bool CCheckForUpdatesDlg::Download(CString filename) { CString destFilename = GetDownloadsDirectory() + filename; if (PathFileExists(destFilename)) { if (VerifySignature(destFilename)) return true; else DeleteFile(destFilename); } CBSCallbackImpl bsc(this->GetSafeHwnd(), m_eventStop); CString url = m_sFilesURL + filename; m_progress.SetRange32(0, 1); m_progress.SetPos(0); m_progress.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); CString tempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(true).GetWinPathString(); HRESULT res = URLDownloadToFile(NULL, url, tempfile, 0, &bsc); if (res == S_OK) { if (VerifySignature(tempfile)) { if (PathFileExists(destFilename)) DeleteFile(destFilename); MoveFile(tempfile, destFilename); return true; } } return false; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static member function - the controlling function for the worker thread // pParam: DOWNLOADPARAM * // { // HWND hWnd - IN the window handle to display status // HANDLE hEventStop - IN the event object to signal to stop // CString strURL - IN the URL of the file to be downloaded // CString strFileName - OUT the filename of the downloaded file // } // return value: not used UINT AsyncDownloader::Download(LPVOID pParam) { DOWNLOADPARAM *const pDownloadParam = static_cast<DOWNLOADPARAM *>(pParam); ASSERT_POINTER(pDownloadParam, DOWNLOADPARAM); ASSERT(::IsWindow(pDownloadParam->hWnd)); /* URLDownloadToCacheFile is a blocking function. Even though the data is downloaded asynchronously the function does not return until all the data is downloaded. If complete asynchronous downloading is desired, one of the other UOS functions, such as URLOpenStream, or perhaps general URL monikers would be more appropriate. */ ::DeleteUrlCacheEntry(pDownloadParam->strURL); CBSCallbackImpl bsc(pDownloadParam->hWnd, pDownloadParam->hEventStop); const HRESULT hr = ::URLDownloadToCacheFile(NULL, pDownloadParam->strURL, pDownloadParam->strFileName. GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), URLOSTRM_GETNEWESTVERSION, 0, &bsc); /* The resource from the cache is used for the second and subsequent calls to URLDownloadToCacheFile during the session of the program unless the following setting is selected, in which case, every call to URLDownloadToCacheFile downloads the resource from the Internet. Control Panel/Internet/General/Temporary Internet files/Settings/ Check for newer versions of stored pages -> Every visit to the page */ // empty the filename string if failed or canceled pDownloadParam->strFileName.ReleaseBuffer(SUCCEEDED(hr) ? -1 : 0); TRACE(_T("URLDownloadToCacheFile ends: 0x%08lX\nCache file name: %s\n"), hr, pDownloadParam->strFileName); // let the dialog box know it is done VERIFY(::PostMessage(pDownloadParam->hWnd, WM_USER_ENDDOWNLOAD, 0, 0)); return 0; }
void PPInstance::HandleRequestGetUrl( void* data ) { HRESULT hr( S_OK ); P3D_request *request = static_cast<P3D_request*>( data ); if ( !request ) { return; } int unique_id = request->_request._get_url._unique_id; const std::string &url = request->_request._get_url._url; CP3DActiveXCtrl* parent = static_cast<CP3DActiveXCtrl*> ( request->_instance->_user_data ); if ( !parent ) { return; } nout << "Handling P3D_RT_get_url request from " << url << "\n"; { PPDownloadRequest p3dObjectDownloadRequest( parent->m_instance, request ); PPDownloadCallback bsc( p3dObjectDownloadRequest ); hr = ::URLOpenStream( parent->GetControllingUnknown(), url.c_str(), 0, &bsc ); } P3D_result_code result_code = P3D_RC_done; if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { nout << "Error handling P3D_RT_get_url request" << " :" << hr << "\n"; result_code = P3D_RC_generic_error; } P3D_instance_feed_url_stream_ptr( request->_instance, request->_request._get_url._unique_id, result_code, 0, 0, (const void*)NULL, 0 ); P3D_request_finish_ptr( request, true ); }
// do the actual cleanup void CompileRequest::Process(IManager* manager) { wxString cmd; wxString errMsg; wxStringMap_t om; BuildSettingsConfig* bsc(manager ? manager->GetBuildSettingsConfigManager() : BuildSettingsConfigST::Get()); BuildManager* bm(manager ? manager->GetBuildManager() : BuildManagerST::Get()); clCxxWorkspace* w(manager ? manager->GetWorkspace() : clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()); EnvironmentConfig* env(manager ? manager->GetEnv() : EnvironmentConfig::Instance()); ProjectPtr proj = w->FindProjectByName(m_info.GetProject(), errMsg); if(!proj) { AppendLine(_("Cant find project: ") + m_info.GetProject()); return; } wxString pname(proj->GetName()); // BuilderPtr