Ejemplo n.º 1
CJSON_PUBLIC(char *) cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(const cJSON * const object, const cJSON * const target)
    size_t child_index = 0;
    cJSON *current_child = 0;

    if (object == target)
        /* found */
        return (char*)cJSONUtils_strdup((const unsigned char*)"");

    /* recursively search all children of the object or array */
    for (current_child = object->child; current_child != NULL; (void)(current_child = current_child->next), child_index++)
        unsigned char *target_pointer = (unsigned char*)cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(current_child, target);
        /* found the target? */
        if (target_pointer != NULL)
            if (cJSON_IsArray(object))
                /* reserve enough memory for a 64 bit integer + '/' and '\0' */
                unsigned char *full_pointer = (unsigned char*)cJSON_malloc(strlen((char*)target_pointer) + 20 + sizeof("/"));
                /* check if conversion to unsigned long is valid
                 * This should be eliminated at compile time by dead code elimination
                 * if size_t is an alias of unsigned long, or if it is bigger */
                if (child_index > ULONG_MAX)
                    return NULL;
                sprintf((char*)full_pointer, "/%lu%s", (unsigned long)child_index, target_pointer); /* /<array_index><path> */

                return (char*)full_pointer;

            if (cJSON_IsObject(object))
                unsigned char *full_pointer = (unsigned char*)cJSON_malloc(strlen((char*)target_pointer) + pointer_encoded_length((unsigned char*)current_child->string) + 2);
                full_pointer[0] = '/';
                encode_string_as_pointer(full_pointer + 1, (unsigned char*)current_child->string);
                strcat((char*)full_pointer, (char*)target_pointer);

                return (char*)full_pointer;

            /* reached leaf of the tree, found nothing */
            return NULL;

    /* not found */
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CJSON_PUBLIC(char *) cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(cJSON *object, cJSON *target)
    size_t c = 0;
    cJSON *obj = 0;

    if (object == target)
        /* found */
        return (char*)cJSONUtils_strdup((const unsigned char*)"");

    /* recursively search all children of the object */
    for (obj = object->child; obj; (void)(obj = obj->next), c++)
        unsigned char *found = (unsigned char*)cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(obj, target);
        if (found)
            if (cJSON_IsArray(object))
                /* reserve enough memory for a 64 bit integer + '/' and '\0' */
                unsigned char *ret = (unsigned char*)malloc(strlen((char*)found) + 23);
                /* check if conversion to unsigned long is valid
                 * This should be eliminated at compile time by dead code elimination
                 * if size_t is an alias of unsigned long, or if it is bigger */
                if (c > ULONG_MAX)
                    return NULL;
                sprintf((char*)ret, "/%lu%s", (unsigned long)c, found); /* /<array_index><path> */

                return (char*)ret;
            else if (cJSON_IsObject(object))
                unsigned char *ret = (unsigned char*)malloc(strlen((char*)found) + cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrlen((unsigned char*)obj->string) + 2);
                *ret = '/';
                cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrcpy(ret + 1, (unsigned char*)obj->string);
                strcat((char*)ret, (char*)found);

                return (char*)ret;

            /* reached leaf of the tree, found nothing */
            return NULL;

    /* not found */
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* detach an item at the given path */
static cJSON *detach_path(cJSON *object, const unsigned char *path, const cJSON_bool case_sensitive)
    unsigned char *parent_pointer = NULL;
    unsigned char *child_pointer = NULL;
    cJSON *parent = NULL;
    cJSON *detached_item = NULL;

    /* copy path and split it in parent and child */
    parent_pointer = cJSONUtils_strdup(path);
    if (parent_pointer == NULL) {
        goto cleanup;

    child_pointer = (unsigned char*)strrchr((char*)parent_pointer, '/'); /* last '/' */
    if (child_pointer == NULL)
        goto cleanup;
    /* split strings */
    child_pointer[0] = '\0';

    parent = get_item_from_pointer(object, (char*)parent_pointer, case_sensitive);

    if (cJSON_IsArray(parent))
        size_t index = 0;
        if (!decode_array_index_from_pointer(child_pointer, &index))
            goto cleanup;
        detached_item = detach_item_from_array(parent, index);
    else if (cJSON_IsObject(parent))
        detached_item = cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(parent, (char*)child_pointer);
        /* Couldn't find object to remove child from. */
        goto cleanup;

    if (parent_pointer != NULL)

    return detached_item;
Ejemplo n.º 4
char *cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(cJSON *object, cJSON *target)
    int type = object->type;
    int c = 0;
    cJSON *obj = 0;

    if (object == target)
        /* found */
        return cJSONUtils_strdup("");

