int parent_friend_request(void) { char *message = "Watson, come here, I need you."; int len = strlen(message); int i = 0; fputs("Sending child request.", stdout); fflush(stdout); m_addfriend(child_id, (uint8_t *)message, len); /* wait on the status change */ for(i = 0; i < WAIT_COUNT; i++) { do_tox(); if(request_flags & FIRST_FLAG) break; fputs(".", stdout); fflush(stdout); c_sleep(WAIT_TIME); } if(!(request_flags & FIRST_FLAG)) { fputs("\nfriends_test: The child took to long to respond!\n" "Friend requests may be broken, failing build!\n", stderr); kill(child_pid, SIGKILL); return -1; } return 0; }
int parent_wait_for_message(void) { int i = 0; fputs("Parent waiting for message.", stdout); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < WAIT_COUNT; i++) { do_tox(); if(request_flags & SECOND_FLAG) break; fputs(".", stdout); fflush(stdout); c_sleep(WAIT_TIME); } if(!(request_flags & SECOND_FLAG)) { fputs("\nParent hasn't recieved the message yet!\n" "Messaging may be broken, failing the build!\n", stderr); kill(child_pid, SIGKILL); return -1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { manage_keys(); printf("Public key: "); uint32_t i; FILE *file; file = fopen("PUBLIC_ID.txt", "w"); for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX",self_public_key[i]); fprintf(file, "%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } fclose(file); printf("\n"); printf("Port: %u\n", PORT); //initialize networking //bind to ip IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); perror("Initialization"); if (argc > 3) { printf("Trying to bootstrap into the network...\n"); IP_Port bootstrap_info; bootstrap_info.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); bootstrap_info.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[3]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_info, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); } DHT_init(); friendreq_init(); int is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 1; while(1) { if (is_waiting_for_dht_connection && DHT_isconnected()) { printf("Connected to other bootstrap server successfully.\n"); is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 0; } doDHT(); networking_poll(); c_sleep(1); } shutdown_networking(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //memcpy(self_client_id, "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq", 32); if (argc < 4) { printf("usage %s ip port client_id(of friend to find ip_port of)\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } DHT_addfriend((uint8_t *)argv[3]); //initialize networking //bind to ip IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); int randdomnum = random_int(); memcpy(self_client_id, &randdomnum, 4); perror("Initialization"); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[0] = 127; //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[1] = 0; //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[2] = 0; //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[3] = 1; bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port); IP_Port ip_port; uint8_t data[MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint32_t length; while(1) { doDHT(); while(receivepacket(&ip_port, data, &length) != -1) { if(DHT_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port)) { //unhandled packet printpacket(data, length, ip_port); } else { printf("Received handled packet with length: %u\n", length); } } print_clientlist(); print_friendlist(); c_sleep(300); } shutdown_networking(); return 0; }
/** * Iterate helper */ static int iterate_tox(Tox *bootstrap, Tox *Alice, Tox *Bob) { c_sleep(100); tox_iterate(bootstrap, NULL); tox_iterate(Alice, NULL); tox_iterate(Bob, NULL); return MIN(tox_iteration_interval(Alice), tox_iteration_interval(Bob)); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Initialize networking - Bind to ip */ IP ip; ip.uint32 = 0; DHT *dht = new_DHT(new_net_crypto(new_networking(ip, PORT))); manage_keys(dht); printf("Public key: "); uint32_t i; FILE *file; file = fopen("PUBLIC_ID.txt", "w"); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (dht->c->self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX", dht->c->self_public_key[i]); fprintf(file, "%hhX", dht->c->self_public_key[i]); } fclose(file); printf("\n"); printf("Port: %u\n", PORT); perror("Initialization."); if (argc > 3) { printf("Trying to bootstrap into the network...\n"); IP_Port bootstrap_info; bootstrap_info.ip.uint32 = inet_addr(argv[1]); bootstrap_info.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[3]); DHT_bootstrap(dht, bootstrap_info, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); } int is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 1; while (1) { if (is_waiting_for_dht_connection && DHT_isconnected(dht)) { printf("Connected to other bootstrap server successfully.\n"); is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 0; } do_DHT(dht); networking_poll(dht->c->lossless_udp->net); c_sleep(1); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { manage_keys(); printf("Public key: "); uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("Port: %u\n", PORT); //initialize networking //bind to ip IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); perror("Initialization"); if (argc > 3) { printf("Trying to bootstrap into the network...\n"); IP_Port bootstrap_info; bootstrap_info.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); bootstrap_info.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[3]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_info, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); } IP_Port ip_port; uint8_t data[MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint32_t length; int is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 1; while(1) { if (is_waiting_for_dht_connection && DHT_isconnected()) { printf("Connected to other bootstrap server successfully.\n"); is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 0; } doDHT(); while(receivepacket(&ip_port, data, &length) != -1) { DHT_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port); friendreq_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port); } c_sleep(1); } shutdown_networking(); return 0; }
int main(void) { uint32_t conference_number; struct Tox_Options to; Tox *t; TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_NEW conference_err; TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_TITLE title_err; tox_options_default(&to); t = tox_new(&to, NULL); tox_callback_conference_title(t, &cbtitlechange); if ((conference_number = tox_conference_new(t, &conference_err)) == UINT32_MAX) { tox_kill(t); fprintf(stderr, "error: could not create new conference, error code %d\n", conference_err); return 2; } tox_iterate(t, NULL); c_sleep(tox_iteration_interval(t)); if (!tox_conference_set_title(t, conference_number, (const uint8_t *)newtitle, strlen(newtitle), &title_err)) { tox_kill(t); fprintf(stderr, "error: could not set conference title, error code %d\n", title_err); return 3; } tox_iterate(t, NULL); c_sleep(tox_iteration_interval(t)); tox_iterate(t, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "error: title was not changed in callback. exiting.\n"); tox_kill(t); return 1; }
