void cairo_dock_replace_values_in_conf_file (const gchar *cConfFilePath, GKeyFile *pValidKeyFile, gboolean bUseFileKeys, gchar iIdentifier)
	GKeyFile *pConfKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cConfFilePath);
	if (pConfKeyFile == NULL)
		return ;

	g_print ("%s (%s)\n", __func__,cConfFilePath );
	cairo_dock_replace_key_values (pConfKeyFile, pValidKeyFile, bUseFileKeys, iIdentifier);

	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pConfKeyFile, cConfFilePath);

	g_key_file_free (pConfKeyFile);
static gchar *_cairo_dock_generate_desktop_file_for_file (const gchar *cURI, const gchar *cDockName, double fOrder, GError **erreur)
	//\___________________ On recupere le type mime du fichier.
	gchar *cIconName = NULL, *cName = NULL, *cRealURI = NULL;
	gboolean bIsDirectory;
	int iVolumeID;
	double fUnusedOrder;
	if (! cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (cURI, &cName, &cRealURI, &cIconName, &bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID, &fUnusedOrder, mySystem.iFileSortType) || cIconName == NULL)
		return NULL;
	cd_message (" -> cIconName : %s; bIsDirectory : %d; iVolumeID : %d\n", cIconName, bIsDirectory, iVolumeID);

	if (bIsDirectory)
		int answer = cairo_dock_ask_general_question_and_wait (_("Do you want to monitor the content of the directory ?"));
		if (answer != GTK_RESPONSE_YES)
			bIsDirectory = FALSE;

	//\___________________ On ouvre le patron.
	gchar *cDesktopFileTemplate = cairo_dock_get_launcher_template_conf_file (bIsDirectory ? CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER_FOR_CONTAINER : CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER_FROM_DESKTOP_FILE);

	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cDesktopFileTemplate);
	g_free (cDesktopFileTemplate);
	if (pKeyFile == NULL)
		return NULL;

	//\___________________ On renseigne ce qu'on peut.
	g_key_file_set_double (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Order", fOrder);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Container", cDockName);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Base URI", cURI);

	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Name", cName);
	g_free (cName);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", cRealURI);
	g_free (cRealURI);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", (cIconName != NULL ? cIconName : ""));
	g_free (cIconName);

	g_key_file_set_boolean (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Is mounting point", (iVolumeID > 0));

	//\___________________ On lui choisit un nom de fichier tel qu'il n'y ait pas de collision.
	gchar *cNewDesktopFileName = cairo_dock_generate_desktop_filename ("file-launcher.desktop", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath);

	//\___________________ On ecrit tout.
	gchar *cNewDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, cNewDesktopFileName);
	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cNewDesktopFilePath);
	g_free (cNewDesktopFilePath);
	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);

