Ejemplo n.º 1
void BaseUrlHandler::URLDone ( const char* /*URL*/, void * data, unsigned int size, bool complete )
  int _playerId = _playerIds[0];

  if ( size > 1 && size < _max_data_size ) {
    std::string _data; 
    _data.append((char*)data, size);

    if (is_valid_status(_data))	{
      replace_v2(_data,"\n\n","\n \n");
      //dataList->tokenize(_data.c_str(), "\r\n");
      dataList->tokenize(_data.c_str(), "\n");

    else {
      bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, _playerId,"No valid data was received !");
      bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, _playerId,"This points to a bug or misuse. Please contact the server admin.");
  else {
    bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, _playerId,"The received data size (%d) exceede the limit (%d)", size, _max_data_size);
    bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, _playerId,"This points to a bug or misuse. Please contact the server admin.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  virtual bool SlashCommand ( int playerID, bz_ApiString /*command*/, bz_ApiString /*message*/, bz_APIStringList* /*params*/ )
    bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);
    if (!player)
      return true;

    if ( !player->admin )
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permission to run /killall");
      return true;

    std::string msg = player->callsign.c_str();
    msg += " has killed everyone";


    bz_APIIntList *playerList = bz_newIntList();

    bz_getPlayerIndexList ( playerList );

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++ )


    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CustomFlagSample::Event(bz_EventData *eventData)
  switch (eventData->eventType) {

  default: {
    // no, sir, we didn't ask for THIS!!
    bz_debugMessage(1, "customflagsample: received event with unrequested eventType!");

  case bz_eFlagTransferredEvent: {
    bz_FlagTransferredEventData_V1* fte = (bz_FlagTransferredEventData_V1*)eventData;
    if (strcmp(fte->flagType, "CF") == 0)
	bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Custom Flag transferred!");

  case bz_eFlagGrabbedEvent: {
    bz_FlagGrabbedEventData_V1* fge = (bz_FlagGrabbedEventData_V1*)eventData;
    if (strcmp(fge->flagType, "CF") == 0)
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Custom Flag grabbed!");

  case bz_eFlagDroppedEvent: {
    bz_FlagDroppedEventData_V1* fde = (bz_FlagDroppedEventData_V1*)eventData;
    if (strcmp(fde->flagType, "CF") == 0)
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Custom Flag dropped!");

  case bz_eShotFiredEvent: {
    bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1* sfed = (bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1*)eventData;
    int p = sfed->playerID;
    bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerRecord = bz_getPlayerByIndex(p);
    if (!playerRecord) break;
    if (playerRecord->currentFlag == "Custom Flag (+CF)")
	bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Shot fired by %s with Custom Flag!", playerRecord->callsign.c_str());
	// this user must be cool, add 10 to their score
	bz_BasePlayerRecord* player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(p);
	bz_setPlayerWins(p, player->wins+10);

  case bz_ePlayerDieEvent: {
    bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1* deed = (bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1*)eventData;
    bz_ApiString flag = deed->flagKilledWith;
    int p = deed->playerID;
    bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerRecord = bz_getPlayerByIndex(p);
    if (flag == "CF")
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Player %s killed by a player with Custom Flag!", playerRecord->callsign.c_str());

Ejemplo n.º 4
void RogueGenoHandler::Event (bz_EventData *eventData)
    switch (eventData->eventType) {
        // no clue

    // wait for a tank death and start checking for genocide and rogues
    case bz_ePlayerDieEvent:
        bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1 *dieData = (bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1*)eventData;
        //if its not a genocide kill, dont care
        if (dieData->flagKilledWith != "G")
        // if the tank killed was not a rogue, let the server/client do the normal killing
        if (dieData->team != eRogueTeam)
        // option to disallow rogues getting points for shooting themselves
        if (!allowSuicide && dieData->killerID == dieData->playerID)

        // if the tank killed was a rogue, kill all rogues.
        bz_APIIntList *playerList = bz_newIntList();


        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++) {
            int targetID = (*playerList)[i];
            bz_BasePlayerRecord *playRec = bz_getPlayerByIndex (targetID);
            if (!playRec)

            // the sucker is a spawned rogue, kill him.  This generates another death event,
            // so if you kill another rogue with geno while you are a rogue you end up dead too.
            // and you get both messages (victim and be careful)
            if (playRec->spawned && playRec->team == eRogueTeam) {
                bz_killPlayer(targetID, false, dieData->killerID, "G");
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, targetID, "You were a victim of Rogue Genocide");

                // oops, I ended up killing myself (directly or indirectly) with Genocide!
                if (targetID == dieData->killerID)
                    bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, targetID, "You should be more careful with Genocide!");

Ejemplo n.º 5
void KeepAwayPlayerPaused( bz_EventData *eventData )
	if (eventData->eventType != bz_ePlayerPausedEvent || !keepaway.enabled || keepaway.flagToKeep == "")

	bz_PlayerPausedEventData_V1 *PauseData = (bz_PlayerPausedEventData_V1*)eventData;

	bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(PauseData->playerID);

	if (player)
		const char* flagHeld = bz_getPlayerFlag(player->playerID);

		if (flagHeld)
			if (flagHeld == keepaway.flagToKeep)
				bz_removePlayerFlag (player->playerID);
				bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, PauseData->playerID, "Flag removed - cannot pause while holding flag.");
				keepaway.id = -1;
				keepaway.team = eNoTeam;
				keepaway.toldFlagFree = false;

Ejemplo n.º 6
void killAllHunters(std::string messagepass)
  bz_APIIntList *playerList = bz_newIntList();

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++){

    bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerList->operator[](i));

    if (player) {
      if (player->team != eRabbitTeam) {
	bz_killPlayer(player->playerID, true, BZ_SERVER);
	bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, player->playerID, messagepass.c_str());
	if (rrzoneinfo.soundEnabled)
      if (player->team == eRabbitTeam &&
	  rrzoneinfo.soundEnabled &&
	  bz_getTeamCount(eHunterTeam) > 0)



Ejemplo n.º 7
void RegFlag::Event ( bz_EventData *eventData )
  bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = NULL;
  int playerID = -1;

  switch (eventData->eventType)
    case bz_ePlayerUpdateEvent:
      playerID = ((bz_PlayerUpdateEventData_V1*)eventData)->playerID;

    case bz_eShotFiredEvent:
      playerID = ((bz_PlayerUpdateEventData_V1*)eventData)->playerID;


  player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);
  if (!player) return;
  if (player->globalUser) {

  const char* flagAbrev = bz_getPlayerFlag(playerID);
  if (!flagAbrev)

  bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID, "Flags are for registered players only");

Ejemplo n.º 8
void killmsg::Event ( bz_EventData *eventData )
      bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1* data = (bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1*)eventData;

      bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerdata; //create a playerrecord for the dead player.
      playerdata = bz_getPlayerByIndex(data->playerID); //get data

      bz_BasePlayerRecord *killerdata; //another playerrecord for the killer
      killerdata = bz_getPlayerByIndex(data->killerID); //get data
                //now we create a message to send to the killer
                std::string killermessage = std::string("You killed ") +