TERMINATE_SCOPE() /************************************************************************************************* * Other flows */ /* * Call and reject */ { int step = 0; int running = 1; while (running) { tox_do(bootstrap_node); tox_do(Alice); tox_do(Bob); switch ( step ) { case 0: /* Alice */ printf("Alice is calling...\n"); toxav_call(status_control.Alice.av, 0, TypeAudio, 10); step++; break; \ case 1: /* Bob */ if (status_control.Bob.status == Ringing) { printf("Bob rejects...\n"); toxav_reject(status_control.Bob.av, "Who likes D's anyway?"); step++; } break; case 2: /* Wait for Both to have status ended */ if (status_control.Alice.status == Rejected && status_control.Bob.status == Ended) running = 0; break; } c_sleep(20); } printf("\n"); }
int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); Tox *tox_udp = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(tox_udp, "", 33445, key, nullptr); printf("Waiting for connection"); while (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox_udp) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); tox_iterate(tox_udp, nullptr); c_sleep(ITERATION_INTERVAL); } printf("Connection (UDP): %d\n", tox_self_get_connection_status(tox_udp)); tox_kill(tox_udp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("usage %s ip port filename(of file to send)\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } new_keys(); printf("OUR ID: "); uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } printf("\n"); memcpy(self_client_id, self_public_key, 32); char temp_id[128]; printf("Enter the client_id of the friend to connect to (32 bytes HEX format):\n"); scanf("%s", temp_id); uint8_t friend_id[32]; memcpy(friend_id, hex_string_to_bin(temp_id), 32); /* memcpy(self_client_id, "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq", 32); */ DHT_addfriend(friend_id); IP_Port friend_ip; int connection = -1; int inconnection = -1; uint8_t acceptedfriend_public_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; int friendrequest = -1; uint8_t request_data[512]; /* initialize networking * bind to ip */ IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); initNetCrypto(); perror("Initialization"); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port); IP_Port ip_port; uint8_t data[MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint32_t length; uint8_t buffer1[128]; int read1 = 0; uint8_t buffer2[128]; int read2 = 0; FILE *file1 = fopen(argv[3], "rb"); if ( file1==NULL ){printf("Error opening file.\n");return 1;} FILE *file2 = fopen("received.txt", "wb"); if ( file2==NULL ){return 1;} read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, 128, file1); while(1) { while(receivepacket(&ip_port, data, &length) != -1) { if(rand() % 3 != 1) { /* simulate packet loss */ if(DHT_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port) && LosslessUDP_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port)) { /* if packet is not recognized */ printf("Received unhandled packet with length: %u\n", length); } else { printf("Received handled packet with length: %u\n", length); } } } friend_ip = DHT_getfriendip(friend_id); if(friend_ip.ip.i != 0) { if(connection == -1 && friendrequest == -1) { printf("Sending friend request to peer:"); printip(friend_ip); friendrequest = send_friendrequest(friend_id, friend_ip,(uint8_t *) "Hello World", 12); /* connection = crypto_connect((uint8_t *)friend_id, friend_ip); */ /* connection = new_connection(friend_ip); */ } if(check_friendrequest(friendrequest) == 1) { printf("Started connecting to friend:"); connection = crypto_connect(friend_id, friend_ip); } } if(inconnection == -1) { uint8_t secret_nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t public_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; uint8_t session_key[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; inconnection = crypto_inbound(public_key, secret_nonce, session_key); inconnection = accept_crypto_inbound(inconnection, acceptedfriend_public_key, secret_nonce, session_key); /* inconnection = incoming_connection(); */ if(inconnection != -1) { printf("Someone connected to us:\n"); /* printip(connection_ip(inconnection)); */ } } if(handle_friendrequest(acceptedfriend_public_key, request_data) > 1) { printf("RECIEVED FRIEND REQUEST: %s\n", request_data); } /* if someone connected to us write what he sends to a file * also send him our file. */ if(inconnection != -1) { if(write_cryptpacket(inconnection, buffer1, read1)) { printf("Wrote data1.\n"); read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, 128, file1); } read2 = read_cryptpacket(inconnection, buffer2); if(read2 != 0) { printf("Received data1.\n"); if(!fwrite(buffer2, read2, 1, file2)) { printf("file write error1\n"); } if(read2 < 128) { printf("Closed file1 %u\n", read2); fclose(file2); } } /* if buffer is empty and the connection timed out. */ else if(is_cryptoconnected(inconnection) == 4) { crypto_kill(inconnection); } } /* if we are connected to a friend send him data from the file. * also put what he sends us in a file. */ if(is_cryptoconnected(connection) >= 3) { if(write_cryptpacket(0, buffer1, read1)) { printf("Wrote data2.\n"); read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, 128, file1); } read2 = read_cryptpacket(0, buffer2); if(read2 != 0) { printf("Received data2.\n"); if(!fwrite(buffer2, read2, 1, file2)) { printf("file write error2\n"); } if(read2 < 128) { printf("Closed file2 %u\n", read2); fclose(file2); } } /* if buffer is empty and the connection timed out. */ else if(is_cryptoconnected(connection) == 4) { crypto_kill(connection); } } doDHT(); doLossless_UDP(); doNetCrypto(); /*print_clientlist(); *print_friendlist(); *c_sleep(300); */ c_sleep(1); } shutdown_networking(); return 0; }
END_TEST #define NUM_TCP_RELAYS 3 START_TEST(test_many_clients_tcp_b) { long long unsigned int cur_time = time(nullptr); Tox *toxes[NUM_TOXES_TCP]; uint32_t index[NUM_TOXES_TCP]; uint32_t i, j; uint32_t to_comp = 974536; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES_TCP; ++i) { struct Tox_Options *opts = tox_options_new(nullptr); if (i < NUM_TCP_RELAYS) { tox_options_set_tcp_port(opts, TCP_RELAY_PORT + i); } else { tox_options_set_udp_enabled(opts, 0); } index[i] = i + 1; toxes[i] = tox_new_log(opts, nullptr, &index[i]); ck_assert_msg(toxes[i] != nullptr, "Failed to create tox instances %u", i); tox_callback_friend_request(toxes[i], accept_friend_request); uint8_t dpk[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(toxes[(i % NUM_TCP_RELAYS)], dpk); ck_assert_msg(tox_add_tcp_relay(toxes[i], TOX_LOCALHOST, TCP_RELAY_PORT + (i % NUM_TCP_RELAYS), dpk, nullptr), "add relay error"); tox_self_get_dht_id(toxes[0], dpk); uint16_t first_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(toxes[0], nullptr); ck_assert_msg(tox_bootstrap(toxes[i], TOX_LOCALHOST, first_port, dpk, nullptr), "Bootstrap error"); tox_options_free(opts); } struct { uint16_t tox1; uint16_t tox2; } pairs[NUM_FRIENDS]; uint8_t address[TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_FRIENDS; ++i) { loop_top: pairs[i].tox1 = random_u32() % NUM_TOXES_TCP; pairs[i].tox2 = (pairs[i].tox1 + random_u32() % (NUM_TOXES_TCP - 1) + 1) % NUM_TOXES_TCP; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (pairs[j].tox2 == pairs[i].tox1 && pairs[j].tox1 == pairs[i].tox2) { goto loop_top; } } tox_self_get_address(toxes[pairs[i].tox1], address); TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD test; uint32_t num = tox_friend_add(toxes[pairs[i].tox2], address, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 7, &test); if (test == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_ALREADY_SENT) { goto loop_top; } ck_assert_msg(num != UINT32_MAX && test == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_OK, "Failed to add friend error code: %i", test); } uint16_t last_count = 0; while (1) { uint16_t counter = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES_TCP; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < tox_self_get_friend_list_size(toxes[i]); ++j) { if (tox_friend_get_connection_status(toxes[i], j, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_TCP) { ++counter; } } } if (counter != last_count) { printf("many_clients_tcp_b got to %u\n", counter); last_count = counter; } if (counter == NUM_FRIENDS * 2) { break; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES_TCP; ++i) { tox_iterate(toxes[i], &to_comp); } c_sleep(30); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES_TCP; ++i) { tox_kill(toxes[i]); } printf("test_many_clients_tcp_b succeeded, took %llu seconds\n", time(nullptr) - cur_time); }
static void test_set_status_message(void) { printf("initialising 2 toxes\n"); uint32_t index[] = { 1, 2 }; const time_t cur_time = time(nullptr); Tox *const tox1 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &index[0]); Tox *const tox2 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &index[1]); ck_assert_msg(tox1 && tox2, "failed to create 2 tox instances"); printf("tox1 adds tox2 as friend, tox2 adds tox1\n"); uint8_t public_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_public_key(tox2, public_key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox1, public_key, nullptr); tox_self_get_public_key(tox1, public_key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox2, public_key, nullptr); printf("bootstrapping tox2 off tox1\n"); uint8_t dht_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_key); const uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(tox2, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); while (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE || tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr); tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr); c_sleep(ITERATION_INTERVAL); } printf("toxes are online, took %ld seconds\n", time(nullptr) - cur_time); const time_t con_time = time(nullptr); while (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox1, 0, nullptr) != TOX_CONNECTION_UDP || tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, nullptr) != TOX_CONNECTION_UDP) { tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr); tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr); c_sleep(ITERATION_INTERVAL); } printf("tox clients connected took %ld seconds\n", time(nullptr) - con_time); TOX_ERR_SET_INFO err_n; tox_callback_friend_status_message(tox2, status_callback); bool ret = tox_self_set_status_message(tox1, (const uint8_t *)STATUS_MESSAGE, sizeof(STATUS_MESSAGE), &err_n); ck_assert_msg(ret && err_n == TOX_ERR_SET_INFO_OK, "tox_self_set_status_message failed because %u\n", err_n); bool status_updated = false; while (!status_updated) { tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr); tox_iterate(tox2, &status_updated); c_sleep(ITERATION_INTERVAL); } ck_assert_msg(tox_friend_get_status_message_size(tox2, 0, nullptr) == sizeof(STATUS_MESSAGE), "status message length not correct"); uint8_t cmp_status[sizeof(STATUS_MESSAGE)]; tox_friend_get_status_message(tox2, 0, cmp_status, nullptr); ck_assert_msg(memcmp(cmp_status, STATUS_MESSAGE, sizeof(STATUS_MESSAGE)) == 0, "status message not correct"); printf("test_set_status_message succeeded, took %ld seconds\n", time(nullptr) - cur_time); tox_kill(tox1); tox_kill(tox2); }
void *in_thread_call (void *arg) { #define call_print(call, what, args...) printf("[%d] " what "\n", call, ##args) ACall *this_call = arg; uint64_t start = 0; int step = 0; int call_idx; const int frame_size = (av_DefaultSettings.audio_sample_rate * av_DefaultSettings.audio_frame_duration / 1000); int16_t sample_payload[frame_size]; randombytes((uint8_t *)sample_payload, sizeof(int16_t) * frame_size); uint8_t prepared_payload[RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; register_callbacks(this_call->Caller.av, &status_control); register_callbacks(this_call->Callee.av, arg); /* NOTE: CALLEE WILL ALWAHYS NEED CALL_IDX == 0 */ pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); while (call_running[this_call->idx]) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); switch ( step ) { case 0: /* CALLER */ toxav_call(this_call->Caller.av, &call_idx, this_call->, &av_DefaultSettings, 10); call_print(call_idx, "Calling ..."); step++; break; case 1: /* CALLEE */ pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); if (this_call->Caller.status == Ringing) { call_print(call_idx, "Callee answers ..."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); toxav_answer(this_call->Callee.av, 0, &av_DefaultSettings); step++; start = time(NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); break; case 2: /* Rtp transmission */ pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); if (this_call->Caller.status == InCall) { /* I think this is okay */ call_print(call_idx, "Sending rtp ..."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); c_sleep(1000); /* We have race condition here */ toxav_prepare_transmission(this_call->Callee.av, 0, 1); toxav_prepare_transmission(this_call->Caller.av, call_idx, 1); int payload_size = toxav_prepare_audio_frame(this_call->Caller.av, call_idx, prepared_payload, RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, sample_payload, frame_size); if ( payload_size < 0 ) { ck_assert_msg ( 0, "Failed to encode payload" ); } while (time(NULL) - start < 10) { /* 10 seconds */ /* Both send */ toxav_send_audio(this_call->Caller.av, call_idx, prepared_payload, payload_size); toxav_send_audio(this_call->Callee.av, 0, prepared_payload, payload_size); /* Both receive */ int16_t storage[RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; int recved; c_sleep(20); } step++; /* This terminates the loop */ pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); toxav_kill_transmission(this_call->Callee.av, 0); toxav_kill_transmission(this_call->Caller.av, call_idx); pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); /* Call over CALLER hangs up */ toxav_hangup(this_call->Caller.av, call_idx); call_print(call_idx, "Hanging up ..."); pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); break; case 3: /* Wait for Both to have status ended */ pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); if (this_call->Caller.status == Ended) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); c_sleep(1000); /* race condition */ pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); this_call->Callee.status = Ended; call_running[this_call->idx] = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); break; } c_sleep(20); pthread_mutex_lock(&muhmutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&muhmutex); call_print(call_idx, "Call ended successfully!"); pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); Tox *const tox1 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); Tox *const tox2 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); printf("bootstrapping tox2 off tox1\n"); uint8_t dht_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_key); const uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(tox2, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); struct test_data to_compare = {{0}}; uint8_t public_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_public_key(tox1, public_key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox2, public_key, nullptr); tox_self_get_public_key(tox2, public_key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox1, public_key, nullptr); uint8_t reference_name[TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 }; uint8_t reference_status[TOX_MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = { 0 }; set_random(tox1, tox_self_set_name, TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); set_random(tox2, tox_self_set_name, TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); set_random(tox1, tox_self_set_status_message, TOX_MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_LENGTH); set_random(tox2, tox_self_set_status_message, TOX_MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_LENGTH); tox_self_get_name(tox2, reference_name); tox_self_get_status_message(tox2, reference_status); tox_callback_friend_name(tox1, namechange_callback); tox_callback_friend_status_message(tox1, statuschange_callback); while (true) { if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) && tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox1, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_UDP) { printf("Connected.\n"); break; } tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr); c_sleep(tox_iteration_interval(tox1)); } while (true) { if (to_compare.received_name && to_compare.received_status_message) { printf("Exchanged names and status messages.\n"); break; } tox_iterate(tox1, &to_compare); tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr); c_sleep(tox_iteration_interval(tox1)); } size_t save_size = tox_get_savedata_size(tox1); VLA(uint8_t, savedata, save_size); tox_get_savedata(tox1, savedata); struct Tox_Options *const options = tox_options_new(nullptr); tox_options_set_savedata_type(options, TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE_TOX_SAVE); tox_options_set_savedata_data(options, savedata, save_size); Tox *const tox_to_compare = tox_new_log(options, nullptr, nullptr); tox_friend_get_name(tox_to_compare, 0,, nullptr); tox_friend_get_status_message(tox_to_compare, 0, to_compare.status_message, nullptr); ck_assert_msg(memcmp(reference_name,, TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH) == 0, "incorrect name: should be all zeroes"); ck_assert_msg(memcmp(reference_status, to_compare.status_message, TOX_MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_LENGTH) == 0, "incorrect status message: should be all zeroes"); tox_options_free(options); tox_kill(tox1); tox_kill(tox2); tox_kill(tox_to_compare); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { log_init(); srand(time(NULL)); int randdomnum = rand(); memcpy(self_client_id, &randdomnum, 4); //memcpy(self_client_id, "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq", 32); if (argc < 4) { printf("usage %s ip port client_id(of friend to find ip_port of)\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } addfriend(argv[3]); //initialize networking //bind to ip IP ip; ip.i = 0; if (init_networking(ip, PORT) == -1) { return 1; } perror("Initialization"); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[0] = 127; //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[1] = 0; //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[2] = 0; //bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[3] = 1; bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port); IP_Port ip_port; char data[MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint32_t length; uint32_t i; while(1) { doDHT(); while(recievepacket(&ip_port, data, &length) != -1) { if(DHT_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port)) { printf("UNHANDLED PACKET RECEIVED\nLENGTH:%u\nCONTENTS:\n", length); printf("--------------------BEGIN-----------------------------\n"); for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(data[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX",data[i]); } printf("\n--------------------END-----------------------------\n\n\n"); } else { printf("Received handled packet with length: %u\n", length); } } print_clientlist(); print_friendlist(); c_sleep(300); } exit_networking(); log_exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4 && argc != 2) { printf("usage %s ip port public_key (of the DHT bootstrap node)\n or\n %s Save.bak\n", argv[0], argv[0]); exit(0); } init_tox(); if(argc > 3) { IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port, hex_string_to_bin(argv[3])); } else { FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if ( file==NULL ){return 1;} int read; uint8_t buffer[128000]; read = fread(buffer, 1, 128000, file); printf("Messenger loaded: %i\n", load_tox_state(buffer, read)); fclose(file); } friend_add_request_callback(print_request); message_receive_callback(print_message); printf("OUR ID: "); uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } set_self_name((uint8_t *)"Anon", 5); char temp_id[128]; printf("\nEnter the client_id of the friend you wish to add (32 bytes HEX format):\n"); if(scanf("%s", temp_id) != 1) { return 1; } int num = add_friend(hex_string_to_bin(temp_id), (uint8_t*)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")); perror("Initialization"); while(1) { uint8_t name[128]; get_friend_name(num, name); printf("%s\n", name); send_message(num, (uint8_t*)"Test", 5); process_tox(); c_sleep(30); FILE *file = fopen("Save.bak", "wb"); if ( file==NULL ){return 1;} uint8_t * buffer = malloc(tox_state_size()); save_tox_state(buffer); fwrite(buffer, 1, tox_state_size(), file); free(buffer); fclose(file); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("[!] Usage: %s [IP] [port] [public_key] <nokey>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } int c; int on = 0; initMessenger(); //if keyfiles exist if(argc > 4){ if(strncmp(argv[4], "nokey", 6) < 0){ //load_key(); } } else { load_key(); } m_callback_friendrequest(print_request); m_callback_friendmessage(print_message); m_callback_namechange(print_nickchange); m_callback_userstatus(print_statuschange); char idstring0[200]; char idstring1[32][5]; char idstring2[32][5]; uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) { strcpy(idstring1[i],"0"); } else { strcpy(idstring1[i], ""); } sprintf(idstring2[i], "%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } strcpy(idstring0,"[i] your