static inline __m128i byteswap32( __m128i v ) { //rotate each 32 bit quantity by 16 bits // 0xB1 = 10110001 = 2,3,0,1 v = _mm_shufflehi_epi16( _mm_shufflelo_epi16( v, 0xB1 ), 0xB1 ); return byteswap16( v ); }
static int dealias_ipid16_inseq(scamper_dealias_probe_t **probes, int probec, uint16_t fudge, int bs) { uint16_t a, b, c; int i; /* * do a preliminary check to see if the ipids could be in sequence with * two samples. */ if(probec == 2) { /* if it is a strict sequence check, we don't actually know */ if(fudge == 0) return 1; a = probes[0]->replies[0]->ipid; b = probes[1]->replies[0]->ipid; if(bs != 0) { a = byteswap16(a); b = byteswap16(b); } if(dealias_ipid16_inseq2(a, b, fudge) != 0) return 1; return 0; } for(i=0; i+2<probec; i++) { a = probes[i+0]->replies[0]->ipid; b = probes[i+1]->replies[0]->ipid; c = probes[i+2]->replies[0]->ipid; if(bs != 0) { a = byteswap16(a); b = byteswap16(b); c = byteswap16(c); } if(dealias_ipid16_inseq3(a, b, c, fudge) == 0) return 0; } return 1; }
static int write_file_info(state *s) { BITMAPINFOHEADER b; // Size of the this header information b.biSize = byteswap32(HEADERINFOSIZE); if (s->orientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { b.biWidth = byteswap32(s->image_width); b.biHeight = byteswap32(s->image_height); } else { b.biWidth = byteswap32(s->image_height); b.biHeight = byteswap32(s->image_width); } b.biPlanes = byteswap16(1); b.biBitCount = byteswap16(24); b.biCompression = BI_RGB; // How much RGB data follows this header b.biSizeImage = byteswap32((s->image_width * s->image_height) * 3); b.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; b.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; // These values denote how many values are in the RGB color map // that follows. b.biClrUsed = 0; b.biClrImportant = 0; if (s->verbose) print_status ("%s: Image will be %"PRIu32" x %"PRIu32" x %"PRIu32, __progname, byteswap32(b.biWidth), byteswap32(b.biHeight), byteswap16(b.biBitCount)); fwrite(&b,HEADERINFOSIZE,1,s->out_handle); return FALSE; }
static int dealias_ipid16_bo(scamper_dealias_probe_t **probes, int probec) { scamper_dealias_probe_t **s = NULL; uint16_t a, b, c = 1, max_bs = 0, max_nobs = 0, u16; int i, rc = 2; if((s = memdup(probes, sizeof(scamper_dealias_probe_t *) * probec)) == NULL) return -1; array_qsort((void **)s, probec, (array_cmp_t)dealias_probe_def_cmp); for(i=0; i<probec-1; i++) { if(s[i]->def != s[i+1]->def) { if(c >= 3) { if(max_nobs < max_bs) rc = 0; else if(max_nobs > max_bs) rc = 1; if(rc == 0) goto done; } c = 1; max_nobs = 0; max_bs = 0; } else { a = s[i]->replies[0]->ipid; b = s[i+1]->replies[0]->ipid; u16 = dealias_ipid16_diff(a, b); if(u16 > max_nobs || max_nobs == 0) max_nobs = u16; u16 = dealias_ipid16_diff(byteswap16(a), byteswap16(b)); if(u16 > max_bs || max_bs == 0) max_bs = u16; c++; } } done: if(s != NULL) free(s); return rc; }
static int dealias_fudge_inseq(scamper_dealias_probe_t *pr_a, scamper_dealias_probe_t *pr_b, int bs, int fudge) { uint32_t a = pr_a->replies[0]->ipid; uint32_t b = pr_b->replies[0]->ipid; if(bs != 0) { a = byteswap16(a); b = byteswap16(b); } if(a > b) b += 0x10000; if((int)(b - a) > fudge) return 0; return 1; }