	return cNewDesktopFileName;
void cairo_dock_add_remove_element_to_key (const gchar *cConfFilePath, const gchar *cGroupName, const gchar *cKeyName, gchar *cElementName, gboolean bAdd)
	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cConfFilePath);
	if (pKeyFile == NULL)
		return ;
	gchar *cElementList = g_key_file_get_string (pKeyFile, cGroupName, cKeyName, NULL), *cNewElementList = NULL;
	if (cElementList != NULL && *cElementList == '\0')
		g_free (cElementList);
		cElementList= NULL;
	if (bAdd)
		//g_print ("on rajoute %s\n", cElementName);
		if (cElementList != NULL)
			cNewElementList = g_strdup_printf ("%s;%s", cElementList, cElementName);
			cNewElementList = g_strdup (cElementName);
		//g_print ("on enleve %s\n", cElementName);
		gchar *str = g_strstr_len (cElementList, strlen (cElementList), cElementName);
		g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);
		if (str == cElementList)
			if (str[strlen (cElementName)] == '\0')
				cNewElementList = g_strdup ("");
				cNewElementList = g_strdup (str + strlen (cElementName) + 1);
			*(str-1) = '\0';
			if (str[strlen (cElementName)] == '\0')
				cNewElementList = g_strdup (cElementList);
				cNewElementList = g_strdup_printf ("%s;%s", cElementList, str + strlen (cElementName) + 1);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, cGroupName, cKeyName, cNewElementList);
	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cConfFilePath);
	g_free (cElementList);
	g_free (cNewElementList);
	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);
void on_click_normal_apply (GtkButton *button, GtkWidget *pWindow)
	//g_print ("%s ()\n", __func__);
	GSList *pWidgetList = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (pWindow), "widget-list");
	gchar *cConfFilePath = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (pWindow), "conf-file");
	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cConfFilePath);
	g_return_if_fail (pKeyFile != NULL);
	cairo_dock_update_keyfile_from_widget_list (pKeyFile, pWidgetList);
	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cConfFilePath);
	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);
	CairoDockApplyConfigFunc pAction = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (pWindow), "action");
	gpointer pUserData = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (pWindow), "action-data");
	if (pAction != NULL)
		gboolean bKeepWindow = pAction (pUserData);
		if (!bKeepWindow)
			on_click_normal_quit (button, pWindow);
		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (pWindow), "result", GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
static gchar *_cairo_dock_generate_desktop_file_for_edition (CairoDockNewLauncherType iNewLauncherType, const gchar *cDockName, double fOrder, GError **erreur)
	//\___________________ On ouvre le patron.
	gchar *cDesktopFileTemplate = cairo_dock_get_launcher_template_conf_file (iNewLauncherType);

	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cDesktopFileTemplate);
	g_free (cDesktopFileTemplate);
	if (pKeyFile == NULL)
		return NULL;

	//\___________________ On renseigne ce qu'on peut.
	g_key_file_set_double (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Order", fOrder);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Container", cDockName);

	//\___________________ On lui choisit un nom de fichier tel qu'il n'y ait pas de collision, et qu'il soit comprehensible par l'utilisateur, au cas ou il voudrait les modifier a la main.
	gchar *cNewDesktopFileName = cairo_dock_generate_desktop_filename (iNewLauncherType == CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER_FOR_CONTAINER ? "container.desktop" : iNewLauncherType == CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER_FOR_SEPARATOR ? "separator.desktop" : "launcher.desktop", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath);

	//\___________________ On ecrit tout.
	gchar *cNewDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, cNewDesktopFileName);
	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cNewDesktopFilePath);
	g_free (cNewDesktopFilePath);
	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);
	return cNewDesktopFileName;
void cairo_dock_swap_icons (CairoDock *pDock, Icon *icon1, Icon *icon2)
	//g_print ("%s (%s, %s) : %.2f <-> %.2f\n", __func__, icon1->acName, icon2->acName, icon1->fOrder, icon2->fOrder);
	if (! ( (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLI (icon1) && CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLI (icon2)) || (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_LAUNCHER (icon1) && CAIRO_DOCK_IS_LAUNCHER (icon2)) || (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLET (icon1) && CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLET (icon2)) ) )
		return ;

	//\_________________ On intervertit les ordres des 2 lanceurs.
	double fSwap = icon1->fOrder;
	icon1->fOrder = icon2->fOrder;
	icon2->fOrder = fSwap;

	//\_________________ On change l'ordre dans les fichiers des 2 lanceurs.
	if (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_LAUNCHER (icon1))  // ce sont des lanceurs.
		gchar *cDesktopFilePath;
		GKeyFile* pKeyFile;

		if (icon1->acDesktopFileName != NULL)
			cDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, icon1->acDesktopFileName);
			pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cDesktopFilePath);
			if (pKeyFile == NULL)
				return ;

			g_key_file_set_double (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Order", icon1->fOrder);
			cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cDesktopFilePath);
			g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);
			g_free (cDesktopFilePath);

		if (icon2->acDesktopFileName != NULL)
			cDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, icon2->acDesktopFileName);
			pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cDesktopFilePath);
			if (pKeyFile == NULL)
				return ;

			g_key_file_set_double (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Order", icon2->fOrder);
			cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cDesktopFilePath);
			g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);
			g_free (cDesktopFilePath);

