Ejemplo n.º 1
  Fixnum* String::index(STATE, String* pattern, Fixnum* start) {
    native_int total = size();
    native_int match_size = pattern->size();

    switch(match_size) {
    case 0:
      return start;
    case 1:
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t matcher = pattern->byte_address()[0];

        for(native_int pos = start->to_native(); pos < total; pos++) {
          if(buf[pos] == matcher) return Fixnum::from(pos);
      return (Fixnum*)Qnil;
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t* matcher = pattern->byte_address();

        uint8_t* last = buf + (total - match_size);
        uint8_t* pos = buf + start->to_native();

        while(pos <= last) {
          if(memcmp(pos, matcher, match_size) == 0) return Fixnum::from(pos - buf);
      return (Fixnum*)Qnil;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  String* String::append(STATE, const char* other, std::size_t length) {
    size_t new_size = size() + length;
    size_t capacity = data_->size();

    if(capacity < (new_size + 1)) {
      // capacity needs one extra byte of room for the trailing null
      do {
        // @todo growth should be more intelligent than doubling
        capacity *= 2;
      } while(capacity < (new_size + 1));

      // No need to call unshare and duplicate a ByteArray
      // just to throw it away.
      if(shared_ == Qtrue) shared(state, Qfalse);

      ByteArray *ba = ByteArray::create(state, capacity);
      std::memcpy(ba->raw_bytes(), byte_address(), size());
      data(state, ba);
    } else {
      if(shared_ == Qtrue) unshare(state);

    // Append on top of the null byte at the end of s1, not after it
    std::memcpy(byte_address() + size(), other, length);

    // The 0-based index of the last character is new_size - 1
    byte_address()[new_size] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Integer::from(state, new_size));
    hash_value(state, (Integer*)Qnil);

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
const char* String::c_str(STATE) {
    char* c_string = (char*)byte_address();

    if(c_string[size()] != 0) {
        // Read it again because unshare might change it.
        c_string = (char*)byte_address();
        c_string[size()] = 0;

    return c_string;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Fixnum* String::tr_replace(STATE, struct tr_data* tr_data) {
    if(tr_data->last + 1 > (native_int)size() || shared_->true_p()) {
        CharArray* ba = CharArray::create(state, tr_data->last + 1);

        data(state, ba);
        shared(state, Qfalse);

    memcpy(byte_address(), tr_data->tr, tr_data->last);
    byte_address()[tr_data->last] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Fixnum::from(tr_data->last));

    return Fixnum::from(tr_data->steps);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  Fixnum* String::compare_substring(STATE, String* other, Fixnum* start, Fixnum* size) {
    native_int src = start->to_native();
    native_int cnt = size->to_native();
    native_int sz = (native_int)this->size();
    native_int osz = (native_int)other->size();

    if(src < 0) src = osz + src;
    if(src >= osz) {
      Exception::object_bounds_exceeded_error(state, "start exceeds size of other");
    } else if(src < 0) {
      Exception::object_bounds_exceeded_error(state, "start less than zero");
    if(src + cnt > osz) cnt = osz - src;

    if(cnt > sz) cnt = sz;

    native_int cmp = std::memcmp(byte_address(), other->byte_address() + src, cnt);

    if(cmp < 0) {
      return Fixnum::from(-1);
    } else if(cmp > 0) {
      return Fixnum::from(1);
    } else {
      return Fixnum::from(0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  String* String::substring(STATE, Fixnum* start_f, Fixnum* count_f) {
    native_int start = start_f->to_native();
    native_int count = count_f->to_native();
    native_int total = num_bytes_->to_native();

    if(count < 0) return (String*)Qnil;

    if(start < 0) {
      start += total;
      if(start < 0) return (String*)Qnil;

    if(start > total) return (String*)Qnil;

    if(start + count > total) {
      count = total - start;

    if(count < 0) count = 0;

