Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *shell = getenv("TALON_SHELL");
	char **args = malloc((argc+2)*sizeof(char *));
	int i;
	proc *p;

	for (i=1; i < argc; i++)
		args[i] = argv[i];
		printf("arg: %s\n", args[i]);
	args[argc] = NULL;

	if (! shell)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: %s", "TALONSHELL not set in environment\n");
		return 1;

	args[0]  = shell;
	p = process_run(shell, args, 4000);

	if (p) 

		buffer_prepend(p->output, "<recipe>\n<!CDATA<[[\n", 20);
		buffer_append(p->output, "\n]]></recipe>\n", 13);

		unsigned int iterator = 0;
		byteblock *bb;
		while ((bb = buffer_getbytes(p->output, &iterator)))
			write(STDOUT_FILENO, &bb->byte0, bb->fill);

	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: %s", "failed to run process\n");
		return 1;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	/* find the argument to -c then strip the talon related front section */

	char *recipe = NULL;
	int talon_returncode = 0;

	WSADATA wsaData;

	WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);

	/* We ignore the result as we are only doing this to use gethostname
	   and if that fails then leaving the host attribute blank is perfectly


	char *commandline= GetCommandLine();
	 * The command line should be either,
	 * talon -c "some shell commands"
	 * or
	 * talon shell_script_file
	 * talon could be an absolute path and may have a .exe extension.

	recipe = chompCommand(commandline);
	if (recipe)
		/* there was a -c so extract the quoted commands */

		int recipelen = strlen(recipe);
		if (recipelen > 0 && recipe[recipelen - 1] == '"')
			recipe[recipelen - 1] = '\0'; /* remove trailing quote */
		/* there was no -c so extract the argument as a filename */

		recipe = strstr(commandline, "talon");
		if (recipe)
			/* find the first space */
			while (!isspace(*recipe) && *recipe != '\0')
			/* skip past the spaces */
			while (isspace(*recipe))

			recipe = read_recipe_from_file(recipe);

			if (!recipe)
			    error("talon: error: bad script file in shell call '%s'\n", commandline);
				return 1;
			error("talon: error: no 'talon' in shell call '%s'\n", commandline);
			return 1;
	 * The command line should be either,
	 * talon -c "some shell commands"
	 * or
	 * talon shell_script_file
	 * talon could be an absolute path and may have a .exe extension.
	switch (argc)
		case 2:
			recipe = read_recipe_from_file(argv[1]);
		case 3:
			if (strcmp("-c", argv[1]) != 0)
				error("talon: error: %s\n", "usage is 'talon -c command' or 'talon script_filename'");
				return 1;
			recipe = argv[2];
			error("talon: error: %s\n", "usage is 'talon -c command' or 'talon script_filename'");
			return 1;

	/* did we get a recipe at all? */
	if (!recipe)
		error("talon: error: %s", "no recipe supplied to the shell.\n");
		return 1;

	/* remove any leading white space on the recipe */
	while (isspace(*recipe))

	/* turn debugging on? */
	char *debugstr=talon_getenv("TALON_DEBUG");

	if (debugstr)
		free(debugstr); debugstr=NULL;

	DEBUG(("talon: recipe: %s\n", recipe));

	/* Make sure that the agent's hostname can be put into the host attribute */
	char hostname[HOSTNAME_MAX];
	int hostresult=0;
	hostresult = gethostname(hostname, HOSTNAME_MAX-1);
	if (0 != hostresult)
		DEBUG(("talon: failed to get hostname: %d\n", hostresult));
		hostname[0] = '\0';

	talon_setenv("HOSTNAME", hostname);
	DEBUG(("talon: setenv: hostname: %s\n", hostname));

	char varname[VARNAMEMAX];
	char varval[VARVALMAX];
	int dotagging = 0; 
	int force_descramble_off = 0;

	char  *rp = recipe;
	if (*rp == TALONDELIMITER) {
		dotagging = 1; 

