Ejemplo n.º 1
void QDeclarativeAnchorsPrivate::updateHorizontalAnchors()
    if (fill || centerIn || !isItemComplete())

    if (updatingHorizontalAnchor < 2) {
        QGraphicsItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QGraphicsItemPrivate::get(item);
        if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::LeftAnchor) {
            //Handle stretching
            bool invalid = true;
            int width = 0;
            if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::RightAnchor) {
                invalid = calcStretch(left, right, leftMargin, -rightMargin, QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Left, width);
            } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::HCenterAnchor) {
                invalid = calcStretch(left, hCenter, leftMargin, hCenterOffset, QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Left, width);
                width *= 2;
            if (!invalid)

            //Handle left
            if (left.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(adjustedPosition(left.item, left.anchorLine) + leftMargin);
            } else if (left.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(position(left.item, left.anchorLine) + leftMargin);
        } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::RightAnchor) {
            //Handle stretching (left + right case is handled in updateLeftAnchor)
            if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::HCenterAnchor) {
                int width = 0;
                bool invalid = calcStretch(hCenter, right, hCenterOffset, -rightMargin,
                                              QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Left, width);
                if (!invalid)

            //Handle right
            if (right.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(adjustedPosition(right.item, right.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->width() - rightMargin);
            } else if (right.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(position(right.item, right.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->width() - rightMargin);
        } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::HCenterAnchor) {
            //Handle hCenter
            if (hCenter.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(adjustedPosition(hCenter.item, hCenter.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->width()/2 + hCenterOffset);
            } else if (hCenter.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(position(hCenter.item, hCenter.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->width()/2 + hCenterOffset);

    } else {
        // ### Make this certain :)
        qmlInfo(item) << QDeclarativeAnchors::tr("Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    FILE* graph_fp = NULL;
    FILE* tree_fp = NULL;
    ijvType* ijv = NULL;
    myGraph* graph = NULL;
    myGraph* treeGraph = NULL;
    Tree* tree = NULL;
    double stretch = 0.0;

    if (argc < 3)
	printf("%s", DOC_STRING);
    // deal with graph
    if ((graph_fp = fopen(argv[1], "rt")) == NULL)
    ijv = binReadIJV(graph_fp);
    graph = ijv2graph(ijv);
    // deal with tree
    if ((tree_fp = fopen(argv[2], "rt")) == NULL)
    ijv = binReadIJV(tree_fp);
    treeGraph = ijv2graph(ijv);
    tree = graph2tree(treeGraph);

    printf("finished getting graph and tree at %lf seconds\n", (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    stretch = calcStretch(tree, graph);
    printf("the stretch is: %f, the average stretch is: %f\n", stretch, stretch/graph->nnz);

    printf("exiting at %lf seconds\n", (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 3
void QDeclarativeAnchorsPrivate::updateHorizontalAnchors()
    if (fill || centerIn || !isItemComplete())

    if (updatingHorizontalAnchor < 3) {
        qreal effectiveRightMargin, effectiveLeftMargin, effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset;
        QDeclarativeAnchorLine effectiveLeft, effectiveRight, effectiveHorizontalCenter;
        QDeclarativeAnchors::Anchor effectiveLeftAnchor, effectiveRightAnchor;
        if (q->mirrored()) {
            effectiveLeftAnchor = QDeclarativeAnchors::RightAnchor;
            effectiveRightAnchor = QDeclarativeAnchors::LeftAnchor;
            effectiveLeft.item = right.item;
            effectiveLeft.anchorLine = reverseAnchorLine(right.anchorLine);
            effectiveRight.item = left.item;
            effectiveRight.anchorLine = reverseAnchorLine(left.anchorLine);
            effectiveHorizontalCenter.item = hCenter.item;
            effectiveHorizontalCenter.anchorLine = reverseAnchorLine(hCenter.anchorLine);
            effectiveLeftMargin = rightMargin;
            effectiveRightMargin = leftMargin;
            effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset = -hCenterOffset;
        } else {
            effectiveLeftAnchor = QDeclarativeAnchors::LeftAnchor;
            effectiveRightAnchor = QDeclarativeAnchors::RightAnchor;
            effectiveLeft = left;
            effectiveRight = right;
            effectiveHorizontalCenter = hCenter;
            effectiveLeftMargin = leftMargin;
            effectiveRightMargin = rightMargin;
            effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset = hCenterOffset;

        QGraphicsItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QGraphicsItemPrivate::get(item);
        if (usedAnchors & effectiveLeftAnchor) {
            //Handle stretching
            bool invalid = true;
            qreal width = 0.0;
            if (usedAnchors & effectiveRightAnchor) {
                invalid = calcStretch(effectiveLeft, effectiveRight, effectiveLeftMargin, -effectiveRightMargin, QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Left, width);
            } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::HCenterAnchor) {
                invalid = calcStretch(effectiveLeft, effectiveHorizontalCenter, effectiveLeftMargin, effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset, QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Left, width);
                width *= 2;
            if (!invalid)

            //Handle left
            if (effectiveLeft.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(adjustedPosition(effectiveLeft.item, effectiveLeft.anchorLine) + effectiveLeftMargin);
            } else if (effectiveLeft.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(position(effectiveLeft.item, effectiveLeft.anchorLine) + effectiveLeftMargin);
        } else if (usedAnchors & effectiveRightAnchor) {
            //Handle stretching (left + right case is handled in updateLeftAnchor)
            if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::HCenterAnchor) {
                qreal width = 0.0;
                bool invalid = calcStretch(effectiveHorizontalCenter, effectiveRight, effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset, -effectiveRightMargin,
                                              QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Left, width);
                if (!invalid)

            //Handle right
            if (effectiveRight.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(adjustedPosition(effectiveRight.item, effectiveRight.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->width() - effectiveRightMargin);
            } else if (effectiveRight.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(position(effectiveRight.item, effectiveRight.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->width() - effectiveRightMargin);
        } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::HCenterAnchor) {
            //Handle hCenter
            if (effectiveHorizontalCenter.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(adjustedPosition(effectiveHorizontalCenter.item, effectiveHorizontalCenter.anchorLine) - hcenter(item) + effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset);
            } else if (effectiveHorizontalCenter.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemX(position(effectiveHorizontalCenter.item, effectiveHorizontalCenter.anchorLine) - hcenter(item) + effectiveHorizontalCenterOffset);
    } else {
        // ### Make this certain :)
        qmlInfo(item) << QDeclarativeAnchors::tr("Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QDeclarativeAnchorsPrivate::updateVerticalAnchors()
    if (fill || centerIn || !isItemComplete())

    if (updatingVerticalAnchor < 2) {
        QGraphicsItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QGraphicsItemPrivate::get(item);
        if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::TopAnchor) {
            //Handle stretching
            bool invalid = true;
            qreal height = 0.0;
            if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::BottomAnchor) {
                invalid = calcStretch(top, bottom, topMargin, -bottomMargin, QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Top, height);
            } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::VCenterAnchor) {
                invalid = calcStretch(top, vCenter, topMargin, vCenterOffset, QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Top, height);
                height *= 2;
            if (!invalid)

            //Handle top
            if (top.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemY(adjustedPosition(top.item, top.anchorLine) + topMargin);
            } else if (top.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemY(position(top.item, top.anchorLine) + topMargin);
        } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::BottomAnchor) {
            //Handle stretching (top + bottom case is handled above)
            if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::VCenterAnchor) {
                qreal height = 0.0;
                bool invalid = calcStretch(vCenter, bottom, vCenterOffset, -bottomMargin,
                                              QDeclarativeAnchorLine::Top, height);
                if (!invalid)

            //Handle bottom
            if (bottom.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemY(adjustedPosition(bottom.item, bottom.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->height() - bottomMargin);
            } else if (bottom.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemY(position(bottom.item, bottom.anchorLine) - itemPrivate->height() - bottomMargin);
        } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::VCenterAnchor) {
            //(stetching handled above)

            //Handle vCenter
            if (vCenter.item == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemY(adjustedPosition(vCenter.item, vCenter.anchorLine)
                              - vcenter(item) + vCenterOffset);
            } else if (vCenter.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                setItemY(position(vCenter.item, vCenter.anchorLine) - vcenter(item) + vCenterOffset);
        } else if (usedAnchors & QDeclarativeAnchors::BaselineAnchor) {
            //Handle baseline
            if (baseline.item == item->parentItem()) {
                if (itemPrivate->isDeclarativeItem)
                    setItemY(adjustedPosition(baseline.item, baseline.anchorLine)
                        - static_cast<QDeclarativeItem *>(item)->baselineOffset() + baselineOffset);
            } else if (baseline.item->parentItem() == item->parentItem()) {
                if (itemPrivate->isDeclarativeItem)
                    setItemY(position(baseline.item, baseline.anchorLine)
                        - static_cast<QDeclarativeItem *>(item)->baselineOffset() + baselineOffset);
    } else {
        // ### Make this certain :)
        qmlInfo(item) << QDeclarativeAnchors::tr("Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.");