Ejemplo n.º 1
Function that makes a complete ascii frame and sends on uart.
int modbusRS485_send( u_char address, u_char function, u_char* data, uint8_t nbytes)
	    /* initialize variables */
	u_char *ptr=NULL, frameLRCByte=0;
	u_char rowFrameBuffer[MAX_ASCIIFRAME_SIZE],asciiFrameBuffer[MAX_ASCIIFRAME_SIZE];
	int status = MODBUS_SUCCESS;
	unsigned int i,endByteStartAdd;

        if((address == 0x00) || (function== 0x00))
                printf("modbusRS485_init:Wrong input data \n");
		status = EMODBUS_ADDR_FUNC;	
		rowFrameBuffer[ADDR_INDEX] = address; //address
		rowFrameBuffer[FUNC_INDEX] = function; //command 
		if(data == NULL)
        		rowFrameBuffer[DATALEN_INDEX] = 0x00;
		else  {
			rowFrameBuffer[DATALEN_INDEX] = nbytes;
			str_copy(&rowFrameBuffer[DATA_INDEX],data, nbytes); 	
		 rowFrameBuffer[ nbytes + DATA_INDEX ] = compute_LRCByte(&rowFrameBuffer[ADDR_INDEX], nbytes+ DATA_INDEX );

		/*all parameter set in rowdatabuffer */
		asciiFrameBuffer[START_BYTE_OFFSET] = START_BYTE;         // start  byte - ":"
		nbytes= nbytes + DATA_INDEX + LRC_BYTE_SIZE; 		  // Adding add+func+LRCcode with data
		bytes2ascii(rowFrameBuffer, &asciiFrameBuffer[1],nbytes); // 
		endByteStartAdd = ASCII_CODE_SIZE * (nbytes);
		asciiFrameBuffer[++endByteStartAdd]  =  END_BYTE1;
		asciiFrameBuffer[++endByteStartAdd] =  END_BYTE2;

		status = uart_write(rs485port,asciiFrameBuffer,++endByteStartAdd);
		if(status != MODBUS_SUCCESS){
		       	printf("modbusRS485_send: uart_write failed \n");
//        ptz_write(RS485_DEVICE_READ_MODE);
	ascii_dump(asciiFrameBuffer,endByteStartAdd );
	return status;
ReturnValue BleApiTest_Enroll(pBleDevice dev, int expectedSW12)
	uint64_t t = dev->TimeMs();

	ReturnValue retval;
	int i;
	unsigned char reply[2048];
	unsigned int replyLength = sizeof(reply);
	unsigned char request[256];
	unsigned int requestlen;
	unsigned char replyCmd;

	memset(reply, 0, sizeof(reply));

	/* generate appid and nonce */
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(regReq.appId); i++)
		regReq.appId[i] = (rand() & 0xFF);
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(regReq.nonce); i++)
		regReq.nonce[i] = (rand() & 0xFF);

	/* prepare register request */
	request[0] = 0x00;
	request[1] = 0x01;
	request[2] = 0x00;
	request[3] = 0x00;
	request[4] = 0x00;
	request[5] = 0x00;
	request[6] = sizeof(regReq.nonce) + sizeof(regReq.appId);
	memcpy(request + 7, regReq.nonce, sizeof(regReq.nonce));
	memcpy(request + 7 + sizeof(regReq.nonce), regReq.appId,
	requestlen = 7 + sizeof(regReq.nonce) + sizeof(regReq.appId);
	request[requestlen++] = 0x00;
	request[requestlen++] = 0x00;

	/* write command */
	retval =
	    dev->CommandWrite(FIDO_BLE_CMD_MSG, request, requestlen, &replyCmd,
			      reply, &replyLength);

	if (expectedSW12 != FIDO_RESP_SUCCESS) {
		CHECK_EQ(expectedSW12, bytes2short(reply, replyLength - 2), "Returned error does not match expected value.");
		CHECK_EQ(replyLength, 2, "Returned value does not match expected length.");
		return ReturnValue::BLEAPI_ERROR_SUCCESS;

	/* check reply */
	CHECK_EQ(replyCmd, FIDO_BLE_CMD_MSG, "Reply is not a FIDO_BLE_CMD_MSG (0x83)");
	CHECK_EQ(FIDO_RESP_SUCCESS, bytes2short(reply, replyLength - 2), "Status code is not FIDO_RESP_SUCCESS (0x9000)");
	CHECK_NE(replyLength, 2, "Reply length is only status code.");

	CHECK_LE(replyLength - 2, sizeof(U2F_REGISTER_RESP), "Returned register response does not match expected length.");

	memcpy(&regRsp, reply, replyLength - 2);

	CHECK_EQ(regRsp.registerId, U2F_REGISTER_ID, "Register ID is not 0x05");
	CHECK_EQ(regRsp.pubKey.format, UNCOMPRESSED_POINT, "Public Key format is not uncompressed point.");

	INFO << "Enroll: " << (replyLength -
			       2) << " bytes in " << ((float)(dev->TimeMs() -
							      t)) /
	    1000.0 << "s";

	// Check crypto of enroll response.
	std::string cert;
	CHECK_EQ(getCertificate(regRsp, &cert), true, "Cannot extract certificate.");
	INFO << "cert: " << bytes2ascii(cert);

	std::string pk;
	CHECK_EQ(getSubjectPublicKey(cert, &pk), true, "Cannot extract public key.");
	INFO << "pk  : " << bytes2ascii(pk);

	std::string sig;
	CHECK_EQ(getSignature(regRsp, static_cast<int>(cert.size()), &sig), true, "Cannot extract signature.");
	INFO << "sig : " << bytes2ascii(sig);

	// Parse signature into two integers.
	p256_int sig_r, sig_s;
	CHECK_EQ(1, dsa_sig_unpack((uint8_t *) (sig.data()), static_cast<int>(sig.size()),
				   &sig_r, &sig_s), "Cannot unpack signature");

	// Compute hash as integer.
	const uint8_t *hash;
	p256_int h;
	SHA256_CTX sha;
	uint8_t rfu = 0;
	SHA256_update(&sha, &rfu, sizeof(rfu));	// 0x00
	SHA256_update(&sha, regReq.appId, sizeof(regReq.appId));	// O
	SHA256_update(&sha, regReq.nonce, sizeof(regReq.nonce));	// d
	SHA256_update(&sha, regRsp.keyHandleCertSig, regRsp.keyHandleLen);	// hk
	SHA256_update(&sha, &regRsp.pubKey, sizeof(regRsp.pubKey));	// pk
	hash = SHA256_final(&sha);
	p256_from_bin(hash, &h);

	INFO << "hash : " << bytes2ascii((char *)hash, 32);

	// Parse subject public key into two integers.
	CHECK_EQ(pk.size(), P256_POINT_SIZE, "Public key does not match P256 point size.");
	p256_int pk_x, pk_y;
	p256_from_bin((uint8_t *) pk.data() + 1, &pk_x);
	p256_from_bin((uint8_t *) pk.data() + 1 + P256_SCALAR_SIZE, &pk_y);

	// Verify signature.
	CHECK_EQ(1, p256_ecdsa_verify(&pk_x, &pk_y, &h, &sig_r, &sig_s), "Signature does not match.");

	return ReturnValue::BLEAPI_ERROR_SUCCESS;