    /* recursively search all children of the object */
    for (obj = object->child; obj; obj = obj->next, c++)
        char *found = cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(obj, target);
        if (found)
            if (type == cJSON_Array)
                /* reserve enough memory for a 64 bit integer + '/' and '\0' */
                char *ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(found) + 23);
                sprintf(ret, "/%d%s", c, found); /* /<array_index><path> */

                return ret;
            else if (type == cJSON_Object)
                char *ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(found) + cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrlen(obj->string) + 2);
                *ret = '/';
                cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrcpy(ret + 1, obj->string);
                strcat(ret, found);

                return ret;

            /* reached leaf of the tree, found nothing */
            return 0;

    /* not found */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static cJSON *cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(cJSON *object, const unsigned char *path)
    unsigned char *parentptr = NULL;
    unsigned char *childptr = NULL;
    cJSON *parent = NULL;
    cJSON *ret = NULL;

    /* copy path and split it in parent and child */
    parentptr = cJSONUtils_strdup(path);
    if (parentptr == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    childptr = (unsigned char*)strrchr((char*)parentptr, '/'); /* last '/' */
    if (childptr == NULL)
        return NULL;
    /* split strings */
    *childptr++ = '\0';

    parent = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, (char*)parentptr);

    if (!parent)
        /* Couldn't find object to remove child from. */
        ret = NULL;
    else if (cJSON_IsArray(parent))
        ret = cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(parent, atoi((char*)childptr));
    else if (cJSON_IsObject(parent))
        ret = cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(parent, (char*)childptr);

    /* return the detachted item */
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static cJSON *cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(cJSON *object, const char *path)
    char *parentptr = 0;
    char *childptr = 0;
    cJSON *parent = 0;
    cJSON *ret = 0;

    /* copy path and split it in parent and child */
    parentptr = cJSONUtils_strdup(path);
    childptr = strrchr(parentptr, '/'); /* last '/' */
    if (childptr)
        /* split strings */
        *childptr++ = '\0';
    parent = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, parentptr);

    if (!parent)
        /* Couldn't find object to remove child from. */
        ret = 0;
    else if (parent->type == cJSON_Array)
        ret = cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(parent, atoi(childptr));
    else if (parent->type == cJSON_Object)
        ret = cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(parent, childptr);

    /* return the detachted item */
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(cJSON *object, cJSON *patch)
    cJSON *op = 0;
    cJSON *path = 0;
    cJSON *value = 0;
    cJSON *parent = 0;
    int opcode = 0;
    char *parentptr = 0;
    char *childptr = 0;

    op = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "op");
    path = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "path");
    if (!op || !path)
        /* malformed patch. */
        return 2;

    /* decode operation */
    if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "add"))
        opcode = 0;
    else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "remove"))
        opcode = 1;
    else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "replace"))
        opcode = 2;
    else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "move"))
        opcode = 3;
    else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "copy"))
        opcode = 4;
    else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "test"))
        /* compare value: {...} with the given path */
        return cJSONUtils_Compare(cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, path->valuestring), cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "value"));
        /* unknown opcode. */
        return 3;

    /* Remove/Replace */
    if ((opcode == 1) || (opcode == 2))
        /* Get rid of old. */
        cJSON_Delete(cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object, path->valuestring));
        if (opcode == 1)
            /* For Remove, this is job done. */
            return 0;

    /* Copy/Move uses "from". */
    if ((opcode == 3) || (opcode == 4))
        cJSON *from = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "from");
        if (!from)
            /* missing "from" for copy/move. */
            return 4;

        if (opcode == 3)
            /* move */
            value = cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object, from->valuestring);
        if (opcode == 4)
            /* copy */
            value = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, from->valuestring);
        if (!value)
            /* missing "from" for copy/move. */
            return 5;
        if (opcode == 4)
            value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1);
        if (!value)
            /* out of memory for copy/move. */
            return 6;
    else /* Add/Replace uses "value". */
        value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "value");
        if (!value)
            /* missing "value" for add/replace. */
            return 7;
        value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1);
        if (!value)
            /* out of memory for add/replace. */
            return 8;

    /* Now, just add "value" to "path". */

    /* split pointer in parent and child */
    parentptr = cJSONUtils_strdup(path->valuestring);
    childptr = strrchr(parentptr, '/');
    if (childptr)
        *childptr++ = '\0';
    parent = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, parentptr);