ID: "); for(i=0; i<32; i++) { strcat(idstring0,idstring1[i]); strcat(idstring0,idstring2[i]); } initscr(); noecho(); raw(); getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); new_lines(idstring0); new_lines("[i] commands: /f ID (to add friend), /m friendnumber message (to send message), /s status (to change status), /n nick (to change nickname), /q (to quit)"); strcpy(line, ""); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); int resolved_address = resolve_addr(argv[1]); if (resolved_address != -1) { bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = resolved_address; } else { exit(1); } DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port, hex_string_to_bin(argv[3])); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); while(true) { if (on == 0 && DHT_isconnected()) { new_lines("[i] connected to DHT\n[i] define username with /n"); on = 1; } doMessenger(); c_sleep(1); do_refresh(); c = getch(); if (c == ERR || c == 27) continue; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); if (c == '\n') { line_eval(lines, line); strcpy(line, ""); } else if (c == 127) { line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; } else if (isalnum(c) || ispunct(c) || c == ' ') { strcpy(line, appender(line, (char) c)); } } endwin(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } char buffer[128]; int read; FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "wb"); if ( file==NULL ){return 1;} //initialize networking //bind to ip IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); perror("Initialization"); int connection; uint64_t timer = current_time(); while(1) { Lossless_UDP(); connection = incoming_connection(); if(connection != -1) { if(is_connected(connection) == 2) { printf("Recieved the connection.\n"); } break; } c_sleep(1); } timer = current_time(); while(1) { //printconnection(0); Lossless_UDP(); if(is_connected(connection) >= 2) { read = read_packet(connection, buffer); if(read != 0) { // printf("Recieved data.\n"); if(!fwrite(buffer, read, 1, file)) { printf("file write error\n"); } } } else { printf("Connecting Lost after: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); fclose(file); return 1; } c_sleep(1); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //memcpy(self_client_id, "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq", 32); if (argc < 4) { printf("usage %s ip port public_key\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } new_keys(); printf("OUR ID: "); uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(self_public_key[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX",self_public_key[i]); } char temp_id[128]; printf("\nEnter the client_id of the friend you wish to add (32 bytes HEX format):\n"); if(scanf("%s", temp_id) != 1) exit(0); DHT_addfriend(hex_string_to_bin(temp_id)); /* initialize networking */ /* bind to ip */ IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); perror("Initialization"); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); /* bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[0] = 127; * bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[1] = 0; * bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[2] = 0; * bootstrap_ip_port.ip.c[3] = 1; */ bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port, hex_string_to_bin(argv[3])); IP_Port ip_port; uint8_t data[MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE]; uint32_t length; while(1) { doDHT(); while(receivepacket(&ip_port, data, &length) != -1) { if(DHT_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port) && friendreq_handlepacket(data, length, ip_port)) { //unhandled packet printpacket(data, length, ip_port); } else { printf("Received handled packet with length: %u\n", length); } } print_clientlist(); print_friendlist(); c_sleep(300); } shutdown_networking(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* let user override default by cmdline */ uint8_t ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; /* x */ int argvoffset = cmdline_parsefor_ipv46(argc, argv, &ipv6enabled); if (argvoffset < 0) exit(1); if (argc < argvoffset + 4) { printf("Usage: %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] ip port filename\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } uint8_t buffer[512]; int read; FILE *file = fopen(argv[argvoffset + 3], "rb"); if (file == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file \"%s\".\n", argv[argvoffset + 3]); return 1; } /* initialize networking */ /* bind to ip */ IP ip; ip_init(&ip, ipv6enabled); Lossless_UDP *ludp = new_lossless_udp(new_networking(ip, PORT)); perror("Initialization"); IP_Port serverip; ip_init(&serverip.ip, ipv6enabled); if (!addr_resolve(argv[argvoffset + 1], &serverip.ip, NULL)) { printf("Failed to convert \"%s\" into an IP address.\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]); return 1; } serverip.port = htons(atoi(argv[argvoffset + 2])); printip(serverip); int connection = new_connection(ludp, serverip); uint64_t timer = current_time(); while (1) { /* printconnection(connection); */ networking_poll(ludp->net); do_lossless_udp(ludp); if (is_connected(ludp, connection) == 3) { printf("Connecting took: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); break; } if (is_connected(ludp, connection) == 0) { printf("Connection timeout after: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); return 1; } c_sleep(1); } timer = current_time(); /*read first part of file */ read = fread(buffer, 1, 512, file); while (1) { /* printconnection(connection); */ networking_poll(ludp->net); do_lossless_udp(ludp); if (is_connected(ludp, connection) == 3) { if (write_packet(ludp, connection, buffer, read)) { /* printf("Wrote data.\n"); */ read = fread(buffer, 1, 512, file); } /* printf("%u\n", sendqueue(connection)); */ if (sendqueue(ludp, connection) == 0) { if (read == 0) { printf("Sent file successfully in: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); break; } } } else { printf("Connecting Lost after: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); return 0; } /* c_sleep(1); */ } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { puts("=========== FRIENDS_TEST ==========="); /* set up the global memory */ parent_id = mmap(NULL, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); child_id = mmap(NULL, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); fputs("friends_test: Starting test...\n", stdout); if((child_pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child */ int i = 0; char *message = "Y-yes Mr. Watson?"; initMessenger(); Messenger_save(child_id); msync(child_id, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, MS_SYNC); m_callback_friendrequest(child_got_request); m_callback_userstatus(child_got_statuschange); /* wait on the friend request */ while(!(request_flags & FIRST_FLAG)) do_tox(); /* wait for the status change */ while(!(request_flags & SECOND_FLAG)) do_tox(); for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { /* send the message six times, just to be sure */ m_sendmessage(0, (uint8_t *)message, strlen(message)); do_tox(); } return 0; } /* parent */ if(atexit(cleanup) != 0) { fputs("friends_test: atexit() failed!