Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
sendframe_flap(FlapConnection *conn, FlapFrame *frame)
	ByteStream bs;
	int payloadlen, bslen;

	payloadlen = byte_stream_curpos(&frame->data);

	byte_stream_new(&bs, 6 + payloadlen);

	/* FLAP header */
	byte_stream_put8(&bs, 0x2a);
	byte_stream_put8(&bs, frame->channel);
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->seqnum);
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, payloadlen);

	/* Payload */
	byte_stream_putbs(&bs, &frame->data, payloadlen);

	bslen = byte_stream_curpos(&bs);
	flap_connection_send_byte_stream(&bs, conn, bslen);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Subtype 0x0008
int aim_chatnav_createroom(OscarData *od, FlapConnection *conn, const char *name, guint16 exchange)
	static const char ck[] = {"create"};
	static const char lang[] = {"en"};
	static const char charset[] = {"us-ascii"};
	ByteStream bs;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	GSList *tlvlist = NULL;

	byte_stream_new(&bs, 1142);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_CHATNAV, 0x0008, 0x0000, NULL, 0);

	/* exchange */
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, exchange);

	 * This looks to be a big hack.  You'll note that this entire
	 * SNAC is just a room info structure, but the hard room name,
	 * here, is set to "create".
	 * Either this goes on the "list of questions concerning
	 * why-the-hell-did-you-do-that", or this value is completely
	 * ignored.  Without experimental evidence, but a good knowledge of
	 * AOL style, I'm going to guess that it is the latter, and that
	 * the value of the room name in create requests is ignored.
	byte_stream_put8(&bs, strlen(ck));
	byte_stream_putstr(&bs, ck);

	 * instance
	 * Setting this to 0xffff apparently assigns the last instance.
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0xffff);

	/* detail level */
	byte_stream_put8(&bs, 0x01);

	aim_tlvlist_add_str(&tlvlist, 0x00d3, name);
	aim_tlvlist_add_str(&tlvlist, 0x00d6, charset);
	aim_tlvlist_add_str(&tlvlist, 0x00d7, lang);

	/* tlvcount */
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, aim_tlvlist_count(tlvlist));
	aim_tlvlist_write(&bs, &tlvlist);


	flap_connection_send_snac(od, conn, SNAC_FAMILY_CHATNAV, 0x0008, snacid, &bs);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Create a rendezvous "init recv" packet and send it on its merry way.
 * This is the first packet sent to the proxy server by the second client
 * involved in this rendezvous proxy session.
 * @param conn The peer connection.
 * @param pin The 2 byte PIN sent to us by the other user.  This acts
 *        as our passcode when establishing the proxy session.
static void
peer_proxy_send_join_existing_conn(PeerConnection *conn, guint16 pin)
	ProxyFrame frame;
	PurpleAccount *account;
	const gchar *bn;
	guint8 bn_length;

	memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(ProxyFrame));
	frame.type = PEER_PROXY_TYPE_JOIN;
	frame.flags = 0x0000;

	account = purple_connection_get_account(conn->od->gc);
	bn = purple_account_get_username(account);
	bn_length = strlen(bn);
	byte_stream_new(&frame.payload, 1 + bn_length + 2 + 8 + 20);
	byte_stream_put8(&frame.payload, bn_length);
	byte_stream_putraw(&frame.payload, (const guint8 *)bn, bn_length);
	byte_stream_put16(&frame.payload, pin);
	byte_stream_putraw(&frame.payload, conn->cookie, 8);

	byte_stream_put16(&frame.payload, 0x0001); /* Type */
	byte_stream_put16(&frame.payload, 16); /* Length */
	byte_stream_putcaps(&frame.payload, conn->type); /* Value */

	peer_proxy_send(conn, &frame);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Stubtypes 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, and 0x0008 - Modify permit/deny lists.
 * Changes your visibility depending on changetype:
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD: Lets provided list of names see you
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMIDREMOVE: Removes listed names from permit list
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD: Hides you from provided list of names
 *  AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYREMOVE: Lets list see you again
 * list should be a list of
 * screen names in the form "Screen Name One&ScreenNameTwo&" etc.
 * Equivelents to options in WinAIM:
 *   - Allow all users to contact me: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD
 *      with only your name on it.
 *   - Allow only users on my Buddy List: Send an
 *      AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD with the list the same as your
 *      buddy list
 *   - Allow only the uesrs below: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD
 *      with everyone listed that you want to see you.
 *   - Block all users: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_PERMITADD with only
 *      yourself in the list
 *   - Block the users below: Send an AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD with
 *      the list of users to be blocked
 * XXX ye gods.
int aim_bos_changevisibility(OscarData *od, FlapConnection *conn, int changetype, const char *denylist)
	FlapFrame *frame;
	int packlen = 0;
	guint16 subtype;
	char *localcpy = NULL, *tmpptr = NULL;
	int i;
	int listcount;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;