	//\_________________ On les intervertit dans la liste.
	if (pDock->pFirstDrawnElement != NULL && (pDock->pFirstDrawnElement->data == icon1 || pDock->pFirstDrawnElement->data == icon2))
		pDock->pFirstDrawnElement = NULL;
	pDock->icons = g_list_remove (pDock->icons, icon1);
	pDock->icons = g_list_remove (pDock->icons, icon2);
	pDock->icons = g_list_insert_sorted (pDock->icons,
		(GCompareFunc) cairo_dock_compare_icons_order);
	pDock->icons = g_list_insert_sorted (pDock->icons,
		(GCompareFunc) cairo_dock_compare_icons_order);

	//\_________________ On recalcule la largeur max, qui peut avoir ete influencee par le changement d'ordre.
	cairo_dock_update_dock_size (pDock);

	//\_________________ On met a jour l'ordre des applets dans le fichier de conf.
	if (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLET (icon1))
		cairo_dock_update_module_instance_order (icon1->pModuleInstance, icon1->fOrder);
	if (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_APPLET (icon2))
		cairo_dock_update_module_instance_order (icon2->pModuleInstance, icon2->fOrder);
	if (fabs (icon2->fOrder - icon1->fOrder) < 1e-3)
		cairo_dock_normalize_icons_order (pDock->icons, icon1->iType);
static GKeyFile* reload_object (GldiObject *obj, gboolean bReloadConf, GKeyFile *pKeyFile)
	Icon *icon = (Icon*)obj;
	if (bReloadConf)
		g_return_val_if_fail (pKeyFile != NULL, NULL);
	// get additional parameters
	g_free (icon->cFileName);
	icon->cFileName = g_key_file_get_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", NULL);
	if (icon->cFileName != NULL && *icon->cFileName == '\0')
		g_free (icon->cFileName);
		icon->cFileName = NULL;
	gchar *cName = icon->cName;
	icon->cName = cairo_dock_get_locale_string_from_conf_file (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Name", NULL);
	if (icon->cName == NULL || *icon->cName == '\0')  // no name defined, we need one.
		g_free (icon->cName);
		if (cName != NULL)
			icon->cName = g_strdup (cName);
			icon->cName = cairo_dock_get_unique_dock_name ("sub-dock");
		g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Name", icon->cName);
		gchar *cDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, icon->cDesktopFileName);
		cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cDesktopFilePath);
		g_free (cDesktopFilePath);
	// if it has changed, ensure its unicity, and rename the sub-dock to be able to link with it again.
	if (g_strcmp0 (icon->cName, cName) != 0)  // name has changed -> rename the sub-dock.
		// ensure unicity
		gchar *cUniqueName = cairo_dock_get_unique_dock_name (icon->cName);
		if (strcmp (icon->cName, cUniqueName) != 0)
			g_free (icon->cName);
			icon->cName = cUniqueName;
			cUniqueName = NULL;
			g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Name", icon->cName);
			gchar *cDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, icon->cDesktopFileName);
			cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cDesktopFilePath);
			g_free (cDesktopFilePath);
		g_free (cUniqueName);
		// rename sub-dock
		cd_debug ("on renomme a l'avance le sous-dock en %s", icon->cName);
		if (icon->pSubDock != NULL)
			gldi_dock_rename (icon->pSubDock, icon->cName);  // also updates sub-icon's container name
	icon->iSubdockViewType = g_key_file_get_integer (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "render", NULL);  // on a besoin d'un entier dans le panneau de conf pour pouvoir degriser des options selon le rendu choisi. De plus c'est utile aussi pour Animated Icons...
	gchar *cSubDockRendererName = g_key_file_get_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Renderer", NULL);
	//\_____________ reload icon
	// redraw icon
	cairo_dock_load_icon_image (icon, icon->pContainer);
	// reload label
	if (g_strcmp0 (cName, icon->cName) != 0)
		cairo_dock_load_icon_text (icon);
	// set sub-dock renderer
	if (icon->pSubDock != NULL)
		if (g_strcmp0 (cSubDockRendererName, icon->pSubDock->cRendererName) != 0)
			cairo_dock_set_renderer (icon->pSubDock, cSubDockRendererName);
			cairo_dock_update_dock_size (icon->pSubDock);
	g_free (cSubDockRendererName);
	g_free (cName);
	return pKeyFile;
gchar *cairo_dock_edit_themes (GHashTable **hThemeTable, gboolean bSafeMode)
	//\___________________ On recupere la liste des themes existant (pre-installes et utilisateur).
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	*hThemeTable = cairo_dock_list_themes (cThemesDir, NULL, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		erreur = NULL;
	g_hash_table_insert (*hThemeTable, g_strdup (""), g_strdup (""));