    String* sub = String::create(state, Fixnum::from(count));
    sub->klass(state, class_object(state));

    uint8_t* buf = byte_address() + start;

    memcpy(sub->byte_address(), buf, count);

    if(tainted_p(state) == Qtrue) sub->taint(state);

    return sub;
Ejemplo n.º 7
String* String::copy_from(STATE, String* other, Fixnum* start,
                          Fixnum* size, Fixnum* dest)
    native_int src = start->to_native();
    native_int dst = dest->to_native();
    native_int cnt = size->to_native();

    native_int osz = other->size();
    if(src >= osz) return this;
    if(cnt < 0) return this;
    if(src < 0) src = 0;
    if(cnt > osz - src) cnt = osz - src;

    // This bounds checks on the total capacity rather than the virtual
    // size() of the String. This allows for string adjustment within
    // the capacity without having to change the virtual size first.
    native_int sz = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();
    if(dst >= sz) return this;
    if(dst < 0) dst = 0;
    if(cnt > sz - dst) cnt = sz - dst;

    memmove(byte_address() + dst, other->byte_address() + src, cnt);

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 8
String* String::resize_capacity(STATE, Fixnum* count) {
    native_int sz = count->to_native();

    if(sz < 0) {
        Exception::argument_error(state, "negative byte array size");
    } else if(sz >= INT32_MAX) {
        // >= is used deliberately because we use a size of + 1
        // for the byte array
        Exception::argument_error(state, "too large byte array size");

    CharArray* ba = CharArray::create(state, sz + 1);
    native_int copy_size = sz;
    native_int data_size = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();

    // Check that we don't copy any data outside the existing byte array
    if(unlikely(copy_size > data_size)) {
        copy_size = data_size;
    memcpy(ba->raw_bytes(), byte_address(), copy_size);

    // We've unshared
    shared(state, Qfalse);
    data(state, ba);
    hash_value(state, nil<Fixnum>());

    // If we shrunk it and num_bytes said there was more than there
    // is, clamp it.
    if(num_bytes()->to_native() > sz) {
        num_bytes(state, count);

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  String* String::find_character(STATE, Fixnum* offset) {
    size_t o = (size_t)offset->to_native();
    if(o >= size()) return (String*)Qnil;

    uint8_t* cur = byte_address() + o;

    String* output = 0;

    kcode::table* tbl = state->shared.kcode_table();
    if(kcode::mbchar_p(tbl, *cur)) {
      size_t clen = kcode::mbclen(tbl, *cur);
      if(o + clen <= size()) {
        output = String::create(state, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cur), clen);

    if(!output) {
      output = String::create(state, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cur), 1);

    output->klass(state, class_object(state));
    if(RTEST(tainted_p(state))) output->taint(state);

    return output;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Fixnum* String::rindex(STATE, String* pattern, Fixnum* start) {
    native_int total = size();
    native_int match_size = pattern->size();
    native_int pos = start->to_native();

    if(pos < 0) {
        Exception::argument_error(state, "negative start given");

    if(pos >= total) pos = total - 1;

    switch(match_size) {
    case 0:
        return start;
    case 1:
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t matcher = pattern->byte_address()[0];

        while(pos >= 0) {
            if(buf[pos] == matcher) return Fixnum::from(pos);
    return nil<Fixnum>();
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t* matcher = pattern->byte_address();

        if(total - pos < match_size) {
            pos = total - match_size;

        uint8_t* right = buf + pos;
        uint8_t* cur = right;

        while(cur >= buf) {
            if(memcmp(cur, matcher, match_size) == 0) {
                return Fixnum::from(cur - buf);
    return nil<Fixnum>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  const char* String::c_str() {
    char* c_string = (char*)byte_address();
    if(c_string[size()] != 0) {
      c_string[size()] = 0;

    return c_string;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Array* String::awk_split(STATE, Fixnum* f_limit) {
    native_int limit = f_limit->to_native();

    native_int sz = size();
    uint8_t* start = byte_address();
    int end = 0;
    int begin = 0;

    native_int i = 0;
    if(limit > 0) i = 1;

    bool skip = true;

    Array* ary = Array::create(state, 3);

    Class* out_class = class_object(state);
    int taint = (is_tainted_p() ? 1 : 0);