	if (!denylist)
		return -EINVAL;

		subtype = 0x05;
		subtype = 0x06;
	else if (changetype == AIM_VISIBILITYCHANGE_DENYADD)
		subtype = 0x07;
		subtype = 0x08;
		return -EINVAL;

	localcpy = g_strdup(denylist);

	listcount = aimutil_itemcnt(localcpy, '&');
	packlen = aimutil_tokslen(localcpy, 99, '&') + listcount + 9;

	frame = flap_frame_new(od, 0x02, packlen);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, 0x0009, subtype, 0x0000, NULL, 0);
	aim_putsnac(&frame->data, 0x0009, subtype, 0x00, snacid);

	for (i = 0; (i < (listcount - 1)) && (i < 99); i++) {
		tmpptr = aimutil_itemindex(localcpy, i, '&');

		byte_stream_put8(&frame->data, strlen(tmpptr));
		byte_stream_putstr(&frame->data, tmpptr);


	flap_connection_send(conn, frame);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Inverse of aim_info_extract()
aim_putuserinfo(ByteStream *bs, aim_userinfo_t *info)
	GSList *tlvlist = NULL;

	if (!bs || !info)
		return -EINVAL;

	byte_stream_put8(bs, strlen(info->bn));
	byte_stream_putstr(bs, info->bn);

	byte_stream_put16(bs, info->warnlevel);

	if (info->present & AIM_USERINFO_PRESENT_FLAGS)
		aim_tlvlist_add_16(&tlvlist, 0x0001, info->flags);
		aim_tlvlist_add_32(&tlvlist, 0x0002, info->membersince);
		aim_tlvlist_add_32(&tlvlist, 0x0003, info->onlinesince);
	if (info->present & AIM_USERINFO_PRESENT_IDLE)
		aim_tlvlist_add_16(&tlvlist, 0x0004, info->idletime);

/* XXX - So, ICQ_OSCAR_SUPPORT is never defined anywhere... */
	if (atoi(info->bn) != 0) {
			aim_tlvlist_add_16(&tlvlist, 0x0006, info->icqinfo.status);
			aim_tlvlist_add_32(&tlvlist, 0x000a, info->icqinfo.ipaddr);

		aim_tlvlist_add_caps(&tlvlist, 0x000d, info->capabilities);

		aim_tlvlist_add_32(&tlvlist, (guint16)((info->flags & AIM_FLAG_AOL) ? 0x0010 : 0x000f), info->sessionlen);

	byte_stream_put16(bs, aim_tlvlist_count(tlvlist));
	aim_tlvlist_write(bs, &tlvlist);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Subtype 0x0004 (SNAC_SUBTYPE_BUDDY_ADDBUDDY) - Add multiple buddies to your buddy list.
 * This just builds the "set buddy list" command then queues it.
 * buddy_list = "Screen Name One&ScreenNameTwo&";
 * XXX Clean this up.
aim_buddylist_set(OscarData *od, FlapConnection *conn, const char *buddy_list)
	ByteStream bs;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	int len = 0;
	char *localcpy = NULL;
	char *tmpptr = NULL;

	if (!buddy_list || !(localcpy = g_strdup(buddy_list)))
		return -EINVAL;

	for (tmpptr = strtok(localcpy, "&"); tmpptr; ) {
		purple_debug_misc("oscar", "---adding: %s (%" G_GSIZE_FORMAT
				")\n", tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr));
		len += 1 + strlen(tmpptr);
		tmpptr = strtok(NULL, "&");

	byte_stream_new(&bs, len);

	strncpy(localcpy, buddy_list, strlen(buddy_list) + 1);

	for (tmpptr = strtok(localcpy, "&"); tmpptr; ) {

		purple_debug_misc("oscar", "---adding: %s (%" G_GSIZE_FORMAT
				")\n", tmpptr, strlen(tmpptr));

		byte_stream_put8(&bs, strlen(tmpptr));
		byte_stream_putstr(&bs, tmpptr);
		tmpptr = strtok(NULL, "&");