                        if(data->killerID==data->playerID && killmyself==1)
                                //This kill is the kill you get after a teamkill...
                        else if(data->killerID==data->playerID)
                                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,data->killerID,"You commited suicide! Don't do that again!");
                        else if(killerdata->team==playerdata->team && killerdata->team!=eRogueTeam)
                                //Here we check whether the kill was a team kill
                                if(triti)killmyself=1; //The plugin gets confused if you get killed after a teamkill
                                std::string tkmessage = std::string("You killed teamate ") +
                                playerdata->callsign.c_str() +
                                std::string("! Don't do that again!") ;
                                //Send the first message if no TK or suicide
      //free the records here
Ejemplo n.º 9
void PlayerInfo::showDataOK(int playerId)
  for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < dataList->size(); i++) {
    bz_APIStringList* playerList = bz_newStringList();
    playerList->tokenize(dataList->get(i).c_str(), "\t", 6, false);

    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"Player info for %s", playerList->get(0).c_str());
    bz_sendTextMessage ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"-------------------------------------------");
    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"zelo         : %s", playerList->get(1).c_str());
    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"score        : %s", playerList->get(5).c_str());
    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"matches won  : %s", playerList->get(2).c_str());
    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"matches lost : %s", playerList->get(3).c_str());
    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"status       : %s", playerList->get(4).c_str());
    bz_sendTextMessage ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"-------------------------------------------");
Ejemplo n.º 10
void TopZelo::showDataOK(int playerId)
  bz_sendTextMessage ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"Zelo score ranking");
  bz_sendTextMessage ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"-------------------------------------------");
  bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"%-4s %-32s %4s", "Pos", "Player", "Zelo");
  bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"%-4s %-32s %4s", "---", "------", "----");

  for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < dataList->size(); i++) {
    bz_APIStringList* topZeloList = bz_newStringList();
    topZeloList->tokenize(dataList->get(i).c_str(), "\t", 3, false);

    bz_sendTextMessagef ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"%-4s %-32s %-4s", topZeloList->get(0).c_str(), topZeloList->get(1).c_str(),topZeloList->get(2).c_str());

  bz_sendTextMessage ( BZ_SERVER, playerId,"-------------------------------------------");
Ejemplo n.º 11
void sendMapChangeMessage ( bool end )
  std::string message = "Map change!\n";

  if (end) {
    message = "Good bye!\n";
  } else {
    message = "Please Rejoin!\n";

  bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, message.c_str());

  if (!end) {
    bz_sendJoinServer(BZ_ALLUSERS, bz_getPublicAddr().c_str(),
                      bz_getPublicPort(), eNoTeam,
                      bz_getPublicAddr().c_str(), "Map change");
Ejemplo n.º 12
void fairCTF::SetDropTime()
  bz_APIIntList	*playerList = bz_newIntList();
  bool TeamFlagIsCarried = false;

  // is any tank carrying a team flag?
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++)
    const char *FlagHeld = bz_getPlayerFlag((*playerList)[i]);

    if (FlagHeld != NULL && (strcmp(FlagHeld, "R*") == 0 || strcmp(FlagHeld, "G*") == 0 || strcmp(FlagHeld, "B*") == 0 || strcmp(FlagHeld, "P*") == 0))
      TeamFlagIsCarried = true;


  // announce drop delay only if some tank is carrying a team flag
  if (TeamFlagIsCarried)
    if (drop_delay >= 0)
      droptime = bz_getCurrentTime() + (double)drop_delay;
      if (drop_delay > 1)
	bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, bz_format("Currently-held team flags will be dropped in %d seconds.", drop_delay));
	bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Currently-held team flags will be dropped in 1 second.");

      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Currently-held team flags will not be dropped.");
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool onePlayer()
  int numPlayers =
      bz_getTeamCount(eRedTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eGreenTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eBlueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(ePurpleTeam) +

  if (numPlayers <= 1) {
    if (!koth.onePlayerWarn)
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill disabled: less than 2 players.");

    koth.onePlayerWarn = true;
    return true;
  } else {
    if (koth.onePlayerWarn)
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill enabled: more than 1 player.");

    koth.onePlayerWarn = false;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void fairCTF::UpdateState(bz_eTeamType teamLeaving)
  if (autoMode)
    bool fair = isEven(teamLeaving);
    if (fair && !allowCTF)
      allowCTF = true;
      droptime = 0.0;
      bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Team sizes are sufficiently even. CTF play is now enabled.");
    else if (!fair && allowCTF)
      allowCTF = false;
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Team sizes are uneven. CTF play is now disabled.");
Ejemplo n.º 15
std::string getFlag()
	if (keepaway.flagToKeepIndex < -1) // this should never happen, but save a crash if something goes nuts
		return "";

	// get next flag; if not free take it from player (if forced flags)

	for (unsigned int h = 0; h < keepaway.flagsList.size(); h++) // check all specified flags
		keepaway.flagToKeepIndex++; // get next one in line

		if (keepaway.flagToKeepIndex > ((int)keepaway.flagsList.size() - 1)) // go back to start if at end
			keepaway.flagToKeepIndex = 0;

		std::string flagCandidate = keepaway.flagsList[keepaway.flagToKeepIndex];
		bool flagNotHeld = true;

		bz_APIIntList *playerList = bz_newIntList();
		bz_getPlayerIndexList ( playerList );

		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++ )
		bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerList->operator[](i));

			if (player)
				const char* playerFlag = bz_getPlayerFlag(player->playerID);
				if (playerFlag)
					if (playerFlag == flagCandidate && keepaway.forcedFlags) // take it, if forced flags
						bz_removePlayerFlag (player->playerID);
						bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, player->playerID, "Sorry, server needs your flag for Keep Away :/");
					if (playerFlag == flagCandidate && !keepaway.forcedFlags) // look for next free flag in list
						flagNotHeld = false;


		if (flagNotHeld)
			return flagCandidate;

	if (!keepaway.flagsList.empty())  // we should never get here, but if we do keep going
		return keepaway.flagsList[0];
		return "";
Ejemplo n.º 16
inline bool oneTeam(bz_eTeamType leavingPlayerTeam)
	int RT = bz_getTeamCount(eRedTeam);
	int GT = bz_getTeamCount(eGreenTeam);
	int BT = bz_getTeamCount(eBlueTeam);
	int PT = bz_getTeamCount(ePurpleTeam);
	int RGT = bz_getTeamCount(eRogueTeam);

	if (leavingPlayerTeam == eRedTeam)
	if (leavingPlayerTeam == eGreenTeam)
	if (leavingPlayerTeam == eBlueTeam)
	if (leavingPlayerTeam == ePurpleTeam)
	if (leavingPlayerTeam == eRogueTeam)

	int Test1 = (RT * GT) + (RT * BT) + (RT * PT) + (GT * BT) + (GT * PT) + (BT * PT);
	int Test2 = RT + GT + BT + PT + RGT;

	if (Test1 < 1 && Test2 < 2)
		if (!keepaway.oneTeamWarn)
			bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away disabled: less than 2 teams.");

