int analyse(const char* filename, const char* outFile){ Mat img = cv_imread(filename), imgG, imgTmp; if(!{ //cerr << "invalid image" << endl; throw "[ghosts] invalid image"; } cvtColor(img, imgG, CV_BGR2GRAY); int bCntX = (img.cols - w ) / bSize, bCntY = (img.rows - w) / bSize; int bCnt = bCntX * bCntY; int bCntR = bCnt; int res = 0; vector<vector<vector<double> > > bGhosts(bCnt); vector<vector<vector<double> > > bInv(bCnt); vector<double> bPredict(bCnt); for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++){ bGhosts[i].resize(w * w); for(int j = 0; j < w * w; j++) bGhosts[i][j].resize(101); } double elaAv = 0.0; for(int q = min(qNorm, qMin); q <= qMax; q++){ if(!(q == qNorm || (q >= qMin && q <= qMax))) continue; for(int j = 0; j < w * w; j++){ Rect curRoi = Rect(j % w, j / w, img.cols - j % w, img.rows - j / w); vector<int> compParams; vector<uchar> buff; compParams.push_back(CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY); compParams.push_back(q); imencode(".jpg", imgG(curRoi), buff, compParams); imgTmp = imdecode(buff, 0); for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++){ bGhosts[i][j][q] = calcDiff(imgG(curRoi), imgTmp, bCoordX, bCoordY, bCoordX + bSize, bCoordY + bSize); if(q == qNorm && j == 1) elaAv += bGhosts[i][j][q]; } } fprintf(stderr, "\r%d", q); } elaAv /= bCnt; for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++){ vector<double> predictArgsV; predictArgsV.push_back(bCoordX); predictArgsV.push_back(bCoordY); predictArgsV.push_back(elaAv); predictArgsV.push_back(bGhosts[i][1][qNorm]); bPredict[i] = predictF(imgG, predictArgsV); if(bPredict[i] == 1) bCntR--; } for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++) for(int j = 0; j < w * w; j++) bGhosts[i][j] = nrm(bGhosts[i][j]); if(1){ for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++){ bInv[i].resize(101); if(bPredict[i] == 1) continue; vector<double> m1V(101), m2V(101); for(int q = qMin; q <= qMax; q++){ for(int j = 1; j < w * w; j++) // -- j = 1 m1V[q] += bGhosts[i][j][q]; m1V[q] /= w * w - 1; } for(int q = qMin; q <= qMax; q++){ for(int j = 1; j < w * w; j++) // -- j = 1 m2V[q] += bGhosts[i][j][q] * bGhosts[i][j][q]; m2V[q] = sqrt(m2V[q] / (w * w - 1) - m1V[q] * m1V[q]); } for(int q = qMin; q <= qMax; q++){ double maxD = -1, minD = 2; for(int j = 1; j < w * w; j++){ // -- j = 1 if(bGhosts[i][j][q] < minD) minD = bGhosts[i][j][q]; if(bGhosts[i][j][q] > maxD) maxD = bGhosts[i][j][q]; } double dlt = max((maxD - minD) / 3.0, 0.01); double dlt1 = max((maxD - minD) / 6.0, 0.004); if((bGhosts[i][0][q] < minD - dlt || bGhosts[i][0][q] > maxD + dlt)/* && q <= qMax - 3 && q >= qMin + 3*/){ bInv[i][q].push_back(1); }else bInv[i][q].push_back(0); if((bGhosts[i][0][q] < minD - dlt1 || bGhosts[i][0][q] > maxD + dlt1)/* && q <= qMax - 3 && q >= qMin + 3*/){ bInv[i][q].push_back(1); }else bInv[i][q].push_back(0); } } vector<double> qMask(101); int qMaskCnt = 0; for(int q = qMin; q <= qMax; q++){ for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++){ if(bPredict[i] == 1) continue; if(bInv[i][q][0] == 1) qMask[q]++; } if(qMask[q] / bCntR > 0.5){ qMask[q] = 1; qMaskCnt++; }else qMask[q] = 0; cerr << qMask[q]; } cerr << endl; if(qMaskCnt < 3){ //cerr << "don't want to analyse" << endl; //throw "[ghosts] don't want to analyse"; return -1; } for(int i = 0; i < bCnt; i++){ int clr; if(bPredict[i] == 1) clr = 0; else{ int tmpI2 = 0; for(int q = qMin; q <= qMax; q++) if(qMask[q] == 1 && bInv[i][q][1] == 1){ tmpI2++; } if((tmpI2 <= 0 && qMaskCnt >= 3) || (tmpI2 <= 1 && qMaskCnt >= 4) || (tmpI2 <= 2 && qMaskCnt >= 5) || (tmpI2 <= 3 && qMaskCnt >= 8)) tmpI2 = 0; clr = (tmpI2 == 0); } if(clr){ res++; for(int ix = bCoordX; ix < bCoordX + bSize; ix++) for(int iy = bCoordY; iy < bCoordY + bSize; iy++)<Vec3b>(iy, ix)[2] = 255; } } if(outFile) cv_imwrite(outFile, img); } return res; }