    // Algorithm ported from MRI

    for(uint8_t* ptr = start; ptr < start+sz; ptr++) {
        if(skip) {
            if(ISSPACE(*ptr)) {
            } else {
                end = begin + 1;
                skip = false;
                if(limit > 0 && limit <= i) break;
        } else {
            if(ISSPACE(*ptr)) {
                String* str = String::create(state, (const char*)start+begin, end-begin);
                str->klass(state, out_class);

                ary->append(state, str);
                skip = true;
                begin = end + 1;
                if(limit > 0) i++;
            } else {

    int fin_sz = sz-begin;

    if(fin_sz > 0 || (limit > 0 && i <= limit) || limit < 0) {
        String* str = String::create(state, (const char*)start+begin, fin_sz);
        str->klass(state, out_class);

        ary->append(state, str);
    return ary;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Fixnum* String::index(STATE, String* pattern, Fixnum* start) {
    native_int total = size();
    native_int match_size = pattern->size();

    if(start->to_native() < 0) {
        Exception::argument_error(state, "negative start given");

    switch(match_size) {
    case 0:
        return start;
    case 1:
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t matcher = pattern->byte_address()[0];

        for(native_int pos = start->to_native(); pos < total; pos++) {
            if(buf[pos] == matcher) return Fixnum::from(pos);
    return nil<Fixnum>();
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t* matcher = pattern->byte_address();

        uint8_t* last = buf + (total - match_size);
        uint8_t* pos = buf + start->to_native();

        while(pos <= last) {
            // Checking *pos directly then also checking memcmp is an
            // optimization. It's about 10x faster than just calling memcmp
            // everytime.
            if(*pos == *matcher &&
                    memcmp(pos, matcher, match_size) == 0) {
                return Fixnum::from(pos - buf);
    return nil<Fixnum>();
Ejemplo n.º 14
  Fixnum* String::rindex(STATE, String* pattern, Fixnum* start) {
    native_int total = size();
    native_int match_size = pattern->size();
    native_int pos = start->to_native();

    if(pos >= total) pos = total - 1;

    switch(match_size) {
    case 0:
      return start;
    case 1:
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t matcher = pattern->byte_address()[0];

        while(pos >= 0) {
          if(buf[pos] == matcher) return Fixnum::from(pos);
      return (Fixnum*)Qnil;
        uint8_t* buf = byte_address();
        uint8_t* matcher = pattern->byte_address();

        if(total - pos < match_size) {
          pos = total - match_size;

        uint8_t* right = buf + pos;
        uint8_t* cur = right;

        while(cur >= buf) {
          if(memcmp(cur, matcher, match_size) == 0) return Fixnum::from(cur - buf);
      return (Fixnum*)Qnil;
Ejemplo n.º 15
String* String::append(STATE, const char* other, native_int length) {
    native_int current_size = size();
    native_int data_size = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();

    // Clamp the string size the maximum underlying byte array size
    if(unlikely(current_size > data_size)) {
        current_size = data_size;

    native_int new_size = current_size + length;
    native_int capacity = data_size;

    if(capacity < new_size + 1) {
        // capacity needs one extra byte of room for the trailing null
        do {
            // @todo growth should be more intelligent than doubling
            capacity *= 2;
        } while(capacity < new_size + 1);

        // No need to call unshare and duplicate a CharArray
        // just to throw it away.
        if(shared_ == Qtrue) shared(state, Qfalse);

        CharArray* ba = CharArray::create(state, capacity);
        memcpy(ba->raw_bytes(), byte_address(), current_size);
        data(state, ba);
    } else {
        if(shared_ == Qtrue) unshare(state);

    // Append on top of the null byte at the end of s1, not after it
    memcpy(byte_address() + current_size, other, length);

    // The 0-based index of the last character is new_size - 1
    byte_address()[new_size] = 0;

    num_bytes(state, Fixnum::from(new_size));
    hash_value(state, nil<Fixnum>());