		keepaway.oneTeamWarn = true;
		return true;
		if (keepaway.oneTeamWarn)
			bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away enabled: more than 1 team.");

		keepaway.oneTeamWarn = false;
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void fairCTF::Event(bz_EventData *eventData)
  if (eventData->eventType == bz_eAllowFlagGrab)
    bz_AllowFlagGrabData_V1* grabData = (bz_AllowFlagGrabData_V1*)eventData;
    if (!allowCTF)
      // Don't allow a team flag grab
      std::string flagtype = bz_getFlagName(grabData->flagID).c_str();
      if (flagtype == "R*" || flagtype == "G*" || flagtype == "B*" || flagtype == "P*")
	grabData->allow = false;
	bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, grabData->playerID, "CTF play is currently disabled.");
  else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerJoinEvent)
  else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerPartEvent)
    bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1* partData = (bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData;
    // Need to compensate for that leaving player.
  else if (eventData->eventType == bz_eTickEvent)
    if (droptime != 0.0 && bz_getCurrentTime() >= droptime)
      // Time to drop any team flags.
      bz_APIIntList* pl = bz_getPlayerIndexList();
      for (unsigned int x = 0; x < pl->size(); x++)
      droptime = 0.0;
    // Huh?
Ejemplo n.º 18
void NoRogueGenocide::Event ( bz_EventData * eventData )
  std::string geno = "G";

  switch (eventData->eventType) {
    case bz_eFlagGrabbedEvent: {
      bz_FlagGrabbedEventData_V1	*grabData = (bz_FlagGrabbedEventData_V1*)eventData;

      std::string flagType = bz_getFlagName(grabData->flagID).c_str();

      // Do nothing if we are on seamless mode
      if (seamlessMode) return;

      // Do nothing if the flag isn't Genocide
      if (flagType != geno) return;

      // Do nothing if the player is not a rogue
      if (bz_getPlayerTeam(grabData->playerID) != eRogueTeam) return;

      if (!silentMode) bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, grabData->playerID, "You can't pick up Genocide if you are a rogue!");


    } break;

    case bz_eShotFiredEvent: {
      bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1	*shotData = (bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1*)eventData;

      std::string shotType = shotData->type.c_str();

      // Do nothing if the shot doesn't originate from a geno flag
      if (shotType != geno) return;

      // Do nothing if the player is not a rogue
      if (bz_getPlayerTeam(shotData->playerID) != eRogueTeam) return;

      // Convert the shot to a regular one
      shotData->type = "";
      shotData->changed = true;

    } break;

Ejemplo n.º 19
void KOTHPlayerPaused::process(bz_EventData * eventData)
  if (eventData->eventType != bz_ePlayerPausedEvent || !koth.enabled)

  bz_PlayerPausedEventData_V1 *PauseData = (bz_PlayerPausedEventData_V1 *) eventData;
  bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(PauseData->playerID);

  if (player) {
    if (kothzone.pointIn(player->currentState.pos)) {
      bz_killPlayer(PauseData->playerID, true, BZ_SERVER);
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, PauseData->playerID, "Cannot pause while on the Hill.");

Ejemplo n.º 20
void fairCTF::DropTeamFlag(int playerID)
  bz_BasePlayerRecord* droppr = bz_getPlayerByIndex (playerID);
  if (droppr != NULL)
    // Are they carrying a team flag?
    if (droppr->currentFlag == "Red team flag" || 
      droppr->currentFlag == "Green team flag" || 
      droppr->currentFlag == "Blue team flag" || 
      droppr->currentFlag == "Purple team flag")
      bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "CTF play is currently disabled.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool TCTFCommands::handle(int playerID, bz_ApiString _command, bz_ApiString _message, bz_APIStringList * /*_param*/ )
  std::string command = _command.c_str();
  std::string message = _message.c_str();

  bz_BasePlayerRecord *fromPlayer = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);

  if (fromPlayer) {
    if (!fromPlayer->admin) {
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID,
			 "You must be admin to use the ctfcaptime commands.");
      return true;

  if (command == "tctfon") {
    tctf.enabled = true;
    if (!tctf.timerRunning)
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Timed CTF is enabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "tctfoff") {
    tctf.enabled = false;
    tctf.timerRunning = false;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Timed CTF is disabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "fairctfon") {
    tctf.fairCTFEnabled = true;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Fair CTF is enabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "fairctfoff") {
    tctf.fairCTFEnabled = false;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Fair CTF is disabled.");
    if (!tctf.timerRunning)
    return true;

  if (command == "tctfsoundon") {

    tctf.soundEnabled = true;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Timed CTF sound is enabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "tctfsoundoff") {

    tctf.soundEnabled = false;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Timed CTF sound is disabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "tctfstatus") {

    if (tctf.enabled && !tctf.timerRunning)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Timed CTF is currently enabled, but not running.");

    if (tctf.enabled && tctf.timerRunning)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Timed CTF is currently enabled, and running");

    if (!tctf.enabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Timed CTF is currently disabled.");

    if (!tctf.fairCTFEnabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Fair CTF is currently disabled");

    if (tctf.fairCTFEnabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Fair CTF is currently enabled");

    if (!tctf.soundEnabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Timed CTF sounds are currently disabled");

    if (tctf.soundEnabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Timed CTF sounds are currently enabled");

    tctf.adjTime = (int) (tctf.timeLimit / 60 + 0.5);
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "CTF capture time is currently set to: %i minutes", tctf.adjTime);
    return true;
  // explicit time command handler:

  if (command == "tctftime") {
    double inputvalue = ConvertToInt(message);

    if (inputvalue > 0) {

      tctf.timeLimit = inputvalue * 60;
      tctf.adjTime = (int) (tctf.timeLimit / 60 + 0.5);
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "CTF capture time has been set to %i minutes.", tctf.adjTime);

      if (!tctf.enabled)
	bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "(Timed CTF is still disabled)");

      return true;
    } else {
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "CTF capture time invalid: must be between 1 and 120 minutes.");
      return true;

    return true;

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 bool MapChangeCommandHandler::handle ( int playerID, bz_ApiString command, bz_ApiString message, bz_APIStringList *params )
   std::string cmd;

   std::string param;
   if ( params && params->size() )
     param = params->get(0).c_str();

   if ( cmd == "mapnext" )
     if (bz_getAdmin (playerID) || bz_hasPerm(playerID,"mapchange"))
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permision to change maps");
     return true;
   else if ( cmd == "mapreset" )
     if (bz_getAdmin (playerID) || bz_hasPerm(playerID,"mapchange"))
       currentIndex = -1;
       bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permision to reset map rotation");
     return true;
   else if ( cmd == "mapcyclemode" )
     if (param.size())
       if (bz_getAdmin (playerID) || bz_hasPerm(playerID,"mapchange"))
	cycleMode = cycleFromString(param.c_str());
	std::string mode = "Map Rotation Mode changed to ";
	mode += param.c_str();
	 bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permision to set map modes");
       std::string mode = "Current Map Rotation Mode:";
       mode += cycleToString(cycleMode);
     return true;
   else if ( cmd == "mapendmode" )
     if (param.size())
	if (bz_getAdmin (playerID) || bz_hasPerm(playerID,"mapchange"))
	  startTime = bz_getCurrentTime();
	  endCond = condFromString(param);
	  std::string mode = "Map End Condition changed to ";
	  mode += param;
	  bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permision to set map modes");
       std::string mode = "Current End Condtion:";
       mode += condToString(endCond);
     return true;
   else if ( cmd == "maplist" )
     bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"Maps In Rotation");
     for (int i = 0; i < (int)gameList.size(); i++ )
     return true;
   else if ( cmd == "maplimit" )
     if (endCond == eNoPlayers || endCond == eManual )
       bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"The currnet mode has no numeric limit");
       return true;