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_BUDDY, 0x0004, 0x0000, NULL, 0);
	flap_connection_send_snac(od, conn, SNAC_FAMILY_BUDDY, 0x0004, 0x0000, snacid, &bs);



	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Subtype 0x0004 (SNAC_SUBTYPE_BUDDY_ADDBUDDY) - Add buddy to list.
 * Adds a single buddy to your buddy list after login.
 * XXX This should just be an extension of setbuddylist()
aim_buddylist_addbuddy(OscarData *od, FlapConnection *conn, const char *sn)
	ByteStream bs;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;

	if (!sn || !strlen(sn))
		return -EINVAL;

	byte_stream_new(&bs, 1+strlen(sn));

	byte_stream_put8(&bs, strlen(sn));
	byte_stream_putstr(&bs, sn);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_BUDDY, 0x0004, 0x0000, sn, strlen(sn)+1);
	flap_connection_send_snac(od, conn, SNAC_FAMILY_BUDDY, 0x0004, 0x0000, snacid, &bs);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Subtype 0x0015 - Request the info of a user using the short method.  This is
 * what iChat uses.  It normally is VERY leniently rate limited.
 * @param bn The buddy name whose info you wish to request.
 * @param flags The bitmask which specifies the type of info you wish to request.
 *        0x00000001 - Info/profile.
 *        0x00000002 - Away message.
 *        0x00000004 - Capabilities.
 *        0x00000008 - Certification.
 * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number.
aim_locate_getinfoshort(OscarData *od, const char *bn, guint32 flags)
	FlapConnection *conn;
	ByteStream bs;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;

	if (!od || !(conn = flap_connection_findbygroup(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE)) || !bn)
		return -EINVAL;

	byte_stream_new(&bs, 4 + 1 + strlen(bn));
	byte_stream_put32(&bs, flags);
	byte_stream_put8(&bs, strlen(bn));
	byte_stream_putstr(&bs, bn);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE, 0x0015, 0x0000, bn, strlen(bn)+1);
	flap_connection_send_snac_with_priority(od, conn, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE, 0x0015, 0x0000, snacid, &bs, FALSE);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Subtype 0x0015 - Request the info a user using the short method.  This is
 * what iChat uses.  It normally is VERY leniently rate limited.
 * @param sn The screen name whose info you wish to request.
 * @param flags The bitmask which specifies the type of info you wish to request.
 *        0x00000001 - Info/profile.
 *        0x00000002 - Away message.
 *        0x00000004 - Capabilities.
 *        0x00000008 - Certification.
 * @return Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return the error number.
aim_locate_getinfoshort(OscarData *od, const char *sn, guint32 flags)
	FlapConnection *conn;
	ByteStream data;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;

	if (!od || !(conn = flap_connection_findbygroup(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE)) || !sn)
		return -EINVAL;

	byte_stream_new(&data, 4 + 1 + strlen(sn));
	byte_stream_put32(&data, flags);
	byte_stream_put8(&data, strlen(sn));
	byte_stream_putstr(&data, sn);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, 0x0002, 0x0015, 0x0000, sn, strlen(sn)+1);
	flap_connection_send_snac(od, conn, 0x0002, 0x0015, 0x0000, snacid, &data);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Subtype 0x000b - Huh? What is this?
int aim_locate_000b(OscarData *od, const char *sn)
	FlapConnection *conn;
	FlapFrame *frame;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;

		return -EINVAL;

	if (!od || !(conn = flap_connection_findbygroup(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE)) || !sn)
		return -EINVAL;

	frame = flap_frame_new(od, 0x02, 10+1+strlen(sn));

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, 0x0002, 0x000b, 0x0000, NULL, 0);

	aim_putsnac(&frame->data, 0x0002, 0x000b, 0x0000, snacid);
	byte_stream_put8(&frame->data, strlen(sn));
	byte_stream_putstr(&frame->data, sn);

	flap_connection_send(conn, frame);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Subtype 0x000b - Huh? What is this?
int aim_locate_000b(OscarData *od, const char *bn)
	FlapConnection *conn;
	ByteStream bs;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;

		return -EINVAL;

	if (!od || !(conn = flap_connection_findbygroup(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE)) || !bn)
		return -EINVAL;

	byte_stream_new(&bs, 1+strlen(bn));

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE, 0x000b, 0x0000, NULL, 0);

	byte_stream_put8(&bs, strlen(bn));
	byte_stream_putstr(&bs, bn);

	flap_connection_send_snac(od, conn, SNAC_FAMILY_LOCATE, 0x000b, 0x0000, snacid, &bs);


	return 0;