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 16
hashval String::hash_string(STATE) {
    if(!hash_value_->nil_p()) {
        return (hashval)as<Fixnum>(hash_value_)->to_native();

    unsigned char* bp = (unsigned char*)(byte_address());

    hashval h = hash_str(bp, size());
    hash_value(state, Fixnum::from(h));

    return h;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  hashval String::hash_string(STATE) {
    unsigned char *bp;

    if(!hash_value_->nil_p()) {
      return (hashval)as<Integer>(hash_value_)->to_native();
    bp = (unsigned char*)(byte_address());
    size_t sz = size();

    hashval h = hash_str(bp, sz);
    hash_value(state, Integer::from(state, h));

    return h;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  Fixnum* String::tr_expand(STATE, Object* limit) {
    struct tr_data tr_data;
    native_int seq;
    native_int max;
    native_int chr;

    tr_data.last = 0;
    tr_data.steps = 0;

    if(Integer* lim = try_as<Integer>(limit)) {
      tr_data.limit = lim->to_native();
    } else {
      tr_data.limit = -1;

    uint8_t* str = byte_address();
    native_int bytes = (native_int)this->size();
    native_int start = bytes > 1 && str[0] == '^' ? 1 : 0;
    std::memset(tr_data.set, -1, sizeof(native_int) * 256);

    for(native_int i = start; i < bytes;) {
      chr = str[i];
      seq = ++i < bytes ? str[i] : -1;

      if(seq == '-') {
        max = ++i < bytes ? str[i] : -1;
        if(max >= 0) {
          while(chr <= max) {
            if(tr_data.assign(chr)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
        } else {
          if(tr_data.assign(chr)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
          if(tr_data.assign(seq)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
      } else if(chr == '\\' && seq >= 0) {
      } else {
        if(tr_data.assign(chr)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);

    return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
Ejemplo n.º 19
  // Character-wise logical AND of two strings. Modifies the receiver.
  String* String::apply_and(STATE, String* other) {
    native_int count, i;
    uint8_t* s = byte_address();
    uint8_t* o = other->byte_address();

    if(num_bytes_ > other->num_bytes()) {
      count = other->num_bytes()->to_native();
    } else {
      count = num_bytes_->to_native();

    // Use && not & to keep 1's in the table.
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      s[i] = s[i] && o[i];

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 20
Fixnum* String::tr_expand(STATE, Object* limit, Object* invalid_as_empty) {
    struct tr_data tr_data;

    tr_data.last = 0;
    tr_data.steps = 0;

    if(Fixnum* lim = try_as<Fixnum>(limit)) {
        tr_data.limit = lim->to_native();
    } else {
        tr_data.limit = -1;

    uint8_t* str = byte_address();
    native_int bytes = (native_int)size();
    native_int start = bytes > 1 && str[0] == '^' ? 1 : 0;
    memset(tr_data.set, -1, sizeof(native_int) * 256);

    for(native_int i = start; i < bytes;) {
        native_int chr = str[i];
        native_int seq = ++i < bytes ? str[i] : -1;

        if(chr == '\\' && seq >= 0) {
        } else if(seq == '-') {
            native_int max = ++i < bytes ? str[i] : -1;
            if(max >= 0 && chr > max && RTEST(invalid_as_empty)) {
            } else if(max >= 0) {
                do {
                    if(tr_data.assign(chr)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
                } while(chr <= max);
            } else {
                if(tr_data.assign(chr)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
                if(tr_data.assign(seq)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
        } else {
            if(tr_data.assign(chr)) return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);

    return tr_replace(state, &tr_data);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  String* String::copy_from(STATE, String* other, Fixnum* start, Fixnum* size, Fixnum* dest) {
    native_int src = start->to_native();
    native_int dst = dest->to_native();
    native_int cnt = size->to_native();

    native_int osz = other->size();
    if(src >= osz) return this;
    if(src < 0) src = 0;
    if(cnt > osz - src) cnt = osz - src;

    native_int sz = this->size();
    if(dst >= sz) return this;
    if(dst < 0) dst = 0;
    if(cnt > sz - dst) cnt = sz - dst;

    std::memcpy(byte_address() + dst, other->byte_address() + src, cnt);