     if (param.size())
       if (bz_getAdmin (playerID) || bz_hasPerm(playerID,"mapchange"))
	 std::string mode = "Map Change limit changed to ";
	if (endCond == eTimedGame)
	  startTime = bz_getCurrentTime();
	  timeLimit = atof(param.c_str())*60;
	  mode += param.c_str();
	  mode += "minutes";
	  scoreCapLimit = atoi(param.c_str());
	  mode += param.c_str();
	  if (endCond == eMaxKillScore)
	    mode += " Kills";
	    mode += " Caps";
	 std::string mode = "Map Change limit is ";
	 if (endCond == eTimedGame)
	   mode += format("%f minutes", timeLimit/60.0);
	    mode += format("%d", scoreCapLimit);
	   if (endCond == eMaxKillScore)
	     mode += " Kills";
	     mode += " Caps";
	 bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permision to set map limits");
       std::string mode = "Current End Condtion:";
       mode += condToString(endCond);
     return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void leagueOverSeer::Event(bz_EventData *eventData)
    switch (eventData->eventType)
        case bz_eCaptureEvent: //Someone caps
            bz_CTFCaptureEventData_V1 *capData = (bz_CTFCaptureEventData_V1*)eventData;

            if (officialMatch) //Only keep score if it's official
                if (capData->teamCapping == teamOne) teamOnePoints++;
                else if (capData->teamCapping == teamTwo) teamTwoPoints++;

        case bz_eGameEndEvent: //A /gameover or a match has ended
            //Clear the bool variables
            funMatch = false;
            matchStartTime = 0;
            matchParticipantsRecorded = false;

            if (doNotReportMatch && officialMatch) //The match was canceled via /gameover or /superkill and we do not want to report these matches
                officialMatch = false; //Match is over
                doNotReportMatch = false; //Reset the variable for next usage
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;
                bz_debugMessage(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Official match was not reported.");
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Official match was not reported.");
            else if (officialMatch)
                officialMatch = false; //Match is over
                time_t t = time(NULL); //Get the current time
                tm * now = gmtime(&t);
                char match_date[20];

                sprintf(match_date, "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", now->tm_year + 1900, now->tm_mon + 1, now->tm_mday, now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec); //Format the date to -> year-month-day hour:minute:second

                //Convert ints to std::string with std::ostringstream
                std::ostringstream teamOnePointsConversion;
                teamOnePointsConversion << (teamOnePoints);
                std::ostringstream teamTwoPointsConversion;
                teamTwoPointsConversion << (teamTwoPoints);
                std::ostringstream matchTimeConversion;
                matchTimeConversion << (matchDuration/60);

                //Keep references to values for quick reference
                std::string teamOnePointsFinal = teamOnePointsConversion.str();
                std::string teamTwoPointsFinal = teamTwoPointsConversion.str();
                std::string matchTimeFinal = matchTimeConversion.str();

                // Store match data in the logs
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: League Over Seer Match Report");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: -----------------------------");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Match Time      : %s", match_date);
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Duration        : %s", matchTimeFinal.c_str());
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team One Score  : %s", teamOnePointsFinal.c_str());
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team Two Score  : %s", teamTwoPointsFinal.c_str());

                // Start building POST data to be sent to the league website
                std::string matchToSend = "query=reportMatch";
                matchToSend += "&teamOneWins=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(teamOnePointsFinal.c_str()));
                matchToSend += "&teamTwoWins=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(teamTwoPointsFinal.c_str()));

                matchToSend += "&duration=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(matchTimeFinal.c_str())) + "&matchTime=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(match_date));

                if (rotLeague) //Only add this parameter if it's a rotational league such as Open League
                    matchToSend += "&mapPlayed=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(map.c_str()));

                matchToSend += "&teamOnePlayers=";
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team One Players");

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matchPlayers.size(); i++) //Add all the red players to the match report
                    if (matchPlayers.at(i).team == teamOne)
                        matchToSend += std::string(bz_urlEncode(matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str())) + ",";
                        bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data ::  %s (%s)", matchPlayers.at(i).callsign.c_str(), matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str());

                matchToSend.erase(matchToSend.size() - 1);
                matchToSend += "&teamTwoPlayers=";
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team Two Players");

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matchPlayers.size(); i++) //Add all the red players to the match report
                    if (matchPlayers.at(i).team == teamTwo)
                        matchToSend += std::string(bz_urlEncode(matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str())) + ",";
                        bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data ::  %s (%s)", matchPlayers.at(i).callsign.c_str(), matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str());

                matchToSend.erase(matchToSend.size() - 1);

                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: -----------------------------");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: End of Match Report");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Reporting match data...");
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Reporting match...");

                bz_addURLJob(LEAGUE_URL.c_str(), this, matchToSend.c_str()); //Send the match data to the league website

                //Clear all the structures and scores for next match
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;
                bz_debugMessage(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Fun match was not reported.");

        case bz_eGameStartEvent: //The countdown has started
            if (officialMatch) //Don't waste memory if the match isn't official
                //Set the team scores to zero just in case
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;
                matchDuration = bz_getTimeLimit();
                matchStartTime = bz_getCurrentTime();
                doNotReportMatch = false;

        case bz_eGetPlayerMotto: // Change the motto of a player when they join
            bz_GetPlayerMottoData_V2* mottoEvent = (bz_GetPlayerMottoData_V2*)eventData;

            // Prepare the SQL query with the BZID of the player
            sqlite3_bind_text(getPlayerMotto, 1, mottoEvent->record->bzID.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

            if (sqlite3_step(getPlayerMotto) == SQLITE_ROW) // If returns a team name, use it
                mottoEvent->motto = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(getPlayerMotto, 0);
                mottoEvent->motto = "";

            sqlite3_reset(getPlayerMotto); //Clear the prepared statement so it can be reused

        case bz_ePlayerJoinEvent: //A player joins
            bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1 *joinData = (bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData;

            if (!joinData)

            if ((bz_isCountDownActive() || bz_isCountDownInProgress()) && officialMatch)
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, joinData->playerID, "*** There is currently an official match in progress, please be respectful. ***");
            else if ((bz_isCountDownActive() || bz_isCountDownInProgress()) && funMatch)
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, joinData->playerID, "*** There is currently a fun match in progress, please be respectful. ***");

            if (joinData->record->verified)
                // Build the POST data for the URL job
                std::string teamMotto = "query=teamNameQuery";
                teamMotto += "&teamPlayers=" + std::string(joinData->record->bzID.c_str());