\nFailing build...\n", stderr); kill(child_pid, SIGKILL); return -1; } msync(parent_id, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, MS_SYNC); m_callback_userstatus(parent_confirm_status); m_callback_friendmessage(parent_confirm_message); /* hacky way to give the child time to set up */ c_sleep(50); initMessenger(); Messenger_save(parent_id); if(parent_friend_request() == -1) return -1; if(parent_wait_for_message() == -1) return -1; wait(NULL); fputs("friends_test: Build passed!\n", stdout); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4 && argc != 2) { printf("usage %s ip port public_key (of the DHT bootstrap node)\n or\n %s Save.bak\n", argv[0], argv[0]); exit(0); } m = initMessenger(); if ( !m ) { fputs("Failed to allocate messenger datastructure\n", stderr); exit(0); } if (argc > 3) { IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); DHT_bootstrap(m->dht, bootstrap_ip_port, hex_string_to_bin(argv[3])); } else { FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if ( file == NULL ) { return 1; } int read; uint8_t buffer[128000]; read = fread(buffer, 1, 128000, file); printf("Messenger loaded: %i\n", Messenger_load(m, buffer, read)); fclose(file); } m_callback_friendrequest(m, print_request, NULL); m_callback_friendmessage(m, print_message, NULL); printf("OUR ID: "); uint32_t i; uint8_t address[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; getaddress(m, address); for (i = 0; i < FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; i++) { if (address[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX", address[i]); } setname(m, (uint8_t *)"Anon", 5); char temp_id[128]; printf("\nEnter the address of the friend you wish to add (38 bytes HEX format):\n"); if (scanf("%s", temp_id) != 1) { return 1; } int num = m_addfriend(m, hex_string_to_bin(temp_id), (uint8_t *)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")); perror("Initialization"); while (1) { uint8_t name[128]; getname(m, num, name); printf("%s\n", name); m_sendmessage(m, num, (uint8_t *)"Test", 5); doMessenger(m); c_sleep(30); FILE *file = fopen("Save.bak", "wb"); if ( file == NULL ) { return 1; } uint8_t *buffer = malloc(Messenger_size(m)); Messenger_save(m, buffer); size_t write_result = fwrite(buffer, 1, Messenger_size(m), file); if (write_result < Messenger_size(m)) { return 1; } free(buffer); fclose(file); } cleanupMessenger(m); }
END_TEST #define NUM_TOXES 66 #define NUM_FRIENDS 20 START_TEST(test_many_clients) { long long unsigned int cur_time = time(NULL); Tox *toxes[NUM_TOXES]; uint32_t i, j; uint32_t to_comp = 974536; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES; ++i) { toxes[i] = tox_new(0); ck_assert_msg(toxes[i] != 0, "Failed to create tox instances %u", i); tox_callback_friend_request(toxes[i], accept_friend_request, &to_comp); } struct { uint16_t tox1; uint16_t tox2; } pairs[NUM_FRIENDS]; uint8_t address[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_FRIENDS; ++i) { loop_top: pairs[i].tox1 = rand() % NUM_TOXES; pairs[i].tox2 = (pairs[i].tox1 + rand() % (NUM_TOXES - 1) + 1) % NUM_TOXES; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (pairs[j].tox2 == pairs[i].tox1 && pairs[j].tox1 == pairs[i].tox2) goto loop_top; } tox_get_address(toxes[pairs[i].tox1], address); int test = tox_add_friend(toxes[pairs[i].tox2], address, (uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 7); if (test == TOX_FAERR_ALREADYSENT) { goto loop_top; } ck_assert_msg(test >= 0, "Failed to add friend error code: %i", test); } while (1) { uint16_t counter = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < tox_count_friendlist(toxes[i]); ++j) if (tox_get_friend_connection_status(toxes[i], j) == 1) ++counter; } if (counter == NUM_FRIENDS * 2) { break; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES; ++i) { tox_do(toxes[i]); } c_sleep(50); } printf("test_many_clients succeeded, took %llu seconds\n", time(NULL) - cur_time); for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOXES; ++i) { tox_kill(toxes[i]); } }
int main_udp(int argc, char **argv) { UINT32 this_tcid; UINT32 this_comm; UINT32 this_rank; task_brd_default_init(argc, argv); if(EC_FALSE == task_brd_default_check_validity()) { sys_log(LOGSTDOUT, "error:main_trans: validity checking failed\n"); task_brd_default_abort(); return (-1); } this_tcid = task_brd_default_get_tcid(); this_comm = task_brd_default_get_comm(); this_rank = task_brd_default_get_rank(); if (EC_TRUE == task_brd_check_is_dbg_tcid(this_tcid) && CMPI_DBG_RANK == this_rank) { do_cmd_default(); } else if (EC_TRUE == task_brd_check_is_monitor_tcid(this_tcid) && CMPI_MON_RANK == this_rank) { void * mod_mgr_def; mod_mgr_def = mod_mgr_new(CMPI_ERROR_MODI, LOAD_BALANCING_LOOP); mod_mgr_default_init(mod_mgr_def, CMPI_ANY_TCID, CMPI_ANY_RANK); //mod_mgr_excl(this_tcid, CMPI_ANY_COMM, this_rank, CMPI_ANY_MODI, mod_mgr_def); sys_log(LOGSTDOUT, "======================================================================\n"); sys_log(LOGSTDOUT, " mod_mgr_default_init finished \n"); sys_log(LOGSTDOUT, "======================================================================\n"); mod_mgr_print(LOGSTDOUT, mod_mgr_def); mod_mgr_free(mod_mgr_def); do_slave_wait_default(); } /*fwd rank entrance*/ else if (c_ipv4_to_word("") == this_tcid && CMPI_FWD_RANK == this_rank) { int sockfd; const char *mcast_ipaddr_str = "";/*бл239.255.255.255*/ UINT32 mcast_ipaddr; UINT32 mcast_port = 8888; mcast_ipaddr = c_ipv4_to_word(mcast_ipaddr_str); if(EC_FALSE == csocket_start_udp_mcast_recver(mcast_ipaddr, mcast_port, &sockfd)) { sys_log(LOGCONSOLE, "error:start udp server %s:%ld failed\n", mcast_ipaddr_str, mcast_port); } else { UINT8 data[256]; UINT32 dlen; sys_log(LOGCONSOLE, "start udp server %s:%ld\n", mcast_ipaddr_str, mcast_port); for(;EC_TRUE == csocket_udp_mcast_recvfrom(sockfd, mcast_ipaddr, mcast_port, data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]), &dlen);) { sys_log(LOGCONSOLE, "[DEBUG] recv udp data: %.*s\n", dlen, (char *)data); } csocket_stop_udp_mcast_recver(sockfd, mcast_ipaddr); } do_slave_wait_default(); } else if (c_ipv4_to_word("") == this_tcid && CMPI_FWD_RANK == this_rank) { int sockfd; const char *mcast_ipaddr_str = ""; UINT32 mcast_ipaddr; UINT32 mcast_port = 8888; UINT32 loop; mcast_ipaddr = c_ipv4_to_word(mcast_ipaddr_str); csocket_start_udp_mcast_sender(mcast_ipaddr, mcast_port, &sockfd); for(loop = 0; loop < 5; loop ++) { UINT8 data[256]; UINT32 dlen; snprintf((char *)data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]), "[loop %ld] hello world!", loop); dlen = strlen((char *)data); //dlen = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]); if(EC_FALSE == csocket_udp_mcast_sendto(sockfd, mcast_ipaddr, mcast_port, data, dlen)) { sys_log(LOGSTDOUT, "error:send udp data to %s:%ld failed\n", mcast_ipaddr_str, mcast_port); break; } sys_log(LOGCONSOLE, "send udp data: %.*s\n", dlen, (char *)data); c_sleep(5); } csocket_stop_udp_mcast_sender(sockfd, c_ipv4_to_word(mcast_ipaddr_str)); do_slave_wait_default(); } else if (CMPI_FWD_RANK == this_rank) { sys_log(LOGSTDOUT,"======================================================================\n"); sys_log(LOGSTDOUT," taskc_mgr in (tcid %s, rank %ld) \n", c_word_to_ipv4(this_tcid), this_rank); super_show_work_client(task_brd_default_get_super(), LOGSTDOUT);/*debug only*/ sys_log(LOGSTDOUT,"======================================================================\n"); do_slave_wait_default(); } /*work process*/ else { do_slave_wait_default(); } return (0); }