static inline uint16_t swaps(libtrace_t *libtrace, uint16_t num) { /* To deal with open_dead traces that might try and use this * if we don't have any per trace data, assume host byte order */ if (!DATA(libtrace)) return num; /* We can use the PCAP magic number to determine the byte order */ if (header_is_backwards_magic(&(DATA(libtrace)->header))) return byteswap16(num); return num; }
/** * @brief writes 16-bit value to memory at address * @param mem memory to write to * @param address location to write to * @param value value to store in memory * @return true if success, otherwise false */ bool write16Memory(Memory &mem, U32 address, const U16 &value) { bool retval; // Check alignment if ((address & 0x3) == 0) { if (address < MEMORY_SIZE) { U16 *memptr = (U16*)&[address]; *memptr = byteswap16(value); retval = true; } else { printf("WRITE ERROR: Address 0x%08x >= 0x%08x\n", address, MEMORY_SIZE); retval = false; } } else { printf("WRITE ERROR: Address 0x%08x is not 16-bit aligned\n", address); retval = false; } return retval; }
/** * @brief reads 16-bit value memory at address and stores it in value * @param mem memory to read from * @param address location to read from * @param value location to store value read * @return true if success, otherwise false */ bool read16Memory(const Memory &mem, U32 address, U16 &value) { bool retval; // Check alignment if ((address & 0x1) == 0) { if (address < MEMORY_SIZE) { U16 *memptr = (U16*)&[address]; value = *memptr; value = byteswap16(value); retval = true; } else { printf("READ ERROR: Address 0x%08x >= 0x%08x\n", address, MEMORY_SIZE); retval = false; } } else { printf("READ ERROR: Address 0x%08x is not 16-bit aligned\n", address); retval = false; } return retval; }
int scamper_dealias_radargun_fudge(scamper_dealias_t *dealias, scamper_dealias_probedef_t *def, scamper_dealias_probedef_t **defs, int *cnt, int fudge) { scamper_dealias_radargun_t *rg = dealias->data; scamper_dealias_probe_t *pr, *pr_a, *pr_b; scamper_dealias_reply_t *re, *re_a, *re_b, *re_c; dealias_resolv_t *dr = NULL; dealias_resolv_t *drd; uint32_t pid, x; int i, j, k, bs, inseq, d = 0; if(dealias->method != SCAMPER_DEALIAS_METHOD_RADARGUN) goto err; if((dr = malloc_zero(sizeof(dealias_resolv_t) * rg->probedefc)) == NULL) goto err; for(x=0; x<dealias->probec; x++) { pr = dealias->probes[x]; pid = pr->def->id; /* * if this probedef has already been determined to be useless for * alias resolution, skip it */ if(dr[pid].probec < 0) continue; if(pr->replyc > 1) { if(dr[pid].probes != NULL) free(dr[pid].probes); dr[pid].probec = -1; if(pr->def == def) goto done; continue; } /* total number of probes transmitted */ dr[pid].probet++; if(pr->replyc == 0) continue; re = pr->replies[0]; /* * with three replies, do some basic checks to see if we should * continue considering this probedef. */ if(dr[pid].probec == 2) { pr_a = dr[pid].probes[0]; pr_b = dr[pid].probes[1]; re_a = pr_a->replies[0]; re_b = pr_b->replies[0]; if((re->ipid == pr->ipid && re_a->ipid == pr_a->ipid && re_b->ipid == pr_b->ipid) || (re->ipid == re_a->ipid && re->ipid == re_b->ipid)) { free(dr[pid].probes); dr[pid].probec = -1; if(pr->def == def) goto done; continue; } } if(array_insert((void ***)&dr[pid].probes,&dr[pid].probec,pr,NULL) != 0) goto err; } /* figure out if we should byteswap the ipid sequence */ if(dr[def->id].probec < 3) goto done; re_a = dr[def->id].probes[0]->replies[0]; re_b = dr[def->id].probes[1]->replies[0]; re_c = dr[def->id].probes[2]->replies[0]; if(re_a->ipid < re_b->ipid) i = re_b->ipid - re_a->ipid; else i = 0x10000 + re_b->ipid - re_a->ipid; if(re_b->ipid < re_c->ipid) i += re_c->ipid - re_b->ipid; else i += 0x10000 + re_c->ipid - re_b->ipid; if(byteswap16(re_a->ipid) < byteswap16(re_b->ipid)) j = byteswap16(re_b->ipid) - byteswap16(re_a->ipid); else j = 0x10000 + byteswap16(re_b->ipid) - byteswap16(re_a->ipid); if(byteswap16(re_b->ipid) < byteswap16(re_c->ipid)) j += byteswap16(re_c->ipid) - byteswap16(re_b->ipid); else j += 0x10000 + byteswap16(re_c->ipid) - byteswap16(re_b->ipid); if(i < j) bs = 0; else bs = 1; /* for each probedef, consider if it could be an alias */ drd = &dr[def->id]; d = 0; for(pid=0; pid<rg->probedefc; pid++) { if(&rg->probedefs[pid] == def || dr[pid].probec < 3) continue; j = 0; k = 0; /* get the first ipid */ if(timeval_cmp(&drd->probes[j]->tx, &dr[pid].probes[k]->tx) < 0) pr_a = drd->probes[j++]; else pr_a = dr[pid].probes[k++]; for(;;) { if(timeval_cmp(&drd->probes[j]->tx, &dr[pid].probes[k]->tx) < 0) pr_b = drd->probes[j++]; else pr_b = dr[pid].probes[k++]; if((inseq = dealias_fudge_inseq(pr_a, pr_b, bs, fudge)) == 0) break; if(j == drd->probec || k == dr[pid].probec) break; } /* * if the pairs do not appear to have insequence IP-ID values, then * abandon */ if(inseq == 0) continue; defs[d++] = &rg->probedefs[pid]; if(d == *cnt) break; } done: *cnt = d; for(x=0; x<rg->probedefc; x++) if(dr[x].probec > 0) free(dr[x].probes); return 0; err: if(dr != NULL) { for(x=0; x<rg->probedefc; x++) if(dr[x].probec > 0) free(dr[x].probes); } return -1; }
int scamper_dealias_ipid(const scamper_dealias_probe_t **probes, uint32_t probec, scamper_dealias_ipid_t *ipid) { const scamper_dealias_probe_t *p; const scamper_dealias_reply_t *r; uint32_t bs_mind = 0x30000; uint32_t bs_maxd = 0; uint32_t bs_sum = 0; uint32_t mind = 0x30000; uint32_t maxd = 0; uint32_t sum = 0; uint32_t diff; uint32_t cur, prev; uint32_t i; int echo, cons; ipid->type = SCAMPER_DEALIAS_IPID_UNKNOWN; echo = 1; cons = 1; if(probec == 0 || probes[0] == NULL || probes[0]->replyc != 1) return 0; prev = probes[0]->replies[0]->ipid; for(i=1; i<probec; i++) { if((p = probes[i]) == NULL) return 0; if(p->replyc != 1) return 0; if((r = p->replies[0]) == NULL) return 0; /* non byteswap case */ cur = r->ipid; if(cur > prev) diff = cur - prev; else if(cur < prev) diff = 0x10000 + cur - prev; else diff = 0; if(diff < mind) mind = diff; if(diff > maxd) maxd = diff; sum += diff; /* byteswap case */ cur = byteswap16(r->ipid); prev = byteswap16(prev); if(cur > prev) diff = cur - prev; else if(cur < prev) diff = 0x10000 + cur - prev; else diff = 0; if(diff < bs_mind) bs_mind = diff; if(diff > maxd) bs_maxd = diff; bs_sum += diff; if(echo != 0 && p->ipid != r->ipid && p->ipid != byteswap16(r->ipid)) echo = 0; else if(cons != 0 && probes[i-1]->replies[0]->ipid != r->ipid) cons = 0; prev = r->ipid; } if(cons == 0 && echo == 0) { /* figure out which byte ordering best explains the sequence */ if(sum < bs_sum) { ipid->mind = mind; ipid->maxd = maxd; } else { ipid->mind = bs_mind; ipid->maxd = bs_maxd; } ipid->type = SCAMPER_DEALIAS_IPID_INCR; } else if(cons != 0) { if(probes[0]->replies[0]->ipid == 0) ipid->type = SCAMPER_DEALIAS_IPID_ZERO; else ipid->type = SCAMPER_DEALIAS_IPID_CONST; } else if(echo != 0) { ipid->type = SCAMPER_DEALIAS_IPID_ECHO; } return 0; }