                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Getting motto for %s...", joinData->record->callsign.c_str());

                bz_addURLJob(LEAGUE_URL.c_str(), this, teamMotto.c_str()); //Send the team update request to the league website

        case bz_eSlashCommandEvent: //Someone uses a slash command
            bz_SlashCommandEventData_V1 *commandData = (bz_SlashCommandEventData_V1*)eventData;
            bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerData = bz_getPlayerByIndex(commandData->from);
            std::string command = commandData->message.c_str(); //Use std::string for quick reference

            if (strncmp("/gameover", commandData->message.c_str(), 9) == 0)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/gameover' is disabled, please use /finish or /cancel instead **");
            else if (strncmp("/countdown pause", commandData->message.c_str(), 16) == 0)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/countdown pause' is disabled, please use /pause instead **");
            else if (strncmp("/countdown resume", commandData->message.c_str(), 17 ) == 0)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/countdown resume' is disabled, please use /resume instead **");
            else if (isdigit(atoi(commandData->message.c_str()) + 12))
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/countdown TIME' is disabled, please use /official or /fm instead **");


        case bz_eTickEvent: //Tick tock tick tock...
            int totaltanks = bz_getTeamCount(eRogueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eRedTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eGreenTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eBlueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(ePurpleTeam);

            if (totaltanks == 0)
                //Incase a boolean gets messed up in the plugin, reset all the plugin variables when there are no players (Observers excluded)
                officialMatch = false;
                doNotReportMatch = false;
                funMatch = false;
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;

                //This should never happen but just incase the countdown is going when there are no tanks
                if (bz_isCountDownActive())
                    bz_gameOver(253, eObservers);

            if (matchStartTime > 0 && matchStartTime + matchRollCall < bz_getCurrentTime() && officialMatch && !matchParticipantsRecorded)
                bool invalidateRollCall = false;
                bz_APIIntList *playerList = bz_newIntList();

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++)
                    bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerRecord = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerList->get(i));

                    if (bz_getPlayerTeam(playerList->get(i)) != eObservers) //If player is not an observer
                        playersInMatch currentPlayer;
                        currentPlayer.team = playerRecord->team; //Add team to structure
                        currentPlayer.callsign = playerRecord->callsign.c_str(); //Add team to structure
                        currentPlayer.bzid = playerRecord->bzID.c_str(); //Add bzid to structure

                        if (std::string(playerRecord->bzID.c_str()).empty())
                            invalidateRollCall = true;




                if (invalidateRollCall && matchRollCall < matchDuration)
                    bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Invalid player found on field at %i:%i.", (int)(matchRollCall/60), (int)(fmod(matchRollCall,60.0)));

                    matchParticipantsRecorded = false;
                    matchRollCall += 30;
                    matchParticipantsRecorded = true;

Ejemplo n.º 24
bool KOTHCommands::handle(int playerID, bz_ApiString _command, bz_ApiString _message, bz_APIStringList * /*_param*/ )
  std::string command = _command.c_str();
  std::string message = _message.c_str();
  const char *kingmessage = _message.c_str();

  if (command == "kingsay") {
    if (koth.id != -1)
      bz_sendTextMessage(playerID, koth.id, kingmessage);
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "There is no one attempting to be king right now.");

    return true;

  bz_BasePlayerRecord *fromPlayer = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);

  if (fromPlayer) {
    if (!fromPlayer->admin) {
      bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You must be admin to use the koth commands.");
      return true;


  if (command == "kothon") {
    koth.enabled = true;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill is enabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "kothoff") {
    koth.enabled = false;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill is disabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "kothsoundon") {
    koth.soundEnabled = true;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill sounds are enabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "kothsoundoff") {
    koth.soundEnabled = false;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill sounds are disabled.");
    return true;

  if (command == "kothtimemult") {
    double inputvalue = ConvertToNum(message, 1, 99);

    if (inputvalue > 0) {
      koth.timeMult = (inputvalue / 100);
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Auto time multiplier set to %i percent.", (int) (koth.timeMult * 100 + 0.5));
    } else {
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Auto time multiplier (%i) must be between 1 and 99 percent.",
			  (int) (koth.timeMult * 100 + 0.5));


    return true;

  if (command == "kothtimemultmin") {
    double inputvalue = ConvertToNum(message, 1, 99);

    if (inputvalue > 0) {
      koth.timeMultMin = (inputvalue / 100);
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Auto time multiplier minimum set to %i percent.",
			  (int) (koth.timeMultMin * 100 + 0.5));
    } else {
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Auto time multiplier minimum must be between 1 and 99 percent.");


    return true;

  if (command == "kothstatus") {
    if (koth.enabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "King of the Hill is currently enabled.");

    if (!koth.enabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "King of the Hill is currently disabled.");

    if (koth.soundEnabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "King of the Hill sounds are currently enabled.");

    if (!koth.soundEnabled)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "King of the Hill sounds are currently disabled.");

    if (koth.autoTimeOn)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Automatic time adjustment is currently enabled.");

    if (!koth.autoTimeOn)
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Automatic time adjustment is currently disabled.");

    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Time multiplier = %i percent.", (int) (koth.timeMult * 100 + 0.5));

    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Time multiplier minimum = %i percent.", (int) (koth.timeMultMin * 100 + 0.5));

    int AdjTime = (int) (koth.adjustedTime + 0.5);
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "King of the Hill hold time is currently set to: %i seconds", AdjTime);
    return true;
  // explicit time command handler:

  if (command == "kothtime") {
    double inputvalue = ConvertToNum(message, 1, 7200);

    if (inputvalue > 0) {
      koth.TTH = inputvalue;
      int AdjTime = (int) (inputvalue + 0.5);
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill hold time has been set to %i seconds.", AdjTime);
    } else {
      bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "King of the Hill hold time invalid: must be between 1 and 7200 seconds.");


    return true;

  if (command == "kothautotimeon") {
    koth.autoTimeOn = true;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill automatic time adjustment on.");
    return true;

  if (command == "kothautotimeoff") {
    koth.autoTimeOn = false;
    koth.adjustedTime = koth.TTH;
    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "King of the Hill automatic time adjustment off.");
    return true;