    /* add, remove, replace, move, copy, test. */
    if (!parent)
        /* Couldn't find object to add to. */
        return 9;
    else if (parent->type == cJSON_Array)
        if (!strcmp(childptr, "-"))
            cJSON_AddItemToArray(parent, value);
            cJSON_InsertItemInArray(parent, atoi(childptr), value);
    else if (parent->type == cJSON_Object)
        cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(parent, childptr);
        cJSON_AddItemToObject(parent, childptr, value);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static int apply_patch(cJSON *object, const cJSON *patch, const cJSON_bool case_sensitive)
    cJSON *path = NULL;
    cJSON *value = NULL;
    cJSON *parent = NULL;
    enum patch_operation opcode = INVALID;
    unsigned char *parent_pointer = NULL;
    unsigned char *child_pointer = NULL;
    int status = 0;

    path = get_object_item(patch, "path", case_sensitive);
    if (!cJSON_IsString(path))
        /* malformed patch. */
        status = 2;
        goto cleanup;

    opcode = decode_patch_operation(patch, case_sensitive);
    if (opcode == INVALID)
        status = 3;
        goto cleanup;
    else if (opcode == TEST)
        /* compare value: {...} with the given path */
        status = !compare_json(get_item_from_pointer(object, path->valuestring, case_sensitive), get_object_item(patch, "value", case_sensitive), case_sensitive);
        goto cleanup;

    /* special case for replacing the root */
    if (path->valuestring[0] == '\0')
        if (opcode == REMOVE)
            static const cJSON invalid = { NULL, NULL, NULL, cJSON_Invalid, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};

            overwrite_item(object, invalid);

            status = 0;
            goto cleanup;

        if ((opcode == REPLACE) || (opcode == ADD))
            value = get_object_item(patch, "value", case_sensitive);
            if (value == NULL)
                /* missing "value" for add/replace. */
                status = 7;
                goto cleanup;

            value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1);
            if (value == NULL)
                /* out of memory for add/replace. */
                status = 8;
                goto cleanup;

            overwrite_item(object, *value);

            /* delete the duplicated value */
            value = NULL;

            /* the string "value" isn't needed */
            if (object->string != NULL)
                object->string = NULL;

            status = 0;
            goto cleanup;

    if ((opcode == REMOVE) || (opcode == REPLACE))
        /* Get rid of old. */
        cJSON *old_item = detach_path(object, (unsigned char*)path->valuestring, case_sensitive);
        if (old_item == NULL)
            status = 13;
            goto cleanup;
        if (opcode == REMOVE)
            /* For Remove, this job is done. */
            status = 0;
            goto cleanup;

    /* Copy/Move uses "from". */
    if ((opcode == MOVE) || (opcode == COPY))
        cJSON *from = get_object_item(patch, "from", case_sensitive);
        if (from == NULL)
            /* missing "from" for copy/move. */
            status = 4;
            goto cleanup;

        if (opcode == MOVE)
            value = detach_path(object, (unsigned char*)from->valuestring, case_sensitive);
        if (opcode == COPY)
            value = get_item_from_pointer(object, from->valuestring, case_sensitive);
        if (value == NULL)
            /* missing "from" for copy/move. */
            status = 5;
            goto cleanup;
        if (opcode == COPY)
            value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1);
        if (value == NULL)
            /* out of memory for copy/move. */
            status = 6;
            goto cleanup;
    else /* Add/Replace uses "value". */
        value = get_object_item(patch, "value", case_sensitive);
        if (value == NULL)
            /* missing "value" for add/replace. */
            status = 7;
            goto cleanup;
        value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1);
        if (value == NULL)
            /* out of memory for add/replace. */
            status = 8;
            goto cleanup;

    /* Now, just add "value" to "path". */

    /* split pointer in parent and child */
    parent_pointer = cJSONUtils_strdup((unsigned char*)path->valuestring);
    child_pointer = (unsigned char*)strrchr((char*)parent_pointer, '/');
    if (child_pointer != NULL)
        child_pointer[0] = '\0';
    parent = get_item_from_pointer(object, (char*)parent_pointer, case_sensitive);

    /* add, remove, replace, move, copy, test. */
    if ((parent == NULL) || (child_pointer == NULL))
        /* Couldn't find object to add to. */
        status = 9;
        goto cleanup;
    else if (cJSON_IsArray(parent))
        if (strcmp((char*)child_pointer, "-") == 0)
            cJSON_AddItemToArray(parent, value);
            value = NULL;
            size_t index = 0;
            if (!decode_array_index_from_pointer(child_pointer, &index))
                status = 11;
                goto cleanup;

            if (!insert_item_in_array(parent, index, value))
                status = 10;
                goto cleanup;
            value = NULL;
    else if (cJSON_IsObject(parent))
        cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(parent, (char*)child_pointer);
        cJSON_AddItemToObject(parent, (char*)child_pointer, value);
        value = NULL;

    if (value != NULL)
    if (parent_pointer != NULL)

    return status;