int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); State state1 = {1}; State state2 = {2}; State state3 = {3}; // Create toxes. Tox *tox1 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &; Tox *tox2 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &; Tox *tox3 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &; // tox1 <-> tox2, tox2 <-> tox3 uint8_t key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_public_key(tox2, key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox1, key, nullptr); // tox1 -> tox2 tox_self_get_public_key(tox1, key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox2, key, nullptr); // tox2 -> tox1 tox_self_get_public_key(tox3, key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox2, key, nullptr); // tox2 -> tox3 tox_self_get_public_key(tox2, key); tox_friend_add_norequest(tox3, key, nullptr); // tox3 -> tox2 printf("bootstrapping tox2 and tox3 off tox1\n"); uint8_t dht_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_key); const uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(tox2, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(tox3, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); // Connection callbacks. tox_callback_self_connection_status(tox1, handle_self_connection_status); tox_callback_self_connection_status(tox2, handle_self_connection_status); tox_callback_self_connection_status(tox3, handle_self_connection_status); tox_callback_friend_connection_status(tox1, handle_friend_connection_status); tox_callback_friend_connection_status(tox2, handle_friend_connection_status); tox_callback_friend_connection_status(tox3, handle_friend_connection_status); // Conference callbacks. tox_callback_conference_invite(tox1, handle_conference_invite); tox_callback_conference_invite(tox2, handle_conference_invite); tox_callback_conference_invite(tox3, handle_conference_invite); tox_callback_conference_connected(tox1, handle_conference_connected); tox_callback_conference_connected(tox2, handle_conference_connected); tox_callback_conference_connected(tox3, handle_conference_connected); tox_callback_conference_message(tox1, handle_conference_message); tox_callback_conference_message(tox2, handle_conference_message); tox_callback_conference_message(tox3, handle_conference_message); tox_callback_conference_peer_list_changed(tox1, handle_conference_peer_list_changed); tox_callback_conference_peer_list_changed(tox2, handle_conference_peer_list_changed); tox_callback_conference_peer_list_changed(tox3, handle_conference_peer_list_changed); // Wait for self connection. fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for toxes to come online\n"); do { tox_iterate(tox1, &state1); tox_iterate(tox2, &state2); tox_iterate(tox3, &state3); c_sleep(100); } while (!state1.self_online || !state2.self_online || !state3.self_online); fprintf(stderr, "Toxes are online\n"); // Wait for friend connection. fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for friends to connect\n"); do { tox_iterate(tox1, &state1); tox_iterate(tox2, &state2); tox_iterate(tox3, &state3); c_sleep(100); } while (!state1.friend_online || !state2.friend_online || !state3.friend_online); fprintf(stderr, "Friends are connected\n"); { // Create new conference, tox1 is the founder. Tox_Err_Conference_New err; state1.conference = tox_conference_new(tox1, &err); state1.joined = true; ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_NEW_OK, "failed to create a conference: err = %d", err); fprintf(stderr, "Created conference: id = %u\n", state1.conference); } { // Invite friend. Tox_Err_Conference_Invite err; tox_conference_invite(tox1, 0, state1.conference, &err); ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_INVITE_OK, "failed to invite a friend: err = %d", err); state1.invited_next = true; fprintf(stderr, "tox1 invited tox2\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for invitation to arrive\n"); do { tox_iterate(tox1, &state1); tox_iterate(tox2, &state2); tox_iterate(tox3, &state3); c_sleep(100); } while (!state1.joined || !state2.joined || !state3.joined); fprintf(stderr, "Invitations accepted\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for peers to come online\n"); do { tox_iterate(tox1, &state1); tox_iterate(tox2, &state2); tox_iterate(tox3, &state3); c_sleep(100); } while (state1.peers == 0 || state2.peers == 0 || state3.peers == 0); fprintf(stderr, "All peers are online\n"); { fprintf(stderr, "tox1 sends a message to the group: \"hello!\"\n"); Tox_Err_Conference_Send_Message err; tox_conference_send_message(tox1, state1.conference, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, (const uint8_t *)"hello!", 7, &err); if (err != TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_SEND_MESSAGE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %d\n", err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for messages to arrive\n"); do { tox_iterate(tox1, &state1); tox_iterate(tox2, &state2); tox_iterate(tox3, &state3); c_sleep(100); } while (!state2.received || !state3.received); fprintf(stderr, "Messages received. Test complete.\n"); tox_kill(tox3); tox_kill(tox2); tox_kill(tox1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int on = 0; int c = 0; int i = 0; char *filename = "data"; char idstring[200] = {0}; if (argc < 4) { printf("[!] Usage: %s [IP] [port] [public_key] <keyfile>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i] == NULL){ break; } else if(argv[i][0] == '-') { if(argv[i][1] == 'h') { print_help(); exit(0); } else if(argv[i][1] == 'f') { if(argv[i + 1] != NULL) filename = argv[i + 1]; else { fputs("[!] you passed '-f' without giving an argument!\n", stderr); } } } } initMessenger(); load_key(filename); m_callback_friendrequest(print_request); m_callback_friendmessage(print_message); m_callback_namechange(print_nickchange); m_callback_statusmessage(print_statuschange); initscr(); noecho(); raw(); getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); new_lines("/h for list of commands"); get_id(idstring); new_lines(idstring); strcpy(line, ""); IP_Port bootstrap_ip_port; bootstrap_ip_port.