int savebmp(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int w, int h, enum BMPPIXELFORMAT f, int srcpitch, int srcbottomup) { int fd=-1, byteswritten, dstpitch, retcode=0; int flags=O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC; unsigned char *tempbuf=NULL; char *temp; bmphdr bh; int mode; #ifdef _WIN32 flags|=O_BINARY; mode=_S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE; #else mode=S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH; #endif if(!filename || !buf || w<1 || h<1 || f<0 || f>BMPPIXELFORMATS-1 || srcpitch<0) _throw("bad argument to savebmp()"); if(srcpitch==0) srcpitch=w*ps[f]; if((temp=strrchr(filename, '.'))!=NULL) { if(!stricmp(temp, ".ppm")) return saveppm(filename, buf, w, h, f, srcpitch, srcbottomup); } _unix(fd=open(filename, flags, mode)); dstpitch=((w*3)+3)&(~3); bh.bfType=0x4d42; bh.bfSize=BMPHDRSIZE+dstpitch*h; bh.bfReserved1=0; bh.bfReserved2=0; bh.bfOffBits=BMPHDRSIZE; bh.biSize=40; bh.biWidth=w; bh.biHeight=h; bh.biPlanes=0; bh.biBitCount=24; bh.biCompression=BI_RGB; bh.biSizeImage=0; bh.biXPelsPerMeter=0; bh.biYPelsPerMeter=0; bh.biClrUsed=0; bh.biClrImportant=0; if(!littleendian()) { bh.bfType=byteswap16(bh.bfType); bh.bfSize=byteswap(bh.bfSize); bh.bfOffBits=byteswap(bh.bfOffBits); bh.biSize=byteswap(bh.biSize); bh.biWidth=byteswap(bh.biWidth); bh.biHeight=byteswap(bh.biHeight); bh.biPlanes=byteswap16(bh.biPlanes); bh.biBitCount=byteswap16(bh.biBitCount); bh.biCompression=byteswap(bh.biCompression); bh.biSizeImage=byteswap(bh.biSizeImage); bh.biXPelsPerMeter=byteswap(bh.biXPelsPerMeter); bh.biYPelsPerMeter=byteswap(bh.biYPelsPerMeter); bh.biClrUsed=byteswap(bh.biClrUsed); bh.biClrImportant=byteswap(bh.biClrImportant); } writeme(fd, &bh.bfType, sizeof(unsigned short)); writeme(fd, &bh.bfSize, sizeof(unsigned int)); writeme(fd, &bh.bfReserved1, sizeof(unsigned short)); writeme(fd, &bh.bfReserved2, sizeof(unsigned short)); writeme(fd, &bh.bfOffBits, sizeof(unsigned int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biSize, sizeof(unsigned int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biWidth, sizeof(int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biHeight, sizeof(int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biPlanes, sizeof(unsigned short)); writeme(fd, &bh.biBitCount, sizeof(unsigned short)); writeme(fd, &bh.biCompression, sizeof(unsigned int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biSizeImage, sizeof(unsigned int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biXPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biYPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biClrUsed, sizeof(unsigned int)); writeme(fd, &bh.biClrImportant, sizeof(unsigned int)); if((tempbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(dstpitch*h))==NULL) _throw("Memory allocation error"); pixelconvert(buf, f, srcpitch, tempbuf, BMP_BGR, dstpitch, w, h, !srcbottomup); if((byteswritten=write(fd, tempbuf, dstpitch*h))!=dstpitch*h) _throw(strerror(errno)); finally: if(tempbuf) free(tempbuf); if(fd!=-1) close(fd); return retcode; }