    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 22
Fixnum* String::compare_substring(STATE, String* other, Fixnum* start,
                                  Fixnum* size)
    native_int src = start->to_native();
    native_int cnt = size->to_native();
    native_int sz = this->size();
    native_int osz = other->size();
    native_int dsz = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();
    native_int odsz = as<CharArray>(other->data_)->size();

    if(unlikely(sz > dsz)) {
        sz = dsz;

    if(unlikely(osz > odsz)) {
        osz = odsz;

    if(src < 0) src = osz + src;

    if(src >= osz) {
        Exception::object_bounds_exceeded_error(state, "start exceeds size of other");
    } else if(src < 0) {
        Exception::object_bounds_exceeded_error(state, "start less than zero");

    if(src + cnt > osz) cnt = osz - src;

    if(cnt > sz) cnt = sz;

    native_int cmp = memcmp(byte_address(), other->byte_address() + src, cnt);

    if(cmp < 0) {
        return Fixnum::from(-1);
    } else if(cmp > 0) {
        return Fixnum::from(1);
    } else {
        return Fixnum::from(0);
Ejemplo n.º 23
String* String::substring(STATE, Fixnum* start_f, Fixnum* count_f) {
    native_int start = start_f->to_native();
    native_int count = count_f->to_native();
    native_int total = num_bytes_->to_native();
    native_int data_size = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();

    // Clamp the string size the maximum underlying byte array size
    if(unlikely(total > data_size)) {
        total = data_size;

    if(count < 0) return nil<String>();

    if(start < 0) {
        start += total;
        if(start < 0) return nil<String>();

    if(start > total) return nil<String>();

    if(start + count > total) {
        count = total - start;

    if(count < 0) count = 0;

    String* sub = String::create(state, Fixnum::from(count));
    sub->klass(state, class_object(state));

    uint8_t* buf = byte_address() + start;

    memcpy(sub->byte_address(), buf, count);

    if(tainted_p(state) == Qtrue) sub->taint(state);

    return sub;
Ejemplo n.º 24
Object* String::secure_compare(STATE, String* other) {
    native_int s1 = num_bytes()->to_native();
    native_int s2 = other->num_bytes()->to_native();
    native_int d1 = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();
    native_int d2 = as<CharArray>(other->data_)->size();

    if(unlikely(s1 > d1)) {
        s1 = d1;

    if(unlikely(s2 > d2)) {
        s2 = d2;

    native_int max = (s2 > s1) ? s2 : s1;

    uint8_t* p1 = byte_address();
    uint8_t* p2 = other->byte_address();

    uint8_t* p1max = p1 + s1;
    uint8_t* p2max = p2 + s2;

    uint8_t sum = 0;

    for(native_int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        uint8_t* c1 = p1 + i;
        uint8_t* c2 = p2 + i;

        uint8_t b1 = (c1 >= p1max) ? 0 : *c1;
        uint8_t b2 = (c2 >= p2max) ? 0 : *c2;

        sum |= (b1 ^ b2);

    return (sum == 0) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 Object* String::parse(STATE, String* name, Fixnum* line) {
   bstring str = blk2bstr(byte_address(), size());
   return parser::syd_compile_string(state, name->c_str(), str, line->to_native());
Ejemplo n.º 26
String* String::transform(STATE, Tuple* tbl, Object* respect_kcode) {
    uint8_t invalid[5];

    if(tbl->num_fields() < 256) {
        return force_as<String>(Primitives::failure());

    Object** tbl_ptr = tbl->field;

    kcode::table* kcode_tbl = 0;
    if(RTEST(respect_kcode)) {
        kcode_tbl = state->shared().kcode_table();
    } else {
        kcode_tbl = kcode::null_table();

    // Pointers to iterate input bytes.
    uint8_t* in_p = byte_address();

    native_int str_size = size();
    native_int data_size = as<CharArray>(data_)->size();
    if(unlikely(str_size > data_size)) {
        str_size = data_size;

    uint8_t* in_end = in_p + str_size;