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); int resolved_address = resolve_addr(argv[1]); if (resolved_address != 0) bootstrap_ip_port.ip.i = resolved_address; else exit(1); unsigned char *binary_string = hex_string_to_bin(argv[3]); DHT_bootstrap(bootstrap_ip_port, binary_string); free(binary_string); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); while(true) { if (on == 0 && DHT_isconnected()) { new_lines("[i] connected to DHT\n[i] define username with /n"); on = 1; } doMessenger(); c_sleep(1); do_refresh(); c = getch(); if (c == ERR || c == 27) continue; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); if (c == '\n') { line_eval(line); strcpy(line, ""); } else if (c == 8 || c == 127) { line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; } else if (isalnum(c) || ispunct(c) || c == ' ') { strcpy(line, appender(line, (char) c)); } } endwin(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("usage: %s ip port filename\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } uint8_t buffer[512]; int read; FILE *file = fopen(argv[3], "rb"); if (file == NULL) return 1; /* initialize networking */ /* bind to ip */ IP ip; ip.i = 0; init_networking(ip, PORT); perror("Initialization"); IP_Port serverip; serverip.ip.i = inet_addr(argv[1]); serverip.port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); printip(serverip); int connection = new_connection(serverip); uint64_t timer = current_time(); while (1) { /* printconnection(connection); */ Lossless_UDP(); if (is_connected(connection) == 3) { printf("Connecting took: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); break; } if (is_connected(connection) == 0) { printf("Connection timeout after: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); return 1; } c_sleep(1); } timer = current_time(); /*read first part of file */ read = fread(buffer, 1, 512, file); while (1) { /* printconnection(connection); */ Lossless_UDP(); if (is_connected(connection) == 3) { if (write_packet(connection, buffer, read)) { /* printf("Wrote data.\n"); */ read = fread(buffer, 1, 512, file); } /* printf("%u\n", sendqueue(connection)); */ if (sendqueue(connection) == 0) { if (read == 0) { printf("Sent file successfully in: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); break; } } } else { printf("Connecting Lost after: %llu us\n", (unsigned long long)(current_time() - timer)); return 0; } /* c_sleep(1); */ } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 2 && !strncasecmp(argv[1], "-h", 3)) { printf("Usage (connected) : %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] IP PORT KEY\n", argv[0]); printf("Usage (unconnected): %s [--ipv4|--ipv6]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } /* let user override default by cmdline */ uint8_t ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; /* x */ int argvoffset = cmdline_parsefor_ipv46(argc, argv, &ipv6enabled); if (argvoffset < 0) exit(1); /* Initialize networking - Bind to ip / [::] : PORT */ IP ip; ip_init(&ip, ipv6enabled); DHT *dht = new_DHT(new_networking(ip, PORT)); Onion *onion = new_onion(dht); Onion_Announce *onion_a = new_onion_announce(dht); #ifdef DHT_NODE_EXTRA_PACKETS bootstrap_set_callbacks(dht->net, DHT_VERSION_NUMBER, DHT_MOTD, sizeof(DHT_MOTD)); #endif if (!(onion && onion_a)) { printf("Something failed to initialize.\n"); exit(1); } perror("Initialization"); manage_keys(dht); printf("Public key: "); uint32_t i; #ifdef TCP_RELAY_ENABLED #define NUM_PORTS 3 uint16_t ports[NUM_PORTS] = {443, 3389, PORT}; TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_TCP_server(ipv6enabled, NUM_PORTS, ports, dht->self_public_key, dht->self_secret_key, onion); if (tcp_s == NULL) { printf("TCP server failed to initialize.\n"); exit(1); } #endif FILE *file; file = fopen("PUBLIC_ID.txt", "w"); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { printf("%02hhX", dht->self_public_key[i]); fprintf(file, "%02hhX", dht->self_public_key[i]); } fclose(file); printf("\n"); printf("Port: %u\n", ntohs(dht->net->port)); if (argc > argvoffset + 3) { printf("Trying to bootstrap into the network...\n"); uint16_t port = htons(atoi(argv[argvoffset + 2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[argvoffset + 3]); int res = DHT_bootstrap_from_address(dht, argv[argvoffset + 1], ipv6enabled, port, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); if (!res) { printf("Failed to convert \"%s\" into an IP address. Exiting...\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]); exit(1); } } int is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 1; uint64_t last_LANdiscovery = 0; LANdiscovery_init(dht); while (1) { if (is_waiting_for_dht_connection && DHT_isconnected(dht)) { printf("Connected to other bootstrap node successfully.\n"); is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 0; } do_DHT(dht); if (is_timeout(last_LANdiscovery, is_waiting_for_dht_connection ? 5 : LAN_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL)) { send_LANdiscovery(htons(PORT), dht); last_LANdiscovery = unix_time(); } #ifdef TCP_RELAY_ENABLED do_TCP_server(tcp_s); #endif networking_poll(dht->net); c_sleep(1); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* let user override default by cmdline */ uint8_t ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; /* x */ int argvoffset = cmdline_parsefor_ipv46(argc, argv, &ipv6enabled); if (argvoffset < 0) exit(1); /* with optional --ipvx, now it can be 1-4 arguments... */ if ((argc != argvoffset + 2) && (argc != argvoffset + 4)) { printf("Usage: %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] ip port public_key (of the DHT bootstrap node)\n", argv[0]); printf("or\n"); printf(" %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] Save.bak (to read Save.bak as state file)\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } m = initMessenger(ipv6enabled); if ( !m ) { fputs("Failed to allocate messenger datastructure\n", stderr); exit(0); } if (argc == argvoffset + 4) { uint16_t port = htons(atoi(argv[argvoffset + 2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[argvoffset + 3]); int res = DHT_bootstrap_from_address(m->dht, argv[argvoffset + 1], ipv6enabled, port, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); if (!res) { printf("Failed to convert \"%s\" into an IP address. Exiting...\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]); exit(1); } } else { FILE *file = fopen(argv[argvoffset + 1], "rb"); if ( file == NULL ) { printf("Failed to open \"%s\" - does it exist?\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]); return 1; } int read; uint8_t buffer[128000]; read = fread(buffer, 1, 128000, file); printf("Messenger loaded: %i\n", Messenger_load(m, buffer, read)); fclose(file); } m_callback_friendrequest(m, print_request, NULL); m_callback_friendmessage(m, print_message, NULL); printf("OUR ID: "); uint32_t i; uint8_t address[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; getaddress(m, address); for (i = 0; i < FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; i++) { if (address[i] < 16) printf("0"); printf("%hhX", address[i]); } setname(m, (uint8_t *)"Anon", 5); char temp_id[128]; printf("\nEnter the address of the friend you wish to add (38 bytes HEX format):\n"); if (scanf("%s", temp_id) != 1) { return 1; } int num = m_addfriend(m, hex_string_to_bin(temp_id), (uint8_t *)"Install Gentoo", sizeof("Install Gentoo")); perror("Initialization"); while (1) { uint8_t name[128]; getname(m, num, name); printf("%s\n", name); m_sendmessage(m, num, (uint8_t *)"Test", 5); doMessenger(m); c_sleep(30); FILE *file = fopen("Save.bak", "wb"); if ( file == NULL ) { return 1; } uint8_t *buffer = malloc(Messenger_size(m)); Messenger_save(m, buffer); size_t write_result = fwrite(buffer, 1, Messenger_size(m), file); if (write_result < Messenger_size(m)) { return 1; } free(buffer); fclose(file); } cleanupMessenger(m); }