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 25
inline void KOTHEventHandler::process(bz_EventData * eventData)
  if (!koth.enabled)		// King of the Hill disabled - we can leave

  if (onePlayer())		// Not enough players - we can leave

  float pos[3] = { 0 };

  int playerID = -1;

  switch (eventData->eventType) {
  case bz_ePlayerUpdateEvent:
    pos[0] = ((bz_PlayerUpdateEventData_V1 *) eventData)->state.pos[0];
    pos[1] = ((bz_PlayerUpdateEventData_V1 *) eventData)->state.pos[1];
    pos[2] = ((bz_PlayerUpdateEventData_V1 *) eventData)->state.pos[2];
    playerID = ((bz_PlayerUpdateEventData_V1 *) eventData)->playerID;

  case bz_eShotFiredEvent:
    pos[0] = ((bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1 *) eventData)->pos[0];
    pos[1] = ((bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1 *) eventData)->pos[1];
    pos[2] = ((bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1 *) eventData)->pos[2];
    playerID = ((bz_ShotFiredEventData_V1 *) eventData)->playerID;


  if (!koth.toldHillOpen && koth.id == -1)	// Hill is open - inform players
    bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Hill is not controlled - take it!");
    koth.toldHillOpen = true;

  if (kothzone.pointIn(pos))	// player is on Hill
    bz_BasePlayerRecord *player = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);

    if (player) {
      if (player->playerID != koth.playerJustWon && player->spawned) {
	if ((koth.id == -1 && player->team != koth.team) || (koth.id == -1 && teamClear(koth.team)))
	  initiatekoth(player->team, player->callsign, player->playerID);

	double timeStanding = bz_getCurrentTime() - koth.startTime;

	if (timeStanding >= koth.adjustedTime && koth.id != -1)	// time's up - kill 'em
	  if (koth.teamPlay && koth.team != eRogueTeam)
	    killTeams(koth.team, koth.callsign);
	    killPlayers(koth.id, koth.callsign);

	  if (!koth.teamPlay || koth.team == eRogueTeam)
	    bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, koth.id, "You are King of the Hill!  You must leave hill to retake it.");
	    bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, koth.team, "Your team is King of the Hill!  Entire team must leave hill to retake it.");

	  koth.playerJustWon = koth.id;

	  koth.id = -1;

	if (koth.id != -1)
	  sendWarnings(getTeamColor(koth.team), koth.callsign, koth.startTime);

  } else {			// player is off Hill
    if (playerID == koth.playerJustWon)
      koth.playerJustWon = -1;

    if (playerID == koth.id) {
      koth.id = -1;
      koth.team = eNoTeam;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void PlayHistoryTracker::Event(bz_EventData *eventData)
  switch (eventData->eventType) {

  case bz_ePlayerDieEvent:
      bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1 *deathRecord = (bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1*)eventData;

      // Create variables to store the callsigns
      std::string victimCallsign = "UNKNOWN";
      std::string killerCallsign = "UNKNOWN";

      // Get player records for victim and killer
      bz_BasePlayerRecord *victimData = bz_getPlayerByIndex(deathRecord->playerID);
      bz_BasePlayerRecord *killerData = bz_getPlayerByIndex(deathRecord->killerID);

      // If we have valid data, update the callsigns
      if (victimData)
	victimCallsign = victimData->callsign.c_str();
      if (killerData)
	killerCallsign = killerData->callsign.c_str();

      // Free the player records

      // Handle the victim
      if (spreeCount.find(deathRecord->playerID) != spreeCount.end()) {
	// Store a quick reference to their former spree count
	int spreeTotal = spreeCount[deathRecord->playerID];
	std::string message;

	// Generate an appropriate message, if any
	if (spreeTotal >= 5 && spreeTotal < 10)
	  message = victimCallsign + std::string("'s rampage was stopped by ") + killerCallsign;
	else if (spreeTotal >= 10 && spreeTotal < 20)
	  message = victimCallsign + std::string("'s killing spree was halted by ") + killerCallsign;
	else if (spreeTotal >= 20)
	  message = std::string("The unstoppable reign of ") + victimCallsign + std::string(" was ended by ") + killerCallsign;

	// If we have a message to send, then send it
	if (message.size())
	  bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, message.c_str());

	// Since they died, release their spree counter
	spreeCount[deathRecord->playerID] = 0;

      // Handle the killer (if it wasn't also the victim)
      if (deathRecord->playerID != deathRecord->killerID && spreeCount.find(deathRecord->killerID) != spreeCount.end()) {
	// Store a quick reference to their newly incremented spree count
	int spreeTotal = ++spreeCount[deathRecord->playerID];

	std::string message;

	// Generate an appropriate message, if any
	if (spreeTotal == 5)
	  message = victimCallsign + std::string(" is on a Rampage!");
	else if (spreeTotal == 10)
	  message = victimCallsign + std::string(" is on a Killing Spree!");
	else if (spreeTotal == 20)
	  message = victimCallsign + std::string(" is Unstoppable!!");
	else if (spreeTotal > 20 && spreeTotal%5 == 0)
	  message = victimCallsign + std::string(" continues to rage on");

	// If we have a message to send, then send it
	if (message.size())
	  bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, message.c_str());

  case  bz_ePlayerJoinEvent:
      // Initialize the spree counter for the player that just joined
      spreeCount[((bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData)->playerID] = 0;

  case  bz_ePlayerPartEvent:
      // Erase the spree counter for the player that just left
      std::map<int, int >::iterator itr = spreeCount.find(((bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData)->playerID);
      if (itr != spreeCount.end())
Ejemplo n.º 27
bool leagueOverSeer::SlashCommand(int playerID, bz_ApiString command, bz_ApiString /*message*/, bz_APIStringList *params)
    int timeToStart = atoi(params->get(0).c_str());
    bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerData = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);

    if (command == "official") //Someone used the /official command
        if (playerData->team == eObservers) //Observers can't start matches
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Observers are not allowed to start matches.");
        else if ((bz_getTeamCount(eRedTeam) < 2 && bz_getTeamPlayerLimit(eRedTeam) > 0) ||
                (bz_getTeamCount(eGreenTeam) < 2 && bz_getTeamPlayerLimit(eGreenTeam) > 0) ||
                (bz_getTeamCount(eBlueTeam) < 2 && bz_getTeamPlayerLimit(eBlueTeam) > 0) ||
                (bz_getTeamCount(ePurpleTeam) < 2 && bz_getTeamPlayerLimit(ePurpleTeam) > 0)) //An official match cannot be 1v1 or 2v1
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You may not have an official match with less than 2 players per team.");
        else if (funMatch) //A fun match cannot be declared an official match
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"Fun matches cannot be turned into official matches.");
        else if (!playerData->verified || !bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn")) //If they can't spawn, they aren't a league player so they can't start a match
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"Only registered league players may start an official match.");
        else if (bz_isCountDownActive() || bz_isCountDownInProgress()) //A countdown is in progress already
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"There is currently a countdown active, you may not start another.");
        else if (playerData->verified && playerData->team != eObservers && bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn") && !bz_isCountDownActive() && !funMatch) //Check the user is not an obs and is a league member
            officialMatch = true; //Notify the plugin that the match is official
            bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Official match started by %s (%s).", playerData->callsign.c_str(), playerData->ipAddress.c_str());
            bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Official match started by %s.", playerData->callsign.c_str());

            if (timeToStart <= 120 && timeToStart > 5)
                bz_startCountdown (timeToStart, bz_getTimeLimit(), "Server"); //Start the countdown with a custom countdown time limit under 2 minutes
                bz_startCountdown (10, bz_getTimeLimit(), "Server"); //Start the countdown for the official match
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You do not have permission to run the /official command.");