		/* there are some talon-specific settings 
		 * in the command which must be stripped */
		char *out = varname;
		char *stopout = varname + VARNAMEMAX - 1;
		DEBUG(("talon: parameters found\n"));
		while (*rp != '\0')
			switch (*rp) {
				case  '=':
					*out = '\0';
					DEBUG(("talon: varname: %s\n",varname));
					out = varval;
					stopout = varval + VARVALMAX - 1;
				case ';':
					*out = '\0';
					DEBUG(("talon: varval: %s\n",varval));
					talon_setenv(varname, varval);
					out = varname;
					stopout = varname + VARNAMEMAX - 1;
					*out = *rp;
					if (out < stopout)

			if (*rp == TALONDELIMITER)
	} else {
		/* This is probably a $(shell) statement 
 		 * in make so no descrambling needed and 
 		 * tags are definitely not wanted as they 
 		 * would corrupt the expected output*/
		force_descramble_off = 1; 

	/* Now take settings from the environment (having potentially modified it) */	
	if (talon_getenv("TALON_DEBUG"))

	int enverrors = 0;

	char *shell = talon_getenv("TALON_SHELL");
	if (!shell)
		error("error: %s", "TALON_SHELL not set in environment\n");

	int timeout = -1;
	char *timeout_str = talon_getenv("TALON_TIMEOUT");
	if (timeout_str)
		timeout = atoi(timeout_str);
		free(timeout_str); timeout_str = NULL;

	char *buildid = talon_getenv("TALON_BUILDID");
	if (!buildid)
		error("error: %s", "TALON_BUILDID not set in environment\n");

	char *attributes = talon_getenv("TALON_RECIPEATTRIBUTES");
	if (!attributes)
		error("error: %s", "TALON_RECIPEATTRIBUTES not set in environment\n");

	int max_retries = 0;
	char *retries_str = talon_getenv("TALON_RETRIES");
	if (retries_str)
		max_retries = atoi(retries_str);
		free(retries_str); retries_str = NULL;

	int descramble = 0;
	if (! force_descramble_off )
		char *descramblestr = talon_getenv("TALON_DESCRAMBLE");
		if (descramblestr)
			if (*descramblestr == '0')
				descramble = 0;
				descramble = 1;
			free(descramblestr); descramblestr = NULL;

	/* check command line lengths if a maximum is supplied */
	int shell_cl_max = 0;
	char *shell_cl_max_str = talon_getenv("TALON_SHELL_CL_MAX");
	if (shell_cl_max_str)
		shell_cl_max = atoi(shell_cl_max_str);
		free(shell_cl_max_str); shell_cl_max_str = NULL;

	/* Talon can look in a flags variable to alter its behaviour */
	int force_success = 0;
	char *flags_str = talon_getenv("TALON_FLAGS");
	if (flags_str)
		int c;
		for (c=0; flags_str[c] !=0; c++)
			flags_str[c] = tolower(flags_str[c]);

		if (strstr(flags_str, "forcesuccess"))
			force_success = 1;

		/* don't put <recipe> or <CDATA<[[ tags around the output. e.g. if it's XML already*/
		if (strstr(flags_str, "rawoutput"))
			dotagging = 0;

		free(flags_str); flags_str = NULL;

	/* Talon subprocesses need to have the "correct" shell variable set. */
	talon_setenv("SHELL", shell); 

	/* we have allowed some errors to build up so that the user
	 * can see all of them before we stop and force the user 
	 * to fix them
	if (enverrors)
		return 1;

	/* Run the recipe repeatedly until the retry count expires or
	 * it succeeds.
	int attempt = 0, retries = max_retries;
	proc *p = NULL;

	char *args[5];

	char *qrp=rp;

	/* re-quote the argument to -c since this helps windows deal with it */
	int qrpsize = strlen(rp) + 3;
	qrp = malloc(qrpsize);
	qrp[0] = '"';
	strcpy(&qrp[1], rp);
	qrp[qrpsize-2] = '"';
	qrp[qrpsize-1] = '\0';

	int index = 0;
	args[index++] = shell;

	if (dotagging)  /* don't do bash -x for non-tagged commands e.g. $(shell output) */
		args[index++] = "-x";

	args[index++] = "-c";
	args[index++] = qrp;
	args[index++] = NULL;

