Ejemplo n.º 1
void word_count(int m, int r, char *address){
    FILE * fp= NULL;
    char * line = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    ssize_t read;
    char* address1 = "/input";
    char* address2 = "/output";
    char **text = malloc(sizeof(char*) * m);
    int x = 0;
        char *n = malloc (sizeof(char)*2);
        snprintf(n , 10, "%d", x);
        char *put = join3(address,address1);
        char *input = join3(put,n);
        /*creat the input file address*/
        fp =fopen(input,"r");
        if (fp == NULL)
        /*open the file*/
        char * result = "";
        while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) {
            int length = strlen(line);
            line[length-1] = ' ';
            result = join3(result , line);
            /*join all the lines in one file together to one single line*/
        text[x] = result;
        /*store the line in the corresponding line in the **text  */
    mymap = (map_t *)malloc(sizeof(map_t ) * r);
    int number=0;
    for(number =0; number <r;number ++)
        mymap[number] = hashmap_new();
    int q =0;    
    queue = (struct buffered_queue *)malloc(sizeof(struct buffered_queue) * r);
    for( q=0; q<r; q++){
    /*initialize the hashtable and the queue*/
    int num =0;
    if (m>=r) 
        num =m;
        num = r;
   struct ma arg[num];
    int z =0;  
    for( z=0; z<num; z++){
       arg[z].text = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char*) * m);
       arg[z].id = z;
       arg[z].r = r;
       arg[z].m = m;
       arg[z].text  = text;
   /*the information passed to the thread store in the struct*/
    pthread_t map[m];
    pthread_t re[r];  
    int a = 0;
    int b =0;
    int c=0;
    int d=0;
    for( a=0; a<m; a++){
        pthread_create(&map[a], NULL, mapper, &arg[a]);
    for( b=0; b<r; b++){
        pthread_create(&re[b], NULL, reducer, &arg[b]);
    for( c=0; c<m; c++){
        pthread_join(map[c], NULL);
    for( d=0; d<r; d++){
        pthread_join(re[d], NULL);
    /*creat and run the thread */
    int t = 0;
        char *z = malloc (sizeof(char)*2);
        snprintf(z , 10, "%d", t);
        char *put = join3(address,address2);
        /*creat the input text address*/
        char *input = join3(put,z);
        fp = fopen (input, "w+");
        /*open the file*/
        int j =0;
        hashmap_map * m;
        m = (hashmap_map *) mymap[t];
        for(j = 0; j< m->table_size; j++){
            if(m->data[j].in_use != 0) {
                char *key = m->data[j].key;
                int data = m->data[j].data;
                fprintf(fp, "%s %d\n", key,data);
                /* copy one hashtable to on corresponding output file*/
    return ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void word_count(int m, int r, char **files, char *directory){
    map_t mymap[r];
    pthread_t mappers[m];    // Thread for each mapper
    pthread_t reducers[r];   // Thread for each reducer
    int *signal = malloc(sizeof(*signal)); // Keep track of finished mappers
    *signal = m;
	pthread_mutex_t lock;
	pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL);

    //printf("metting up buffered queue connections\n");
    struct buffered_queue **conns = malloc(sizeof(*conns) * r);// Hold connections

    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
        struct buffered_queue *conn = malloc(sizeof(*conn));
        buffered_queue_init(conn, 2*m); // Let queue fill & wait since text won't fit in memory 
        conns[i] = conn;

    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){ // Create mapper threads
        struct mapperArgs *mArgs = malloc(sizeof(*mArgs)); // Get arguments for map function
        mArgs->mapperId = i;
        mArgs->reducerCount = r;
        mArgs->file = files[i];
        mArgs->conns = conns;
        mArgs->signal = signal;
		mArgs->signal_lock = lock;
        //printf("Beginning mapper functions\n");
        pthread_create(&mappers[i], NULL, map, (void*)mArgs); // Create thread
    //printf("Beginning reducer processes\n"); 
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++){
		printf("%s\n", directory);
		char *file_no = malloc(sizeof(*file_no));
		sprintf(file_no,"%d", i); 		
		char *file_path = malloc(strlen(directory) + strlen(file_no) + 8);
		strcpy(file_path, directory);
		strcat(file_path, "/output");
		strcat(file_path, file_no);	
		printf("Reducer %d will write to file %s\n", i, file_path);
        mymap[i] = hashmap_new(file_path);
        struct reducerArgs *rArgs = malloc(sizeof(*rArgs));
        rArgs->mapperCount = m;
        rArgs->reducerId = i;
        rArgs->map = &(mymap[i]);
        rArgs->conns = conns;
        pthread_create(&reducers[i], NULL, reduce, (void*)rArgs);

    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
        //printf("Waiting for mapper %d to finish\n", i);
        pthread_join(mappers[i], NULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++){
        //printf("Waiting for reducer %d to finish\n", i);
        pthread_join(reducers[i], NULL);

//    printf("Result:\n");
//    hashmap_iterate(mymap, print_result);	