int loadbmp(char *filename, unsigned char **buf, int *w, int *h, enum BMPPIXELFORMAT f, int align, int dstbottomup) { int fd=-1, bytesread, srcpitch, srcbottomup=1, srcps, dstpitch, retcode=0; unsigned char *tempbuf=NULL; bmphdr bh; int flags=O_RDONLY; dstbottomup=dstbottomup? 1:0; #ifdef _WIN32 flags|=O_BINARY; #endif if(!filename || !buf || !w || !h || f<0 || f>BMPPIXELFORMATS-1 || align<1) _throw("invalid argument to loadbmp()"); if((align&(align-1))!=0) _throw("Alignment must be a power of 2"); _unix(fd=open(filename, flags)); readme(fd, &bh.bfType, sizeof(unsigned short)); if(!littleendian()) bh.bfType=byteswap16(bh.bfType); if(bh.bfType==0x3650) { _catch(loadppm(&fd, buf, w, h, f, align, dstbottomup, 0)); goto finally; } if(bh.bfType==0x3350) { _catch(loadppm(&fd, buf, w, h, f, align, dstbottomup, 1)); goto finally; } readme(fd, &bh.bfSize, sizeof(unsigned int)); readme(fd, &bh.bfReserved1, sizeof(unsigned short)); readme(fd, &bh.bfReserved2, sizeof(unsigned short)); readme(fd, &bh.bfOffBits, sizeof(unsigned int)); readme(fd, &bh.biSize, sizeof(unsigned int)); readme(fd, &bh.biWidth, sizeof(int)); readme(fd, &bh.biHeight, sizeof(int)); readme(fd, &bh.biPlanes, sizeof(unsigned short)); readme(fd, &bh.biBitCount, sizeof(unsigned short)); readme(fd, &bh.biCompression, sizeof(unsigned int)); readme(fd, &bh.biSizeImage, sizeof(unsigned int)); readme(fd, &bh.biXPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int)); readme(fd, &bh.biYPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int)); readme(fd, &bh.biClrUsed, sizeof(unsigned int)); readme(fd, &bh.biClrImportant, sizeof(unsigned int)); if(!littleendian()) { bh.bfSize=byteswap(bh.bfSize); bh.bfOffBits=byteswap(bh.bfOffBits); bh.biSize=byteswap(bh.biSize); bh.biWidth=byteswap(bh.biWidth); bh.biHeight=byteswap(bh.biHeight); bh.biPlanes=byteswap16(bh.biPlanes); bh.biBitCount=byteswap16(bh.biBitCount); bh.biCompression=byteswap(bh.biCompression); bh.biSizeImage=byteswap(bh.biSizeImage); bh.biXPelsPerMeter=byteswap(bh.biXPelsPerMeter); bh.biYPelsPerMeter=byteswap(bh.biYPelsPerMeter); bh.biClrUsed=byteswap(bh.biClrUsed); bh.biClrImportant=byteswap(bh.biClrImportant); } if(bh.bfType!=0x4d42 || bh.bfOffBits<BMPHDRSIZE || bh.biWidth<1 || bh.biHeight==0) _throw("Corrupt bitmap header"); if((bh.biBitCount!=24 && bh.biBitCount!=32) || bh.biCompression!=BI_RGB) _throw("Only uncompessed RGB bitmaps are supported"); *w=bh.biWidth; *h=bh.biHeight; srcps=bh.biBitCount/8; if(*h<0) {*h=-(*h); srcbottomup=0;} srcpitch=(((*w)*srcps)+3)&(~3); dstpitch=(((*w)*ps[f])+(align-1))&(~(align-1)); if(srcpitch*(*h)+bh.bfOffBits!=bh.bfSize) _throw("Corrupt bitmap header"); if((tempbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(srcpitch*(*h)))==NULL || (*buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(dstpitch*(*h)))==NULL) _throw("Memory allocation error"); if(lseek(fd, (long)bh.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET)!=(long)bh.bfOffBits) _throw(strerror(errno)); _unix(bytesread=read(fd, tempbuf, srcpitch*(*h))); if(bytesread!=srcpitch*(*h)) _throw("Read error"); pixelconvert(tempbuf, BMP_BGR, srcpitch, *buf, f, dstpitch, *w, *h, srcbottomup!=dstbottomup); finally: if(tempbuf) free(tempbuf); if(fd!=-1) close(fd); return retcode; }
static uint16_t _swap16(uint16_t x) { return byteswap16(x); }