    // Optimistic estimate that output size will be 1.25 x input.
    native_int out_chunk = str_size * 5 / 4;
    native_int out_size = out_chunk;
    uint8_t* output = (uint8_t*)malloc(out_size);

    uint8_t* out_p = output;
    uint8_t* out_end = out_p + out_size;

    while(in_p < in_end) {
        native_int len = 0;
        uint8_t byte = *in_p;
        uint8_t* cur_p = 0;

        if(kcode::mbchar_p(kcode_tbl, byte)) {
            len = kcode::mbclen(kcode_tbl, byte);
            native_int rem = in_end - in_p;

            // if the character length is greater than the remaining
            // bytes, we have a malformed character. Handled below.
            if(rem >= len) {
                cur_p = in_p;
                in_p += len;
        } else if(String* str = try_as<String>(tbl_ptr[byte])) {
            cur_p = str->byte_address();
            len = str->size();
        } else {
            Tuple* tbl = as<Tuple>(tbl_ptr[byte]);

            for(native_int i = 0; i < tbl->num_fields(); i += 2) {
                String* key = as<String>(tbl->at(i));

                native_int rem = in_end - in_p;
                native_int klen = key->size();
                if(rem < klen) continue;

                if(memcmp(in_p, key->byte_address(), klen) == 0) {
                    String* str = as<String>(tbl->at(i+1));
                    cur_p = str->byte_address();
                    len = str->size();
                    in_p += klen;

        // We could not map this byte, so we add it to the output
        // in stringified octal notation (ie \nnn).
        if(!cur_p) {
            snprintf((char*)invalid, 5, "\\%03o", *((char*)in_p) & 0377);
            cur_p = invalid;
            len = 4;

        if(out_p + len > out_end) {
            native_int pos = out_p - output;
            out_size += (len > out_chunk ? len : out_chunk);
            output = (uint8_t*)realloc(output, out_size);
            out_p = output + pos;
            out_end = output + out_size;

        switch(len) {
        case 1:
            *out_p++ = *cur_p;
        case 2:
            *out_p++ = *cur_p++;
            *out_p++ = *cur_p;
        case 3:
            *out_p++ = *cur_p++;
            *out_p++ = *cur_p++;
            *out_p++ = *cur_p;
            memcpy(out_p, cur_p, len);
            out_p += len;

    String* result = String::create(state,
                                    reinterpret_cast<const char*>(output),
                                    out_p - output);

    if(tainted_p(state)) result->taint(state);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  String* String::transform(STATE, Tuple* tbl, Object* respect_kcode) {
    uint8_t* cur = byte_address();
    uint8_t* fin = cur + size();

    if(tbl->num_fields() < 256) {
      return (String*)Primitives::failure();

    Object** tbl_ptr = tbl->field;

    kcode::table* kcode_tbl = 0;
    if(RTEST(respect_kcode)) {
      kcode_tbl = state->shared.kcode_table();
    } else {
      kcode_tbl = kcode::null_table();

    // Calculate the final size of result
    size_t size = 0;

    while(cur < fin) {
      uint8_t byte = *cur;
      if(kcode::mbchar_p(kcode_tbl, byte)) {
        size_t clen = kcode::mbclen(kcode_tbl, byte);
        size += clen;
        cur += clen;
      } else {
        size += as<String>(tbl_ptr[byte])->size();

    cur = byte_address();
    String* result = String::create(state, Fixnum::from(size));

    // Since we precalculated the size, we can write directly into result
    uint8_t* output = result->byte_address();

    while(cur < fin) {
      uint8_t byte = *cur;
      if(kcode::mbchar_p(kcode_tbl, byte)) {
        size_t len = kcode::mbclen(kcode_tbl, byte);
        memcpy(output, cur, len);
        output += len;
        cur += len;
      } else {
        // Not unsafe, because we've type checked tbl_ptr above
        String* what = force_as<String>(tbl_ptr[byte]);
        uint8_t* what_buf = what->byte_address();

        switch(what->size()) {
        case 1:
          *output++ = *what_buf;
        case 2:
          *output++ = *what_buf++;
          *output++ = *what_buf;
        case 3:
          *output++ = *what_buf++;
          *output++ = *what_buf++;
          *output++ = *what_buf;
          memcpy(output, what_buf, what->size());
          output += what->size();

    if(tainted_p(state)) result->taint(state);
    return result;