builder = bm->GetBuilder(wxT("GNU makefile for g++/gcc")); BuilderPtr builder = bm->GetSelectedBuilder(); if(m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false) { // we got a complie request of a single file cmd = m_preprocessOnly ? builder->GetPreprocessFileCmd(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), m_fileName, errMsg) : builder->GetSingleFileCmd(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), m_fileName); } else if(m_info.GetProjectOnly()) { switch(m_info.GetKind()) { case QueueCommand::kRebuild: cmd = builder->GetPORebuildCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); break; default: case QueueCommand::kBuild: cmd = builder->GetPOBuildCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); break; } } else { cmd = builder->GetBuildCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); } // Notify plugins that a compile process is going to start clBuildEvent event(wxEVT_BUILD_STARTING); event.SetProjectName(pname); event.SetConfigurationName(m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(EventNotifier::Get()->ProcessEvent(event)) { // the build is being handled by some plugin, no need to build it // using the standard way return; } // Send the EVENT_STARTED : even if this event is sent, next event will // be post, so no way to be sure the the build process has not started SendStartMsg(); // if we require to run the makefile generation command only, replace the 'cmd' with the // generation command line BuildConfigPtr bldConf = w->GetProjBuildConf(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(m_premakeOnly && bldConf) { BuildConfigPtr bldConf = w->GetProjBuildConf(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(bldConf) { cmd = bldConf->GetMakeGenerationCommand(); } } if(bldConf) { wxString cmpType = bldConf->GetCompilerType(); CompilerPtr cmp = bsc->GetCompiler(cmpType); if(cmp) { // Add the 'bin' folder of the compiler to the PATH environment variable wxString scxx = cmp->GetTool("CXX"); scxx.Trim().Trim(false); scxx.StartsWith("\"", &scxx); scxx.EndsWith("\"", &scxx); // Strip the double quotes wxFileName cxx(scxx); wxString pathvar; pathvar << cxx.GetPath() << clPATH_SEPARATOR; // If we have an additional path, add it as well if(!cmp->GetPathVariable().IsEmpty()) { pathvar << cmp->GetPathVariable() << clPATH_SEPARATOR; } pathvar << "$PATH"; om["PATH"] = pathvar; } } if(cmd.IsEmpty()) { // if we got an error string, use it if(errMsg.IsEmpty() == false) { AppendLine(errMsg); } else { AppendLine(_("Command line is empty. Build aborted.")); } return; } WrapInShell(cmd); DirSaver ds; DoSetWorkingDirectory(proj, false, m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false); // expand the variables of the command cmd = ExpandAllVariables(cmd, w, m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), m_fileName); // print the build command AppendLine(cmd + wxT("\n")); if(m_info.GetProjectOnly() || m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false) { // set working directory DoSetWorkingDirectory(proj, false, m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false); } // print the prefix message of the build start. This is important since the parser relies // on this message if(m_info.GetProjectOnly() || m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false) { wxString configName(m_info.GetConfiguration()); // also, send another message to the main frame, indicating which project is being built // and what configuration wxString text; text << wxGetTranslation(BUILD_PROJECT_PREFIX) << m_info.GetProject() << wxT(" - ") << configName << wxT(" ]"); if(m_fileName.IsEmpty()) { text << wxT("----------\n"); } else if(m_preprocessOnly) { text << wxT(" (Preprocess Single File)----------\n"); } else { text << wxT(" (Single File Build)----------\n"); } AppendLine(text); } EnvSetter envir(env, &om, proj->GetName()); m_proc = CreateAsyncProcess(this, cmd); if(!m_proc) { wxString message; message << _("Failed to start build process, command: ") << cmd << _(", process terminated with exit code: 0"); AppendLine(message); return; } }