        return true;
    else if (command == "fm") //Someone uses the /fm command
        if (bz_isCountDownActive() || bz_isCountDownInProgress() || funMatch || officialMatch) //There is already a countdown
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "There is currently a countdown active, you may not start another.");
        else if (playerData->team == eObservers) //Observers can't start matches
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"Observers are not allowed to start matches.");
        else if (!playerData->verified || !bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn")) //If they can't spawn, they aren't a league player so they can't start a match
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"Only registered league players may start an official match.");
        else if (!bz_isCountDownActive() && playerData->team != eObservers && bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn") && playerData->verified && !officialMatch)
            funMatch = true; //It's a fun match

            bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Fun match started by %s (%s).", playerData->callsign.c_str(), playerData->ipAddress.c_str());
            bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Fun match started by %s.", playerData->callsign.c_str());

            if (timeToStart <= 120 && timeToStart > 5)
                bz_startCountdown (timeToStart, bz_getTimeLimit(), "Server"); //Start the countdown with a custom countdown time limit under 2 minutes
                bz_startCountdown (10, bz_getTimeLimit(), "Server"); //Start the countdown for the official match
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permission to run the /fm command.");

        return true;
    else if (command == "cancel")
        if (bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn") && bz_isCountDownActive())
            if (officialMatch)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Official match ended by %s", playerData->callsign.c_str());
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Match ended by %s (%s).", playerData->callsign.c_str(),playerData->ipAddress.c_str());
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Fun match ended by %s", playerData->callsign.c_str());
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Match ended by %s (%s).", playerData->callsign.c_str(),playerData->ipAddress.c_str());

            //Reset the server. Cleanly ends a match
            officialMatch = false;
            doNotReportMatch = true;
            funMatch = false;
            teamOnePoints = 0;
            teamTwoPoints = 0;

            //End the countdown
            if (bz_isCountDownActive())
                bz_gameOver(253, eObservers);
        else if (!bz_isCountDownActive())
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "There is no match in progress to cancel.");
        else //Not a league player
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You do not have permission to run the /cancel command.");

        return true;
    else if (command == "finish")
        if (bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn") && bz_isCountDownActive() && officialMatch)
            bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: Match Over Seer :: Official match ended early by %s (%s)", playerData->callsign.c_str(), playerData->ipAddress.c_str());
            bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Official match ended early by %s", playerData->callsign.c_str());

            doNotReportMatch = false; //To prevent reporting a canceled match, let plugin know the match was canceled

            //End the countdown
            if (bz_isCountDownActive())
                bz_gameOver(253, eObservers);
        else if (!bz_isCountDownActive())
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "There is no match in progress to end.");
        else if (!officialMatch)
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You cannot /finish a fun match. Use /cancel instead.");
        else //Not a league player
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You do not have permission to run the /finish command.");

        return true;
    else if (command == "pause")
        if (bz_isCountDownActive() && bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn") && playerData->verified)
        else if (!bz_isCountDownActive())
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "There is no active match to pause right now.");
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You are not have permission to run the /pause command.");

        return true;
    else if (command == "resume")
        if (bz_hasPerm(playerID,"spawn") && playerData->verified && bz_isCountDownActive())
        else if (!bz_isCountDownActive())
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "The current match is not paused.");
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You are not have permission to run the /resume command.");

        return true;
    else if (command == "spawn")
        if (bz_hasPerm(playerID, "ban"))
            if (params->size() > 0)
                std::string callsignToLookup; //store the callsign we're going to search for

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < params->size(); i++) //piece together the callsign from the slash command parameters
                    callsignToLookup += params->get(i).c_str();
                    if (i != params->size() - 1) // so we don't stick a whitespace on the end
                        callsignToLookup += " "; // add a whitespace between each chat text parameter

                if (std::string::npos != std::string(params->get(0).c_str()).find("#") && isValidPlayerID(atoi(std::string(params->get(0).c_str()).erase(0, 1).c_str())))
                    bz_grantPerm(atoi(std::string(params->get(0).c_str()).erase(0, 1).c_str()), "spawn");
                    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, eAdministrators, "%s gave spawn perms to %s", bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID)->callsign.c_str(), bz_getPlayerByIndex(atoi(std::string(params->get(0).c_str()).substr(0, 1).c_str()))->callsign.c_str());
                else if (isValidCallsign(callsignToLookup) >= 0)
                    bz_grantPerm(isValidCallsign(callsignToLookup), "spawn");
                    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, eAdministrators, "%s gave spawn perms to %s", bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID)->callsign.c_str(), bz_getPlayerByIndex(isValidCallsign(callsignToLookup))->callsign.c_str());
                    bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "player %s not found", params->get(0).c_str());
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "/spawn <player id or callsign>");
        else if (!playerData->admin)
            bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER,playerID,"You do not have permission to use the /spawn command.");

        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void KeepAwayEventHandler::Event ( bz_EventData *eventData )
	if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerDieEvent)
	else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerPartEvent)
	else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerJoinEvent)
	else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerPausedEvent)

	if (eventData->eventType != bz_ePlayerUpdateEvent || !keepaway.enabled || keepaway.flagToKeep == "")

	if (keepaway.notEnoughTeams) // Not enough teams - we can leave

	checkKeepAwayHolder(); // check for someone holding flag

	if (!keepaway.toldFlagFree && keepaway.id == -1) // Flag is free - inform players
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away flag: %s is free; find it and keep it!", convertFlag(keepaway.flagToKeep).c_str());
		keepaway.toldFlagFree = true;

		if ((bz_getCurrentTime() - keepaway.lastReminder) > 2 && keepaway.soundEnabled) // do not play free flag sound alert if player just won/lost (overlapping sounds)

	if (timeForReminder() && keepaway.id == -1)
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away flag: %s is free; find it and keep it!", convertFlag(keepaway.flagToKeep).c_str());

	if (keepaway.id == -1)  // no one has it, we can leave

	sendWarnings(getTeamColor(keepaway.team), keepaway.callsign, keepaway.startTime);

	double timeStanding = bz_getCurrentTime() - keepaway.startTime;

	if (timeStanding >= keepaway.adjustedTime) // time's up - kill 'em
		if (keepaway.teamPlay && keepaway.team != eRogueTeam)
			killTeams(keepaway.team, keepaway.callsign);
			bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, keepaway.team, "Your team did it!  Go find the next Keep Away flag and keep it!");
			killPlayers(keepaway.id, keepaway.callsign);
			bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, keepaway.id, "You did it!  Go find the next Keep Away flag and keep it!");

		if (!keepaway.forcedFlags)  // this will always create an open spot for getFlag(), if it's needed
			bz_removePlayerFlag (keepaway.id);

		keepaway.id = -1;
		keepaway.team = eNoTeam;
		keepaway.toldFlagFree = false;
		keepaway.flagToKeep = getFlag();
		keepaway.lastReminder = bz_getCurrentTime();

Ejemplo n.º 29
void rabbitTimer::Event(bz_EventData *eventData)
	if (eventData->eventType == bz_eTickEvent)
		bz_TickEventData_V1* tickdata = (bz_TickEventData_V1*)eventData;

		if (currentRabbit != -1 && tickdata->eventTime >= rabbitDeathTime)
			//kill the wabbit!
			bz_killPlayer(currentRabbit, false, BZ_SERVER);

