPointer - 1].first; // Check if the midpoint split is suitable. if (!CheckNonLeafSweep(node, axis, axisCut)) { // Find any suitable partition if the default partition is not acceptable. for (splitPointer = 1; splitPointer < sorted.size(); splitPointer++) { axisCut = sorted[splitPointer - 1].first; if (CheckNonLeafSweep(node, axis, axisCut)) break; } if (splitPointer == node->NumChildren()) return std::numeric_limits<ElemType>::max(); } BoundType bound1(node->Bound().Dim()); BoundType bound2(node->Bound().Dim()); // Find bounds of two resulting nodes. for (size_t i = 0; i < splitPointer; i++) bound1 |= node->Child(sorted[i].second).Bound(); for (size_t i = splitPointer; i < node->NumChildren(); i++) bound2 |= node->Child(sorted[i].second).Bound(); // Evaluate the cost of the split i.e. calculate the total coverage // of two resulting nodes. ElemType area1 = bound1.Volume(); ElemType area2 = bound2.Volume(); return area1 + area2; }