Ejemplo n.º 1
static inline bool writeFlowEventPacketFile(flowOutputState state,
		FlowEventPacket flow) {
	caerEventPacketHeader header = (caerEventPacketHeader) flow;

	if (caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventValid(header) == 0) {
		return (false);

	for (int32_t i = 0; i < caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventNumber(header); i++) {
		FlowEvent e = &(flow->events[i]);
		if (e == NULL) {
			caerLog(CAER_LOG_ERROR,SUBSYSTEM_FILE,"Event null pointer found.");
			return (false);
		if (!e->hasFlow) {continue;}

		// Get event data
		uint8_t x = (uint8_t) caerPolarityEventGetX((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		uint8_t y = (uint8_t) caerPolarityEventGetY((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		int32_t t = caerPolarityEventGetTimestamp((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		bool p = caerPolarityEventGetPolarity((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		double u = e->u;
		double v = e->v;

		// Write to file
		if (state->fileLineNumber < FILE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES)  {
		else {
			// If too many lines, stop logging to prevent overrun
			if (state->fileLineNumber == FILE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES) {
						"File log reached limit of %d lines - "
						"no more lines will be added.", FILE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES);
	return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static inline bool sendFlowEventPacketUart(FlowEventPacket flow) {
	caerEventPacketHeader header = (caerEventPacketHeader) flow;
	uint32_t packetSize = (uint32_t) caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventNumber(header);
	if (packetSize == 0) {
		// No events to send - return
		return (false);
	// Events are separated by unsigned ints of value 255. This value should
	// never occur as pixel location
	unsigned char eventSeparator = 255;

	// Iterate through packet and send events
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < packetSize; i++) {
		FlowEvent e = &(flow->events[i]);
		if (e == NULL) {
			caerLog(CAER_LOG_ERROR,SUBSYSTEM_UART,"Event null pointer found.");
			return (false);
		if (!e->hasFlow) {continue;}
		uint8_t x = (uint8_t) caerPolarityEventGetX((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		uint8_t y = (uint8_t) caerPolarityEventGetY((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		int32_t t = caerPolarityEventGetTimestamp((caerPolarityEvent) e);
		int16_t u = (int16_t) (e->u*100);
		int16_t v = (int16_t) (e->v*100);

		// Send data over UART
		if (uart_tx(sizeof(x),(unsigned char*) &x)
				|| uart_tx(sizeof(y),(unsigned char*) &y)
				|| uart_tx(sizeof(t),(unsigned char*) &t)
				|| uart_tx(sizeof(u),(unsigned char*) &u)
				|| uart_tx(sizeof(v),(unsigned char*) &v)
				|| uart_tx(sizeof(eventSeparator), &eventSeparator))  {
			caerLog(CAER_LOG_ERROR,SUBSYSTEM_UART,"Event info not fully sent.");
			return (false);
	return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(void) {
// Install signal handler for global shutdown.
#if defined(_WIN32)
	if (signal(SIGTERM, &globalShutdownSignalHandler) == SIG_ERR) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "ShutdownAction", "Failed to set signal handler for SIGTERM. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	if (signal(SIGINT, &globalShutdownSignalHandler) == SIG_ERR) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "ShutdownAction", "Failed to set signal handler for SIGINT. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);
	struct sigaction shutdownAction;

	shutdownAction.sa_handler = &globalShutdownSignalHandler;
	shutdownAction.sa_flags   = 0;
	sigaddset(&shutdownAction.sa_mask, SIGTERM);
	sigaddset(&shutdownAction.sa_mask, SIGINT);

	if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &shutdownAction, NULL) == -1) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "ShutdownAction", "Failed to set signal handler for SIGTERM. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	if (sigaction(SIGINT, &shutdownAction, NULL) == -1) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_CRITICAL, "ShutdownAction", "Failed to set signal handler for SIGINT. Error: %d.", errno);
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	// Open a DVS128, give it a device ID of 1, and don't care about USB bus or SN restrictions.
	caerDeviceHandle dvs128_handle = caerDeviceOpen(1, CAER_DEVICE_DVS128, 0, 0, NULL);
	if (dvs128_handle == NULL) {
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	// Let's take a look at the information we have on the device.
	struct caer_dvs128_info dvs128_info = caerDVS128InfoGet(dvs128_handle);

	printf("%s --- ID: %d, Master: %d, DVS X: %d, DVS Y: %d, Logic: %d.\n", dvs128_info.deviceString,
		dvs128_info.deviceID, dvs128_info.deviceIsMaster, dvs128_info.dvsSizeX, dvs128_info.dvsSizeY,

	// Send the default configuration before using the device.
	// No configuration is sent automatically!

	// Tweak some biases, to increase bandwidth in this case.
	caerDeviceConfigSet(dvs128_handle, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PR, 695);
	caerDeviceConfigSet(dvs128_handle, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_FOLL, 867);

	// Let's verify they really changed!
	uint32_t prBias, follBias;
	caerDeviceConfigGet(dvs128_handle, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_PR, &prBias);
	caerDeviceConfigGet(dvs128_handle, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS, DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS_FOLL, &follBias);

	printf("New bias values --- PR: %d, FOLL: %d.\n", prBias, follBias);

	// Now let's get start getting some data from the device. We just loop in blocking mode,
	// no notification needed regarding new events. The shutdown notification, for example if
	// the device is disconnected, should be listened to.
	caerDeviceDataStart(dvs128_handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &usbShutdownHandler, NULL);

	// Let's turn on blocking data-get mode to avoid wasting resources.

	while (!atomic_load_explicit(&globalShutdown, memory_order_relaxed)) {
		caerEventPacketContainer packetContainer = caerDeviceDataGet(dvs128_handle);
		if (packetContainer == NULL) {
			continue; // Skip if nothing there.

		int32_t packetNum = caerEventPacketContainerGetEventPacketsNumber(packetContainer);

		printf("\nGot event container with %d packets (allocated).\n", packetNum);

		for (int32_t i = 0; i < packetNum; i++) {
			caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader = caerEventPacketContainerGetEventPacket(packetContainer, i);
			if (packetHeader == NULL) {
				printf("Packet %d is empty (not present).\n", i);
				continue; // Skip if nothing there.

			printf("Packet %d of type %d -> size is %d.\n", i, caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventType(packetHeader),

			// Packet 0 is always the special events packet for DVS128, while packet is the polarity events packet.
			if (i == POLARITY_EVENT) {
				caerPolarityEventPacket polarity = (caerPolarityEventPacket) packetHeader;

				// Get full timestamp and addresses of first event.
				caerPolarityEvent firstEvent = caerPolarityEventPacketGetEvent(polarity, 0);

				int32_t ts = caerPolarityEventGetTimestamp(firstEvent);
				uint16_t x = caerPolarityEventGetX(firstEvent);
				uint16_t y = caerPolarityEventGetY(firstEvent);
				bool pol   = caerPolarityEventGetPolarity(firstEvent);

				printf("First polarity event - ts: %d, x: %d, y: %d, pol: %d.\n", ts, x, y, pol);




	printf("Shutdown successful.\n");

	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);