			//stopgap. the kill event should do this, really...
			currentRabbit = -1;
			rabbitDeathTime = (float)tickdata->eventTime + rabbitKillTimeLimit;

			bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Time's up! Selecting new rabbit.");
		else if (currentRabbit == -1 && bz_getTeamCount(eHunterTeam) >= 3) //make sure we've got enough people before reactivating the timer
			//find the new rabbit
			bz_APIIntList pl;

			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pl.size() && currentRabbit == -1; i++)
				bz_BasePlayerRecord* pr = bz_getPlayerByIndex(pl.get(i));

				if (pr != NULL)
					if (pr->team == eRabbitTeam)
						currentRabbit = pr->playerID;
						int limit = (int)rabbitKillTimeLimit;
						bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, currentRabbit, bz_format("You have %d seconds to make a kill!", limit));
	else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerDieEvent)

		bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1* killdata = (bz_PlayerDieEventData_V1*)eventData;

		if (killdata->team == eRabbitTeam)
			currentRabbit = -1; //we will sort this out on the next tick

			rabbitDeathTime = (float)killdata->eventTime + rabbitKillTimeLimit;
		else if (killdata->killerTeam == eRabbitTeam && currentRabbit != -1)
			if (rollOver)
				rabbitDeathTime += rabbitKillTimeLimit;

				int limit = (int)rabbitKillTimeLimit;
				int timeremaining = (int)(rabbitDeathTime - killdata->eventTime);

				bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, currentRabbit, bz_format("+%d seconds: %d seconds remaining.", limit, timeremaining));
				rabbitDeathTime = (float)killdata->eventTime + rabbitKillTimeLimit;

				int limit = (int)rabbitKillTimeLimit;
				bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, currentRabbit, bz_format("%d seconds remaining.", limit));
	else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerDieEvent)
		bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1* partdata = (bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData;

		if (partdata->record->team == eRabbitTeam) //we need to select a new rabbit if the rabbit leaves.
			currentRabbit = -1; //we will sort this out on the next tick

			rabbitDeathTime = (float)partdata->eventTime + rabbitKillTimeLimit;
Ejemplo n.º 30
bool KeepAwayCommands::SlashCommand ( int playerID, bz_ApiString _command, bz_ApiString _message, bz_APIStringList * /*_param*/ )
	std::string command = _command.c_str();
	std::string message = _message.c_str();
	const char* keepermessage = _message.c_str();

	if ( command == "kas" )
		if (keepaway.id != -1)
			bz_sendTextMessage (playerID, keepaway.id, keepermessage);
			bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "There is no one keeping the flag right now.");

		return true;

	if ( command == "kaf" )
		if (keepaway.id == -1)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "The Keep Away flag is: %s", convertFlag(keepaway.flagToKeep).c_str());
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "%s has Keep Away flag: %s", keepaway.callsign.c_str(), convertFlag(keepaway.flagToKeep).c_str());

		return true;

	bz_BasePlayerRecord *fromPlayer = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerID);

	if (fromPlayer) {
	  if (!fromPlayer->admin) {
	    bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You must be admin to use the keepaway commands.");
	    return true;


	if ( command == "kasoundoff" )
		keepaway.soundEnabled = false;
		bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away sounds are disabled.");
		return true;
		if ( command == "kasoundon" )
		keepaway.soundEnabled = true;
		bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away sounds are enabled.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "kaflagresetoff" )
		keepaway.flagResetEnabled = false;
		bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away flag reset is disabled.");
		return true;
		if ( command == "kaflagreseton" )
		keepaway.flagResetEnabled = true;
		bz_sendTextMessage (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away flag reset is enabled.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "kaf+" )
		if (!keepaway.forcedFlags)  // this will always create an open spot for getFlag(), if it's needed
			bz_removePlayerFlag (keepaway.id);

		keepaway.id = -1;
		keepaway.team = eNoTeam;
		keepaway.toldFlagFree = false;
		keepaway.flagToKeep = getFlag();
		keepaway.lastReminder = bz_getCurrentTime();

		bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away flag advanced to: %s", convertFlag(keepaway.flagToKeep).c_str());

		return true;

	if ( command == "kaon")
		keepaway.enabled = true;
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away is enabled.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "kaoff")
		keepaway.enabled = false;
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away is disabled.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "katimemult")
		double inputvalue = ConvertToNum(message, 1, 99);

		if (inputvalue > 0)
			keepaway.timeMult = (inputvalue/100);
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away auto time multiplier set to %i percent.", (int)(keepaway.timeMult*100 + 0.5));
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away auto time multiplier must be between 1 and 99 percent.", (int)(keepaway.timeMult*100 + 0.5));


		return true;

	if ( command == "katimemultmin")
		double inputvalue = ConvertToNum(message, 1, 99);

		if (inputvalue > 0)
			keepaway.timeMultMin = (inputvalue/100);
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away auto time multiplier minimum set to %i percent.", (int)(keepaway.timeMultMin*100 + 0.5));
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away auto time multiplier minimum must be between 1 and 99 percent.");


		return true;

	if ( command == "kastatus")
		if (keepaway.enabled)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away is currently enabled.");

		if (!keepaway.enabled)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away is currently disabled.");

		if (keepaway.autoTimeOn)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away automatic time adjustment is currently enabled.");

		if (!keepaway.autoTimeOn)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away automatic time adjustment is currently disabled.");

		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away time multiplier = %i percent.", (int)(keepaway.timeMult*100 + 0.5));

		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away time multiplier minimum = %i percent.", (int)(keepaway.timeMultMin*100 + 0.5));

		int AdjTime = (int)(keepaway.adjustedTime + 0.5);
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away hold time is currently set to: %i seconds", AdjTime);

		if (keepaway.forcedFlags)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away forced flags is enabled.");

		if (!keepaway.forcedFlags)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away forced flags is disabled.");

		if (keepaway.soundEnabled)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away sounds are enabled.");

		if (!keepaway.soundEnabled)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away sounds are disabled.");

		if (keepaway.flagResetEnabled)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away flag reset is enabled.");

		if (!keepaway.flagResetEnabled)
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away flag reset is disabled.");

		return true;

  // explicit time command handler:

	if ( command == "katime" )
		double inputvalue = ConvertToNum(message, 1, 7200);

		if (inputvalue > 0 )
			keepaway.TTH = inputvalue;
			int AdjTime = (int)(inputvalue + 0.5);
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away hold time has been set to %i seconds.", AdjTime);
			bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, playerID, "Keep Away hold time invalid: must be between 1 and 7200 seconds.");


		return true;

	if ( command == "kaautotimeon")
		keepaway.autoTimeOn = true;
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away automatic time adjustment on.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "kaautotimeoff")
		keepaway.autoTimeOn = false;
		keepaway.adjustedTime = keepaway.TTH;
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Keep Away automatic time adjustment off.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "kaffon")
		keepaway.forcedFlags = true;
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Forced flags on.");
		return true;

	if ( command == "kaffoff")
		keepaway.forcedFlags = false;
		bz_sendTextMessagef (BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Forced flags off.");
		return true;

	return false;