	cThemesDir = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCairoDockDataDir, CAIRO_DOCK_THEMES_DIR);
	*hThemeTable = cairo_dock_list_themes (cThemesDir, *hThemeTable, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		erreur = NULL;

	GHashTable *hUserThemeTable = cairo_dock_list_themes (cThemesDir, NULL, NULL);
	g_free (cThemesDir);

	gchar *cUserThemeNames = cairo_dock_write_table_content (hUserThemeTable, (GHFunc) cairo_dock_write_one_name, TRUE, FALSE);

	//\___________________ On cree un fichier de conf temporaire.
	const gchar *cTmpDir = g_get_tmp_dir ();
	gchar *cTmpConfFile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/cairo-dock-init", cTmpDir);

	gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("cp %s/%s %s", CAIRO_DOCK_SHARE_DATA_DIR, CAIRO_DOCK_THEME_CONF_FILE, cTmpConfFile);
	system (cCommand);
	g_free (cCommand);

	//\___________________ On met a jour ce fichier de conf.
	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = g_key_file_new ();
	g_key_file_load_from_file (pKeyFile, cTmpConfFile, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS | G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_TRANSLATIONS, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		return NULL;
	cairo_dock_update_conf_file_with_themes (pKeyFile, cTmpConfFile, *hThemeTable, "Themes", "chosen theme");
	cairo_dock_update_conf_file_with_hash_table (pKeyFile, cTmpConfFile, hUserThemeTable, "Delete", "wanted themes", NULL, (GHFunc) cairo_dock_write_one_name, TRUE, FALSE);
	cairo_dock_update_conf_file_with_hash_table (pKeyFile, cTmpConfFile, hUserThemeTable, "Save", "theme name", NULL, (GHFunc) cairo_dock_write_one_name, TRUE, FALSE);
	g_hash_table_destroy (hUserThemeTable);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Delete", "wanted themes", cUserThemeNames);  // sThemeNames
	g_free (cUserThemeNames);

	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cTmpConfFile);
	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);

	//\___________________ On laisse l'utilisateur l'editer.
	gchar *cPresentedGroup = (cairo_dock_theme_need_save () ? "Save" : NULL);
	const gchar *cTitle = (bSafeMode ? _("< Safe Mode >") : _("Manage Themes"));
	CairoDialog *pDialog = NULL;
	if (bSafeMode)
		pDialog = cairo_dock_show_general_message (_("You are running Cairo-Dock in safe mode.\nWhy ? Probably because a plug-in has messed into your dock,\n or maybe your theme has got corrupted.\nSo, no plug-in will be available, and you can now save your current theme if you want\n before you start using the dock.\nTry with your current theme, if it works, it means a plug-in is wrong.\nOtherwise, try with another theme.\nSave a config that is working, and restart the dock in normal mode.\nThen, activate plug-ins one by one to guess which one is wrong."), 0.);
	gboolean bChoiceOK = cairo_dock_edit_conf_file (NULL, cTmpConfFile, cTitle, CAIRO_DOCK_THEME_PANEL_WIDTH, CAIRO_DOCK_THEME_PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, cPresentedGroup, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (! bChoiceOK)
		g_remove (cTmpConfFile);
		g_free (cTmpConfFile);
		cTmpConfFile = NULL;
	if (bSafeMode)
		cairo_dock_dialog_unreference (pDialog);
	return cTmpConfFile;