void TimeIndependentSolver::inverseIteration(double coordStep, int gridColumns, double eigenValue, Task *task, double threshold, double *output) { int rank, commSize; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &commSize); int n = gridColumns / commSize; int additionalElementsCount = 0; if (rank == commSize - 1) { additionalElementsCount = gridColumns % commSize; } int totalCount = n + additionalElementsCount; double * eigenVector = new double[totalCount]; double * calcVector = new double[totalCount]; double * diagElements = new double[totalCount]; double * f = new double[totalCount]; double * c = new double[totalCount]; #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i) { diagElements[i] = getDiagValue(task, rank * n + i, coordStep) - eigenValue; } calcFirstApproximation(eigenVector, diagElements, coordStep, totalCount, n, task); Logger::verbose("First approximation calculated"); for (int iteration = 1;;++iteration) { Logger::debug("Start iteration #" + std::to_string(iteration)); memcpy(c, diagElements, totalCount * sizeof(double)); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i) { f[i] = eigenVector[i] / eigenValue; } prepareTDA(totalCount, f, c, rank, commSize); Logger::debug("PrepareTDA success"); calcNewVector(c, f, calcVector, totalCount, rank, commSize); Logger::debug("Calc new vector success"); double diff = calcDiff(totalCount, eigenVector, calcVector); Logger::debug("Diff calculated: " + std::to_string(diff / threshold)); if (diff < threshold) { Logger::verbose("Diff: " + std::to_string(diff / threshold)); Logger::verbose("Threshold: " + std::to_string(threshold / threshold)); Logger::verbose("Iteration: " + std::to_string(iteration)); break; } double *qwe = eigenVector; eigenVector = calcVector; calcVector = qwe; } MPI_Gather(eigenVector, n, MPI_DOUBLE, output, n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); delete f; delete c; delete calcVector; delete eigenVector; delete diagElements; }
static void addMeasurement(Packet_t *packet) { xvector[vectorPos] = packet->accX; yvector[vectorPos] = packet->accY; zvector[vectorPos] = packet->accZ; vectorPos++; if (vectorPos < NUM_SAMPLES) return; vectorPos = 0; float s = stdev(xvector) + stdev(yvector) + stdev(zvector); // PRINTF("stdev = %u\n", (uint16_t) s); float accelVector[3] = { average(xvector) - groundVector[0], average(yvector) - groundVector[1], average(zvector) - groundVector[2] }; // PRINTF("accel=(%d %d %d)\n", (int)accelVector[0], (int)accelVector[1], (int)accelVector[2]); bool nowFwd, nowBack; float accLen = vlength(accelVector); if (accLen < ONE_G / 10) { nowBack = nowFwd = false; } else { normalizeQuick(accelVector, accLen); nowFwd = sameDirection(fwdVector, accelVector); nowBack = inverseDirection(fwdVector, accelVector); } int now = nowFwd ? 1 : (nowBack ? -1 : 0); bool diffFromPrevious; static bool notFirstTime; if (notFirstTime) { // float difference = (calcDiff(xvector, prevxvector) // + calcDiff(yvector, prevyvector) // + calcDiff(zvector, prevzvector)) / 3.0; float difference = calcDiff(xvector, prevavgxvector) + calcDiff(yvector, prevavgyvector) + calcDiff(zvector, prevavgzvector); // PRINTF("difference=%d\n", (int)difference); diffFromPrevious = (difference >= 30 * (ONE_G / 10)); } else { notFirstTime = true; diffFromPrevious = false; } bool pastBack = false; bool pastFwd = false; if (past[0] + past[1] + past[2] >= 1) { pastFwd = true; } else if (past[0] + past[1] + past[2] <= -1) { pastBack = true; } past[0] = past[1]; past[1] = past[2]; past[2] = now; bool wasMoving = !bayesStandingMode; #if 0 PRINTF("SSD \t%d\n", (int)(s >= THRESH_LOW)); PRINTF("MSD \t%d\n", (int)(s >= THRESH_MEDIUM)); PRINTF("LSD \t%d\n" , (int)(s > THRESH_HIGH)); PRINTF("Accelerating\t%d\n", (int)(nowFwd)); PRINTF("PastAccel \t%d\n", (int)(pastFwd)); PRINTF("PastBrake \t%d\n", (int)(pastBack)); PRINTF("WasMoving \t%d\n", (int)(wasMoving)); PRINTF("Diff \t%d\n", (int)(diffFromPrevious)); #endif calcNewProb(s, wasMoving, pastBack, pastFwd, nowFwd, diffFromPrevious); }