//do the actual cleanup void CleanRequest::Process(IManager *manager) { wxString cmd; wxString errMsg; wxStringMap_t om; BuildSettingsConfig *bsc(manager ? manager->GetBuildSettingsConfigManager() : BuildSettingsConfigST::Get()); BuildManager * bm(manager ? manager->GetBuildManager() : BuildManagerST::Get()); Workspace * w(manager ? manager->GetWorkspace() : WorkspaceST::Get()); ProjectPtr proj = w->FindProjectByName(m_info.GetProject(), errMsg); if (!proj) { AppendLine(_("Cant find project: ") + m_info.GetProject()); return; } wxString pname (proj->GetName()); //BuilderPtr builder = bm->GetBuilder(wxT("GNU makefile for g++/gcc")); BuilderPtr builder = bm->GetSelectedBuilder(); if (m_info.GetProjectOnly()) { cmd = builder->GetPOCleanCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); } else { cmd = builder->GetCleanCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); } if ( cmd.IsEmpty() ) { AppendLine(_("Sorry, there is no 'Clean' command available\n")); return; } BuildConfigPtr bldConf = w->GetProjBuildConf(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(bldConf) { wxString cmpType = bldConf->GetCompilerType(); CompilerPtr cmp = bsc->GetCompiler(cmpType); if(cmp) { wxString value( cmp->GetPathVariable() ); if(value.Trim().Trim(false).IsEmpty() == false) { wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("Setting PATH to '%s'"), value.c_str())); om[wxT("PATH")] = value.Trim().Trim(false); } } } else { AppendLine(_("Sorry, couldn't find the Build configuration\n")); return; } // Notify plugins that a compile process is going to start clBuildEvent event(wxEVT_BUILD_STARTING); event.SetProjectName( pname ); event.SetConfigurationName( m_info.GetConfiguration() ); if (EventNotifier::Get()->ProcessEvent(event)) { // the build is being handled by some plugin, no need to build it // using the standard way return; } SendStartMsg(); // Expand the variables of the command cmd = ExpandAllVariables(cmd, w, m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), wxEmptyString); WrapInShell(cmd); DirSaver ds; DoSetWorkingDirectory(proj, false, false); if (m_info.GetProjectOnly() ) { //need to change directory to project dir wxSetWorkingDirectory(proj->GetFileName().GetPath()); } //print the build command AppendLine(cmd + wxT("\n")); // print the prefix message of the build start. This is important since the parser relies // on this message if(m_info.GetProjectOnly()) { wxString configName(m_info.GetConfiguration()); //also, send another message to the main frame, indicating which project is being built //and what configuration wxString text; text << wxGetTranslation(CLEAN_PROJECT_PREFIX) << m_info.GetProject() << wxT(" - ") << configName << wxT(" ]"); text << wxT("----------\n"); AppendLine(text); } //apply environment settings EnvSetter env(NULL, &om, proj->GetName()); m_proc = CreateAsyncProcess(this, cmd); if ( !m_proc ) { //remove environment settings applied wxString message; message << _("Failed to start clean process, command: ") << cmd << _(", process terminated with exit code: 0"); AppendLine(message); return; } }
int main(int ac, char **av) { if (ac < 2) return (my_puterror(USAGE)); return (bsc(av), ac); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s <size of cache, log2> <taskgraph>\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #if 0 if (argc == 3) { SimpleCacheBackend* bsc = new SimpleCacheBackend(atoi(argv[1]), 2, 1); contech::SimpleBackendWrapper* sbw = new contech::SimpleBackendWrapper(argv[2], bsc); sbw->runBackend(); sbw->completeRun(stdout); delete sbw; delete bsc; } else { for (int c = 10; c <= 28; c++) { SimpleCacheBackend* bsc = new SimpleCacheBackend(c, 2, 0); contech::SimpleBackendWrapper* sbw = new contech::SimpleBackendWrapper(argv[1], bsc); sbw->runBackend(); sbw->completeRun(stdout); delete sbw; delete bsc; } } #endif if (argc == 3) { TraceWrapper* tw = new TraceWrapper(argv[2]); SimpleCacheBackend* bsc = new SimpleCacheBackend(atoi(argv[1]), 2, 1); MemReqContainer mrc; while (tw->getNextMemoryRequest(mrc)) { bsc->updateBackend(mrc); } bsc->completeBackend(stdout, tw->tg->getTaskGraphInfo()); delete bsc; delete tw; } else { for (int c = 10; c <= 28; c++) { TraceWrapper tw(argv[1]); SimpleCacheBackend bsc(c, 2, 0); MemReqContainer mrc; while (tw.getNextMemoryRequest(mrc)) { bsc.updateBackend(mrc); } bsc.completeBackend(stdout,>getTaskGraphInfo()); fflush(stdout); } #if 0 TraceWrapper* tw; MemReqContainer mrc; int c_start = 10, c_end = 29, c_pt; while (c_start < c_end) { vector<SimpleCacheBackend*> scbv; tw = new TraceWrapper(argv[1]); c_pt = c_start + 2; if (c_pt > c_end) c_pt = c_end; for (int c = c_start; c < c_pt; c++) { //printf("", c); //fflush(stdout); SimpleCacheBackend* bsc = new SimpleCacheBackend(c, 2, 0); scbv.push_back(bsc); } while (tw->getNextMemoryRequest(mrc)) { for (auto bsc : scbv) { bsc->updateBackend(mrc); } } for (auto bsc : scbv) { bsc->completeBackend(stdout, tw->tg->getTaskGraphInfo()); delete bsc; } fflush(stdout); c_start += 2; delete tw; } #endif } return 0; }