	/* get the semaphore ready */
	talon_sem.name = buildid;
	talon_sem.timeout = timeout;
		char talon_attempt[TALON_ATTEMPT_STRMAX];
		double start_time = getseconds();
		snprintf(talon_attempt, TALON_ATTEMPT_STRMAX-1, "%d", attempt);
		talon_attempt[TALON_ATTEMPT_STRMAX - 1] = '\0';

		talon_setenv("TALON_ATTEMPT", talon_attempt);
		p = process_run(shell, args, timeout);

		double end_time = getseconds();
		if (p) 
			talon_returncode = p->returncode;

			if (dotagging) 
				char status[STATUS_STRMAX];
				char timestat[STATUS_STRMAX];
				char warning[WARNING_STRMAX];
				warning[0] = '\0';

				if (shell_cl_max)
					int cl_actual = strlen(qrp);
					if (cl_actual > shell_cl_max)
						snprintf(warning, WARNING_STRMAX-1, \
							"\n<warning>Command line length '%d' exceeds the shell limit on this system of '%d'.  " \
							"If this recipe is a compile, try using the '.use_compilation_command_file' variant to reduce overall command line length.</warning>", \
							cl_actual, shell_cl_max);
						warning[WARNING_STRMAX-1] = '\0';

				char *flagsstr = force_success == 0 ? "" : " flags='FORCESUCCESS'";
				char *reasonstr = "" ;

				if (p->causeofdeath == PROC_TIMEOUTDEATH)
					reasonstr = " reason='timeout'";

				if (p->returncode != 0)
					char *exitstr = (force_success || retries <= 0) ? "failed" : "retry";
					snprintf(status, STATUS_STRMAX - 1, "\n<status exit='%s' code='%d' attempt='%d'%s%s />", exitstr, p->returncode, attempt, flagsstr, reasonstr );
				} else {
					snprintf(status, STATUS_STRMAX - 1, "\n<status exit='ok' attempt='%d'%s%s />", attempt, flagsstr, reasonstr );
				status[STATUS_STRMAX-1] = '\0';
				snprintf(timestat, STATUS_STRMAX - 1, "<time start='%.5f' elapsed='%.3f' />",start_time, end_time-start_time );
				timestat[STATUS_STRMAX-1] = '\0';

				prependattributes(p->output, attributes);
				buffer_append(p->output, "\n]]>", 4);
				buffer_append(p->output, timestat, strlen(timestat));
				buffer_append(p->output, status, strlen(status));
				buffer_append(p->output, warning, strlen(warning));
				buffer_append(p->output, "\n</recipe>\n", 11);
			unsigned int iterator = 0;
			unsigned int written = 0;
			byteblock *bb;
			char sub[7] = "&#x00;";
			if (descramble)	
			while ((bb = buffer_getbytes(p->output, &iterator)))
				if (bb->fill < 1)
					continue;		/* empty buffer */
				if (dotagging)
					/* the output is XML so we must replace any non-printable characters */
					char *ptr = &bb->byte0;
					char *end = ptr + bb->fill;

					char *start = ptr;
					while (ptr < end)
						if ((*ptr < 32 || *ptr > 126) && *ptr != 9 && *ptr != 10 && *ptr != 13)
							/* output any unwritten characters before this non-printable */
							if (ptr > start)
								write(STDOUT_FILENO, start, ptr - start);
							/* 0->&#x00; 1->&#x01; ... 255->&#xff; */
							sprintf(sub, "&#x%02x;", (unsigned char)*ptr);
							/* output the modified non-printable character */
							write(STDOUT_FILENO, sub, 6);
							start = ptr + 1;
					if (ptr > start)
						write(STDOUT_FILENO, start, ptr - start);
					/* the output isn't XML so write out the whole buffer as-is */
					written = write(STDOUT_FILENO, &bb->byte0, bb->fill);

					DEBUG(("talon: wrote %d bytes out of %d\n", written, bb->fill));
			if (descramble)	
			if (p->returncode == 0 || force_success)

		} else {
			error("error: failed to run shell: %s: check the SHELL environment variable.\n", args[0]);
			return 1;

	while (retries >= 0);

	if (buildid) free(buildid); buildid = NULL;
	if (attributes) free(attributes); attributes = NULL;
	if (shell) free(shell); shell = NULL;

	if (force_success)
		return 0;
		return talon_returncode;